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Already walked.
Took car to mechanic to replace dashboard dimmer switch and hook up a horn.
Got my labs back from doc. Cholesterol down. Yay Supposedly I need Vitamin D badly for $15 a month. Nope. I will buy my own for less. Never been tested for that before and I am outside in the sun every day, so I have my doubts. Pharmacist said he thinks the docs may be getting a little kick back. Sounds about right.
Checked what seeds I have for planting in lick tubs.
Still have to walk dogs.
Bible study tonight.
@snappy1 my Vit. D level was extremely/dangerously low. Doc gave me a prescription for it, all kinds of warnings. Instead I bought some tasty chewable Vitamin D, followed directions and within a few weeks my level was fine. There are a few different things that can cause our Vit. D levels to be low.
I'm trying to figure out how much "nothing" I can do today before I get bored of doing "nothing", and I have to find "something" to do. "Something" is probably going to consist of attacking the big pile of dishes in my sink. Maybe I'll make some coffee, and that will help me do "something" instead of "nothing"...😉

We may not see eye-to-eye on all issues, Spikedriver, but I know you work hard enough to deserve a restful day... no need for any guilt, making coffee and doing dishes is a good start for your day of rest. As a bachelor, I don't like doing dishes at night, after I've eaten I just wanna kick back and read or surf the web or watch TV... so I scrape plates clean, let 'em soak overnight, and do 'em in the morning, no worries. Having a dual stainless steel sink (my favorite kind) is great, because I can stack dirty dishes in one sink and leave the other open to use. I normally don't rack up many dishes per day, just what the cats & I use on a daily basis. Might be a few more on holidays, though I've taken to using foil pans for holiday dinners so I can eventually toss 'em in the trash, lol. At my age, I'm all about making life easier... :cool:
Took my favorite cousin and her daughter to the stores around our little town to look at the quilt displays and do a little shopping. This time of year is Parade of Quilts week, and wow are they gorgeous! A storm is coming in, temps are dropping, just got a fire started. Have plenty to do around here this afternoon.
Tomorrow is St Patricks day. Went to the Marathon station and got a 4 pack of Guiness, and the state store for a little bottle of Jameson.

You're a man after me own heart, lol... I'm looking forward to cooking corned beef & cabbage tomorrow, and having a few cold beers to celebrate St. Paddy's Day. No Bushmills Irish Whiskey though, I'm not making a special trip when I already have tequila, lol. Historically, Mexico has seen its share of Irish soldiers of fortune, so the tequila will work... ;)

Bushmills has been distilling whiskey since 1608, so I reckon they know what they're doing... I can still remember when an 8th-Grade classmate brought a bottle of Bushmills to Sacred Heart School, and a bunch of us polished it off during a break. Classroom must have reeked like a still, but I guess those nuns didn't recognize the odor, bless their hearts, lol. :cool:

I just read that Bushmills is the oldest whiskey distillery in the world, or so they claim... over 400 years of distilling whiskey, that's a pretty good track record. My all-time favorite brewery, Samuel Smith Old Brewery, Tadcaster, oldest brewery in Yorkshire, England, est. 1758, wasn't founded for 150 years after Bushmills got started, lol... but those boyz at Samuel Smith know what they're doing as well. Taddy Porter & Winter Welcome Ale are two of my favorite brews! 🤩
You're a man after me own heart, lol... I'm looking forward to cooking corned beef & cabbage tomorrow, and having a few cold beers to celebrate St. Paddy's Day. No Bushmills Irish Whiskey though, I'm not making a special trip when I already have tequila, lol. Historically, Mexico has seen its share of Irish soldiers of fortune, so the tequila will work... ;)

Bushmills has been distilling whiskey since 1608, so I reckon they know what they're doing... I can still remember when an 8th-Grade classmate brought a bottle of Bushmills to Sacred Heart School, and a bunch of us polished it off during a break. Classroom must have reeked like a still, but I guess those nuns didn't recognize the odor, bless their hearts, lol. :cool:

I just read that Bushmills is the oldest whiskey distillery in the world, or so they claim... over 400 years of distilling whiskey, that's a pretty good track record. My all-time favorite brewery, Samuel Smith Old Brewery, Tadcaster, oldest brewery in Yorkshire, England, est. 1758, wasn't founded for 150 years after Bushmills got started, lol... but those boyz at Samuel Smith know what they're doing as well. Taddy Porter & Winter Welcome Ale are two of my favorite brews! 🤩
Bushmills used to be my choice for a drink. Haven't had any in years. May need to try some again
We went to Baton Rouge today and toured the Veterans Museum, the U.S.S. KIDD, and the Nao Trinidad , since it will only be here for a week.
"The Nao TRINIDAD is a Spanish-built replica of the 16th-Century flagship of the Magellan-Elcano expedition, the first to sail around the world."

The U.S.S. KIDD tour is not for the infirm!:oops:. Lots of climbing up and down steep ladder-stairs. We walked/climbed thru every deck and all 33 stations. It was a workout!

The Veterans Museum was fantastic. Nice to see people that actually got stuff done.:)
(sorry, no crappy pictures, there are plenty of fantastic ones online in the links I posted)
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I’ve exhausted local resources trying to refurbish my old guitar case. Didn’t like the only lining I could find. Also, no one local could restitch a plastic strip that holds lining and foam in place at the edges… or tell me how to do it. I did find someone who I could ship it too and have the work done, for $$$, twice what the case is worth.

Since I had a few bucks I needed to move out of a bank account… and SKB makes quality water proof cases for guns, video equip and instruments. As it happens, the case they build for AR platforms is the same case used for dreadnought guitars. Of course the guitar case is lined and the foam inserts are different, but it’s the same waterproof case. It cost more than I wanted to spend but now I have a large waterproof case, 45”x22”. Best part, it has casters, don’t have to carry it.

Also, narrow neck hard shell guitar cases never have enough storage space. This has a lot more space. I think I've found a home for that little 380 I need to buy.

Went out for lunch, stopped a few places on the way home to check on medicinal plants. No plans tonight but tv.

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I went to the small city north of here and asked about a job at the cabinet shop. He said perfect timing because he is debating continuing or closing down because he can’t get good help. He will talk it over with his wife and partner and let me know. Face value he seems like a good guy.
Closer to home, daytime hours, weekends off. I am kind of nervous about it but also kind of excited. My supervisor at work will be very disappointed along with my coworkers but I would give 2 weeks notice and leave on good terms in case I ever need to go back.
Went to the skating rink with my daughter. At 16, she still loves to skate. Her friends backed out on going, but her mom and little half sister showed up and the girls had fun. The little half sister won both the limbo contest and the dice game and got a bunch of free candy as a prize.

Afterwards my daughter and I took advantage of her spring break to just spend a few hours together. We hit the mall and I bought her a flannel shirt and a pair of black jeans. She's going through her "I'm a 16 year old girl who is trying to look mysterious and dangerous so I'm wearing lots of black" phase. Oh well. Could be worse, she could be trying to go all Emo on me. I can live with the black clothes.

We ate burgers at B-Bop's and came home in a snowstorm. Hopefully the weather gets better tomorrow. We are supposed to be going to "Dome After Dark" at the Des Moines Botanical Center. I'm not a huge fan of the Botanical Center, but I'll go to spend time with her...
. On the HD thing, are you able to snag stuff as its being tossed out or is that against the rules?
No employees can grab anything that is headed to trash and the dumpster is the kind that crushes and compacts the garbage.
Stupid corporate policy. They don’t want employees grabbing anything that could be used or sold, we can’t even get junk wood to use as firewood.
I have the room that was my Husband's office cleared out, and the walls patched. It's so awfully hard to box everything up but I'm determined to get the house ready to list. Painted the niche in the upstairs landing and moved a cabinet in it and can finally stow the reference books I brought home when I went to telecommuting, and was able to sort out and toss stuff I don't need. Not sure why I had so much stuff in the cube, so glad I don't need to go there anymore. Ran to town with a truckload of donations, picked up some paint to cover the patches (I still had the leftover can from the original paint job but it had gone bad), and got some groceries. Daughter is on her way over to spend the weekend with me, really looking forward to spending time with her, and of course I had to bring home some of her favorite take out. Have some tomatoes sprouting, took the domes off and lowered the lights for them.
We went to Baton Rouge today and toured the Veterans Museum, the U.S.S. KIDD, and the Nao Trinidad , since it will only be here for a week.
"The Nao TRINIDAD is a Spanish-built replica of the 16th-Century flagship of the Magellan-Elcano expedition, the first to sail around the world."

The U.S.S. KIDD tour is not for the infirm!:oops:. Lots of climbing up and down steep ladder-stairs. We walked/climbed thru every deck and all 33 stations. It was a workout!

The Veterans Museum was fantastic. Nice to see people that actually got stuff done.:)
(sorry, no crappy pictures, there are plenty of fantastic ones online in the links I posted)

Gotta love the replicas of old sailing ships... when me dear departed mum was still alive and I was chauffeuring her to appointments, shopping, etc., I'd often take a small detour so we could check progress in construction of the replica San Salvador, flagship of explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, first European to cruise the West Coast of present-day California. Awesome project, really cool to watch the ship being built at Spanish Landing on San Diego Bay. Took about 4 years to complete the project, as I recall, with many volunteers on the job... San Salvador is a 100' full-rigged galleon, and Cabrillo "discovered" San Diego Bay in 1542 while sailing the original ship. Easy date to remember, exactly 50 years after Columbus "discovered" the New World. :rolleyes:

San Salvador

I've also seen several other replicas under sail, including my favorite sighting of Sir Francis Drake's Golden Hind, a friend & I were aboard my Laser when we saw the Golden Hind reaching up the channel off Point Loma under full sail, and with no other marine traffic around it was like being transported back in time! H.G. Wells had NOTHIN' on us, lol... so cool to see these replicas from the Age of Sail, so much history involved and yet the modern replicas function just like the originals, or darned close! The San Diego Maritime Museum also features the replica HMS Surprise, built as a replica of the frigate HMS Rose in 1970. Not to mention the original ships Star of India, Berkeley, Medea, etc. There are radical ship models in protective display cases aboard the Berkeley, totally worth seeing on their own! :cool:

If you click on 'Visit' at that San Diego Maritime Museum website, then click on 'The Ships' you can see some cool pics... I always recommended the Maritime Museum as a tourist destination for visitors to San Diego, since it's right down on the waterfront and there are other attractions nearby, such as the USS Midway, harbor tours & dinner cruises, excellent restaurants minutes away, etc. Cabrillo National Monument on Point Loma is also a great place to visit, I think it's the most heavily-visited National Monument in the country, and it has a spectacular view of San Diego and my home town of Coronado, not to mention Islas Coronados off the northern end of Baja, sometimes referred to as Los Coronados or Islas Los Coronados, the "Los" being an honorific for the four Coronado brothers loyal to Old Spain. 😬

P.S. I've been to the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile, AL, and I've also toured the USS Texas in Galveston Bay, so I've bracketed your neck of the woods and that museum you mentioned! Been through Baton Rouge many times as well, but never got down to the riverfront there as a tourist, more's the pity... 😢
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I have the room that was my Husband's office cleared out, and the walls patched. It's so awfully hard to box everything up but I'm determined to get the house ready to list. Painted the niche in the upstairs landing and moved a cabinet in it and can finally stow the reference books I brought home when I went to telecommuting, and was able to sort out and toss stuff I don't need. Not sure why I had so much stuff in the cube, so glad I don't need to go there anymore. Ran to town with a truckload of donations, picked up some paint to cover the patches (I still had the leftover can from the original paint job but it had gone bad), and got some groceries. Daughter is on her way over to spend the weekend with me, really looking forward to spending time with her, and of course I had to bring home some of her favorite take out. Have some tomatoes sprouting, took the domes off and lowered the lights for them.
Hope you and your daughter have a GREAT weekend! How awesome!!
Gotta love the replicas of old sailing ships... 😢

I read the articles… couldn’t find any info on the crew. Was curious, how many for starters. Having worked on small ships, by the time cargo was loaded there wasn’t a lot of room for sleeping. Good looking ship though. Very shallow draft, in a storm it’d be better than a roller coaster. No one could sleep for slamming into the overhead. Getting slammed into your bunk is no fun either.

I can’t imagine being on this cork in 30ft seas. Probably need to tie yourself off by 20ft. Unsecured items get battered and broken on ships, including people.

San Salvador
Calling the library — apparently the book I turned in over the weekend didn’t get registered. :confused:

Need to repot my asparagus — didn’t get many, only 7, but the 7 I got are growing like mad, so that’s good. PT this evening.
I had that happen with the school library in 3rd grade. The librarian was demanding I either give her $ (which I didn't have) or I was going to get hit with a paddle. I told her I turned it in before its due date and it was in there. This was a week after I turned it in. I walked over to a rolling cart of returned books and found the book in question. She saw me pick it up and I put it under her nose and told her she owed me an apology. She called me a "brat" and to get out of the library and that I was banned from checking out books from then on. Didn't want to admit she'd made a mistake and I was too stubborn to back down.
No employees can grab anything that is headed to trash and the dumpster is the kind that crushes and compacts the garbage.
Stupid corporate policy. They don’t want employees grabbing anything that could be used or sold, we can’t even get junk wood to use as firewood.
Can customers intercept objects on their way out the back door on the way to the dumpster? Maybe you could enlist a friend? If I were in your area I'd help you out with that.

Supervisor, its been awhile since I've been out that way. I remember the USS Kidd.

Spikedriver, sounds like fun. We used to have a skating ring in this town. Shut down not long after they banned anyone over 12 from being able to skate there. Too many teen couples getting into trouble on the benches in the dark corners around the ring. The floors boards were starting to pop up and cause skaters to trip anyway. It's now a warehouse.

I am still feeling absolutely exhausted. I slept, called my doctor's office and found that the hospital did have my results yesterday but hadn't bothered to send them over and still hadn't sent the over. My A1C was 8 something. They want me to double up on my Metformin to see if it helps. Cooked dinner and am resting again. Might get out my sketch book and draw something. I'm out of practice.
I had that happen with the school library in 3rd grade. The librarian was demanding I either give her $ (which I didn't have) or I was going to get hit with a paddle. I told her I turned it in before its due date and it was in there. This was a week after I turned it in. I walked over to a rolling cart of returned books and found the book in question. She saw me pick it up and I put it under her nose and told her she owed me an apology. She called me a "brat" and to get out of the library and that I was banned from checking out books from then on. Didn't want to admit she'd made a mistake and I was too stubborn to back down.

Can customers intercept objects on their way out the back door on the way to the dumpster? Maybe you could enlist a friend? If I were in your area I'd help you out with
Dumpster access is in the receiving area and plenty of cameras all over that area.
I went to the small city north of here and asked about a job at the cabinet shop. He said perfect timing because he is debating continuing or closing down because he can’t get good help. He will talk it over with his wife and partner and let me know. Face value he seems like a good guy.
Closer to home, daytime hours, weekends off. I am kind of nervous about it but also kind of excited. My supervisor at work will be very disappointed along with my coworkers but I would give 2 weeks notice and leave on good terms in case I ever need to go back.
While headed to work I was still nervous about a possible job change but once I got working the nervousness went away and I just kept thinking how much better I would be if I worked a non strenuous job with daytime hours in a small shop with a few other employees who actually had a desire to do work and do it right. I was kinda bummed when the owner told me he had a top notch finisher for the stain and finish booth, but I suspect I would have a few opportunities to fill in on days that employee is off for vacation or other reasons. I only have a small bit of experience hanging cabinets but I know I can do it and since I would get some training and would usually have a an experienced helper it would not be a difficult job, plus the benefit of getting paid to drive to and from the install locations would make for some easy work hours as most places would be at least a 45 minute drive each way.
I know the owner said he will call me back but I decided if I don't hear from him by next Wednesday I will stop in again for another meet and to maybe meet the other employees. That would also give me an excuse to grab a delicious patty melt at the burger shop up there. The one I had today was delicious and they only make them during the winter months because they are too busy to have the patty melt on the menu in the summer months. I also noticed while eating dinner that the local hardware store completed their switch from True Value to Ace Hardware, and they are also a NAPA dealer so it is a good store to grab the little things instead of driving twice as far to the big-ish city to the south.
Tonight I told one coworker about this possible job change and he was impressed at the starting pay and possible big pay jump once I prove myself to the boss. He has been thinking of quitting Home Depot too due to the lame management in the store. Apparently he has paid off whatever bills he was working on and has only stayed with his part time second job gig to pocket some extra cash since the actual work is not hard, but he too is disgusted with management. The new lady that just transferred to our freight team will be (respectfully) pissed because she knows she and I are the best workers on the team but I can't stay just to keep her happy.
The weather morons are claiming no rain or snow tomorrow/today and mostly sunny with a decent wind so I pulled back the plastic I had covering my half of the muddy driveway so it can hopefully dry out a bunch. I will pull the plastic back over before the next rain/snow supposedly arrives in a couple days. I checked the fridge and the freezer and I am not seeing anything I want for "dinner" before going to bed so I guess I will finish my adult beverage and head to bed soon.
All ya'all have a great day.
Woke a little while ago and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to have a cold beer and surf the web for a bit, then try to rack out again, lol. Sometimes I'll go with a cup of hot chocolate, but this is not only Friday, it's also St. Patrick's Day, aye? Peanut, I agree with you, the motion of such older sailing ships in a seaway can be violent, especially if the ship is empty of cargo... that's why ballast stones were used back in the day. A loaded ship handles much differently from an unloaded ship, as all of you sailors & nautical types know... riding high & empty, the San Salvador would definitely bob like a cork, while the pitching, rolling & yawing would be difficult to bear for those susceptible to motion sickness. Some folks get hit really hard by that malady, thank goodness I've never been plagued by it... but when I worked as a deckhand aboard various craft, I saw a few folks laid out by seasickness, it was a real problem for them. :(

Going back to ballast stones, one can find many on Ballast Point, a smaller point situated in the lee of Point Loma near the harbor entrance in San Diego. In days of yore, sailing ships would pick up or drop off ballast stones as necessary... I think that's how the point earned its name, now shared by an excellent brewery in San Diego, lol. Funny to think that there are stones from all over the world to be found on Ballast Point, which is now Navy property... IIRC, there's a nice club for naval officers on that point, with a killer view looking down the channel and offshore. Some of the best real estate in San Diego County is owned by the feds and used for military installations: parts of Point Loma, the Silver Strand, and other locations with excellent views. There are even old naval gun emplacements on Otay Mountain down by the Mexican border, built back when the Japanese scare was in effect up and down the coast. :oops:
The little girl I drive to school has a birthday today, so she will be very excited. Animal chores (in the freezing temps) this morning to do. Then bring husband to the docs. Back home for a fast lunch. Then meeting mom for her docs appt. She's still in a wheelchair, so I just meet her there.
woke up late, we generally ignore the time change, but it's been light out for a while. I wonder if we go to the barn and find new lambs ( STILL waiting on that sheep) or now goat kids. 3 of our goats look ready to pop. One is gigantic, but she always is, but she is old ( 8-9) one of our originals and I am a bit worried about her. I think this is the last year we are going to breed her for sure.
Been busy cutting, and stacking more firewood ( son and husband mostly, I do the small stuff) repotting starter plants, and putting away the stuff we got a few days ago.
I am debating if we should buy a new propane stove, since ( put in bad word of choice here) is going to make them illegal. We have 2 used ones I use to bake my bread for the market, plus for us in summer when it's too hot for wood stove. I found one I like but it's over $1000. This is like the washing machine all over again....you can get off grid stuff, but it's all expensive.

It sure would help to know how much longer we are going to live lol!
I had that happen with the school library in 3rd grade. The librarian was demanding I either give her $ (which I didn't have) or I was going to get hit with a paddle. I told her I turned it in before its due date and it was in there. This was a week after I turned it in. I walked over to a rolling cart of returned books and found the book in question. She saw me pick it up and I put it under her nose and told her she owed me an apology. She called me a "brat" and to get out of the library and that I was banned from checking out books from then on. Didn't want to admit she'd made a mistake and I was too stubborn to back down.
She should have been reported to the local library board. What she did was wrong and some people are not fit for the jobs they are in. Old and crabby people need to get out of the way in such situations. Instead of banning you, she should have apologized and asked if there were any way she could be of service to you. A librarian is a servant, in a situation to serve and encourage people. In my home town, the librarian would call shut ins, older people, and ask if there was anything they wanted. She would take it to their homes and later retrieve it and take more books.

I've worked in three libraries, and they were all welcoming places. One library was in a Catholic College and the head librarian was a crabby nun, but the rest of us were always cheerful and helpful.

During the pandemic, one of the things that I did was to request DVDs and do a curbside pickup at my local library. Two times after I returned them, I received notice that they were still due. I've spent many hours in that library. One time I called and told them I had returned it. In a minute, they confirmed that it was there. Another time, I walked in and in a minute it was found.

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