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Gah! gaah My union just sent out an email stating that my employer intends to change most of the work groups from 7days on/7 days off, to 8 days on and 6 days off. This would result in more days worked, and probably more overtime gained, but at the cost of home time with our families. I am guessing this is retribution for the pay increases we gained...
A pay increase plus overtime? Sounds like a win, win to me.
Breaking in my new boots. I got my first REAL pair of western boots. I am loving them. They are so comfy and warm with my wool boot socks. I have worn boots of all kinds through out my life from Doc Martens 20 holes to fetish leather pointe boots with spike heels. I have never had boots that just feel good on my feet like these do! They are warmer than my snow boots too! Got some compliments at the feed store this morning.

When I got them the girls thought they had to tell K before I could like I did something wrong by getting myself new boots. I guess they aren't use to me spending money on myself. To be honest I felt I was worth some high quality boots. K gets new boots every year and a new pair of sneakers/leisure shoes. I wait until my shoes fall apart and the girls get new shoes every time they outgrow theirs.

Now I am looking for a second pair just because.
Likek a kid I was giggling while reading this. Simply change the T to a B and your post is much more entertaining. :ghostly:
Breaking in my new boots. I got my first REAL pair of western boots. I am loving them. They are so comfy and warm with my wool boot socks. I have worn boots of all kinds through out my life from Doc Martens 20 holes to fetish leather pointe boots with spike heels. I have never had boots that just feel good on my feet like these do! They are warmer than my snow boots too! Got some compliments at the feed store this morning.

When I got them the girls thought they had to tell K before I could like I did something wrong by getting myself new boots. I guess they aren't use to me spending money on myself. To be honest I felt I was worth some high quality boots. K gets new boots every year and a new pair of sneakers/leisure shoes. I wait until my shoes fall apart and the girls get new shoes every time they outgrow theirs.

Now I am looking for a second pair just because.
My Dad was buried in his boots and Stetson
Good comfortable boots can be hard to find, when I actually find 'em I usually buy another pair shortly thereafter, just to have that backup pair waiting, or to use as "dress boots." One pair for work, one pair for fun... and YES, I wear work boots on dates, lol. Why NOT? They might come in handy, lol... :oops:

Dang, after that excellent brunch of "Sage" pork sausage, fried eggs & pancakes, I made like a politician and told myself the usual lie: "I'll just lie down for a moment!" And WHAM!!! Out like a light, lol... I guess my body is still tired from that hike. Not 'stiff & sore' tired, but generally tired, ya know? My leg muscles in particular, they got a good workout yesterday. ;)

So I slept a bit longer than anticipated, and I still feel like I'm gonna sleep well tonight... this is what it means to age, I guess, but that's okay, I'm still above ground! But we ALL got it COMIN', lol... damn. Anyway, I'm not really in the mood to work on that other thread yet, I wanna do it in broad daylight, it's easier on my eyes that way. :rolleyes:

What I'll probably do is mess around here at the site for a bit, then continue reading the Western I started this afternoon. Reading is nowhere near as bad as trying to think while looking at a laptop screen, 10-4? Besides, that "reading" is code for "taking another nap!" Overall, I feel pretty healthy, but that trail was brutal yesterday! :eek:

Hey, I forgot to mention that I learned about a possible fun trail ride up another HUGE canyon, this one's even deeper than Dog Canyon and some local gave me the skinny on access! So that may be my next ride, if I go on Monday... the access road isn't far from my home either, like 10 minutes away or less! Worth checking out, that's for sure! :cool:

P.S. Got the trees covered just before dark, so that task is done. I also emptied & refilled the birdbaths while the water wasn't frozen, lol... that raw north wind has been keeping things CHILLY around here! I'll be glad when that wind dies altogether, it has been bringing some COLD TEMPS into this neck o' the woods... er, I mean high desert! 🥶
A pay increase plus overtime? Sounds like a win, win to me.
Negative. I'll make enough money either way. But I'll lose time at home with my kid. Having 7 consecutive days off, every other week, is why I work this job, traveling all over the country. I don't take kindly to losing that time at home...
Finally stacked some firewood on the porch. Not bothering much with fires just for myself, but got it going when Daughter was here. Went to town yesterday to meet my coworkers for our annual Christmas lunch, we realized it was the first time we had all been in the same place at the same time. The two newest team members were hired during covid so we were never in the office together.
Ended up spending a ton of money while I was in town, but came home with three 5 gallon cans of gas to add to my stash, and three of the needed six new windows for the basement.
Tomorrow I go pick up the quarter beef I ordered, and I'm going to see if I can use good grass fed steak to bribe my brother into putting the windows in for me.
Earlier this week I took Bike out for a ride, 33 degrees isn't all that cold but it does get sharpish when doing 60 mph on a motorcycle. That was likely the last ride for quite a while. The snows we had gotten so far melted off after a few days, but it's snowing now and supposed to stay cold.
@Frodo those stents really suck. Sorry you had a lousy day & the vehicle broke down, but glad the cop was nice about it.

Went to the post office to discover they locked me out of the box. clerk swore she gave me the notice to renew the box but we never got it. Cost $25 in a "late fee". We get a free box bc they won't deliver to us so $25 for not getting the paperwork. but, cost for a box is now over $100 so its not too bad.

Grabbed more feed and hay for the cows. Those small hay bales are $20 a pop now. Cows love em though. Managed to get sweet feed bag out and cut before the cow could run over me.

I want to be asleep but mom told me at 12:30am that she wanted food in half an hour. I'm waiting for her to page me again to request food. If I go to sleep it will be harder to answer and get up.
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Breaking in my new boots. I got my first REAL pair of western boots. I am loving them. They are so comfy and warm with my wool boot socks. I have worn boots of all kinds through out my life from Doc Martens 20 holes to fetish leather pointe boots with spike heels. I have never had boots that just feel good on my feet like these do! They are warmer than my snow boots too! Got some compliments at the feed store this morning.

When I got them the girls thought they had to tell K before I could like I did something wrong by getting myself new boots. I guess they aren't use to me spending money on myself. To be honest I felt I was worth some high quality boots. K gets new boots every year and a new pair of sneakers/leisure shoes. I wait until my shoes fall apart and the girls get new shoes every time they outgrow theirs.

Now I am looking for a second pair just because.
@Grimm So what boots did you get? Justin, Ariat, or did you spring for Lucchesi? Twisted X, maybe Rocky or Tony Llama?

I love western boots. I think I've got 4 pair here, but one is worn out and retired. They're Abilene's, made of shark skin. My grandma gave them to me when I graduated high school and I'll never get rid of them, although I dont believe they can be fixed.

I've owned probably 10 pairs of Justin boots. Always had great luck with them, but recently they've outsourced a lot of production from the US and Mexico to Asia and I think the quality is less.

I think we need a Pic of these boots, chicks in western boots are kinda sexy, you know...😁 :devil:
Internet was off again some time yesterday but then came back on
I need to clean the house but with the dogs dragging in mud all the time it does seem pointless
We will be working on firewood today before the big freeze and snowstorm. Also need to call daughter to see if their plans have changed.
Chickens seem to have stopped laying completely. First year this ever happened. They are not all old.
Breaking in my new boots. I got my first REAL pair of western boots. I am loving them. They are so comfy and warm with my wool boot socks. I have worn boots of all kinds through out my life from Doc Martens 20 holes to fetish leather pointe boots with spike heels. I have never had boots that just feel good on my feet like these do! They are warmer than my snow boots too! Got some compliments at the feed store this morning.

When I got them the girls thought they had to tell K before I could like I did something wrong by getting myself new boots. I guess they aren't use to me spending money on myself. To be honest I felt I was worth some high quality boots. K gets new boots every year and a new pair of sneakers/leisure shoes. I wait until my shoes fall apart and the girls get new shoes every time they outgrow theirs.

Now I am looking for a second pair just because.
K gets new boots every year?
Tell K that I can turn her old boots into a unique boot purse.
They'll start laying better on the other side of Dec 21. Ours are doing the same..maybe three to five eggs a day, when I normally would get 30 a day. Our oldest hens are two, so that does slow down, but I have alot of young ones in the coops that'll be new layers come March. And an awful lot of extra roosters that I'll be butchering.
Little granddaughter and I will be making sugar cookies in Christmas shapes today after morning chores are all done. Christmas break for the kids started until Jan 4th. I don't really expect to see the twins at all.
They'll start laying better on the other side of Dec 21. Ours are doing the same..maybe three to five eggs a day, when I normally would get 30 a day. Our oldest hens are two, so that does slow down, but I have alot of young ones in the coops that'll be new layers come March. And an awful lot of extra roosters that I'll be butchering.
Little granddaughter and I will be making sugar cookies in Christmas shapes today after morning chores are all done. Christmas break for the kids started until Jan 4th. I don't really expect to see the twins at all.
May be a nice break NOT to have to deal with them!
Household chores, quality time with cats, working on my 'Road Safety' thread later... during this cold snap, I'm mostly hunkering down and looking after the cats & property. No home rehab work until the temps rise... didn't feel like doing it anyway, lol. I reckon I'll ride out the holiday season and then tackle the home rehab work. No worries, the rehab tasks aren't going anywhere, lol. Reminds me of a T-shirt I once saw, a trucker was wearing it in a truck stop and it showed a big rig parked in front of a casino, with the driver inside yanking on a one-armed bandit. Underneath the graphics, the caption read: "WHY SHOULD I HURRY? THEY'LL STILL NEED IT WHEN I GET THERE!" Lol. That was a funny shirt, I had to stop and compliment the driver as I passed... told him it was hilarious, and he just laughed. ;)

I'm thinking of doing a recon on Monday with the bike, there's a HUGE canyon not far from my home and I've learned from a local about access to that canyon. Since it's close to home, I can plan on a shorter window for my ride, no hour wasted each way going to and from the trailhead. Picnic lunch & cold beer as usual... pics too if I go, though there may be some access problems if things have changed since the local guy was there last. I sure hope it's a good lead, I've wanted to explore that canyon ever since I first laid eyes on it... it is a big bad canyon, heller deep, and like the other canyons along this western escarpment of the Sacramento Mountains, it leads clear up to the Ponderosa Pine forests at higher elevation. Dunno the name of it, so I may search the web later and see if I can learn anything more about it. :rolleyes:
K gets new boots every year?
Tell K that I can turn her old boots into a unique boot purse. View attachment 100710
K gets new Irish Setter work boots every year and the old pair is resoled to be used as chore boots. Plus I don't think he'd like a purse. Now me on the other hand will have to remember that for when my boots get unwearable. I love a good purse. Just got myself a Montana West conceal carry shoulder bag.
@Grimm So what boots did you get? Justin, Ariat, or did you spring for Lucchesi? Twisted X, maybe Rocky or Tony Llama?

I love western boots. I think I've got 4 pair here, but one is worn out and retired. They're Abilene's, made of shark skin. My grandma gave them to me when I graduated high school and I'll never get rid of them, although I dont believe they can be fixed.

I've owned probably 10 pairs of Justin boots. Always had great luck with them, but recently they've outsourced a lot of production from the US and Mexico to Asia and I think the quality is less.

I think we need a Pic of these boots, chicks in western boots are kinda sexy, you know...😁 :devil:
Just a simple pair. Nothing fancy. They are waterproof so I had to get them. I was looking at the Carhartt western work boots but remembered Fetterman was practically sponsored by them. ;)

@Spikedriver sorry to hear about your work change, less time with family always stinks!

@sonya123 I'm fighting the same battle with the puppy and mud. Just bought a Swiffer and I'll throw a damp paper towel on it which keeps things more presentable after a little mopping up.

My chickens are on an egg strike too, even with a light in the coop. Fortunately my quail just keep cranking out eggs.

@Grimm boots have been on my mind too, I've worn clean through the soles of my latest Doc Martins and have been trying to figure out if I want to resole them or get something more comfortable. I'm definitely getting tired of wet socks!

Have a funeral at church this morning, I didn't know the family well, but I'm streaming the service online for those who can't make it in person. After that the plan is to wash the couch covers (aforementioned puppy and mud), finally get the Christmas tree decorated, and make some Christmas cookies if I can find gluten free flour in stock anywhere.
Here, there aren't any boxed cheaper cards available; only individual gimmicky ones at $5-6 per. Add the cost of postage and it's a big nope for most people.

Also, the younger generations haven't had Christmas traditions instilled in them, by example, or otherwise. Online cards are even lacking this year.
I have a box of fun colored crayons n drawing paper. I started making my own cards years ago. It's fun n personal and everyone gets a kick outta it..
Just a simple pair. Nothing fancy. They are waterproof so I had to get them. I was looking at the Carhartt western work boots but remembered Fetterman was practically sponsored by them. ;)

View attachment 100717
Georgia boot company makes some great boots..I got the mud dogs for farm n snow and work when it gets real cold
Negative. I'll make enough money either way. But I'll lose time at home with my kid. Having 7 consecutive days off, every other week, is why I work this job, traveling all over the country. I don't take kindly to losing that time at home...
I spent most of my career working around the world on rotational jobs. Some times 6 months on and 6 months off, and up to 15 months on and 3 months off. The best rotations were in Alaska and North Dakota, 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off. The money was great and the time off was great and the travel around the world was great. It allowed me to buy this ranch for cash, and retire with a good income at 55. Yes there was some down side to it, but in the long run it was well worth it.
I spent most of my career working around the world on rotational jobs. Some times 6 months on and 6 months off, and up to 15 months on and 3 months off. The best rotations were in Alaska and North Dakota, 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off. The money was great and the time off was great and the travel around the world was great. It allowed me to buy this ranch for cash, and retire with a good income at 55. Yes there was some down side to it, but in the long run it was well worth it.
My time with my kid is too important to me. She's halfway through her junior year of high school now and I've only got her for a year and a half before she's gone. She's the most important thing to me, more than money or success. I started on this schedule 12 years ago because it let me have at least 10 days a month with her. I moved to the town where she lives with her mom so she could go to school from my place and stay with me whenever I'm home. She is the only thing I'm going to leave behind in this world and I'm damn sure not letting the railroad mess up that time I get with her, even if it means being broke. The only problem is that when I work a regular 9 to 5 schedule, I see her even less...
My time with my kid is too important to me. She's halfway through her junior year of high school now and I've only got her for a year and a half before she's gone. She's the most important thing to me, more than money or success. I started on this schedule 12 years ago because it let me have at least 10 days a month with her. I moved to the town where she lives with her mom so she could go to school from my place and stay with me whenever I'm home. She is the only thing I'm going to leave behind in this world and I'm damn sure not letting the railroad mess up that time I get with her, even if it means being broke. The only problem is that when I work a regular 9 to 5 schedule, I see her even less...
I can understand that. Every situation is different, and some sacrifices aren't worth it. In my situation I got both of my kids jobs overseas working a 6 month on 6 month off schedule. Later I got my son a job in the oil fields working a 3 week on a 3 week off schedule. He bought a place in the mountains for cash and is building a house, all out of pocket. In our situation everything worked out good. The kids made some good money, got to see parts of the world they'd never see otherwise and are doing fine now.
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