I carry solomon's seal, poke, sweetleaf, yarrow, passion flwr, vervain, crossvine, lions mane, sida, elder, yellowroot and usnea. 12 in number, 10 directly help my health issues. 2 are extra anti-viral/biotics. 5 of the others are also great anti-viral/biotics but I take them for other reasons. Plants are amazing, they can treat very different issues at the same time.
The case sits in the kitchen. I might not take any of them for days. I take the case with me sometimes to the big town or when I might be out for several hours. Cfs can flare anytime.
Like when I took my guitar to tn last fall. I knew I might be gone a few days so I took 2nd small case. It had extra bottles of high dosage tinctures and a few more goodies.
As it happened I was an hour into that trip when I did get the flu. Those tinctures were responsible for being able to drive home the next day. It was a nasty flu bug and they held it at bay. Cfs goes into overdrive at any major stressor. The trip was going to take a huge toll, require 7-10 days of rest when I got back home. But the flu added on top? Without those tinctures I'd have been flat of my back in tn, unable to come home. Cost me $$$ in hotel bills. And there's nothing worse than a hotel when you're sick.
I hope it'll never be necessary but with those 12 tinctures could handle a wide range of very serious health issues... even injuries like broken bones, snake bite and penetration wounds. But weekly they help me deal with cfs, old age and old injures. Also kicks flu/colds butt. I didn't even know I had the vid until my nose went wonky after the fact.