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Made it to TN. road construction every where. Was 3hrs late getting to mr. starkey's house so today is shot. He won't start work on my guitar until morning.

I spent $140 on a hotel for the night, a Marriott. More than I wanted to pay but the $90 hotel looked sketchy. Cheap hotels are great as long as gun shots don't keep you awake at night, decided I needed sleep.

Mr. Starkey said downtown Nashville is a nightmare to navigate these days, a gigantic tourist trap. So, I decided to skip trying to see a performance.

Sadly there is no food by my hotel but a burger king, waffle house and a cracker barrel. Not fond of any of them but at least cracker barrel will cover your food with gravy... 🤣

Still don't know how long the work on my guitar will take. Mr. starkey found a saddle issue on a quick examination. I was sure there was a saddle problem already. But he found it without a suggestion from me. Seems he and I agree on this problem from the start.
Teej, I hope you get feeling better.

Wow, the yarn looks very cool! It amazes me to see it go from basically fur to yarn like that.

I got up early and went to the store. Saw my friend's car there as we were parking. Realized he was in the car so we went over to see him & my brother lifted his shirt and flopped his belly on my friend's window. Friend of course reacted hilariously. He had his daughter with him bc she's sick. We went inside with them & the daughter wanted my brother to carry her. Initially she was clinging to his front, then she was clinging to his back. Eventually she wanted up on his shoulders. She's been climbing on him ever since she was a baby so he's her jungle gym. She reached down and put on a hat that went over her nose and mouth. I decided to buy it bc it had touched her face & she had germs & I didn't want it being put back (it was only like $3). We wandered around the store looking at stuff. My friend was busy arguing with his gf on the phone with her trying to gaslight him.

I also stopped by the bank to drop off a letter for them that was mistakenly put in our box by the post office staff. Mom opened it and we were confused and then realized it wasn't for us. The lady at the bank said it was no problem and took it. Fortunately it was nothing sensitive.

There was a Grogu Mandalorian toy that is normally $80 on sale for $15 at Walmart (I think the sale is still good for anyone who wants to check Walmart) so Mom wanted me to get one for her and one for my sister that we will mail to her.

Drove by friend's house after we left but he wasn't back home yet- probably avoiding his gf. Grabbed another blanket for Mom which made her happy. She's always feeling cold. Had 10 cats piled on earlier. I can see 6 right now but its dark so there might be more. I know the little dog is in here because he's growling.

I forgot to get eggs at the store, but I got pork chops. We ordered a new microwave so hopefully that will arrive soon.
Made it to TN. road construction every where. Was 3hrs late getting to mr. starkey's house so today is shot. He won't start work on my guitar until morning.

I spent $140 on a hotel for the night, a Marriott. More than I wanted to pay but the $90 hotel looked sketchy. Cheap hotels are great as long as gun shots don't keep you awake at night, decided I needed sleep.

Mr. Starkey said downtown Nashville is a nightmare to navigate these days, a gigantic tourist trap. So, I decided to skip trying to see a performance.

Sadly there is no food by my hotel but a burger king, waffle house and a cracker barrel. Not fond of any of them but at least cracker barrel will cover your food with gravy... 🤣

Still don't know how long the work on my guitar will take. Mr. starkey found a saddle issue on a quick examination. I was sure there was a saddle problem already. But he found it without a suggestion from me. Seems he and I agree on this problem from the start.
Glad you made it! Eat at Cracker Barrel! Be safe and keep us up to date!!
Sitting on a deer stand just soaking up an Ozarks afternoon. I doubt I do much good after Jake shot 2 out of this stand but you never know. Things are quiet in the woods at the moment.

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Not much better than quiet in the woods
Well as long as you don't need the meat ASAP
Not much better than quiet in the woods
Well as long as you don't need the meat ASAP
If I would get one we would have to can it, Jake has the freezer full.

@Peanut wait, you're not a fan of Waffle House? I thought that was grounds for deportation in the South.

As for me, the closest Waffle House is almost 4 hours away. If we had one nearby I would weigh 300 pounds...
True story, just outside Atlanta. Waffle house by my hotel… quiet, not crowded. My waitress was telling me about some jerk who knocked a tray of drinks all over her.

I placed my order. Thankfully I didn’t order juice. While waiting I noticed the tank of the juice dispensing machine. Hanging off the top edge of the tank was a pair of used, Dr. Shoals shoe inserts. I could see the little toe prints. They were my waitress’s. Her shoes got soaked by the tray of drinks and she hung her shoe inserts to dry above the OJ.

You lose your southern card if you don’t make fun of the waffle house. Extra points for making fun while eating there!!! 🤣
True story, just outside Atlanta. Waffle house by my hotel… quiet, not crowded. My waitress was telling me about some jerk who knocked a tray of drinks all over her.

I placed my order. Thankfully I didn’t order juice. While waiting I noticed the tank of the juice dispensing machine. Hanging off the top edge of the tank was a pair of used, Dr. Shoals shoe inserts. I could see the little toe prints. They were my waitress’s. Her shoes got soaked by the tray of drinks and she hung her shoe inserts to dry above the OJ.

You lose your southern card if you don’t make fun of the waffle house. Extra points for making fun while eating there!!! 🤣
Waffle House is so much better than what we have in Iowa. We have to make do with IHOP, Perkins, or Village Inn. Those are all OK, but everything Waffle House makes is better. I absolutely love getting my eggs and seeing the melted butter pooled around them!
Holy Cow! This turned into a busy day, lol... and get this, the older gal who let me camp on her property in Whetstone, AZ, after I sold my home in Benson (we made the arrangement before the sale closed on my home), she has been emailing me with details of an active shooter who walked into RV City (not far from her home) and shot three people! The owner returned fire and then fled, and the Sheriffs are looking for the perp right now in my friend's neighborhood! My friend is a staunch conservative and Christian woman who knows how to fire a pistol, she used to work security at a nuclear power plant, she has a .38 and I gave her two boxes of JHPs for that gat last Christmas, lol. I told her to secure her home, keep her gun handy, dim the lights but also keep a bright flashlight or headlamp nearby (to blind the moron if he tries to break into her home)... she's keeping me posted on the situation, and two people have already been Life Flight-ed to Tucson. Jeez, I guess the perp wasn't happy with his RV, or the work done on it, lol. Some people's kids, HUH? :oops:
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Ugh! Horrible child services meeting. The only decent part of it all was the caseworker called me late morning to get my take on the past 4 months, and how it's going now. I felt believed, and she also said the meeting was so she could write her report and suggestions, and show services issued to the family judge. No more mention of child abuse, that's been discounted. The awful meeting also was attended (via zoom) by the twins "trauma therapist" who is a complete whackadoodle. Said granddaughter is concerned about being shamed and blamed (of course, by me). Husband reminded her that we have never met or talked to her in our life, and she has only heard one side, and that one side is not truthful. The caseworker was there and stood up for me many times. The nutso therapist said that they are still working on their trauma rem eye movements, and will get around to the trauma talking after their eye movement therapy is finished. She then went on to explain the mumbo jumbo treatment that the state is paying for. Garbage. Was home 10 minutes and neighbor called, their three yr old feeling really bad, having breathing issues. So I picked her up, just started to snow. Went to the walk in care in the bigger town. They decided she needed ER. So we went there. I called husband and asked him to pick up the dad and the other two little ones, drop off the little ones at the grandmas, and bring the dad to the ER. So I went home when he arrived. Told him to call when they needed a ride back. He called, and the little one has RSV, so she's going to Wichita by ambulance. I'll pick up the older girl from grandma for school in the morning. Prayers for the family. I'm wiped out now.
Workity work work.
Actually got to stay home a good part of the weekend which was a blessing. When we moved, we down-sized by about 40%. I know I've shared that before. We got rid of tons. Well, I've begun going back through things. With the stocking up of certain things, the place is feeling a little cluttered or tight so I've begun going back through things and trying to pare down. Or maybe just organizing a little better. I don't like the cluttery feeling. Anyhoo, made progress this weekend.
Today made it above freezing - 33*
I'm trying to stay awake - gotta love the time changing back and forth.
Made potato soup with ham for supper - yummy on a cold day.
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Before I log out and eat dinner, the last email from my friend said that there are helicopters circling overhead in that area, and the perp has NOT been found yet... with luck, the ******** is long gone and will be picked up later, far from my good friend's home! Dunno the status of the folks who were airlifted to Tucson, hopefully they pull through... I'll never understand WHY some dumb@$$es go postal over material BS, it's JUST material BS, ya know? I get the part about being irate over some bad service or a rip-off deal, but shooting at least three people? REALLY? Sheeeee-it, if yer gonna SHOOT somebody, make it a STINKING POLITICAL OR JUDICIAL SCUMBAG, you'll be doing citizens and the country a BIG OL' SOLID FAVOR, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn. It's a shame that I even have to MAKE that observation... :oops:

Just logged back in to tell y'all that the shooter (or perp) has been caught... my friend said that part of I-10 and AZ82 and AZ90 (from Benson to Sierra Vista) were closed during the search. At least one person is dead, another is in critical condition after being airlifted to Tucson. Evidently, this was a random attack, the perp supposedly did not even know the victims... "Huh?" Also, my friend referred to 'Desert RV' this time, I know there are a couple of RV lots down in Whetstone and the Huachuca City area, so maybe the first mention of RV City was false, or perhaps these are two names for the same lot. Just wanted y'all to know that my friend is safe and sound! Good night to all... here's a parting shot or two of the mixing bowl full o' soup that I just ate, and YES, that is a SERVING SPOON, lol. I am SO FULL right now, but I'm still gonna rustle up a little dessert, AYE? It'll make me sleep better... and my 150' tapeworm needs love too! :oops:


@Peanut wait, you're not a fan of Waffle House? I thought that was grounds for deportation in the South.

As for me, the closest Waffle House is almost 4 hours away. If we had one nearby I would weigh 300 pounds...
I have one within two miles. I haven't been there in twenty years. Not that it was bad, just bad memories and dumb customers.
Sadly there is no food by my hotel but a burger king, waffle house and a cracker barrel. Not fond of any of them but at least cracker barrel will cover your food with gravy... 🤣
I always hit the Waffle House if it is close by. Cracker Barrel is OK but not much beats the yummy, greasy breakfast of a Waffle House.

Have a safe trip.
Wingnut: glad they got him. I had a little fright yesterday also, turned on my computer and it always has this scrolling news headlines on it first and I saw something about a shooting at a Virginia university....and our son was at school at the time. It ended up being Charlottesville, not here. What are the odds of a shooting happen at the same university twice?

Amish: I don't use hot water for laundry, so no, we have no hot water in that building. We only have hot water in the main house and only when the wood stove is one or I heat up a pot. And sorry for your continuous problems with the grandmonsters....

AR Country: we are pretty much done traveling since we have all these animals to take care of and been everywhere in the US but I did really like Arkansas. Our list of potential States to move to was: North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, New Mexico, Maine and Vermont. Arkansas at the time got voted out because it doesn't have a ski area ( pointless now since we don't ski anymore) . We only spent one day in Hot Springs and went to a spa. We were the only people there with young kids but it was still fun. Other things I liked in your State: this folk center near Mountain Home, a huge cave forgot the name, Mount Magazine , crystal mining , Buffalo River canoeing
Good morning!
Will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Do laundry.
Take ebay photos.
Call Church senior club folks about meeting Thursday.

2 miles every day is good! I walk the dogs up our moutain unless it is pouring or we are too busy but it's only about a mile, but very steep so it's still exercise
But I walk about 5 miles a day according to my phone if I have it on me just doing regular chores....
Ok so it is pouring outside AND we have a winter weather advisory. It doesn't look like it will stop at all and it is too cold and wet to even put the poor sheep out.

Oh and yesterday my waterline to the laundry was already frozen, so I dumped hot water on it until it started running again. I really don't know how we will do this when it's January and the line will freeze solid. For now husband rolled up the line ( it's plastic tubing with a faucet attached) and put the whole thing under the house. He turned off the valve to it also. But there is still some water in it we can't get out. I guess I will use my weed flame thrower to unfreeze it , or we have to go to the laundromat. Why does laundry have to be so difficult???
Here's a link to one account of the crazy action in Arizona yesterday afternoon & evening:

Shooting in Whetstone, AZ

Cold night, hard freeze, good thing I covered the trees & plants... enjoying a hot cuppa tea after going outside to feed the wild birds & dump hot water into the birdbaths to clear the ice. :confused:

I was gonna run to town to swap out that phone card, but after further consideration, I believe I will just extend the life of my old 3G flip-phone for one more month, since I have till the end of the year to change devices... by doing this, I'll save $5, lol, and I won't waste fuel on a trip with only one purpose. I like to combine errands and save fuel, 10-4? :rolleyes:

Otherwise, I'll mess with the bike once the outdoor air temp hits an acceptable level... I wanna check the oil again and make sure the level is correct, plus I wanna clean the bike and take some shots of it. Hopefully it warms up enough to do all that, I haven't checked the forecast for today's high, I know it was slated to be cloudy (and it is), and that's all I needed to know at the time as far as riding the bike goes. :(

If I'm gonna ride at all, I'm gonna choose my days wisely to maximize my enjoyment, aye? No need to waste fuel on days with cr@ppy weather, lol... I like sunny days where the road surface is warmer and the tires stick better. I've been looking at my trucker's atlas and I think I'll go ahead and make a loop on this next ride, taking the alternate route first and then returning home via I-25, Las Cruces, and US-70 to US-54. I'll see more country on the circuit route, as opposed to heading out and back, and I'll completely circumnavigate the 'Jornada del Muerto!' That'll be a first for me, lol. :cool:

P.S. Tommyice, my brother Pete lives in Germany with his German wife, and when he visited Ireland a few years ago, he sent this Aran sweater to me. It is very thick and warm, and it has cool patterns on it! I tried to smooth out the sweater before taking the shots, and I took a few closeups so you can see the detail work. Very nice sweater, 100% wool, made in Ireland by true craftsmen (or craftswomen), I reckon... this sort of sweater can't be made on a programmed machine, can it? I wouldn't think so, looking at the intricate patterns or details. BTW, little Black Diamond (and her skunk tail, lol) had to check out the sweater while I was trying to photograph it, so I threw her into the mix, lol. Pearl will certainly approve! ;)






These last two shots are sideways, but I reckon they'll show the detail work a little better... 🤔


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Here's a link to one account of the crazy action in Arizona yesterday afternoon & evening:

Shooting in Whetstone, AZ

Cold night, hard freeze, good thing I covered the trees & plants... enjoying a hot cuppa tea after going outside to feed the wild birds & dump hot water into the birdbaths to clear the ice. :confused:

I was gonna run to town to swap out that phone card, but after further consideration, I believe I will just extend the life of my old 3G flip-phone for one more month, since I have till the end of the year to change devices... by doing this, I'll save $5, lol, and I won't waste fuel on a trip with only one purpose. I like to combine errands and save fuel, 10-4? :rolleyes:

Otherwise, I'll mess with the bike once the outdoor air temp hits an acceptable level... I wanna check the oil again and make sure the level is correct, plus I wanna clean the bike and take some shots of it. Hopefully it warms up enough to do all that, I haven't checked the forecast for today's high, I know it was slated to be cloudy (and it is), and that's all I needed to know at the time as far as riding the bike goes. :(

If I'm gonna ride at all, I'm gonna choose my days wisely to maximize my enjoyment, aye? No need to waste fuel on days with cr@ppy weather, lol... I like sunny days where the road surface is warmer and the tires stick better. I've been looking at my trucker's atlas and I think I'll go ahead and make a loop on this next ride, taking the alternate route first and then returning home via I-25, Las Cruces, and US-70 to US-54. I'll see more country on the circuit route, as opposed to heading out and back, and I'll completely circumnavigate the 'Jornada del Muerto!' That'll be a first for me, lol. :cool:

P.S. Tommyice, my brother Pete lives in Germany with his German wife, and when he visited Ireland a few years ago, he sent this Aran sweater to me. It is very thick and warm, and it has cool patterns on it! I tried to smooth out the sweater before taking the shots, and I took a few closeups so you can see the detail work. Very nice sweater, 100% wool, made in Ireland by true craftsmen (or craftswomen), I reckon... this sort of sweater can't be made on a programmed machine, can it? I wouldn't think so, looking at the intricate patterns or details. BTW, little Black Diamond (and her skunk tail, lol) had to check out the sweater while I was trying to photograph it, so I threw her into the mix, lol. Pearl will approve! ;)

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These last two shots are sideways, but I reckon they'll show the detail work a little better... 🤔

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Wow, how beautiful!! The sweater is beautiful too😺!
I have suddenly been BOMBARDED with "private service" E-hookers on farce-book. 0_0

I don't know if I should be annoyed or flattered. But I'm not paying $50 to watch somebody grope themselves and talk dirty to me.

One lives in my area. Offered me the real thing.
I asked her how long she had been a cop, "Three years." So do you want to
meet up? I hit "X" and split.

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