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Glad she seems to be ok, Peanut. I have to go to my mom's appointments with her because she is bad about actually listening and paying attention to what people say to her so I have to take note of what the doctor says, even though my memory kinda sucks. LOL.

My friend's psycho ex had syncope for awhile. Never really determined why & it seems to have gone away. I remember it because she had it written down on paper.

I'm resting and researching tankless water heaters and the filtration systems for them.
Glad your parents are home, Peanut!
Had the child services meeting, met the couple, and they seemed nice. They listed their house rules and the child services lady wrote them down....go to school, grandson get his license, clean up after themselves, help with chores, in by 10 except on Fri and Sat, then in by midnight, no drugs or alcohol, no fighting. Grandson said he can use a shower, toilet, washer. Evidentally he's convinced them that he lives outside. Badly abused. We ok'd it. The state lady made it clear that they are not being removed from our home, and are not being kicked out. So, the state lady will submit a request to the judge on Monday and see what she says. It's possible we'll all have to appear in court, possible it's just a simple verbal yes or no. Grandson was not pleased that there wasn't an answer right away. So they were asked how they would follow the house rules if ours were the same. Grandson said that there wouldn't be any hurt feelings in the other place, so no problem. Boy, those people have been suckered. 89 more days.
I'm waiting in the Las Vegas airport. Big Papa Joe's nice blue 747 showed up, so all the flight times are messed up. I didn't realize they totally close down the air space for Air Force One. In any case, my flight is presently delayed about an hour, possibly more. So, I'm stuck at my gate...
Happy Day to all of that, Dademoss!
Going to do the amish neighbor to school driving, then home to make husband breakfast and get animal chores done. Then off to pickup neighbor and her to kids, and we'll be going to Aldi, Walmart, the chiropractor, RX pickups, and to lunch. Little granddaughter is excited to be going along. I expect it'll take most of the day.
Gone most of the day yesterday , thankfully no babies while gone and husband just went and checked, none overnight either . It was very cold and windy yesterday, so bad just walking from parking lot to store made my eyes water
Got all the stuff done we had planned, no problems at the bank either. But lots of empty shelves at the stores again. No bagels at Aldi

I did not cook yesterday, just no time, and we had frozen crap that reminded me once again why we never eat frozen crap....but somehow I now still have a pile of dishes to do that accumulated.

Daughter called me and told me she cannot find daycare for the baby at all, and signed up at various places on waiting lists right after she found out she was pregnant. So if she does not find anything until May, she will have to get out of the Navy. More labor shortages I suppose. I never had any problem finding nice daycares when our kids were little in Orlando. They cost a lot but they were available. The Navy has daycare available but it is completely full also.
Daughter called me and told me she cannot find daycare for the baby at all, and signed up at various places on waiting lists right after she found out she was pregnant. So if she does not find anything until May, she will have to get out of the Navy. More labor shortages I suppose. I never had any problem finding nice daycares when our kids were little in Orlando. They cost a lot but they were available. The Navy has daycare available but it is completely full also.
I know other people who are struggling to find good childcare. We know a woman, 32 years old, who is a nanny. She has been doing this kind of work long enough that she has a detailed contract that she uses. It guarantees her X amount of hours a week, whether she is actually with the children or not, such as if the family is traveling or something. In some of her jobs, a vehicle is provided for her. She has other benefits, such as medical care, if she is working for a Dr. Or dental care. What does she get paid an hour to be a private nanny? $100!
Gone most of the day yesterday , thankfully no babies while gone and husband just went and checked, none overnight either . It was very cold and windy yesterday, so bad just walking from parking lot to store made my eyes water
Got all the stuff done we had planned, no problems at the bank either. But lots of empty shelves at the stores again. No bagels at Aldi

I did not cook yesterday, just no time, and we had frozen crap that reminded me once again why we never eat frozen crap....but somehow I now still have a pile of dishes to do that accumulated.

Daughter called me and told me she cannot find daycare for the baby at all, and signed up at various places on waiting lists right after she found out she was pregnant. So if she does not find anything until May, she will have to get out of the Navy. More labor shortages I suppose. I never had any problem finding nice daycares when our kids were little in Orlando. They cost a lot but they were available. The Navy has daycare available but it is completely full also.
I know other people who are struggling to find good childcare. We know a woman, 32 years old, who is a nanny. She has been doing this kind of work long enough that she has a detailed contract that she uses. It guarantees her X amount of hours a week, whether she is actually with the children or not, such as if the family is traveling or something. In some of her jobs, a vehicle is provided for her. She has other benefits, such as medical care, if she is working for a Dr. Or dental care. What does she get paid an hour to be a private nanny? $100!
Decent folks are afraid of psycos. Especially with a baby, people can make false accusations and any more it's guilty until proven innocent by which time the accusations have been splattered all over social media so damage done. Sad really.
Decent folks are afraid of psycos. Especially with a baby, people can make false accusations and any more it's guilty until proven innocent by which time the accusations have been splattered all over social media so damage done. Sad really.
There are people who have been child care providers who once the nanny camera was turned on, were proven to not be good child care people. Some people have limited abilities and educations, but were raised in homes where abuse of children was common. I'd be very afraid of just anyone being my child's care giver.

A friend of mine was an overseer of education for a preschool program with several locations. She wrote up manuals, held training sessions and had one on one meetings with classroom teachers to help them and support them. She knew that in more than one situation, the guidance that she provided was never followed. She was aware that on the days she visited some classrooms that materials that were supposed to be out everyday were brought out from storage rooms and when she left, they were returned to the back rooms. People are stubborn and want to do what they want to do.
Education is not an easy field to be in for many, many reasons, even though it might seem like a piece of cake.
There are people who have been child care providers who once the nanny camera was turned on, were proven to not be good child care people. Some people have limited abilities and educations, but were raised in homes where abuse of children was common. I'd be very afraid of just anyone being my child's care giver.

A friend of mine was an overseer of education for a preschool program with several locations. She wrote up manuals, held training sessions and had one on one meetings with classroom teachers to help them and support them. She knew that in more than one situation, the guidance that she provided was never followed. She was aware that on the days she visited some classrooms that materials that were supposed to be out everyday were brought out from storage rooms and when she left, they were returned to the back rooms. People are stubborn and want to do what they want to do.
Education is not an easy field to be in for many, many reasons, even though it might seem like a piece of cake.
Yep, there's a reason I'm no longer in it.
I know other people who are struggling to find good childcare. We know a woman, 32 years old, who is a nanny. She has been doing this kind of work long enough that she has a detailed contract that she uses. It guarantees her X amount of hours a week, whether she is actually with the children or not, such as if the family is traveling or something. In some of her jobs, a vehicle is provided for her. She has other benefits, such as medical care, if she is working for a Dr. Or dental care. What does she get paid an hour to be a private nanny? $100!

From what she told me, the Navy sends all the pregnant women in the Navy to Norfolk. That is why there is a shortage. Probably not as much shortage elsewhere. Norfolk is mostly military .
I thought I paid a lot for daycare 20-30 years ago. It was around $150 a week per kid in a nice daycare.
I know other people who are struggling to find good childcare. We know a woman, 32 years old, who is a nanny. She has been doing this kind of work long enough that she has a detailed contract that she uses. It guarantees her X amount of hours a week, whether she is actually with the children or not, such as if the family is traveling or something. In some of her jobs, a vehicle is provided for her. She has other benefits, such as medical care, if she is working for a Dr. Or dental care. What does she get paid an hour to be a private nanny? $100!
My wife has been doing the nanny thing for over 30 years. One family would pass her on to another. She has done overnights for up to 3 weeks at a stretch. That payed really well.
Key to that is find a good Dr or Lawyer. They pay very well. Her job with the current family has lasted 17 years and has morphed into mostly laundry and dog care for a business couple. Shes retiring to one day a week and dog care in May
Wife just suggested checking
for Nannys in the area
I ain't done nothin' today! I got home from the airport about 5AM and was asleep by 6. Woke up at noon and stumbled around like a zombie for an hour. Then I walked to the store and got groceries (8 Oz ribeyes on sale for $6!) And then I came home. Daughter showed up around 3:30 and we've been hanging out. Got a skillet full of cheesy Italian Hamburger Helper on the burner right now. Not sure what I'll do tonight, but I do know that it's going to be not much. My kid is on spring break and she's spending the day out with her friends tomorrow, and the local roller skating rink is having a special Thursday afternoon skate for the kids so I guess they're going up there. I may tag along just to keep an eye on the proceedings. I don't trust one of her friends...
I ...out. Got a skillet full of cheesy Italian Hamburger Helper on the burner right now. Not sure what I'll do tonight, but I do know that it's going to be not much. My kid is on spring break and she's spending the day out with her friends tomorrow, and the local roller skating rink is having a special Thursday afternoon skate for the kids so I guess they're going up there. I may tag along just to keep an eye on the proceedings. I don't trust one of her friends...
One the favorites for The Princess. I will not even mention that to The Princess else we will be having it once a week again. ;)

I got to use my big grill/smoker today. Went through 3yrs worth of old bills and assorted junk mail that got saved in a box. Found the service/operators manuals for several pieces of gear and burned the rest in my smoker. I got all the critter feed I bought monday unloaded and stacked in the pole barn.

Power went off for about an hour, generator still trying to flood. Messed with it for a bit. Time to take it to the small eng shop. Pretty sure what’s wrong but I’d rather pay Mr. B to pull the carb apart and clean it. Along with anything else that needs tweaked. Needs a new plug for sure.

Went through the house and my truck, gathered up all the assorted cleaning rags and washed them, drying now.

Dad came by and left $200 on my kitchen table while I was out, have no idea what it’s for. I no longer ask, just take the money and buy them extra groceries when I shop for them. They have quite the food storage built up... don't know about it yet.

Nothing planned but tv.
Neighbor came by, needing to use a pasture of ours for his cows while his oats get planted and take hold. Nothing is in it right now, so that'll be fine. He said ok about doing all of our animal chores when we go to Weedy's city next month for husband's medical stuff. The other neighbor that I drive said she'd take care of the garden and greenhouse while we're gone. So that's a good trade.
@Weedygarden & @LadyLocust - I did 14 years in the public schools, the last 10 as an admin (Director of IT) going to all the admin and board meetings. It was crazy a decade ago, I can't imagine how it is now as "woke" as everything is. It would take a mountain of money to get me to go back and then it would just be until I got my house paid off :)

Barely catching up at work, but almost a week away got me pretty behind. I'll catch up someday. Dug all my greenhouse trays out of storage - I know I'm a bit behind schedule but I figure better late than never. With the hoophouse I should be able to harvest slow growing crops late into the season. I've been stalking chicks but they literally sell out between when they arrive and when I drive to the store from work (20-30 min drive). I finally decided that I'd hatch some and traded some baby quail for 2 doz fertile eggs with a local farmer. I only plan on keeping 6, but I figure I can sell the extras for $6-10 each and pocket some cash. It's no more work to hatch 24 than it is 6 and I've got room in my brooders.
Finding reliable childcare in my area is not easy. And the state laws are pretty lax on abuse.

Yesterday I went for my medical appointment. My bloodwork wasn't ready yet, which is weird because it should only take 15min to 45min for it & I had blood taken before noon the day before. I'm down to 200lbs so the doctor thinks my bloodwork will be better. He asked what I was doing to lose weight and I said pretty much cutting back on carbs and snacking on pistachios and salads instead of the carbs when I got hungry. Turns out we both like the ranch cobb salads. He moved my arm around to see how it was doing and said he'd write a new scrip for the naproxyn in an amount that should trigger a discount from goodrx or singlecare. He said that when Joe is at the pharmacy he'll always try to find one of the discount services to work with the RX. Joe is the really sweet pharmacist who worked there for over a decade, left, and then came back on a part-time basis.

I went to Walmart and grabbed some bread & groceries. Got a rotisserie chicken and shredded it. Then I took a long nap. Got up to cook for mom again and then racked out again.

My body was aching too much to keep sleeping on my right side, sleeping on my back gives me trouble breathing, and I can't sleep on my left side bc of my arm/shoulder. So, I'm awake and sitting up with cats on my lap. Probably going to grab some breakfast in a bit. When the sun comes up I'm thinking of trying out the tub repair kit on an inconspicuous spot (after I charge the blue light).
There are people who have been child care providers who once the nanny camera was turned on, were proven to not be good child care people. Some people have limited abilities and educations, but were raised in homes where abuse of children was common. I'd be very afraid of just anyone being my child's care giver.
20 years ago when my fist child was born she was the 2nd grandchild and after an aunt that was watching her during the day couldn't continue her childcare business I asked my M.I.L. how much it would take to have her quit her part time job and watch our daughter 4 days a week. M.I.L. and F.I.L. came up with $1000.00 a month. the spousal unit and I were getting paid decent money and agreed. Guess what happened as soon as gramma was home all the time to watch our daughter. My worthless in laws started dropping their daughter off on a regular basis, then a year later they were dropping off 2 kids on a regular basis. And many times not just for the day because they regularly came up with excuses to need gramma to watch the kids all day and all night. But I was still paying the bill and they were paying nothing. Shortly after my son was born my daughter was going to preschool because the spousal unit was a teacher and her school in the low rent part of town had an early childhood program so my son was at grammas with 2 of his cousins and I was still footing the full bill. One day I picked him up after I got off work and because gramma had her hands full with the two spoiled brats my son had crawled around all day with no socks or shoes and his tow nails were worn down to nothing and his toes were bleeding. I was still the one paying the bill, I was less than happy, and I was the bad guy for ever after for complaining about the situation.
Moral of the story, no matter how much you trust someone, no matter how much you pay them, no matter how special you think they are to your kids there is no guarantee you will get the care you expect. There are pot heads neighbors who may give the best care in the world, there are family members who may not be good at all even if getting paid big bucks.
Sorry to come off grumpy but my life (and family life) was ruined because I trusted my children to their grammas care and because I was the outsider and not part of their family blood I get to be responsible for everything wrong in life from the evolution of mankind until the demise of the universe.

I know it is tough but I believe if a couple wants to have kids they should be living a modest life and able to have one parent stay home to raise the kid(s) to ensure they are safe and properly cared for, and some people should never have kids to begin with because it just isn't fair to the kids.

Sorry, this is kind off off topic from the original post topic but it is related to the topic Weedygarden mentioned.
As many of you know I work at Home Depot at night unloading trucks and stocking shelves. For the past 6 weeks or so I have been watching a kitchen sink cabinet base that has been on clearance and slowly marked down in price from it's $200 original price to its current $50 price, which is the last price drop before they toss it in the trash. As with most their cabinets sold in the store it is very poorly made, and other ones I bought a few years ago that were marked down needed a lot of reinforcing to make them worthy of being used in the garage. I asked an assistant manager if they would accept $30 since it has been at $50 for a couple weeks and still hasn't sold, explaining I would need to reinforce it and build a drawer since sink bases do not have a drawer and that I wanted it for the garage to extend a work bench I built on top of the previous 3 cabinets I bought from the store a few years ago.
Guess what. I was told NO. I was told they can't lower the price for an employee unless they lower the price and have it in the store for 24 hours available for a "customer" to purchase at the lower price, and on top of that the store is at it's limit for markdowns for the current time period so they wouldn't lower the price because it would look bad on their books.
Aside from past experiences in the store when I would go "shopping" on my days off and either have "employees" ignore me or walk away when I was trying to ask a question so they could "help a customer" I am now told by a manager that if I am trying to buy something I am not a real customer and they would rather throw away a product instead of reducing the price a bit to make any money for the store. The best part, when they do toss it in the trash they pay by the pound for the trash in the dumpster so not only are they not making some money off the clearance item they will have to pay to throw it in the trash.
We keep hearing promises on how the District Managers will be coming in to meet with us to get feedback on the freight unload process and see how things are going in our store related to our specific work responsibilities. They were supposed to be there in January, but that was postponed to March (last night) but it is now postponed to June or July. I had made a list of various suggestions to make things better and more profitable for the store but it was in my apron pocket so long it fell apart and I tossed it in the trash last week. A couple month ago I stopped printing out new price tags for the shelves when I found the old price tag was lower than the new price, and I stopped pointing out other problems I noticed to management because they never corrected any of the other problems I pointed out the past 5 months. Saturday I will go to Lowes and talk to the assistant manager there that always smiles and talks with me about my current projects because he knows I work at Home Depot and he always makes sure I get great service in his store. I will ask him to let me know the next time they have cabinets on clearance, and he has my phone number and wont hesitate to call me and sometimes I even get their employee discount even though I work at Home Depot and not Lowes. I can't wait to share this with the Home Depot District Managers IF THEY EVER SHOW UP AS PROMISED.
Tomorrow (today) I plan to go to the small town north of here for a late lunch at the diner, but I will stop in at the small cabinet shop to ask about a job. It is half the driving distance and would be daytime hours instead of over night, the pay might not be as much but with a weeks worth of practice I will be able to pick up where I left off building cabinets 35 years ago which is everything from assembly to sanding and staining and spraying and even installation.
Home Depot freight team is a great position but management in the store is atrocious. No wonder they can't keep decent employees in the store. The only reason they have great sales numbers is because the city only has 2 Home Depots and 1 Lowes and there are enough people here to probably support 3 of each if they existed.
Well, I hope all ya'all have a great day, sweet dreams for me.
INResponse, I'm sorry that happened with you and your kids. My friend's ex was abused by her adopted mother but she only had kids to use as Instagram props and to baby trap my friend so he would financially support her. She would send the first one over to her adopted mother for babysitting & the adopted mom was giving benadryl to a 3 month old to make him sleep so she wouldn't have to deal with him. Every single time he came back from there he was sick but she continued to send him over. On the HD thing, are you able to snag stuff as its being tossed out or is that against the rules? When I worked at the naval exchange they told me that I could snag stuff that was being thrown out when it was too old. A friend also told me they had a thing at Walmart where if something didn't sell and was getting tossed they could wait by the dumpsters to grab stuff. Some stores make them send the unsold inventory back to somewhere. Sucks that stuff just gets tossed though. If they donated it to charity they'd get some perks and it would save them on disposal fees. I hope things go well at Lowes.

I'm playing a computer game and resting until I get motivated enough to get up.
Need to run a load of dog bedding through the wash. Thinking I'll take it tot the laundromat because my old dog got sick all over it and our washer doesn't have hot water currently. Also need to run by the feed store because the veggie starts I ordered are in
@INresponse . Reminds me of working for the man. I asked the consultant who was being showered with gratitude, "WTF? We (employees) been telling them that for years, but they didn't listen!" The consultant replied, "they listen to me because I charge them a lot of money."

On another occasion, I got reprimanded for digging A stainless steel wheeled cart outta the dumpster. It was in perfect shape. Casters and all! $200 cart. At least it should have went in the metal scrap bin? (right next to the dumpster)

If corporate America wasn't big enough to be connected with a corrupt government, they'd go broke dang quick?
Had some rain last night, off and on, dunno how much in total but the ground may be soft enough to do some digging for new planting... so I'm gonna check that this morning. It's always easier to dig after rain falls in the high desert, as the ground can be hard and stony when dry. Otherwise, the usual household chores, no need to go anywhere... my weed seedlings are thriving in the foil pan, those things are growing like gangbusters, lol. :oops:

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