Managed to drop my Chinese reading glasses (2X) on the carpet, and they struck the carpet at JUST the right angle for the bridge to break... carpet is fairly thick too, with the best pad available. Now, when I say the bridge broke, I don't mean at either end where it meets the framed lenses, but 1/3 of the way across, go figure. The frame & bridge must have been made from 'Chinese steel' (i.e. recycled beer cans), I have NEVER in my life seen a bridge break in that spot. Meh, I tried taping them together with part of a toothpick as a splint, wore 'em for a bit but finally tossed 'em... fished out the spare pair I keep in the car and brought 'em inside, but I'll have to pick up a new pair soon. They only cost a few bucks, but it's the principle, seems like EVERYTHING made in China is designed to fail at the first opportunity. I mean seriously, the glasses landed on thick carpet...
Oh, well, I'll pick out another pair of Chinese reading glasses next time I'm at WallyWorld... unless I can find a pair made elsewhere, there might be some available at Walgreens, yeah? Better look around first, even if the price is a few dollars higher. I can see like a hawk after having Lasik surgery in both eyes, but I need reading glasses for books, paperwork, etc. I had the Lasik surgery not long after I arrived in Arizona , figured I should do it while I had the money, otherwise it'd never get done. It set me back $3600, which averages out to $1800 per eye, but I don't regret it for an instant, I would much rather be able to see clearly in the field and wear reading glasses on the side... my vision was never THAT bad, I could still see without prescription glasses, but having that surgery really helped. I wouldn't be able to afford it right now either, not paying cash the way I did, so it was the right call to get the job done...
Anyway, I'm sipping the last of the homemade apple cider I made months ago, it has been sitting in the fridge for awhile but it's still pretty tasty, and I can already feel that cider buzz coming on, lol. How did Mark Twain word it in his classic HUCKLEBERRY FINN novel? I have enough cider left for two good drunks and one delirium tremens... or was it one good drunk and two delirium tremens? Meh, I can't recall, guess I'll have to read the book (again) later this year. But I have enough cider left to get ripped, lol... probably NOT enough to get in trouble though, which is definitely a good thing. I'm gonna start those four remaining gallon jugs of sweet cider tomorrow, using another type of yeast and some sugar, that way I'll have cider to sip this spring, summer & fall as I lie in my Pawleys Island Hammock, lol. Ya know, I haven't even set up the sling anchors yet for that hammock, I like the slings instead of the screw type which can damage trees.
I meant to do some weeding and possibly some weed-whacking in the yard, but I never got around to it... "MANANA!!!" Y'all know that weed-whacking is my FAVORITE activity in the yard, nothing I like more than having boulders the size of Rhode Island glancing off my face and cheap work sunglasses, while my shins get peppered with shrapnel... somehow, I always wind up wearing shorts for the weed-whacking, maybe I ought to try a different approach, lol. I'd like to use friggin' NAPALM to do the yard work and weed abatement, but that might not go over so well with what few neighbors I have. Goldurned yard will look like a scene from 'APOCALYPSE NOW' or 'WE WERE SOLDIERS'---I suppose the volunteer fire department here in my subdivision would frown upon my methods, lol. Might even prompt a visit from the local P.D. & rural redneck Sheriff's Department... no need to put those good folk to any trouble, aye?