What's everybody doing today?

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I actually have A DAY OFF!! The couple I work for on Saturdays woke up not feeling well. So I am just now getting a cup of coffee, every critter is fed, laundry is going and I cleaned the bathrooms already! Now I am sitting for a bit! Going to be a warm day, upper 80's, so I am hitting the pool float this afternoon (despite the wind)!
Three months from today and they turn 18 and they can be their own problem. Right now, as has been the last year or so, they are on a smear campaign. To make us look bad, makes them feel good. They'll probably be good for that family for about a month or so, then they can boot them to the curb. I would worry more about them influencing their 14 yr old daughter....drugs, how to use DCF as a weapon (child services), how to use a therapist as a weapon, how to do smear campaigns.....all that nasty stuff. But oh well. It's almost time to let this all go.
I have no idea what's on the agenda today. Morning stuff will be started soon. I have plenty of to do's on my list, but we'll see if husband wants to do something today.

Amish Heart...Just know that the prayers of Jim and I are with you.
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Gonna finish clearing out the garden today so hopefully can get it tilled tomorrow. It's full of weeds that I don't want tilled under. Visiting family for a few days next week so will put off planting until the end of the week. We're already hitting 90°F+ so can't skip watering every day.
Go to Harbor Freight and buy some cheap tarps. Cover the offending plants. No sunlight, they will die off. Just a suggestion.
I already tried that, not working. They are growing in between bushes and trees so odd shaped areas you can't put tarps down well, plus the wind tends to blow them off around here unless up put a bunch of blocks or big rocks on them.
Round up is supposed to kill them but it said you might have to do it twice.
I already tried that, not working. They are growing in between bushes and trees so odd shaped areas you can't put tarps down well, plus the wind tends to blow them off around here unless up put a bunch of blocks or big rocks on them.
Round up is supposed to kill them but it said you might have to do it twice.
Round Up doesn't have enough kick to it!!
I got home around 130 last night.
We managed to get a full shift in at the mill. The small log line is going..kinda..the trim saw was having alot of issues. The computer that runs the sorting bins was not sorting at first.
I'd get a bin that was maybe 1o layers of everything mixed up n the rest mostly like 10 ft 2x6. So at first I would pull out all the mis sorted lumber. After 3 bins of that..my forklift driver told me just make it all rerun since it's going into the same kiln track. That was good to know because I was tired after trying to sort it out..thats alot of wood.
A ton of lumber is going into the reject bin as well and ALL the reject lumber has to be stacked n stickered to go directly into the kilns. We cant run it back into the mill to be fixed because the wiring for that machine was damaged.
So after we had our game plan figured out ..thankfully they fixed the bug in the computer and I started getting good bins with very little miss sort.
I'm not sure what the game plan is for next week yet.
Today, I'm going to roll into town n walk the dogs. I've have to stop by the store n my buddie wants to meet at the thrift store. Then at 2 , there is the 3rd meeting of neighbors and folks from my community n area. So far there is about a dozen of us and growing. Were forming a community group/watch/mutual assistance/ whatever else. Last meeting was developing communications in the event cell service was down. We've discovered those little radios that hunters utilize work well in our area for many. Where I'm located high above ..everyone who participated could hear me even across the small valley. One person down by a river couldnt due to line of sight..they might get a antenna.
This meeting were going to touch on that again n share ideas on medical training n setting up first aid kits for home n vehicle if folks dont have that done yet.
Errands today. Went grocery shopping, went to doc's office for second shingles shot, mailed flashlight to manufacturer for warranty repair/replacement, planning to install new shower head in guest bathroom after lunch, maybe going to the Avalanche hockey game later this afternoon.
I'm jealous of everyone's warm weather. We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday. Today is sunny, high will be 40 degrees.
Injured my right hip 2 days ago, so I've been laid up anyway. Probably just read a book today. Resting up to go back to work Tuesday, I hope the hip heals by then. I hate being injured, too much to do!
I'm not going to make it to town before the meeting.
I'm dragging my tired butt..I had to debone a chicken n finish the chicken n rice dog food.
Then go out n feed the birds, dig out the other coop door to the run n catch a extra female young turkey I'm giving some folks I know in the group. They just bought a tom from the lady I sold my some turkeys too last year. They were looking for a female and I have a extra female. So that worked out great. They plan on breeding as well so now If one of us looses our tom, we have a way to replace them locally.
But first I had to dig the door out, catch her n now I have to shower n get my medical bag n books loaded.
Then after walk the dogs n get a few groceries.
I'm jealous of everyone's warm weather. We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday. Today is sunny, high will be 40 degrees.
Injured my right hip 2 days ago, so I've been laid up anyway. Probably just read a book today. Resting up to go back to work Tuesday, I hope the hip heals by then. I hate being injured, too much to do!
We got about 6 or so as well..but alot of it is muddy slush. Yesterday..I walked to the fence in the back yard n pounded through two feet of wet n heavy snow still..I'm over it..its usually gone by now..gah..
Hope your hip heals soon..
Ended up running to the small town to pick up a water trough that I ordered back in August. Almost didn't get it because they priced it at $160. He could tell I wasn't happy and I told him that they had told me like $130 back in August when they ordered it! He thought about it a second and said it's my lucky day and he gave it to me for $130. Also picked up more bulk garden seed because I can't find mine at the moment and I really need to plant this week. Got some 1015 onion seeds to expirement with, I've only ever done them from sets. Also went by TSC and the other feed stores to check some prices.
It's good the wife is going with you, LazyL, that would not be acceptable around here. Even driving a female cousin somewhere....husband has me go or pops little granddaughter in the car.
Little granddaughter wanted to go into town, so we went to the thrift store, amish discount store, and post office. She found some throw pillows and blankets to use in her clubhouse that is on the second story garage. She made a cake, and now is decorating the club with paper flowers. I did some work in the food storage room...organizing, and had repackaging to do. Meant to get to mom's place, but ran out of steam. Tomorrow.
Not much today... Went down to the volunteer fire dept for catfish plates, got dinner for the folks too. Saw a great uncle while I was there, and an uncle and aunt... and more cousins than I could count.

Leaving I noticed they had the little league field ready for summer. I actually played little league on this very field. I was on the visiting team as I played for another community.

There used to be a school here also. The building was still standing when I was a kid. My mother went to elementary school here in the 40's. Lots of history at this old field.

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The rain started Friday, off and on rain today, even had a brief thunderstorm. I put plastic sheeting down over my part of the driveway to reduce the mud bogs from the street to the garage. The truck in in the garage, tomorrow will be the upgrade to the new backs air intake horn and the deletion of the potentially fatal heater grid in the intake. It should be a relatively easy job, just need to deal with the many electrical connectors and the removal and replacement of the fuel lines that are in the way.
GF's oldest daughters boyfriend is here, well I guess fiancé is the correct term now. He had a great career going in California doing software coding but his company laid off the entire department and his supervisor without warning so he will be moving to Utah within the next few weeks and their wedding that was tentatively planned for a year out has been bumped up considerably. Apparently without a steady job his visa is going away fast and he has 2 months to get a new job with a company that is willing to sponsor him or he has to get married. The marriage part was inevitable but she has a few more months of college to get her degree and this is adding a bunch of stress to all involved. He is a great guy, works hard, is very knowledgeable, and has done well with saving money even while buying a nice new hot rod Mustang and traveling to see the natural beauty of our country when vacation time permits. He hated California and didn't plan to stay there, he said the taxes and politics were insane, even compared to where he grew up in China. He talked this all over with his parents, who are still in China and well to do there, and they do not want him moving back to China due to their political BS. He enjoys muscle cars, our national parks, shooting sports, and eventually wants to learn about hunting. He is already an avid fisherman and kinda bummed about having to settle for the 'average" fishing opportunities in Utah compared to California and Florida. He even wants to help me work on my truck tomorrow so he can learn more about vehicle mechanics. He wanted to wait until his parents met our daughter before getting engaged but there now isn't time for them to get here so they will have a small church wedding here with a small reception and when his parents finally come to visit they will have a larger Chinese type wedding with a larger gathering. GF's daughter has been studying Chinese since high school, and now in college, and has visited China several times staying with "host" families prior to the covid BS. He wants to get a real house with a big garage so he can work on cars. But hopefully the next few months while he is waiting to find a new job he will be able to help me with work around my house and homestead. I think I will be able to use that time to not only teach him to be self reliable and to be prepared with water and food storage and a firearm or two for self defense and hunting.
Home made meatballs and pasta for dinner, home made cookies, and some very good pies from the local pie place for desert. Mmmmm, I am gonna be fat by bed time tonight.
Aside from all that, I got nothing going on here. =-)
Plowed more snow, didn't even bother with the little tractor this round, tomorrow firewood .
that will be a work out, the snow is thigh deep in the bush. 20 years ago that would have been fun, now not so much.
Everything gets harder as you get older!! 🤔 Maybe not everything 😉!
Now I am going to bed, but just had the great cat food conundrum!! So I fed the two outside cats by the backdoor. One of the local toms showed up, but hauled butt when Bear and I went to the door. The girls left, the tom ran, and a (an?) opossum swoops in for cat food! So I tell bear to wait, and I stick the CO2 pistol out the door and open fire on the opossum. Oops, hit it in the eye, and it sat at the end of Bear's yard, outside the fence to take care of it's face! So I threw a rock at it to make it go away so Bear would pee and I can go to bed!! Now I can't sleep because I feel horrible about hurting the opossum! POO!!
Calf #5 born today. Mom cleaned it well but pushing her away-not letting suck. When I got home we put mom in stockpen and went to get calf. Put mom in squeeze chute. Husband said calf to weak to stand. He went to get bottle. I propped calf up between my knees and kept milking into her mouth. When he got back she was standing and nursing. Mom a first year heifer. Don’t want to bottle feed. Hopefully all will be well in morning
@TeeJ Have a good trip but be careful. VA is a long drive from utah. Get into difficulty give a shout. You might be close to a member.

Rainy out so inside chores today. I have a small plastic tackle box (kids). I use it to hold tinctures for travel and my daily use. I lined it with shipping foam because about half the bottles are glass.

Today I switched the breakable glass bottles with plastic bottles. Until I ran out of plastic bottles. Called a buddy to see if he had any of the white bottles. I found out the 5-hour energy bottles are the same size as plastic tincture bottles. I have a couple somewhere in the house. (he’s placing and order next week for a range of tincture bottle sizes. I’ll piggy back my order onto his.)

Also, I haven’t printed out bottle labels since I switched from windows to linux. Took a while to figure out how to use Libre Office writer for label printing. Got 2 pages of new labels printed out, should last a while.

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If youdon't mind me asking, what tinqures do you carry with you?
Wow, I haven't been on this thread in a while. 7 pages later here I am. LOL

Been busy at work. Got funding for 3 BIG projects on seperate buildings. Plus trying to keep up with day to day work, buying parts, etc. Throw in 7 new Telecom Proposals to work thru. Last 3 weeks has been a blur.
Then we have trying to get some things finished up, or started around the house before garden season arrives.
Whew, where did Feburary go, and half of March
If youdon't mind me asking, what tinqures do you carry with you?
I carry solomon's seal, poke, sweetleaf, yarrow, passion flwr, vervain, crossvine, lions mane, sida, elder, yellowroot and usnea. 12 in number, 10 directly help my health issues. 2 are extra anti-viral/biotics. 5 of the others are also great anti-viral/biotics but I take them for other reasons. Plants are amazing, they can treat very different issues at the same time.

The case sits in the kitchen. I might not take any of them for days. I take the case with me sometimes to the big town or when I might be out for several hours. Cfs can flare anytime.

Like when I took my guitar to tn last fall. I knew I might be gone a few days so I took 2nd small case. It had extra bottles of high dosage tinctures and a few more goodies.

As it happened I was an hour into that trip when I did get the flu. Those tinctures were responsible for being able to drive home the next day. It was a nasty flu bug and they held it at bay. Cfs goes into overdrive at any major stressor. The trip was going to take a huge toll, require 7-10 days of rest when I got back home. But the flu added on top? Without those tinctures I'd have been flat of my back in tn, unable to come home. Cost me $$$ in hotel bills. And there's nothing worse than a hotel when you're sick.

I hope it'll never be necessary but with those 12 tinctures could handle a wide range of very serious health issues... even injuries like broken bones, snake bite and penetration wounds. But weekly they help me deal with cfs, old age and old injures. Also kicks flu/colds butt. I didn't even know I had the vid until my nose went wonky after the fact.
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