What's everybody doing today?

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Today is the day for the upgrade on the Ram 6.7 stock air intake to the Banks Power Monster Ram intake. I had about 5 hours of sleep so thought 5 am was a good time to prep the area with the tools and parts. I think my magnet mount Harbor Freight LED lights will work well for shedding some light in the engine bay.


The blue arrow is the part being replaced.

The neighbor is still helping by reading the step by step instructions and placing parts in order as they are removed, the future step son in law will be watching, learning, and probably helping a bit too. I am hoping everything comes apart easy and none of the old plastic parts or connectors break from old age,
What is the easiest way (I hope) to work on the top end of the engine on a full size truck so you can reach stuff without bending your back for several hours?
Rest one end of one of those fancy multifolding ladders on a stack of old tires and rest the other on on a thick moving blanket on the fender of the truck. Use a piece of plywood for a flat surface and cover it with another moving blanket. A step stool lets me climb up there and a pillow (to be located soon) will go under my chest and shoulders.

Hopefully it is more comfortable than this $3000.00 gadget.
I carry solomon's seal, poke, sweetleaf, yarrow, passion flwr, vervain, crossvine, lions mane, sida, elder, yellowroot and usnea. 12 in number, 10 directly help my health issues. 2 are extra anti-viral/biotics. 5 of the others are also great anti-viral/biotics but I take them for other reasons. Plants are amazing, they can treat very different issues at the same time.

The case sits in the kitchen. I might not take any of them for days. I take the case with me sometimes to the big town or when I might be out for several hours. Cfs can flare anytime.

Like when I took my guitar to tn last fall. I knew I might be gone a few days so I took 2nd small case. It had extra bottles of high dosage tinctures and a few more goodies.

As it happened I was an hour into that trip when I did get the flu. Those tinctures were responsible for being able to drive home the next day. It was a nasty flu bug and they held it at bay. Cfs goes into overdrive at any major stressor. The trip was going to take a huge toll, require 7-10 days of rest when I got back home. But the flu added on top? Without those tinctures I'd have been flat of my back in tn, unable to come home. Cost me $$$ in hotel bills. And there's nothing worse than a hotel when you're sick.

I hope it'll never be necessary but with those 12 tinctures could handle a wide range of very serious health issues... even injuries like broken bones, snake bite and penetration wounds. But weekly they help me deal with cfs, old age and old injures. I didn't even know I had the vid until my nose went wonky after the fact.
Thanks for the info Peanut
It's a miserable day outside, sleet, snow, ice. There was a sheet of ice on the Ranger windshield just driving from the house to the barn. Animals staying in. We rotated out the large lambs since they are the most resistant to bad weather and put them in the pasture shelter, and much to my surprise they stayed in it . Usually they just go out into the pasture even in bad weather. They were only out for a few hours while we rotated the other animals around and cleaned watered and fed everyone.
Still waiting on last sheep and goats are now due. So we might get babies in this crappy weather. It's supposed to be bad for 4 days.

Baked a ginngerbread cake last night we are having for breakfast. New recipe , it's a little dry, I think it needed more butter or eggs or something, but good with my tea
You mean there is something worse than round up? What? I have 24d, tried that first, it did nothing at all.
You could try Pramitol, but it might kill your trees too. It will basically sterilize the soil for a minimum of one year and most likely much longer. I've used it around buildings and fences and it works great, but it kills everything...
We got about 6 or so as well..but alot of it is muddy slush. Yesterday..I walked to the fence in the back yard n pounded through two feet of wet n heavy snow still..I'm over it..its usually gone by now..gah..
Hope your hip heals soon..
Thanks Hooch,
Yeah we couldn't do much. Yesterday was very slushy, it's mostly all melted now. The road is a disaster. We are going to try and put up the greenhouse today. Hip is a bit better today but still sore. Hoping being outside and active helps.
What is the easiest way (I hope) to work on the top end of the engine on a full size truck so you can reach stuff without bending your back for several hours?
Rest one end of one of those fancy multifolding ladders on a stack of old tires and rest the other on on a thick moving blanket on the fender of the truck. Use a piece of plywood for a flat surface and cover it with another moving blanket. A step stool lets me climb up there and a pillow (to be located soon) will go under my chest and shoulders.
View attachment 105400
Hopefully it is more comfortable than this $3000.00 gadget.
View attachment 105401
My buddy purchased a topside creeper for work on our N-scale model railroad. He didn't like it it being uncomfortable and having to hold his head up. It is in his barn last time I saw it.

Thanks Hooch,
Yeah we couldn't do much. Yesterday was very slushy, it's mostly all melted now. The road is a disaster. We are going to try and put up the greenhouse today. Hip is a bit better today but still sore. Hoping being outside and active helps.
Alot melted over here too..and the dirt roads are now mud bogs. I have a greenhouse to put up as well but it has to dry out a tad first..dont over do it..
Knocked out some household chores, changed the clocks, took a shower, now I'm doing a load of laundry... gonna water once that laundry is done, it's a nice day outside and I wanna take another look at where I'm gonna plant the melons. That will give me some idea of how many bags of soil I'll need for soil amendment. I'm gonna be a melon-planting fool here pronto, I already started some seeds just to see how long it takes for them to germinate... once I know that, I'll start the rest, lol. :cool:

Tuesday is looking like a good day for a bike ride: sunny & clear with a high in the upper 70s, no stinking wind in the forecast (yet). Hopefully it's a calm day with plenty o' sunshine, and I can FINALLY get back to the mountains, lol... picnic lunch on the trail somewhere, I have some leftover steak that'll be perfect for a big ol' hoagie! Toss a few cold beers into one of the saddlebags with some ice, and I'll be good to go! Maybe see some wildlife on the trail, now that spring is in the air... :rolleyes:
Had lots of stuff I wanted to get done this weekend but got hit hard by the exhaustion stick when I got home from town yesterday. Like dozing off mid snack on the couch. Still made myself pull a few weeds in the garden for prep yesterday. Still can't shake it today. At minimum I'm going to make myself do the dishes, take trash up to the dumpster, take an exam for one of my classes, fill dog waters, and pull a few weeds. Need to pull the tent out and check it for mildew too because I'll need it a couple nights this week.
Busy day
Drove to feed a cat breakfast
Took a dog to the park.
Came home.
Went to church
Came home
Let the dog out
Daughter came to pick me up
Went to see and hear the symphony play
went to dinner with daughter and her partner
Came home
Went to feed the cat dinner
Took the dog to the dog park again
Came home.
Sitting down, relaxing.
Hubby and I came in the house about 30 minutes ago. It's kinda chilly, we are having hot chocolate (yep, 54° out there)! Cleaned my building this morning and made a quick Walmart run!! Town was quiet, guess the time change helped with that! Got a ten minute nap, and got a bunch of outside jobs done. It was in the mid 60's so nice for working outside. Got the oil changed in my truck, managed to spill oil on the concrete pulling the pan out from under it!☹️ The recliner is pretty nice right now!!
I had a little talk with my boss after work today. There is a situation with one of my coworkers brewing, and I asked my boss if I would get written up for causing death or serious injury to said coworker. He said, Of course you will, don't be stupid. Then he found out who I was talking about and said he would make me employee of the month for it!

It appears I'm not the only one who isn't happy with the guy at the moment...
I really hate the stooopid time change. Never bothered to change my clocks last November, so they're right again now, but my body clock just gets so messed up. Won't be able to sleep tonight which will make work tomorrow miserable, then I'll need a nap and not be able to sleep again....bah humbug to the idiot politicians that keep this thing going.
Drove out to see a friend yesterday, had a good visit but the restaurant we met at was so stinking loud we had to go sit in my truck to have a conversation.
This morning I drove some very icy roads pulling a trailer to go look at a motorcycle; decided to buy it and brought it home. Then had a heck of a time getting it off the trailer and into the shop building through the 8" of heavy snow we have. My walking path to the shop has drifted in again too.
I need to bring in a couple more lights to put over my seed staring area but was just too tired. Maybe tomorrow.
I went on a roam yesterday. Back to check on my favorite place. It is not being kept up and there was a high wind recently that rolled up some of the old tin roof. and the windows are starting to break or glass falling out of the panes.



This is at the top of a ridge before dropping down into the hollow. Here's a few looking out to the side yard and beyond.

I'm still feeling tired. Slept until noon. Massaged my arm that is bugging me. Fed kitties. Cooked for mom. Went for curbside pickup at Walmart (the associates liked the trunk in my pickup bed), did some cleaning with "help" from my cats (like getting inside the dustpan and sitting on things I was trying to sweep up). Mom said I was doing a good job (which is rare for her to say). Had to take a break because my back was going out. I'll resume in a bit. Did get a lot done though. I hauled some trash outside as well. Cleaned my toilet. When my back is feeling better I need to clean mom's toilet. I'd ask my brother to do it but he's never cleaned a toilet in his life and I doubt he knows how.

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