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Worked. Drove to work in the "storm of the Century" ?

My golly are people actually this stupid? Supposed to get 4 to 6 feet of snow. Moron "governor" has shut down all commercial traffic on the interstates, schools closed, as the snow-pacolypse is upon us. :huh:

Back in the day 300 inches plus was a typical average. Not so much anymore. Barfallo has no idea what real snow is but they whine since they have to move it. Wind, yeah, out here it's actually something.

Lived in snow country all my life. This is nothing. I will see if I stand corrected tomorrow but I doubt it. I'll go to work anyways on time as usual.

Tinkered off a suspected liberal today. Not intentionally. Mentioned what an idiot our current "governor" is and asked what type of fools would vote this trash into office. Seems I identified one anyway. 🤣

Oh well. Guess I will go shovel my 4 inches of snow and await the stupid. Personally I wish the "commercial traffic" would take a month or 3 off. Let these fools reap what they sow and get hungry for a few months.
I went to the old cemetery today and volunteered for one hour. Most of that time was spent doing light pruning and mulching. I used leaves from my trees and my mower/bagger to make the mulch. I ended up having some extra so I put that on the LeMasters cradle since it's next to mine plus the Master Gardener working that cradle has checked on my two many times when I was sick. I know...a lot of people mulch in the spring. I usually do both. I use leaves in the fall and wood chips in the spring (except at the cemetery. If I have leaves on hand I will choose leaves OR natural untreated wood chips in my cradles).
Dindo nuffin again today, exhausted and still battling this virus. I'm so far behind on dishes, laundry, floors and on and on. Wish I could hire someone for just a day, that'd really help.
Wish I lived closer, I'd come clean for you!! Hope you feel better soon!!♥️
Thanks, @Pearl

@Peanut, I feel you on this. Glad you were able to be productive. CFS sucks! Even worse when you have a virus. Sending you virtual hugs and hoping you get well soon.

@Magus, I hope you're feeling well. Those corned beef hash sandiwches sound good.

@Wingnut, I hope the kitties recover quickly from surgery. Sounds like you've been busy. Ooh, BBQ is making me hungry now. LOL.

@joel, an outside kitchen is a cool idea. The zoo in Singapor had some of those. You could turn off the switch for the electiral outlets (almost all of the outlets in Singapore had switches so you could turn them off) put some tape over them, and just hosed down the entire kitchen area after prepping food for the animals.

@montanabill not sure what you mean by house sharing. Like AirB&B? or having someone house sit for you? I've seen a lot of people get burned and I don't trust people in general-- bad experiences. But I think it dependson who comes in. I personally would not trust it.

@Spikedriver, graveyard shifts can really suck. My brother was always super exhausted after those shifts.

@sony123 do you have the recipe for those dumplings? It snows so rarely over here that if we get even 1 inch they shut down everything. Not even exaggerating. 1" of snow and they declared roads closed in town.

@Amish_Heart, I hope things warm up in your area.

@snappy1 did you pour concrate or just set bags out?

@DrJenner is RSV common this time of year? Or is this something new. I know you must be swamped. Hope you manage to not get sick as well.

@Neb one of the nicer things about colder weather is that it can make work that sucks in the heat a little more tolerable. Although I find I still sweat. LOL.

@Mountaintrapper I hope your grandson will be OK.

@hashbrown Glad Jake got new glasses. They look cool! Hopefully they will stop the headaches.

@Guardian, hopefully the weather won't be as bad as expected. I have a friend in New Hampshire who had 8ft of snow one year. I don't think we've ever had even 1ft of snow here. As I mentioned earlier, everything shuts down at literally 1" of snow here. We can handle rain and floods but a little snow is more than people here can handle.

Got the new microwave today and set it up. Also got the trash bag pulled out of the can and new bag in but need to haul it all out in the morning. Will need to haul the old microwave out too. Hard to do it by myself but my brother hasn't been willing to help.

Currently curled up with my sweet kitty Rupert.
Yesterday was a normal tele-work day till about 15:00, then the wife calls me to say something is wrong with her IV machine... The last time she changed the IV bag either she didn't start the pump or the pump shut itself off... She gets distracted easily, so it's a toss up. Anyway, the line had bubbles so first order clear the bubbles, when she restarted the pump the pressures were too high... partial line blockage. She called the IV machine supplier, they said to change machines and medicine bags.... Quick $500 wasted... It didn't fix the problem... They said call your home health care nurse, she is on a trip out of the country and no answer... We are now talking about going back to the hospital where the IV was installed... So I asked her, was the clean out line clear yesterday? Answer yes, would you be cleaning it again today, Yes in about 15 minutes. So I said okay, here is what we will do, disconnect the IV line, and do the cleaning procedure on the delivery line... Then reattach the IV line... Well that did it, the pump started working, the pressures were actually a little lower than they had been, and we were able to sit down and just breath... As we thought about what happened over the last 2 hours the wife said, we are really alone in this aren't we..? My best estimate was that She had been without the medicine for 20 hours, which explains why she had totally lost all her energy and most of cognitive abilities... Oh, the IV machine supplier called back 2 hours later, they are swapping out both of her machines today. Then about an hour after that the nurse agency called....

By the time it was all over there was no time to fix dinner, we had to switch to one of our emergency home made quick meals in a jar.... We had lintel soup..

After dinner I went back to work, I was preparing a presentation for a virtual meeting I am attending today. Oh, I am off today but that's just the way things shake out, I'm off but I need to attend the meeting from 9:00 till 16:00...

The wife is already up this morning, the color is back in her face and she seems relatively perky, so crisis averted, for now...

I hope to finish making up the Christmas lights for the outside of the house tonight, I normally outline the whole house with "Old Fashioned" C7 colored lights, this year I am swapping out all the bulbs with LEDs and I am trying to arrange all the lights so the same pattern is displayed across the whole house without having 2 of the same color lights together at any one place. The goal is to have all the outside lights up by tomorrow afternoon and be ready to turn them on the day after Thanks Giving. The old lights took about 1800 watts, I am hoping the new arrangement will be less than 200 watts.

Well time to switch gears...

Have a blessed day! Urban
0419, and I'm on the bus, headed back to our job meeting location. It got colder tonight - it's the first time this year that I've had ice in my mustache. Tomorrow will be a day off, with pay. Our schedule is changing from overnight to days and we get a "transition day" in between shifts. Unfortunately I'm six hours from home so I'm stuck in Chitcago. There's nothing here I want to see.
0450 hours, and I just got off work. Hopefully, I've only got 2 more nights of this graveyard shift garbage, and then we'll be back to day shift.

"Night ain't right!"
Boy hang in there I did that a bit as a much younger man. I àm still of the belief nothing good happens after 9pm lol
Had to look up who Clark Kent was LOL, not into superheros ....but our son seems to have the same style of glasses, must be fashionable right now

Urban: glad your wife is better and you figured it out. We don't have those type of health problems, but husband said something similar yesterday about how there is nobody to come out here and help fix anything. It's all up to us. No plumber for example would ever work on our plumbing , nobody is going to fix the road etc. I suppose if we were millionaires we could hire someone from a city for a ton of money but we're not....

Went shopping yesterday after cleaning the barn and putting some of the animals out.
Today it's even colder but no snow.
Son got his first ever speeding ticket rolling too fast down the mountain on the way home ...crap. He is going to court in January. I have never gotten a ticket, any advice out there on what he should do? He said it was an unmarked State one going the other way. How in the world did the cop even measure the speed that way?

Puppy threw up this morning. Hope he is ok. He picks up crap everywhere and eats it. Goat poop , paper towels that didn't make it in the trash, pieces of wood, plastic bottle caps, dirt, any food that falls on the floor except bananas. The only thing he seems to not want to eat. I don't know how to keep him from doing that. I feed him plenty and he has doubled in size in just a few months

oh, the dumpling recipe :

I did buy the dumpling skins, just made the filling and put them together and fried them
Home from work and sitting down at the computer at 4am. It's been about 2 months on the full time schedule at Home Depot (same job just twice the hours) and I am finally getting used to it. When I worked to 11pm I usually stayed up to 3am anyways because I couldn't fall asleep sooner so that isn't a big deal, and I am sleeping later to make up for it anyways. My new sleep stuff is helping me stay asleep but falling asleep is still a struggle sometimes. And, I am getting better at working slower so I can keep pace with the 20-somethings who wouldn't work hard if it would save their own life.

GF heads out on a 6 day trip in a couple hours so I will stay awake until she heads out. Weather and roads are good so she should have no trouble on her 2+ hour commute to Vegas.

Wednesday we started putting the plastic on our chicken enclosure, the big cyclone fence dog kennel we enclosed for the various birds. The big roll of plastic we bought was 20'x100' instead of the 10' wde stuff we had in prior years. This is good because it cost a bit less per square foot but I had to re-plan the application this year. There is a tree sort of in the middle of the two connecting kennels, usually we would cover both halves of the roof each with their own 10' piece and it was easy to slice the one section around the tree but finding the right spot to cut near the middle of the 20' wide piece added a bit of a struggle. Fortunately the GF's youngest daughter is a decent thinker because she is the lightest one and gets to climb up on the improvised roof and make that cut and then tape the seam back together. I noticed a couple clues that next year I may need to redo some of the boards on the roof and add a bit more support so no one falls through next winter. We still need to wrap the two ends with plastic to prevent the wind from howling through the 20' long wind tunnel but that shouldn't be too difficult, but dang my fingers were cold and numb while we were securing the plastic to the roof. I will also enclose the small run between the kennels and the chicken coop to keep the wind out of the chicken coop. I wanted to do this a few weeks ago before the first snow fall but no one was interested in doing it when the weather was nice.

Last Friday after work my truck gave me the "Pending Dead Battery" indicator when I started it to head home. The engine cranked over OK but the electrical whatever in the dash (servos for the gauges maybe) were rapidly clicking when I started the truck due to a lack of voltage. I was surprised it started Monday when I headed to work and was thankful it started to get me home. Tuesday I put in 2 new batteries (diesels have 2) at $150 each, 50% more than 5 years ago. I heard on the radio on my drive home tonight that battery prices are rising between 50% to 150% due to the increased demand for battery components, even non-electric car batteries. I guess I should buy the 4 new 6-volt golf cart batteries for my Toyhauler Trailer so they will be good to go for another 9 or 10 years. The trailer has 200 watts of solar panels and a large power inverter so it will be helpful as a backup if/when needed.

My truck is also in need of new steering parts and I have been researching them the past few weeks. Seems Dodge had a recall that included my truck and it has been difficult trying to find accurate answers on what the correct replacement parts should be. The people on the forums are all over the place on what the best parts would be. My truck was not needing the recall work because it didn't have the part in question but the question is are all the aftermarket parts up to snuff or do I need to get parts for a later model year and will those parts actually fit my truck. Like the wise old owl used to say "The world may never know."
Since I had some extra cash due to the bigger paycheck, after I paid off 2 of my 3 outstanding medical bills, I bought a new fuel filter, shocks, headlight bulbs and oil filters. My plans for the weekend, I I choose to accept them, is to make room in the garage for my truck so I can accomplish all them tasks and try to install the brush guard on the front of the truck. I bought it used so it is missing a couple of the connection parts so I suspect fabricating and welding will be part of that project. I need the brush guard on so I can mount the LED light bar to help me see the deer on the highway on my drive home at night.

The horse just called, 5 am and dark and it caught my attention. Grabbed the .357 and a flashlight and had a look see, but nothing was in the yard so I gave him a carrot. But the chicken gate on the above mentioned kennel was open so I check to make sure the chickens were OK and then closed the gate. The neighbor behind me has a dozen or so "stray" cats that he has a "pets", as do many other people in this neighborhood, and thankfully none of them found the open door. Which reminds me, I need to set the live trap and relocate more of these unwanted predators.

Not much else going on around here, although one of the guys at the farmers market left me a message about wanting some T-shirts so hopefully that gets me some extra cash. For now, Good Morning to all ya'all, and in about an hour it will be Bedtime For Bonzo.
Son got his first ever speeding ticket rolling too fast down the mountain on the way home ...crap. He is going to court in January. I have never gotten a ticket, any advice out there on what he should do? He said it was an unmarked State one going the other way. How in the world did the cop even measure the speed that way?
If your area courts are anything like the court in my old city when I was a cop, when he goes in the first time he will probably have a couple minute chat with the prosecutor who may offer a plea deal. For us it was usually offering a traffic safety class and no more tickets for 6 months or maybe a year and the ticket will be reduced to a parking infraction and no points on the license. Meaning insurance shouldn't go up and any fine would be greatly reduced. If he is OK with that deal (a great deal in my opinion) he can take it, if that isn't offered and he wants to try and fight it they will schedule a later court date for a trial. The delay is to allow time for an attorney if so desired.
As for the radar speed even when the cop is driving the other direction, those radar setups are either integrated into the cars computer/speedometer and subtracts that speed from the reading on the target vehicle, or, the radar has one beam aiming at the ground to record the cops speed and one beam aiming at oncoming traffic to record that speed and then subtracts the cops speed from the target vehicles "recorded speed" and that gives you the speed of the target vehicle. It sounds complicated but it is rather simple. However I rarely used that, meaning the other cars speed had to be really high for me to make that stop because it is possible there "might" be a small/fractional error in the reported speed based on angles of the beams against their "target". In reality that difference would probably be less than a couple MPH and it might actually show a speed a couple MPH less that the target vehicle is traveling. Many different factors involved in the accuracy (interference) for either radar beam but like I said the possible error would be minimal and may actually be in your favor.
If your area courts are anything like the court in my old city when I was a cop, when he goes in the first time he will probably have a couple minute chat with the prosecutor who may offer a plea deal. For us it was usually offering a traffic safety class and no more tickets for 6 months or maybe a year and the ticket will be reduced to a parking infraction and no points on the license. Meaning insurance shouldn't go up and any fine would be greatly reduced. If he is OK with that deal (a great deal in my opinion) he can take it, if that isn't offered and he wants to try and fight it they will schedule a later court date for a trial. The delay is to allow time for an attorney if so desired.
It's his first ticket ever and he has been driving for 8 years
I wonder if he should just pay the ticket? He was speeding, well, rolling too fast down the mountain. I do it in that spot also to save brakes. Speed limit 55 he was doing 71 ....
If we have to hire a lawyer it will probably cost more than just paying the ticket.
It's his first ticket ever and he has been driving for 8 years
I wonder if he should just pay the ticket? He was speeding, well, rolling too fast down the mountain. I do it in that spot also to save brakes. Speed limit 55 he was doing 71 ....
If we have to hire a lawyer it will probably cost more than just paying the ticket.
I would not suggest a lawyer for the first visit, because like I said if they only offered a guilty plea or a trial if you choose trial they have to give you time to get a lawyer. Their main purpose on the first appearance is to get everything "resolved" to avoid the time of a trial, and for 10 or 30 or more people that would take ours or days. If you ask a lawyer if you need a lawyer they will tell you YES or they wont make any money. But for what i am suggesting a lawyer would be a waste of money and you probably wont get a better offer but you will still have to pay the court and the lawyer.
Thanks Inresponse! I think he will just go to the court and see what they say, and if they say he's guilty and needs to pay the fine he will. And we will hope they give him no points on his license or send him to traffic class. My husband had to do that once for a ticket in Florida but he just paid it and took the class, no court there, or at least he didn't go. It was so long ago he doesn't remember.
0419, and I'm on the bus, headed back to our job meeting location. It got colder tonight - it's the first time this year that I've had ice in my mustache. Tomorrow will be a day off, with pay. Our schedule is changing from overnight to days and we get a "transition day" in between shifts. Unfortunately I'm six hours from home so I'm stuck in Chitcago. There's nothing here I want to see.

What about the Museum of Science & Industry? Or the SkyDeck on 'The Building Formerly Known As The Sears Tower?' Those are worth checking out if you're bored and don't wanna sit in a motel room all day & night. Tours of the notorious South Side are NOT recommended, especially after dark, lol... ;)
Day started early with Black Diamond horking on the carpet... half a dozen times, and she just did it again. Dunno what she ate, but it must have been something bad, though she doesn't look like she has anything but tummy trouble. She's just gonna take it easy today, same as her master... er, I mean butler. The other kittens are sleeping on the Mexican blanket next to me at the table, it's too cold for them to go outside for more than a few minutes. I'll grab some carpet cleaner and hit the spots where Black Diamond puked, I already wiped 'em with wet paper towels but they could use a little more cleaning. Might be a good day to vacuum our home too, once it warms up and the kittens venture outside. I don't wanna disturb them now while they're sleeping... always "let sleeping kittens lie!" ;)

I reckon I'll make some brownies today as well... I bought the package so I could make pot brownies, but I think I'll keep these brownies 'straight.' I have a hankerin' for brownies fresh outta the oven... with a nice tall glass of milk to wash 'em down. Besides, I set an egg aside for that purpose a month ago, and I think I should use it before it goes bad. I may have swapped it out once, I can't really remember, but I think I should make the brownies and be done with it. It has been kicking around my fridge for awhile now, and I'm tired of moving the small glass bowl in which it is sitting. Here are Z-Girl & Zorlac sleeping on the Mexican blanket, it's a rough life for kittens here at the ol' hacienda! Little Black Diamond still has an upset tummy, and she's under the bed in my room. Her delicate stomach predates the surgery, no worries. :confused:


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Poor kitty.
It's finally a "warm" 21 degrees out. Took an hour out there for animal feeding and watering. The geese want a pool party, and the hose will not cooperate. They get buckets of hot water today, that'll be it. Need to clean the downstairs. Was in a majore hurry, and husband just told me that he had the date wrong for our friends arriving. Not tonight, but tomorrow night. So, cleaning more today, laundry, into the bigger town to get mom a birthday cake and ice cream for tomorrow's party. Tonight is the amish Thanksgiving dinner for the community. They hold it in the mennonite church hall down the rode from us. The food is always fantastic, and there's an auction for a fundraiser for the local amish medical fund. Looking forward to it!
Dogs are hanging out in the beds in the milkhouse today, because it staying below freezing. Means I have to layer up and walk and water them every few hours. Little granddaughter gets to take over when she gets home.
About ten years ago I showed up at the courthouse with a speeding ticket. To my surprise, there was about a dozen other people and the DA proposed to us all the same deal. "Make $100 donation to Sheriff's drug prevention program and we'll drop all charges." Every body took his offer except me.

My particular case was bogus and I got to tell the judge the story. Then he talked to the officer that ticketed me. He was vague, confused and forgetful. The judge promptly threw it out!
About ten years ago I showed up at the courthouse with a speeding ticket. To my surprise, there was about a dozen other people and the DA proposed to us all the same deal. "Make $100 donation to Sheriff's drug prevention program and we'll drop all charges." Every body took his offer except me.

My particular case was bogus and I got to tell the judge the story. Then he talked to the officer that ticketed me. He was vague, confused and forgetful. The judge promptly threw it out!
Had the same type of thing on a moving violation. Showed up with photos etc and they had an assembly line processing the tickets into parking tickets or you had to file for a jury trial.
Also check on the ramifications of insurance,,,,we have our teenager on his own insurance.
What about the Museum of Science & Industry? Or the SkyDeck on 'The Building Formerly Known As The Sears Tower?' Those are worth checking out if you're bored and don't wanna sit in a motel room all day & night. Tours of the notorious South Side are NOT recommended, especially after dark, lol... ;)
Oh, I've been to it all before. I have been working in Chitcago for years, off and on since 2012. I'm about to the point that I'd rather sit in the hotel. There's a Portillo's a block away from my hotel so I'll probably go there tonight, but that's about the only thing I want to do here.
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Jake rocks Clark Kent glasses. Good choice.

I'm with ClemKadiddlehopper here, the kid looks good in those glasses... I had to wear glasses when I was young, and I hated 'em, even though I got to pick out whichever style I wanted. I usually went with the metal-framed numbers, dunno why now... I would've welcomed more choices back in the day. Kids & young adults have enough on their plate without having to be mocked or bullied for the kinda glasses they're wearing... but Jake looks like he could handle any such flak. And having stylish glasses will help, maybe the gals his age will take him for an intellectual... or does one have to wear those nerdy black Army frames for that purpose? :oops:
With a nod of thanks to governor Kemp and his $350 donation to my cause and a lesser nod to WIC and their $20, I can now see the horizon again and even scored myself some treats. Kroger is the place to go for canned foods, no problemo! I filled 2 milk crates to go with the 3 I had + part of a 5 gallon bucket with basics and staples. I'm spending tomorrow stashing this stuff and grabbing a few things I forgot, then I'm on to the dry goods. HI HO wagon train! Lots of beans, rice, flour, grits and corn meal and IF I can find it, a bag of salt pork.
Another busy week at work. Last Friday there was a argument about overtime with a couple of union guys and one of their supervisors. The issue started with the Av crew who has constant OT and don't want anyone else to get any of their gravy. This has been going on for years and boss hasn't put a stop to it. Word spread and Tuesday one of my techs who was not involved, but is chief steward comes in my office and tells me he is looking for a different job. He's tired of dealing with the union/ overtime BS. Can't blame him,he's gotta do whats best for him. But it really pisses me off that I'm gonna loose a really good tech for no reason. My boss has been out all week, I scheduled a meeting with him Monday morning to hash this out. Prayers that I stay calm and pick my words carefully to get results.
I'm hanging out at the Holiday Inn. Just got back from the hotel gym and had a protein shake. Guess I'll watch some crappy TV and play on my phone this evening. Got my stuff packed up, I'll take most of it to the car later. Tomorrow is go home day. With any luck we'll be off work early enough that I'll be home by 8pm tomorrow night. Then I've got 9 days at home. My daughter is with her mom for the Thanksgiving holiday, visiting relatives in Texas. I imagine I'll spend a lot of time at the gym. I haven't had this kind of time to myself since forever and to be honest I'm not sure what I'll do. But I'm pretty sure I'll come up with something...😈

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