Have a day off today!! Catching up on stuff around the house since its cold outside. Will take Bear shopping this morning to the farm and ranch store, he needs to get out!
Isn't there a light house there, Point Loma, that is open for tours? I went there many decades ago.Some of the best real estate in San Diego County is owned by the feds and used for military installations: parts of Point Loma, the Silver Strand, and other locations with excellent views
That there was just criminal. That attitude and behavior would have a catastrophic life time impact on a child's love of reading, ability to read, and even school achievement. A child should never, ever, for any reason, be denied the chance to read books.I had that happen with the school library in 3rd grade. The librarian was demanding I either give her $ (which I didn't have) or I was going to get hit with a paddle. I told her I turned it in before its due date and it was in there. This was a week after I turned it in. I walked over to a rolling cart of returned books and found the book in question. She saw me pick it up and I put it under her nose and told her she owed me an apology. She called me a "brat" and to get out of the library and that I was banned from checking out books from then on. Didn't want to admit she'd made a mistake and I was too stubborn to back down.
Long ago when I was doing search n rescue, we had a small craft advisory and a emergency call from a small family type fishing boat with 6 inboard. They were getting tossed about pretty bad and were a few miles offshore n south of the harbor. The wind had picked up that afternoon and they either wernt paying attention or didnt check the advisories before heading out. Probably a combination since the boat owners were entertaining inlaws over the weekend from inland.Woke a little while ago and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to have a cold beer and surf the web for a bit, then try to rack out again, lol. Sometimes I'll go with a cup of hot chocolate, but this is not only Friday, it's also St. Patrick's Day, aye? Peanut, I agree with you, the motion of such older sailing ships in a seaway can be violent, especially if the ship is empty of cargo... that's why ballast stones were used back in the day. A loaded ship handles much differently from an unloaded ship, as all of you sailors & nautical types know... riding high & empty, the San Salvador would definitely bob like a cork, while the pitching, rolling & yawing would be difficult to bear for those susceptible to motion sickness. Some folks get hit really hard by that malady, thank goodness I've never been plagued by it... but when I worked as a deckhand aboard various craft, I saw a few folks laid out by seasickness, it was a real problem for them.
Going back to ballast stones, one can find many on Ballast Point, a smaller point situated in the lee of Point Loma near the harbor entrance in San Diego. In days of yore, sailing ships would pick up or drop off ballast stones as necessary... I think that's how the point earned its name, now shared by an excellent brewery in San Diego, lol. Funny to think that there are stones from all over the world to be found on Ballast Point, which is now Navy property... IIRC, there's a nice club for naval officers on that point, with a killer view looking down the channel and offshore. Some of the best real estate in San Diego County is owned by the feds and used for military installations: parts of Point Loma, the Silver Strand, and other locations with excellent views. There are even old naval gun emplacements on Otay Mountain down by the Mexican border, built back when the Japanese scare was in effect up and down the coast.![]()
Isn't there a light house there, Point Loma, that is open for tours? I went there many decades ago.
Long ago when I was doing search n rescue, we had a small craft advisory and a emergency call from a small family type fishing boat with 6 inboard. They were getting tossed about pretty bad and were a few miles offshore n south of the harbor. The wind had picked up that afternoon and they either wernt paying attention or didnt check the advisories before heading out. Probably a combination since the boat owners were entertaining inlaws over the weekend from inland.
Anyways, the coast guard cutter that is normally around wasnt , the nearest one was over 2 hours away.
The sheriff rescue boat was all that was available. The marine deputy operator was former military with alot of skills in a boat. He was training a partner who was not very skilled, but learning and already had a few incidences with sea sickness. They needed one more person to deal with any survivors if we made it out and I was the only SAR member who showed up at the dock that didnt get sea sick.
We get gear on, I was to sit in the middle n just behind the deputies seats. Before we left the safety of the harbor, we just kinda jogged right between the last boys. The operator was checking out the conditions and debating if we should. He voiced his doubts. We were in a powerful boat designed for some serious water but we still had limitations. Conditions were not good n getting worse. The swells were huge, walls of water on both sides in the trough n beyond that out further looked like a white spray capped wash..it was ugly.
He had warned us that we wouldn't get far before having to likely turning around. The conditions were just hovering below the threshold of what our boat could handle. But because we had a small margin of opportunity, we had to try.
We roll out beyond the bouys, get up on a plane just right n still I was catching air. I had a big smile on my face as I'm hanging on but im thinking..this is so exciting and scarry but there no way. It was just getting worse , the deputy was riding n surfing the boat with crazy skill but we were getting worked.
The new deputy pucked..on me..since I was in the middle. He felt so bad , luckily for me it was mostly coffee puke. Even getting puked on i still dont get sick.
We had to turn around. We had miles to go still, dispite the operator skill we were still a small boat in terrible seas and now down one.
The coast coard helo spotted some debris but no people. It was a rotten situation.
We go out again later around just before sunset when the seas calmed down n the next morning n afternoon We recovered 3 bodies I believe. , I had to work the morning so I was only there for one of them. When they had called for help , no life jackets on board. If they had life jackets tho..I doubt it would have helped much. The Pacific north coast is cold water n it wasnt until the next afternoon that the debris had got closer to a remote beach.
I met a friend yesterday, although "friend" just doesn't sound right. He is my closest fiend in the world. His birthday came up when we were out of town, so it was a catch-up Happy Birthday lunch and visit. We worked very closely together for 15 years, and were even co-holders of a patent, for something we developed at work. Outside of work, he was my teacher, and mentor for all things guns. He has forgotten more about guns than I will ever know. Any time I have a gun question, he is my first, and usually, only call. The last few times we have gotten together I have lugged a couple of guns to his house to clean. Yesterday was no exception. I think I am caught up on my gun cleaning. I have one more that will be a much bigger project.
It is cold, so I am just going to put a rear end in a recliner. I will putter around here and clean up a few things. I have already done the dishes. Hope everybody has a great day.
ACKKK, KILLERand it's simmering away on the gas range.
How cool, thanks for posting the pics! I think it's awesome you and your daughter do such quality things together!!A few pics from the Des Moines Botanical.Center's "Dome after Dark" event.
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My daughter at the waterfall...
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The koi pond...
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Trippy trees...
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The bar was open for @Pearl and @Wingnut
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The Des Moines skyline at sunset...
19 books is worth the tripWent to the estate sale. Advertised as entire household, antiques, furniture, etc. Arrived to almost nothing and mostly modern “weird” decor. There was however a good library. We ended up with 19 books! But that’s all.
Hey, if they're good books, or useful books, they're always a welcome addition! My town's library often has donated books for sale. I've picked up several for .50 or $1 apiece.Went to the estate sale. Advertised as entire household, antiques, furniture, etc. Arrived to almost nothing and mostly modern “weird” decor. There was however a good library. We ended up with 19 books! But that’s all.