What's everybody doing today?

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Husband called at lunch that I was missing two cows. Got home from work around 4:00. Cubes to group and saw 1 coming to cubes. Sister called and spotted other on brothers land. She is one of ones I bought in April. Flighty and cannot be driven. She crossed lake and hid. Cows are fenced in another pasture so left gate open to my sisters land where she was hiding. Drove to my brothers side to open gate and she had already crossed lake again and watching. Hopefully she will come back on her own tonight
Made it back to the ol' hacienda after running several errands, now I'm finally doing laundry and having a cold beer. I don't like leaving laundry machines operating when I leave my home, too many things can go wrong, ya know? So I put it off until my return... and it's only one load, so no big deal. After running around town for three hours, I'm gonna mess with the phone and the cider-making manana, tonight I just chill out and relax! Stopped at the library and picked up some more primo Westerns to read, so I'm good that way for another three weeks... meh, it's cheap entertainment! ;)

Now, I'd like to make this observation: that song about the Edmund Fitzgerald is a good one, a vocal record of a tragedy on the lake, which is cool in the historical sense! There are other songs which also bridge musical genres and cross many perceived 'boundaries.' Johnny Cash has sung quite a few, but another that comes to mind is 'SEMINOLE WIND' by John Anderson, that's a classic tune which appeals to many folks from all walks of life. It tells a story, and not always a good story either, but that's the way it is sometimes, ya know? Not everything pans out the way ya want it to pan out... :confused:

Seminole Wind

As for songs which tell good stories, there are so many that I don't have room to list 'em here, lol... but I'll toss out a few and save the others for the music thread, aye? Here ya go:

Seven Spanish Angels

Cowboy In A Continental Suit

Ghost Riders In The Sky

Hope y'all are having a good evening, I know I am even though I'm still drying the laundry, lol... CHEERS!!! 🍺

P.S. Those are NOT cowboy boots in that sketch in the last video, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 😒
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Funny you should mention those bands, I actually had some links for 'em but I'm gonna save 'em for the music thread, lol. 'KASHMIR' was one of the tunes, if THAT song doesn't tell a story, I dunno which song does, lol... meh, tomorrow's another day, and I need to get something to eat before I crash, aye? So I'm off to the galley to make something good... :thumbs:
Reminder to self: don't contact former friends I haven't talked to in 30+ years. Or any. There is no need. The division is real. Just because I live in Texas it is assumed I'm a Christian (I am) who goes to church every Sunday (usually), and the assumptions about what kind of person I am kept flying. Done. Ha. One of my kids went back east a couple of months ago and during a very brief exchange with a guy who used to be like an uncle to my kids, the guy said to my adult kid that the governor of Texas is what's wrong with this country. And then that guy walked away. Boom. Ha. Haha.
Kashmir, travel to that place and buy drugs, sand gets in their eyes as they cross the land. Sunny. Yeah, story sucks! I know a guy that traveled to similar places and it was not happy to get through...drink what they offer so you don't offend them to your death or the loss of a finger.
Pink Floyd's sarcasm and bitterness is lost on many. Great band.:thumbs:
@txcatlady I hope your cows come home.
Cheerful lot here tonight, this week. 😂
Meetings, too many meetings, work, people, food.
@Pearl we're gonna freeze.
My son is 25 today. He's an absolute sweetheart, gentle and good-humoured, a great worker who had an accident two years ago (chopped his fingers with a chopsaw) and never complained once of pain or unfairness. He also has a mild form of Aspergers, (born at a light weight and cord around neck) which affected his speech - sometimes he has to pause to get the words in the right order. Why am I telling you this? I'm not sure. But I'm going to spend the day pampering him on his day off :)
@rusty saw Robert Plant recently- he's still got it
Pouring outside, not looking forward to today. Not even the sheep are out so the barn is full and we have to clean around them and get hay in around them which is not easy.
Dogs did not want to go out. The older one sat under the porch and looked at me like he wanted to say " you want me to go out in THAT??"

I like Led Zeppelin too. My first favorite band besides Black Sabbath

Txcatlady: I hope your cow comes back.
second trip to the credit union , all accounts frozen . computer got hacked ! Have to change numbers on all accounts and credit cards plus I'm my mothers POA , her accounts are attached to mine . Won't be able to do any on line banking until I have my computer professionally cleaned and certified clean. :mad: Those guys are getting real good.... didn't lose anything , caught it in time .
Off today, but working all weekend. It's cold and cruddy outside, will get a bunch of inside stuff done. Finish laundry, make brownies, vacuum, CLEAN MY CLOSET!!😮 If I disappear, please come rescue me!! Heading outside right now to feed the donkey and drain the pool pump!
After today I could use a funny brownie ;)
My son is 25 today. He's an absolute sweetheart, gentle and good-humoured, a great worker who had an accident two years ago (chopped his fingers with a chopsaw) and never complained once of pain or unfairness. He also has a mild form of Aspergers, (born at a light weight and cord around neck) which affected his speech - sometimes he has to pause to get the words in the right order. Why am I telling you this? I'm not sure. But I'm going to spend the day pampering him on his day off :)
@rusty saw Robert Plant recently- he's still got it
I have a son who is 26 and has Aspergers. School listed him with an IQ of 79. He went to high school 4 1/2 hrs a week and graduated. For fun, he taught himself Japanese and computer coding. His IQ test his doctor gave him said his IQ was 160+. The school just could not handle someone that smart. But he can't handle being around people.
Off from work for three days!!!! ~~happy dancing~~

Working more on that fleece. Probably still have about 4 to 5 pounds to scour. I really should have gone into this adventure during the summer when I could have done it all outside. Straighten up in the garage (that's where I'm working on the fleece). Getting my hair done today. May go to Aldi afterwards and pick up a few things while they have them at the Thanksgiving pricing. Maybe bake bread this afternoon.

Aahhh! The endless possibilities of three days of no work
Reminder to self: don't contact former friends I haven't talked to in 30+ years. Or any. There is no need. The division is real. Just because I live in Texas it is assumed I'm a Christian (I am) who goes to church every Sunday (usually), and the assumptions about what kind of person I am kept flying. Done. Ha. One of my kids went back east a couple of months ago and during a very brief exchange with a guy who used to be like an uncle to my kids, the guy said to my adult kid that the governor of Texas is what's wrong with this country. And then that guy walked away. Boom. Ha. Haha.
Kashmir, travel to that place and buy drugs, sand gets in their eyes as they cross the land. Sunny. Yeah, story sucks! I know a guy that traveled to similar places and it was not happy to get through...drink what they offer so you don't offend them to your death or the loss of a finger.
Pink Floyd's sarcasm and bitterness is lost on many. Great band.:thumbs:
@txcatlady I hope your cows come home.
Cheerful lot here tonight, this week. 😂
Meetings, too many meetings, work, people, food.
@Pearl we're gonna freeze.
She acts like a fool and is still out. Ran in brush like River bottom brahman when sh saw m this morning. Probably will require horses and dogs to get her back!
Pouring outside, not looking forward to today. Not even the sheep are out so the barn is full and we have to clean around them and get hay in around them which is not easy.
Dogs did not want to go out. The older one sat under the porch and looked at me like he wanted to say " you want me to go out in THAT??"

I like Led Zeppelin too. My first favorite band besides Black Sabbath

Txcatlady: I hope your cow comes back.
Not yet. Just ran off in brush when she saw me. She is young, but if she doesn’t straighten up , sale barn

Alexandra scored some jars today for 20 bucks at a yard sale. We have been short of canning jars the last couple of years.

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What a good score. I was in one hardware store where they had many cases of quart jars. They ordered them last year, due to the shortages when they couldn't get them.

I've done that in the past. People give away canned goods that are years old, from recently deceased Grandma's home. I take them home, empty them out, wash them, and reuse them. One time my car was packed full. Those were mostly quart jars.
I feel for ya, Rusty, I was gonna clean & detail my bike this morning, but I'm not gonna put up with that raw cold wind any longer than I absolutely must, so no dice on the bike detail, it ain't THAT important, lol. Manana... or the day after manana, lol. Since I'm hangin' out indoors today, I reckon I'll make a big ol' cholesterol feast for brunch (not hungry yet, I'm still working on my tea). I have thick ham slices & fried eggs on hash browns in mind, with jalapeno cornbread on the side... real butter on the cornbread! Lol... it's okay to put on a few pounds of "winter storage fat" this time of year, that'll keep me alive in any kind of emergency, like a wilderness survival scenario! The fat I burn will keep me going until I can bag a deer or elk, lol... here's a shot or two of the jalapeno cornbread! 😍



Total rip-off, but OH SO GOOD, lol!!! Since I was in Albertson's again (right across the street from the public library), I went ahead and bought another turkey, this time a 23-pounder for Thanksgiving Day, WOOHOO!!! Zorlac checks the bird as I pull it out of the freezer for a photo op, lol. 😁






That big ol' bird makes Zorlac look like a MIDGET, and he's growing fast, lol... along with the other kittens, who will all share in the feast when the time comes, they like turkey with homemade gravy!!! Not so STOOPID after all, lol!!! 😳

P.S. Awesome pic of your dad, Rusty! He looks like a very capable sailor and a good man! :cool:
Aww, Zorlac is cute.

I was put off from colonoscopies after watching the movie "Sublime". Plus, I don't have insurance so couldn't afford it. I'm not so attached to life that I would put myself through cancer treatment even if I could afford it. To each their own though.

Left the window open last night for some cool air. Woke up from being kicked by one of the dogs. She was kicking me in her sleep. I found 9 cats and both of the dogs on my bed. As soon as I started stirring they wanted food. LOL.

Friend got paternity test results back and confirmed the baby is not his. He's really unsure of what to do now. He hates the baby's bio dad bc his misplacing his anger on that guy instead of on his gf who led the other guy on and cheated on my friend. I never understood being more angry at the affair partner than the one who did the cheating.

Anyway, I'm trying to motivate myself to get more done today. I need to do some more cleanup and organizing. Was going to go to the post office but it will be closed. Will have to see if Mom's insulin arrives via mail soon though.
I feel for ya, Rusty, I was gonna clean & detail my bike this morning, but I'm not gonna put up with that raw cold wind any longer than I absolutely must, so no dice on the bike detail, it ain't THAT important, lol. Manana... or the day after manana, lol. Since I'm hangin' out indoors today, I reckon I'll make a big ol' cholesterol feast for brunch (not hungry yet, I'm still working on my tea). I have thick ham slices & fried eggs on hash browns in mind, with jalapeno cornbread on the side... real butter on the cornbread! Lol... it's okay to put on a few pounds of "winter storage fat" this time of year, that'll keep me alive in any kind of emergency, like a wilderness survival scenario! The fat I burn will keep me going until I can bag a deer or elk, lol... here's a shot or two of the jalapeno cornbread! 😍

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Total rip-off, but OH SO GOOD, lol!!! Since I was in Albertson's again (right across the street from the public library), I went ahead and bought another turkey, this time a 23-pounder for Thanksgiving Day, WOOHOO!!! Zorlac checks the bird as I pull it out of the freezer for a photo op, lol. 😁

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That big ol' bird makes Zorlac look like a MIDGET, and he's growing fast, lol... along with the other kittens, who will all share in the feast when the time comes, they like turkey with homemade gravy!!! Not so STOOPID after all, lol!!! 😳

P.S. Awesome pic of your dad, Rusty! He looks like a very capable sailor and a good man! :cool:
We have a cat identical to yours. I bought a loaf of jalapeno bread at a local bakery this morning.
It's finally getting cold here, we've had frost the last couple of mornings. Got all the parts for the hydroponic system printed and will get it assembled this weekend. Hoping some herbs from the garden survive until I get it up and running so I've got some quick starts for it. I'll start a thread about my hydroponics experiments if anyone is interested in that tomfoolery.

I'm miserable this morning because I was a darn fool last night. Went to see a concert in Park City (A Flock of Seagulls who put on a pretty good show for a bunch of old guys), but because I didn't want to hold my jacket in the venue, I waited 30 minutes in 19 deg weather to get in, and then proceeded to shout all night. My throat is getting it's revenge this morning. Lots of tea, lemon/honey and Advil but the sore throat is winning :(
Went to the store to get groceries, dog food, etc. Since microwave and air fryer can't work right now Mom had us grab her a catfish dinner at a local place. Bro and I got fried chicken. I stuffed myself and now have regrets. LOL.

I'm allergic to jalepenos so no jalepeno bread for me.

Watched Broadchurch with my brother while eating. Mom forgot to take Mucinex first and started choking and spit up a bunch of water and food bc it wouldn't go down. I had to hand her a bowl to catch it all. Almost ruined m appetite. I wish I could find the pics of Dad that Mom used to have in her wallet. One from when he was 17 in uniform when he joined the Army is my favorite young picture of him.
Well, I never set up my *new* 4G flip-phone today, but I have a week left on my old flip-phone, so no worries. I also did NOT start my hard cider today, which was far more important than the phone, lol, but I DID look everything over and I'll probably start the cider a-bubblin' manana with the yeast. That liquid English Cider Yeast went into the fridge, as recommended by the folks at White Labs who made it... or compiled it, or whatever. Now that it's already dark, I feel like just relaxing, but I did knock out a bunch of chores this morning and early afternoon, so I'm satisfied with today's progress. We can't ALL be workaholic hee-roes, ya know? Been there, done that, now it's time to CHILLAX!!! :cool:

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