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I’d pay off debts before creating more expenses.
As we already have cattle I would not consider 1 more an extra expense, particularly when she could be used as a companion for the horse. After she's in milk I would also have income from selling the milk, butter and cheese. I already have several buyers lined up that keep asking when I'll have milk.
PRAYERS on the way Amish. Thats a ton of stuff to deal with allbat once. Hope your mom can get weaned off the unneeded drugs easy. Also hope Hubs get to feeling better quickly.

Peanut glad you found a picking buddy. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Thought I was getting past the stomach stuff from my new meds. But it reared back up. Up most of the night after not feeling too good yesterday. Took a day off work to try and recoup a little. Dont have time for this right now. To much I'm in the middle of at work. Trying to get the last bed finished up before I start planting garden next week.😳😳
Friday refused to eat last night after she came home from the vet. I ended up making canned dog food mush and syringe feeding her just to get something in her. She was doing better this morning and ate half her breakfast. She is a trooper. Glad that expense is over with.

Now I need to remind the girls to keep the puppy calm.
Well, the morning started with a plumbing problem, a partially-clogged line beneath the dual S/S sink in my kitchen... and my old plunger had dry rot so it blew out pronto, which necessitated a trip to town (I was just there yesterday) to bag a cheap $4 Walmart plunger to blow that clog apart. Meh, seems to have worked, it wasn't a full-on "oatmeal clog" yet, and I couldn't just take the trap apart, some moron glued one side of it... so I had to make another town run. :(

Dunno why the partial clog developed, I'm very careful to NOT put food down the sinks, I always wipe any debris off plates and bowls with paper towels which I then hurl in the trash. I'm trying to keep my new septic system up and running correctly, ya know? But this was just some sort of minor sink clog, it didn't seem to affect any other fixtures or drainage in my home. Can't really rod these sinks either, with the kind of drain shields they have. Meh, I'm over it... 😒

I already watered the essential trees & seedlings, and I put those melon seeds into some soil in a plastic tray, so we'll see how they fare. I'm gonna start some more melon seeds soon, I have some nice sunny patches in my yard which I wanna put to good use. I'm just gonna do what I can with what money I have, that seems to be a factor in this goldurned farming business, lol. Those materials add up too... I'm not RICH like Supe or others here at the site, lol. :confused:

But here's the GOOD news: since I (apparently) vanquished the partial sink clog and saved myself any more trouble in that department (knock on wood... er... I mean stainless steel), and it's already going on 1300 hours, I've decided to TAKE THE REST OF THE DAY OFF, lol. And yes, I'm drinking BUSTHEAD CIDER to celebrate the minor victory over the sink clog, lol. I believe I'm ready to do a bong hit, it's a beautiful day now that my sink drains properly, lol. Cheers! :cool:
As we already have cattle I would not consider 1 more an extra expense, particularly when she could be used as a companion for the horse. After she's in milk I would also have income from selling the milk, butter and cheese. I already have several buyers lined up that keep asking when I'll have milk.
No on going feed or vet costs? I know nothing about cattle, I’m just asking to learn.
So sorry about Milo @Amish Heart ! I hope you can get your DH's breathing straightened out soon. That's not easy for either of you!
Glad you found someone local to pick with @Peanut ! Your days will be brighter!

Walked first this morning.
Took Peanut Butter to the beauty parlor.
Went to Aldi and Walmart for a few things since I was in town.
Picked up Peanut and stopped at thrift store to donate stuff on the way home.
Got other side of mouth (teeth) deep cleaned this afternoon.
Spending more time outside with the pups!
PRAYERS on the way Amish. Thats a ton of stuff to deal with allbat once. Hope your mom can get weaned off the unneeded drugs easy. Also hope Hubs get to feeling better quickly.

Peanut glad you found a picking buddy. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Thought I was getting past the stomach stuff from my new meds. But it reared back up. Up most of the night after not feeling too good yesterday. Took a day off work to try and recoup a little. Dont have time for this right now. To much I'm in the middle of at work. Trying to get the last bed finished up before I start planting garden next week.😳😳
Hope your tummy feels better soon ☹️
I have had a drip in my shower for several months and today was the day to repair it.
Here is the simple process.
The handle set screw was corroded in so I had to drilling out the set screw.
Then use an easy out to remove the set screw.
Then spray the corroded flange nut with break free and waiting a half hour.
Then use a large pair of channel locks to get the flange nut off.
Everything fit great except a cover that was to long.
Had to use my belt sander to shorten it.
Finally got it all back together and it does not leak and it looks nice and new which it is.
It only took 3 trips to Ace Hardware and cost me $120.
I should have lived with the drip
I hate plumbing problems and they always take 3 trips to the hardware store at least.
Got up early, slipped down to my blind called for a bit and this old gobbler came in.

No on going feed or vet costs? I know nothing about cattle, I’m just asking to learn.
Yes and no. Vet costs are just any incidentals, injuries or illness, as we don't vaccinate or do any reproductive checks. Dewormer and fly control as needed and depending on weather. Feed is mostly supplemental hay if we're in a drought/winter. Occasional cubes just to keep the herd coming together. We have a large enough herd that one more wouldn't be noticeable.
I have had a drip in my shower for several months and today was the day to repair it.
Here is the simple process.
The handle set screw was corroded in so I had to drilling out the set screw.
Then use an easy out to remove the set screw.
Then spray the corroded flange nut with break free and waiting a half hour.
Then use a large pair of channel locks to get the flange nut off.
Everything fit great except a cover that was to long.
Had to use my belt sander to shorten it.3 trips is
Finally got it all back together and it does not leak and it looks nice and new which it is.
It only took 3 trips to Ace Hardware and cost me $120.
I should have lived with the drip
I hate plumbing problems and they always take 3 trips to the hardware store at least.
3 trips is the minmum for me. I think 8 was the worst. I was on the verge of calling a plumber that time
I played with dirt today. Well, first I made a dump run so I could use the trailer then went and go "organic beef manure compost." Wahoo! :dancing: Came home and began the fun game of shovel and wheelbarrow. Filled the raised beds back up then started in a couple other spots. I started turning the soil where the peppers will probably end up. Was 3/4 of the way done when Hubby called and was on his way home so came in and started supper. I'm trying to copy cat a dish from a local restaurant. I forgot the mint and savory 😖 It was still good, but has a lot of ingredients so need to write it down so I don't pull that dummyhead move again.
Hey Backpacker, you can come weedeat at my place since you don't have enough at your place now 😂 I did mow today but didn't weedeat - not my favorite thing to do either. That's probably why it's fun to pick on you 😉 And @Neb could come use his shovel too - we'd have a grand ol' time - heehee.
Hubby and his brother are going fishing tomorrow. I think it's last day for steelhead season. They are leaving at 0-dark:30 to get "the good hole." Goofy buggers, but it's good for them. I will play in the dirt some more.
Sunday is the last day for skiing which is weird to think about this time of year, but it's supposed to be chilly so we'll probably head up there at least for a little while. If it gets slushy, we're done. Hasn't been a very good ski year.
I remember the times I spent steelhead fishing on various rivers in Washington, north and south of Seattle, sometimes there would be around a hundred people on the gravel bars on either side of me I never caught a steelhead, caught suckers, whitefish and a few small trout while dang near freezing my fingers off. I've seen people on the gravel bars, next to where I was, pull in some beautiful large steelhead. When I lived in Colorado, I was fortunate to catch a 5 pound Cutthroat trout out of Lower Chicago lake on Mt. Evans, my boss at the time told me there weren't any fish in those lakes, he had steered me to Lincoln Lake which was on the other side of the ridge, I did catch a couple of small Lake Trout there and also found a 16 oz. can of Coors floating in that lake, it tasted good, what treat, what a gift for hiking 960 feet down to the lake and back up to where I parked the car at 12,900 feet. Anyway, I kind of miss not having that big fish still on my line, over the years of fishing on saltwater bays, I've caught a lot of sea run Cutthroat trout of good size but that big one in Colorado was a lifetime fish for me.
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I've been trying to change positions at work but I haven't been successful. I've let my boss know I'm no longer pleased to be doing what I've been doing. It's a long story, but basically I'm stuck with no opportunity to learn anything new, and it's been made clear that if I bid to another job on the gang I'll be forced back to the one im doing now. He doesn't want me to go because there aren't very many people who are good at my job, and even fewer who want to do it. If I can catch a bid on another job on a different gang, he has no choice but to let me go, but until then I'm stuck. I can't even trade jobs with anyone else for a few days, because as soon as the other guy has any problems, they send me right back. He could abolish my job if he wants to, but he hasn't agreed to that. I have a nuclear option, but it's a little risky and might burn some bridges. I'll see what tomorrow brings...
Nice beard on that tom, Hashbrown. That breastmeat will be good.
Busy, busy day today. Did the animal chores super early, got the two girls to their school. The mom of the girl I drive ran out to my car and brought a big bag of dinner she made for us that we had tonight. Yummy! Poor man's steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and chocolate chip cookies. She's such a sweetie. Took husband for a chest xray, to the pulmonologist, to the eye doc, and then to pick up paperwork for him from the infectious disease specialist that he'll see tomorrow morning. In the meantime, they wanted to admit him to the hospital, but he declined. Promised I would take him to ER right away if he looked worse. I spoke with the infectious disease doc for awhile, and she'll be ready to evaluate him tomorrow. He's hoping for a pic line put in that I can administer the meds for him at home. He did a new sputum sample, and I ran that down to the lab. We'll see. He looks ok at the moment, as long as he doesn't walk far. Got him settled, calmed down my mother in law who was calling him, but he wasn't answering (ha, they argue). Filled her in. After he was settled at home, I went in to pay mom's manor bill and visit her. Low and behold her hair been done, very nicely, too. She was doing well, and had lunch with Uncle Mel. She was waving at (other resident) Dale, who walks the hallway, all dressed up in a nice shirt and cowboy hat. He's lost his mind. He must of walked past her doorway a dz times. I signed her up to get her nails done tomorrow. She looked ok, was happy enough. Although she asked if mom and pop (my grandparents) were alive. I hung a big photo of them up in her room. Told her, sadly, nope. They'd be 123 years right now if they were.
Oh, almost forgot. Grandson texted my husband today. Said they are doing well. Said his sister's alternator went out on her car and they had to get that figured out. He talked a teacher into paying for his prom tux rental. He said work was going ok. That was pretty much all.
Makes me wonder if he really wanted to do the right thing but was pressured by sis to do what she wanted so then gave up on himself 😕. Being twins in such a situation could be difficult. I hope they figure that out at some point.
I bolted/welded a hitch on the rear of my camper, so I can double pull my trailer with it. Had to move the stabilizer Jack's forward to fit it. Moved the spare tire bumper rack over to the right and ran a 4 wire trailer wire to the rear of camper. That's enough work for me today added to my daily chores.
I remember the times I spent steelhead fishing on various rivers in Washington, north and south of Seattle, sometimes there would be around a hundred people on the gravel bars on either side of me I never caught a steelhead, caught suckers, whitefish and a few small trout while dang near freezing my fingers off. I've seen people on the gravel bars, next to where I was, pull in some beautiful large steelhead. When I lived in Colorado, I was fortunate to catch a 5 pound Cutthroat trout out of Lower Chicago lake on Mt. Evans, my boss at the time told me there weren't any fish in those lakes, he had steered me to Lincoln Lake which was on the other side of the ridge, I did catch a couple of small Lake Trout there and also found a 16 oz. can of Coors floating in that lake, it tasted good, what treat, what a gift for hiking 960 feet down to the lake and back up to where I parked the car at 12,900 feet. Anyway, I kind of miss not having that big fish still on my line, over the years of fishing on saltwater bays, I've caught a lot of sea run Cutthroat trout of good size but that big one in Colorado was a lifetime fish for me.
They call that combat fishing and generally avoid places with that many people. They went up to the Wallowas. Fish numbers have declined since Fukushima. They like fly fishing so generally catch fewer than bait fishermen.
I bolted/welded a hitch on the rear of my camper, so I can double pull my trailer with it. Had to move the stabilizer Jack's forward to fit it. Moved the spare tire bumper rack over to the right and ran a 4 wire trailer wire to the rear of camper. That's enough work for me today added to my daily chores.
I am confused 🤪. Not surprising, but are you saying you have a rig and pull a trailer and another one behind it?
I've been trying to change positions at work but I haven't been successful. I've let my boss know I'm no longer pleased to be doing what I've been doing. It's a long story, but basically I'm stuck with no opportunity to learn anything new, and it's been made clear that if I bid to another job on the gang I'll be forced back to the one im doing now. He doesn't want me to go because there aren't very many people who are good at my job, and even fewer who want to do it. If I can catch a bid on another job on a different gang, he has no choice but to let me go, but until then I'm stuck. I can't even trade jobs with anyone else for a few days, because as soon as the other guy has any problems, they send me right back. He could abolish my job if he wants to, but he hasn't agreed to that. I have a nuclear option, but it's a little risky and might burn some bridges. I'll see what tomorrow brings...
Things have a way of working out!! The right thing will happen!!
Nice beard on that tom, Hashbrown. That breastmeat will be good.
Busy, busy day today. Did the animal chores super early, got the two girls to their school. The mom of the girl I drive ran out to my car and brought a big bag of dinner she made for us that we had tonight. Yummy! Poor man's steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and chocolate chip cookies. She's such a sweetie. Took husband for a chest xray, to the pulmonologist, to the eye doc, and then to pick up paperwork for him from the infectious disease specialist that he'll see tomorrow morning. In the meantime, they wanted to admit him to the hospital, but he declined. Promised I would take him to ER right away if he looked worse. I spoke with the infectious disease doc for awhile, and she'll be ready to evaluate him tomorrow. He's hoping for a pic line put in that I can administer the meds for him at home. He did a new sputum sample, and I ran that down to the lab. We'll see. He looks ok at the moment, as long as he doesn't walk far. Got him settled, calmed down my mother in law who was calling him, but he wasn't answering (ha, they argue). Filled her in. After he was settled at home, I went in to pay mom's manor bill and visit her. Low and behold her hair been done, very nicely, too. She was doing well, and had lunch with Uncle Mel. She was waving at (other resident) Dale, who walks the hallway, all dressed up in a nice shirt and cowboy hat. He's lost his mind. He must of walked past her doorway a dz times. I signed her up to get her nails done tomorrow. She looked ok, was happy enough. Although she asked if mom and pop (my grandparents) were alive. I hung a big photo of them up in her room. Told her, sadly, nope. They'd be 123 years right now if they were.
Praying all works out for your husband the way he wants it to!!

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