I played with dirt today. Well, first I made a dump run so I could use the trailer then went and go "organic beef manure compost." Wahoo!

Came home and began the fun game of shovel and wheelbarrow. Filled the raised beds back up then started in a couple other spots. I started turning the soil where the peppers will probably end up. Was 3/4 of the way done when Hubby called and was on his way home so came in and started supper. I'm trying to copy cat a dish from a local restaurant. I forgot the mint and savory

It was still good, but has a lot of ingredients so need to write it down so I don't pull that dummyhead move again.
Hey Backpacker, you can come weedeat at my place since you don't have enough at your place now

I did mow today but didn't weedeat - not my favorite thing to do either. That's probably why it's fun to pick on you

@Neb could come use his shovel too - we'd have a grand ol' time - heehee.
Hubby and his brother are going fishing tomorrow. I think it's last day for steelhead season. They are leaving at 0-dark:30 to get "the good hole." Goofy buggers, but it's good for them. I will play in the dirt some more.
Sunday is the last day for skiing which is weird to think about this time of year, but it's supposed to be chilly so we'll probably head up there at least for a little while. If it gets slushy, we're done. Hasn't been a very good ski year.