An eventful day… After the storm blew through at 11am the sun came out. That’s when the power went off.
A week ago I started the generator for a test run. I had 2 problems. The battery was dead so I hung a charger on it of a while. When it started it’d barely run. It was flooding. I shut it down then started it again, it ran fine. I let it run about a half hour to recharge the battery then shut it down normally. Afterwards it started and ran normally again.
Today the generator battery was dead once again, and the power was off so I used my truck to jump it. Had to be careful, over 3 inches of rain in the last 3 days. I backed my truck across my front yard so I could pull forward to the corner of the porch where the generator is located. Made it fine, the ground supported my truck without issue.
I jumped the generator but it would not stay running, same flooding issue. I think a piece of trash was holding the float open in the carb. Nothing I could do about that at the moment but I could go get a new battery.
Now for the fun part… I got my truck stuck in my front yard!!! It would do nothing but spin. Why it backed in without spinning... but not drive out???
Well, crap. Now I needed one of the tractors to get my truck out. Except… Dad, bless his heart, he’s been playing musical batteries between tractors and trucks for a year. We have 3 bad ones currently. Every time I tell him I’ll get new batteries he gets upset and insists it’s not necessary. So I waited.
The only good battery left was in my truck and it’s a swap. I have no idea what he did with the good interstate battery I put in my truck last year. He has no idea where he put it either. Since I couldn’t start either tractor, my truck is still sitting in the front yard.
I manged to get his car started then went to town for batteries, $500 dollars worth. Got a new one for the generator too. It fired up and ran fine. I got a new battery on the big tractor, got it running. When the yard dries out a little I’ll use it to pull out my truck.
It’s 7:15pm, I forgot to thaw out something for dinner… the crappy day continues.