What's everybody doing today?

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It was rough getting up and going to work this morning. Don't feel great so after work I ran a few errands in town that I'd been putting off before heading home. Got supplies put away and critters fed. Fixed sprinkler and have it going in the garden. While that's doing it's thing I'm going to get chick waterer and feeder cleaned/topped off. Have leftovers from Saturdays cooking marathon for supper. Need to make a batch of banana bread tonight. Have a few cold ones and get to bed before 11pm hopefully.

Also get a small trial batch of fermented chicken feed going. Been doing research and supposedly fermenting the feed is really good for them as well as helping reduce waste and amount consumed due to more bioavailability of the nutrients. Anything to cut costs is going to be good because non-gmo and organic feeds aren't cheap.
This weekend I installed a room air conditioner in the Master bedroom, it is on the SouthWest corner and it is always hot in the summer. The wife has been having trouble dealing with "any heat" this year and anything above 69 is warm to her. Yesterday it got to 88, the whole house HVAC was set to 72 and the window unit was set to 69. The results were impressive, the house felt much cooler than normal and the HVAC was not working as hard (not cycling as much), temperatures were more consistent through out the house.

The window unit is drawing about 500 watts, so the next step is to run a cord to the greenhouse so I can power it off my solar/battery backup. What is really exciting is when I designed the solar part I was thinking 500 watts for the Oxygen concentrator, but I doubled the solar capacity after I realized that the overcast days were really cutting my output. We also got a new O2 machine that only draws about 350 watts so it would appear that I now have enough solar to cover both on sunny days and still charge the batteries a little.
On a side note we have a friend that about to be evicted. She is 80 and turned over her finances to her youngest kid and apparently the house payment was not being made... for years (long enough that the bank sold the house).

Our friend has been bed ridden for over a decade, she only eats breakfast drinks and pudding cups (no teeth). Her care giver (oldest child who is not mentally acute) told my wife that she had been diluting it with milk, but they don't have the money for milk. I suggested we get a list of what food they need and deliver them a care package. The wife says that the freeloading kids and grand kids that live in the house will eat all the food and it wouldn't help our old friend. I have had some exposure to the youngest kid, they are a wheeler dealer, buying stuff high and selling it cheap... Making up the difference with volume. I know our friend had her husband's military pension and social security... I just can't imagine how anyone could do their parents that way... It leaves me with so many unanswered questions, mostly how were the bills being prioritized, and if the bills weren't being paid what was the money being used for?
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Urban I hate hearing about your friend. Just no excuse for that. None at all
Glad your AC install is making such a difference. And at such a low power consumpion. That is truly impressive.
Finally got more info at work as to what the deal is with the spectrum management complaints last week. It was from a Telecom Proposal that we did last year. Very complicated and took forever. Some parts was at the lab, others was in other states. I was very specific as to what frequencies they were allowed to use. I cut a bunch out they had requested to make that work. Apparently DOE felt like they should have been consulted. We typically only do that when there is a request for use in non-federal approved frequencies. There ended up being none so I didn't consult them. I really think the whole deal was that we don't have a procedure for people to look up and figure out contacts, what they can and can't do, and to do all that before buying equipment. So I have now started a outline and notes on what all needs to go on the procedure. Getting input from the rest of my team, quality, bosses, etc to make sure we cover everything. Also found out who to contact and get help with getting out procedure put in the procedure system. Long process altogether, but the lady I talked with was very nice and will be a huge help once I get out stuff together.
Later in the day had a supervisor meeting and found out we are hiring 3 more techs, a electrician, and a supervisor. We start interviews for the electrician this week.
Got home and built my last raised bed. Will put it in place tomorrow and start loading it with wood. Hopefully by Thursday I'll have it filled with compost and have it ready to plant.
That is awful, Urban. Look up senior services in your area, and let them know what's going on. Sounds like she'd be better off in assisted living, and the pension and ss could be used as payment. I know my mom loved her assisted living apartment and the people there. And the food was excellent.
Poor old dog Milo looks like he had a stroke or something a few hours ago. I did manage to get him to his kennel, but he's not looking hopeful. He was absolutely fine a few hours before when little granddaughter took him for a walk. Princess Fluffy came out for a breather to find me this morning, and let me check the kittens. Looks like 3 were stillborn, or died right after birth. I removed them, and she looked less agitated. The other three look ok so far.
That is awful, Urban. Look up senior services in your area, and let them know what's going on. Sounds like she'd be better off in assisted living, and the pension and ss could be used as payment. I know my mom loved her assisted living apartment and the people there. And the food was excellent.
Poor old dog Milo looks like he had a stroke or something a few hours ago. I did manage to get him to his kennel, but he's not looking hopeful. He was absolutely fine a few hours before when little granddaughter took him for a walk. Princess Fluffy came out for a breather to find me this morning, and let me check the kittens. Looks like 3 were stillborn, or died right after birth. I removed them, and she looked less agitated. The other three look ok so far.
I've had dogs have strokes, not nice, sorry!! Hope mommy cat and the rest of the kitties do well!!
That is awful, Urban. Look up senior services in your area, and let them know what's going on. Sounds like she'd be better off in assisted living, and the pension and ss could be used as payment. I know my mom loved her assisted living apartment and the people there. And the food was excellent.
Poor old dog Milo looks like he had a stroke or something a few hours ago. I did manage to get him to his kennel, but he's not looking hopeful. He was absolutely fine a few hours before when little granddaughter took him for a walk. Princess Fluffy came out for a breather to find me this morning, and let me check the kittens. Looks like 3 were stillborn, or died right after birth. I removed them, and she looked less agitated. The other three look ok so far.
Are you sure it was a stroke. My dog, Porter, out of the blue started walking like a drunken sailor on shore leave. He was wobbling, bumping into things, holding his head in a funny way. Took him to the vet and he had vestibular problems. His eyes were tracking back and forth uncontrollably.
I hope your dog recovers @Amish Heart ! I'm sure little granddaughter does, also. Did the dog happen to eat something on their walk?

Today is easy for me.
Walk dogs.
Make mayonnaise rolls.
Make Impossible Caramel pie.
I gave up on the salt rising bread until summer. Can't get a starter going. I may try a sourdough next week.
Give Peanut Butter a bath as she goes for haircut tomorrow. I prefer bathing her so I know what is used (with her seizure issues).
Other than that, just spend time outside with the pups while we are having excellent weather!
Made a town run since I'm feeling better... already watered, but I'm still gonna take it easy, just to make sure the pesky back stiffness is gone for good. Gonna make like Snappy1 and enjoy the spring weather outdoors... beautiful day here, though the wind might pick up later. Already enjoyed quality time with the cats outside, I'm letting their favorite weed patch grow to jungle standards, lol... those crazy fools love chasing each other through the jungle! They are SO FUNNY when they stalk each other and leap on high to escape (or get the edge). Black Diamond looked like a porpoise in the ocean as she made multiple jumps while chasing Z-Girl... both cats looked like they were high on crack, lol. :oops:
I am officially wiped out. Started the day with burying 100 lb Milo. Grave dug, had to wrap him in a sheet and hoist him into the wagon. Glad I practice with feed bags. Animal chores done, yelling at the manor on mom's behalf, husband's health is not good enough to travel for appts in Denver next week, so cancelled all that. He has an early morning chest xray and appt tomorrow, so I'll get him going early, and myself, too. Getting ready for little granddaughter's grade school spring music concert and skits. It'll be cute. Husband can't make it, but I'll clap for two. She has a new dress to wear and is very excited. My sis sent me a tshirt that I got today, based on what we were saying when she visited. It says, Truth is Fluid. Because that's what the twins believe, and actually most of those woke types. Cracked me up she sent that.
ABR, I hope you get feeling better. Are you still having headaches?

Urban, that is so incredibly sad. I've seen parents mistreat their kids and the kids mistreat their parents. I was lucky that as dysfunctional as my family is, we don't screw each other over like that. When I loaned my brother money to buy a truck he paid me back. It took awhile, but he did it. As annoying as he can be, I know he would never do something like that to family or anyone for that matter. The backstabbing like that is something my best friend's family would do though.

Snappy, sounds like a productive day!

Wingnut, I'm glad you're feeling better.

Amish, I'm so sorry about poor Milo. It always sucks. Sucks even more when they are that big & you have to bury them. Digging sucks to begin with but digging while grieving sucks more. One of mine had a stroke and then was diagnosed with a thyroid problem. She did live several more years afterward, but was never quite the same.

I went to the post office and Walmart. Got groceries and dissected two rotisserie chickens while watching Chopped on DVR. I'd wanted to do more cleaning but my body wasn't cooperating. I'm moving like a sloth today.
I'm doing some crazy thinking today. I've been in the market for a dairy cow for quite awhile. All I've seen in the state have either been old and on the verge of retirement or way overpriced. This afternoon I found a rather nice yearling Jersey heifer about 5 hours away for a decent price. Lady says she's been handled daily since birth and is very used to being touched all over. Also said to live the kiddos.

I have a conundrum. Do I use my tax return to buy the Jersey or pay on my debt 🤔
Called the vet yesterday to set up a spay appointment for Friday. Thought it would be a few weeks out but was surprised they had an opening for today so I took it! Dropped her off this morning at the vet and now just waiting for their call to pick her up. I ordered a donut for her yesterday and it was waiting on my porch when we got back from dropping her off. Looks like we are all set to help her heal and be done with major needed vet bills until after the move. I might take my tomcat to the vet in a few months to see about meds for the drive cross country but I am still in the air about that.

Plan on making and canning some pizza sauce. I have dough in the freezer and K keeps asking me to make pizza but I have no sauce made. Glad I have cheese and pepperoni in the freezer as well.
I'm doing some crazy thinking today. I've been in the market for a dairy cow for quite awhile. All I've seen in the state have either been old and on the verge of retirement or way overpriced. This afternoon I found a rather nice yearling Jersey heifer about 5 hours away for a decent price. Lady says she's been handled daily since birth and is very used to being touched all over. Also said to live the kiddos.

I have a conundrum. Do I use my tax return to buy the Jersey or pay on my debt 🤔
I would pay off the debt first. Once you are debt free you will have more options.


( Did I ever mention I hate debt?)
I am officially wiped out. Started the day with burying 100 lb Milo. Grave dug, had to wrap him in a sheet and hoist him into the wagon. Glad I practice with feed bags. Animal chores done, yelling at the manor on mom's behalf, husband's health is not good enough to travel for appts in Denver next week, so cancelled all that. He has an early morning chest xray and appt tomorrow, so I'll get him going early, and myself, too. Getting ready for little granddaughter's grade school spring music concert and skits. It'll be cute. Husband can't make it, but I'll clap for two. She has a new dress to wear and is very excited. My sis sent me a tshirt that I got today, based on what we were saying when she visited. It says, Truth is Fluid. Because that's what the twins believe, and actually most of those woke types. Cracked me up she sent that.
Sorry so much crap is happening/happened at once! Hope your hubby feels better soon!! Glad the twins are not there!! You are strong, but life adds up sometimes!!♥️
Big day, went to the big town, bought $50 worth of plants for dad. I got him cabbages, squash and 3 kinds of onions. Then across town for seed, got $30 worth of corn, purple hulls and some okra.

The kid who sold me the seed… turns out he plays mandolin, banjo and guitar. And he hasn’t been able to find folks to pick with since moving there last summer. I’ve been chasing down leads for just as long looking for local pickers. I gave up and started looking further away.

Now for the funny part… I’m going to a bluegrass camp thursday. The nearest town is just a wide spot in the road, it's where I got my new bush hog. Well, it happens to be this kid’s hometown!!! He drives past the road I live on when he visits his folks. Looks like I finally found a local picker!!! He was bummed about missing the bluegrass camp, has to work. He recognized some the names of the folks who'll be at the camp. That's a good sign, have to be seriously into bluegrass to know of them. Who am I kidding? At this point I'd be happy if I found someone who could play a kazoo. :rolleyes:

Then… I was so tired when leaving town I forgot a few grocery items I had to buy today. So this evening I went to the little town. Exhausted now and have to rest all day tomorrow. Just have to put some jeans and a shaving kit in a bag.
@Amish Heart that is some rough stuff going on. So much at the same time but thank goodness you don’t have to be dealing with the twins now. Sounds like you’re able to start enjoying the younger one. Sorry your husband is not feeling good.
That stuff with your mom’s medical….you did all the right things. I hope your mom does okay getting off the drugs. That can be rough too. :(
Sorry about Milo.
@Peanut glad you found another picker not too far. Sorry CFS is dragging you down.
@Peanut, I feel you on that. Tired & having trouble remembering things. Multiple trips to the store on different days because I forgot stuff or they were out of things.

I completely forgot to comment about Amish's husband. I hope he gets feeling better. Breathing issues can be scary.
Have some paperwork to do today, my least favorite ( fill out some applications to sell at festivals and add those locations to our liability insurance). Plus I promised daughter and son I would type up some of my recipes for them, that's another thing I have been putting off
One goat left to go , she is big and fat, hope she will be ok.
Husband forgot one of the livestock dogs outside , poor baby..( the goats she guards are in the barn, still cold out at night plus we try to limit the amount of grass they eat until more grows. We still have some hay to use up too.
This weekend I installed a room air conditioner in the Master bedroom, it is on the SouthWest corner and it is always hot in the summer. The wife has been having trouble dealing with "any heat" this year and anything above 69 is warm to her.
Sounds like me in Florida. We had 2 central a/c units because the original one was too small for the house after we added on to it, plus I added a window unit in the bedroom because I like it very cold at night. Here, I still have the window open in the bedroom when it is 50 degrees outside. We had over $500 electric bills in Florida, wonder what it would cost now.

And wow, that;s terrible! It sucks to get that old that you have to depend on anyone else to take care of you. If I ever become bedridden, I am out of here....
Yesterday I had a cleaning at the dentist and was told there are two small cavities that need attention so I go back in a few weeks for that fun. I got home in time for a couple hour nap before work. Work was OK, nothing special and nothing bad so I am good with that. I will be taking a quick shower soon to wash off all the dust and pollen the wind has been blowing around lately. I drove through several clouds of dust/sand on my drive home from work. Hopefully I can get to sleep fairly quick, like I have the past several nights. I had a few PBR's and my eye lids are heavy and the house is nice and cool so I think sleep will be easy to find. I like this time of year, the days are warm-ish and the nights are cool so the house doesn't cool down very fast and the furnace rarely cycles on and that keeps the bedroom comfortably cool for sleeping.
If I wake up at a decent hour I will do some work in the garage to further organize the clutter.

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