What's everybody doing today?

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Gee, it's going on 2040 hours here and I'm gettin' snockered on this hard apple cider, the stuff is kicking my @$$ like some sorta martial arts hero, LOL. But it's GOOD, and this is the HOLIDAY SEASON, right? So F#% IT, I'll pound the entire gallon jug of 'English Cider'---it might be HARD, but it ain't THAT hard, LOL. If it were, it'd be STARRIN' in a friggin' PORNO flick, AYE? Meh, before I go watch a movie, I just wanna share this link to a song I've always loved! If someone were to tell me: "YOU'LL BE SHOT IN 5 MINUTES, PICK A TUNE!!!" Well, I'd have to go with THIS tune, even though there are FAR better musical pieces done by classical hee-roes, rock & roll gee-tarists, pop & country fooliots, et al... 😒

Unchained Melody

Oh, yeah, and when the song ended in just over 3-1/2 minutes, I'd be sure to loudly holler: "HEY, @$$HOLE!!! THE SONG HAS ENDED!!! LET'S GET ON WITH IT!!!" 🤪

That way, I wouldn't hafta sit around for nearly 1-1/2 minutes, WAITING ON A BULLET, lol... 😉

Edit: Just so there's no misunderstanding, here's another video, lol:

Lonely Boy

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Hope your wife gets to feeling better, Urban. Must be going around. Husband is on his third week. He did go out to my favorite cousin's for dinner tonight, but we used the wheelchair ramp to get in the back way of the house. He did ok, but wanted to go home early. Got a splinter in his hand from the wood railing on the way to the truck, and his hand bled alot from the bloodthinners. So he was really ready to get home. Didn't get to the baking projects today at all, but did make some good side dishes I brought tonight, got laundry done, and talked to my Florida sis for awhile. Sonya...candy cane cookies....I'm sure the recipe is online, but it's basically a sugar cookies recipe with almond extract instead of vanilla extract. Half the dough is made red, leave the other half white. Snake the dough, cut off a rope of each color, and twist to make a candy cane. Take some real candy canes, bust them up and add a little sugar. This is the topping on the cookie. Orginally I found it in one of the old Betty Crocker cookbooks. Probably on the All Recipes site. Great with coffee.
Nothing much today, felt too tired for anything major. The family get together yesterday wore me out. Everything is a trade off with cfs. Family saw me, I appeared normal, talked, laughed, ate, enjoyed my family. What they don’t see is the price I pay for it. I’m too tired to get out of my chair today and will be for several more days. Even a week sometimes just for a couple hours spent having a real life.

Every thing I do is a trade off, took a month to recover from the overnight trip to TN. Just wish my family understood. Sometimes someone will call, want me to be here or there, do this then that. Then guilt trip me when I say I can’t. They see me appear normal for 2hrs then think I’m like that all the time... happened today.

Got the energy to pick about an hour this morning, another this afternoon. Enjoyable, my pick had pop! Not always the case. An old man I picked with as a kid used to say that all the time. He’d tell someone dragging on a song “you need to put some pop in that pick!” or if someone were playing really well, “there’s pop in that pick”. I think of that old guy sometimes, taught me most of what I know about playing bluegrass rhythm. He could play… he was real good. Miss him...

In fact I’m sort of pickin’ right now. My satellite tv has siriusXM. I’m listening to “Bluegrass Junction” and playing along with some of the songs. Usually takes me a verse just to figure out which key they are playing in. Actually I started listening to Bluegrass junction 2 weeks ago just to teach myself to recognize a key quicker.

They are playing a lot of christmas music tonight. Some songs I haven’t heard or played since I was a kid… it’s nice.
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Well, after the "reverse 911" call we got last night a little before 1:00am, I think the authorities might have some public relations catch-up to do. Their credibility is shot after this.

The call was supposed to go out to about 40 people in a town about 45 minutes drive to our south, so says the TV news tonight. But it went out to a couple hundred thousand of us way far away from the incident location. And to top it off, caller ID identified the call as coming from Greece. "Draw your shades! Lock your doors! Shelter in place!, the call said. Do not go outside!" I was laughing. "Well, might as well go ahead and eat breakfast first, before I lock 'n load. It's gonna take the bad guys a while to make it up here."

The authorities who manage this were on the news tonight. "We don't know what happened. Something must have gone wrong." Do 'ya think?! This screw up is right up there with, but not quite as bad as, Hawaii's cell phone "Take cover! Incoming missile!!!" alert a year or two ago. These emergency alert software programmers are really top tier, aren't they?
For the last 2 nights I have applied a generous coating of Vics Vapor Rub to the wife's back and then had her wear a long fleece poncho that I made, it goes down to her bottom. Combined with Robitussin DM (the diabetic heart patient version) this has worked surprisingly well at letting her sleep. She still has to sleep in a recliner so her sinuses can drain, but she is sleeping and we will take that. Because her port is on her chest, she had decided that she couldn't use the Vics, but we are finding that it works almost as well on her back, the poncho keeps the Vics from getting on other things. I have a turtle neck sweat shirt that I use with Vics when I get the crud... Once you wear a garment over Vics it will never be the same, and will only have one use after that, it becomes a vics shirt.....

Well I am off today, I have done the dish chore and will be doing some light cleaning till the wife's nurse arrives to change her port dressing and take blood.

I need to do some tree trimming and haul it off to the dump, but that sounds a lot like work....
I was away on the weekend, picking up some last bits in the city and catching up with some relations that I won't see otherwise. Got home last night, happy but I am wrecked. Everyone I came in contact with either had or was recovering from a cold so I know what I'm getting for Christmas! All the snow and ice is gone- we have gone from -7 to +11 in a day, so it's almost warm here, but wet and windy. I'm planning on wrapping gifts and finishing classes today. The rest of the week will be cleaning and some decorating, and a bit of batch cooking as gifts. My hens are over their winter wobble and are laying up a storm- must have been the warm potato peelings I cooked and put with their feed. Hope everyone is well!
Little granddaughter is off school for a few weeks, but amish school is still going on thru Wednesday, so I'm off to pick up the neighbor girl for school. Maybe the baking I should of done yesterday. Husband has a doc appt later. Getting ready for the big freeze...a portable heater for little granddaughter needs to come out of the storage shed, and I need to get some more pet blankets out. Thursdays freeze will be a big one (maybe). We were expecting snow during the night, but just got rain.
Did very little yesterday besides Church and walk the dogs. Resting from helping friend organize for the 2 previous days.

Today, have already started laundry and made a couple of phone calls.
Set up my vitamins for the month.
Will make a sausage crescent roll bake at some point.
Cut up carrots for dog treats.
Write a bunch of drafts for shoes that I am selling (downsizing).
Therapy this afternoon for shoulder.
Rainy and not sure when or if I will walk.
Recovering from last night, I got wrecked off that homemade cider! Shipwrecked, lol... but no bad hangover, just moving a bit slowly, that's all. Oh, man, that cider is good, but I'll hafta go easy on it, lol. Today I'm just knocking out routine chores, and it's trash day, so the bin is already in the lane. Rained last night so the yard is a sloppy mess, I already tracked mud in on the carpet... another chore, cleaning that up, lol. Just gonna take it easy today, work on my 'Road Safety' thread later... might lie back down for a bit first, I'm feeling comfortably tired. I already ate a big breakfast, so maybe there's another nap in the equation, lol. :rolleyes:
Watched a double header of Zombie land till the wee hours this morning; The two movies back to back with the first one being the best. The story is yesterday at the big box store I saw a box of twinkies. and in Zombie land one character is on the search for some of the remaining twinkies after the crash.
So I sat up half the night watching movies and eating too many twinkies drinking powdered latte's.
Listening to some old tunes by a northwest band from a number of years ago. It's about life and decisions.
Headed to the casino for a long night and an overnight stay.
Finally back home after having great fun. :D
DW's aunt and niece got 2 rooms for free, 2 bottles of Moscato Rose that they gave us, and I got $5 off of dinner. (Their food is already a bargain because they want to keep you THERE)
I played and had a blast until a little after 1:30am this morning drinking free Crown & Cokes (I lost count after 10:oops:). When I got back to the room DW told me she could tell I had been drinking whisky, (which is why I switched to beer years ago).
Ended on the upside on money so all of those hours of fun cost me nothing:thumbs:.
...And if you add in all the free drinks, up ~$150.😁
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Had a lazy couple of days until I got today's mail. Letter from a local credit union denying me for a loan I didn't apply for. This afternoon has been filing a fraud case with the local PD and placing a freeze with all 3 credit bureaus. Looks like this was the only thing out there, but they had my full name and SSN which makes me very nervous. Fortunately they had my mother's maiden name wrong which denied them credit.
There's a ZombieLand II ??????

I didn't know that! Now I want to see it - I really liked the first one. Is it streaming somewhere? (Netflix, Prime, Hulu?)
I just watched it on you tube and payed for it. Should be out there on the usual channels. Zombie land Double Tap.

Remember the twinkies.
Finally made it back to the website, after a nap and some quality time with the five little house panthers! I took some cool pics for Pearl too, the cats & I have had a good day here, though I haven't continued my 'Road Safety' thread yet, lol. Meh, it'll get done when it gets done... there's a profound truth for y'all, lol. Right now, I'm nursing a cold beer after my Cider Fest last night... felt good to cut loose last night, but NO cider today, lol. Beer will do just fine! That was some good cider, but it's a heady & potent brew, so I'll hafta pace myself in drinking those remaining jugs... I actually drank over 3/4 of a gallon of hard cider last night, and I don't even remember eating the roast beef sandwich I was saving for my next bike ride, lol. Maybe Crackhead stole it out of the fridge, that blasted varmint! It was a big thick sandwich too, I made it from that beef roast I had not so long ago... all the trimmings as well, the thing would've fed an Ethiopian village for at least a month, lol. No worries, I bought some primo sandwich makings last time I went shopping, so I can make a turkey or ham sandwich for my ride, which is looking like Thursday... possibly Wednesday, but Thursday looks best so far. Okay, I'm off to cause trouble here at the site... CHEERS!!! 🍺
Need to go through and read messages when I'm not exhausted.

Got up at 7:30am to take my vehicle through carwash before maintenance. Had friend follow me to dealership so I wouldn't have to stay at dealership the whole time. Got there a little before 9am but they were busy so didn't get to me until around 9:10. Headed over to mall but found it was closed until 10. Waited. Only 2 stores open inside when we went in. Browsed around and got Xmas gifts. Went back & waited for Chinese place in food court to open (11am). Ate and then went to Bed Bath & Beyond. Next stop was Target. Sat around in friend's car waiting for rain to let up a bit. 3pm friend had to go home so he dropped me off at dealership. Nearly 4pm they told me my truck needed to stay overnight. Rented a Rav4 from Hertz to drive home.

Cooked for Mom and am absolutely exhausted and sore all over.
Had to buy my Mom a new fridge. Looked them up on the internet at HD . found one just right so I called them and they said thats the floor model I said can I buy it ,she said no its a floor model. Hung up and called back and got someone else and he said same thing i told him I guess i'll have to go to lowes (silence for a minute ) he came back and said I've got two of them on floor and you can have one .
Momma got a new fridge ($895.00 on sale for $589.)
Good for you, Kenv1950, sometimes ya gotta ride those sales reps and let 'em know who's boss, lol... ;)

Moi, I'm done for the evening, time to make dinner and watch a movie, I never watched one last night because I was listening to music or yakking on the phone... :rolleyes:

Guess I'll work on my 'Road Safety' thread manana, I have a couple days to kill before riding on Thursday... :cool:
Sunday was busy enough that I didn't get on the forum. Daughter and I went to church, then drove directly back to my hometown to spend a couple hours with mom and dad. Then my daughter dropped me off at my truck and I headed down to Des Moines to see a concert with my best friend, who came up from Kansas City for the show. We saw Nikki Lane, who is a sort of an outlaw country singer. The crowd for the show was kind of a strange mix of rednecks, old hippies, young woke kids, and old people wearing old Hank Williams, Sr. style clothing. It was a blast.

Today I've been recovering. Apparently I still don't have all my energy back after having Covid because I've been wiped out most of the day. I had an appointment with my Certified Diabetes Educator at 10:15 this morning and I napped all afternoon - I slept so hard I didn't even know if it was day or night when I woke up.

Doing a little cleaning tonight...
My wife wants to go over the mountains to our son's house for Christmas so I've been sorting out my winter road trip survival supplies.
If I keep adding stuff I'll have to take my truck instead of the Toyota.
My list of supplies is long and varied.
I hope to never need it but I will not travel without being prepared.
I know you will, but have to say it. Watch the roads, we're getting weather this week. Drive careful and enjoy the time with jr.
For the last 2 nights I have applied a generous coating of Vics Vapor Rub to the wife's back and then had her wear a long fleece poncho that I made, it goes down to her bottom. Combined with Robitussin DM (the diabetic heart patient version) this has worked surprisingly well at letting her sleep. She still has to sleep in a recliner so her sinuses can drain, but she is sleeping and we will take that. Because her port is on her chest, she had decided that she couldn't use the Vics, but we are finding that it works almost as well on her back, the poncho keeps the Vics from getting on other things. I have a turtle neck sweat shirt that I use with Vics when I get the crud... Once you wear a garment over Vics it will never be the same, and will only have one use after that, it becomes a vics shirt.....

Well I am off today, I have done the dish chore and will be doing some light cleaning till the wife's nurse arrives to change her port dressing and take blood.

I need to do some tree trimming and haul it off to the dump, but that sounds a lot like work....
Sounds funny, but put the vicks on her feet too (and socks).

We went up and got a tree Sat. It was gorgeous (see Christmas countdown thread). We've had the clouds/fog on our skiff of snow down here. Got up above the clouds and it was sunny and beautiful and 16*. Found our tree and drank our real hot chocky 😋 which was yummilicious. Back to work today - it's snowing (happy me).
Decided what's for desert for Christmas since only one or two like pie. Going with an apple crustada, plum nuts bread and homemade ice cream. We have desert first about 11:30-12 then dinner about 1-1:30. If you have dinner first, there's no room for desert so for Christmas - desert first!
@LadyLocust I've used Vicks a lot on my chest and head, but never heard of on the feet. Does it really help congestion that way? It seems kind of hard to believe it would, but I suppose there are weirder things that can help...
I don't know the whys or hows, but yep - I didn't believe it but have done it and have to admit it seemed to help - and that was me being all doubtful and laughing at it etc. 🥴 I say, if you're feeling that bad, the worst it can do is make your feet smell like vicks. (I don't like the smell.)
I don't know the whys or hows, but yep - I didn't believe it but have done it and have to admit it seemed to help - and that was me being all doubtful and laughing at it etc. 🥴 I say, if you're feeling that bad, the worst it can do is make your feet smell like vicks. (I don't like the smell.)
I've heard of putting on feet as an antifungal remedy and for soothing dry cracked skin, and you're absolutely right, it's not going to hurt anything. I'll give it a shot some time...
Vicks memories....all over my neck and chest, and a neck wrap put on. Also vicks put in the humidifier in my bedroom. I remember it turned my white bedroom curtains a beige color. Ha. I can still smell it.
Got the banana breads baked and wrapped, finally. Took husband to the docs, and to Walgreens, where there appears to be an ipotropium shortage. Hopefully tomorrow they'll have it...it's been two weeks. And he called. To Chic fil a afterwards for lunch...a little granddaughter bribe for being so patient with all that. We took it to a nature center and watched the geese, hundreds of them, standing on the ice. Sams order of basic junk came in, so lots of stuff to put away. Got the pet blankets out from the closets and readied in the milkhouse for the rabbit cages. Wednesday night comes our big, big freeze...negative temps for awhile. Checked the miniheater that I use in the other part of the milkhouse for the dogs when they sleep. Closed up a window with cardboard where the glass broke out. Just need to add extra straw in the chicken coops.
Lots of vicks used on me. As a kid when we'd fish in the swamp. Family used it as a mosquito/bug repellent on exposed skin. Worked great.

Putting on feet actually makes a lot of sense. Some herbal medicines are applied that way. Lots of blood flow close to the surface of the skin. Vick's ingredients are rapidly absorbed into our blood stream. Epsom salts anyone?

Bad tired tonight. Needed to rest today but the folks needed prescriptions picked up. I was so tired when I left my aunts on sat. I forgot a few things too. So, went for lunch at the asian market. No hurry, did some shopping. Looked through their wet goods section trying to figure out what some items were. Most were obvious. I drove through the university campus, peaceful. No one there, all 25K students and staff are gone, most are anyway.

Nothing this evening but a little tv...

Edit to add... Debated whether to mention this or not... what the heck. I posted over the summer/fall that I've lost several cousins. The last a 28yr old chef/ ex minor league ball player, a jock who eats healthy. Found out today... heart related. Was told the state is holding the autopsy report but no explanation has been given (2months). Didn't ask about a vaxx so can't say.
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