Better you than me, Bacpacker, lol... looking at my last post, I'm ROTFLMAO, that Dog Canyon Trail is BRUTAL, a total @$$-KICKER, lol. And I was in the Infantry too, not to mention the vast amount of hiking I did in my younger years, including some serious solo hikes in the mountains & desert (Anza-Borrego, for example). Granted, I'm older now, and lately I've been macking all sorts of holiday food & drinking beer, rum & eggnog, but that Dog Canyon Trail is steep as f#%, it must climb 500' in the first quarter-mile, lol. The elevation gain is over 3000' in just 5 miles or so, but I still enjoyed today's hike, the views were PRIMO and the silence was DEAFENING, lol. We're talkin' about some serious peace & quiet in the high desert, you can't find that in the Big City! I did test some echo locations with Alpine yodeling & Tarzan yells!
Anyway, I rode out the harshness and caught my second wind, so the day was excellent! Pics to be posted tomorrow, I'm too tired to do it now, lol. That was a MEAN TRAIL though... in truth, it'd be a strong challenge to ride a mountain bike or tricked-out adult BMX bike DOWN the canyon, as the trail is very rugged. I know about that sort of activity too, believe me, I've ridden bikes all my life... and riding in parks & pools was EASY compared to this friggin' brutal Dog Canyon number, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You'll see what I mean tomorrow when I post the pics! Of course, the cheesed!ck Canon cam will make the trail look PINNER, like a walk in the park, PFFFFFFT. No worries, I'll post the pics anyway, I must have 100 of 'em so y'all can take the trail with me as I go along. Not a bad trail, very scenic, as you'll see manana...
P.S. I thought I was getting a workout on the monster thumper, and I WAS, but today's workout was full cardio PLUS some serious hiking & climbing... elevation gain, I mean, not technical rock climbing, though there are some crags and big walls in Dog Canyon that would be awesome to climb! It would help to be RICH, that way you could charter a helo and rappel down to the location of your choice... have the helo extract you and your climbing partners once you're done, that way there's no rugged trail or brutal bushwhacking involved, just pure climbing, lol. Meh, you'd probably get SOFT that way, unless you ramped up the technical rock climbing, which you could do with a chopper. Not a motorcycle chopper, but a whirlybird! Amazing contraptions, those helicopters! I miss riding aboard 'em, they sure made life easier, lol...