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If you are going to get a colonoscopy try to research the doctors success or complication rate. My wife who is a RN has had to take care of patients with serious side effects (including death) from a poorly done colonoscopy. Neither of us will have one.....altho we are mindfull of our health and symptoms and already have outlived a lot of people.

After Researching colonoscopies, I've determined they offer no benefit to one's health. They only cause complications and death.
After Researching colonoscopies, I've determined they offer no benefit to one's health. They only cause complications and death.
I don't get ANY cancer tests ever. I have seen what cancer treatment does to people and have decided a long time ago that if I get it , I will do what my MIL did when she got it, ask for some pain pills and go home. She was over 80 and lived another 2 years
If I was younger and still had underage kids I would probably try to get it treated if possible, but now I am going on 60 and refuse to put myself through that.
Finished the two decks at the rental property.

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I talked to the new tenant and agreed to let her move some stuff in on Monday prior to signing the lease when she will get the keys.

We did our weekly talk with our money guy and talked about that empty lot behind my place. It may be worth purchasing just to have it under our control. It is about the only level ground that can be found on our hill. We could actuality grow wheat there. Even if we did nothing with it except keep it mowed and pay the taxes it could be sold. So we are still considering our options.

Tomorrow I am the youngest granddaughter's gust at her elementary schools Veterans day event. They feed us lunch song patriotic songs and feature videos of the kids talking about their guests. I fear the only story that Eden will remember is when I was used to cheat weekly testing in boot camp. Hey! I was following orders so there!

Then I intend to fill out an application for some VA and PA state vet benefits that may help now that I have to go on Medicare come February.

Any of you vets reading this that can offer info?


Ha, I've never seen sentence get blurred out before. I was going to give a smart aleck reply, but then it was clear in the quotations so being a smart aleck was un necessary...🤣
I don't get ANY cancer tests ever. I have seen what cancer treatment does to people and have decided a long time ago that if I get it , I will do what my MIL did when she got it, ask for some pain pills and go home. She was over 80 and lived another 2 years
If I was younger and still had underage kids I would probably try to get it treated if possible, but now I am going on 60 and refuse to put myself through that.
I agree, I am 74 and tired of fighting some of the things that I have now.
I agree, I am 74 and tired of fighting some of the things that I have now.
One of my best friends from college got a very rare form of cancer in the muscles along his spine at age 40. He beat it once but it returned and he said screw it, I'm not going through the treatments twice. He left a wife and two kids behind at age 43. When the treatments are so bad that you choose death over the treatment, while still in the prime of life...😔
Moving slowly this morning, and I was up after midnight posting those ride pics so I "slept in" until 0900, which doesn't happen very often, lol. Doing some chores, gotta do a load of laundry later, but I need to make a store run before I do the laundry... so I'm gonna get cleaned up here soon and head for Alamo. I received an email which said my order of cider yeast, stoppers & airlocks is due to be delivered today... maybe I'll leave a note on the doormat or porch deck for the UPS driver, and just ask the driver to leave the package in the shade toward the wall. That liquid 'English Cider Yeast' from White Labs is shipped with a cold pack to keep it cool, but that pack will probably have served its purpose and be warm when the yeast arrives. Anyway, it'll be exciting to get the cider going later, maybe even tomorrow morning because I wanna get my *new* 4G flip-phone up and running, now that the fraudulent election is in the history books! Perhaps I can do both, as I probably have to charge the phone first... I'd better check that before I leave and get the phone on its charger, lol. I'll deal with reading the manual & setting up the phone later! HASTA LUEGO!!! :cool:
Walked first.
Took Peanut Butter to the beauty parlour for haircut.
Got 6 more bags of quickcrete at Lowes.
Stopped at Walmart for a few things.
Had appointment at eye doctor. Didn't even change prescription.
Picked up Princess Peanut and came home.
Walked dogs.
Gong to fix up DH's pills for the month.
Church lady group getting together this evening.
Husband has a slew of appointments today, so won't be home till late afternoon. Got the girls to their schools, did our animals, watched the cold front come in. It sure came in fast! Dropped 15 degrees from 7:30 this morning. Everyone is as buttoned up as they're going to get for the cold night tonight. So I went bin shopping at two different stores, then on to the Kroger Store bakery to order a cake for mom's 90th birthday. Sign up saying no more cake orders. I guess they don't have the staff. So I'll check some of the small bakeries in that town soon. Went to Dollar General and picked up more canning jars. Went to our town to get our mail and to the amish discount store. Have a car load of stuff to unpack and put away still. Was surprised to see the Kroger Store had the store brand turkeys for 79 cents a lb, so I got two more, just to cook for lunchmeat, and then put in the freezer. Should probably cut the rest of my mint, sage, oregano, and parsley before the big freeze. Get it into the dehydrators along with more tomatoes.
Prayer from last night was answered. We've had a issue with some alarm software at one stack for 3 years with no resolution. The guy for the software has been getting hounded the past year and having no luck. He finally went to a unrelated class with the same company and finally got put on to a engineer and doing what he suggested worked. The crew spent 2 hours fixing that and doing a full calibration on the system. Everyone has a huge weight lifted off them now. Praise the Lord.
Left work at noon and started shovling compost till I run out. Plan to plant the last of my garlic before I quit for the night.
Getting ready to rebreed my 2 does who have not kindled. I guess they didn't take. Bonnie is taking great care of her 7 kits so I am not as worried about losing any. They are opening their ears and eyes so they look less like baby hippos and more like bunnies.

I decided that this year for Thanksgiving I will provide the bulk of the food (have a turkey in the freezer as a hedge for inflation during the holidays). I don't like seeing my parents scramble even though they have a decent retirement and pension to live on. My mom was okay with us bringing the turkey since I have it on hand and she will not need to go get one. She is getting her hip replaced in January so she doesn't like to walk much if she can help it.

Mostly we are purging and selling our junk to clear the house for the move November 2023. We did get 3 unopened bottles of booze from my dad when we visited. He has a fatty liver so he wanted it out of the house. K was happy to add it to our barter stash. The folks at our local Costco already think I'm a lush. ;)

Slowly getting the school materials for next year so I don't have to scramble after the holidays. Roo will be in 7th grade!
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Just made it out to the lake. It's froze over but I'm going to launch the boat anyway and hope I can break the ice without sinking the boat. The ice isn't thick enough to walk on yet. The beaver ponds still have some open water so there's a chance of picking up a few more beaver before they freeze solid. Maybe an otter too.

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