What's everybody doing today?

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Amish, I'm so distrustful of people and their motivations that I wonder if grandson was hoping to get some $ or something. Could have been innocent and maybe he actually misses you guys. Hard to tell with people.

ABR, I could be mistaken as I've never had milk cattle, but wouldn't the cow need to get pregnant in order to start producing milk? So, there would be a baby that would need at least some of the milk.

Friend asked for help with gas bc his work still has not paid him. He's getting pretty ticked at them. I went to Walmart afterward & got some groceries. Was bringing them in and watched one of my cats run head first into a microwave (she was trying to jump up). She shook her head and made the jump on a 2nd try. But I guess she wanted to be comforted because she's sitting on me now.
I bolted/welded a hitch on the rear of my camper, so I can double pull my trailer with it. Had to move the stabilizer Jack's forward to fit it. Moved the spare tire bumper rack over to the right and ran a 4 wire trailer wire to the rear of camper. That's enough work for me today added to my daily chores.

I am confused 🤪. Not surprising, but are you saying you have a rig and pull a trailer and another one behind it?

It’s legal?

As long as the truck isn't overloaded and it doesn't exceed legal length, yes. Also legal if no police see it...
This very popular in Utah and probably in the other "free" states of the west. I have a hitch receiver I welded to the back frame of my toy hauler trailer so I could pull another small trailer behind it. I have not used it yet but I have it. I had to cut a square hole in the back "bumper" of the trailer for the receiver to stick out and I bought two pieces of heavy duty 2 inch square steel tubing to stretch between the frame rails so the receiver is welded to the back "bumper" and to both pieces of square tubing which are both welded to the frame rails. The square tubing is spaced far enough apart to keep it all straight and solid.

It is legal out this way, probably not in California, but it makes backing up almost impossible so you have to plan your stops and parking accordingly.
I'm sure he's still spending his work money on drugs and fast food. So, that's possible., Zannej. I doubt that he or his sister are missing us, but maybe they are missing their situation in our lives. No money from us, that's for sure. I know his sis was the instigator, and talked him into a whole lot, but he did his share the last year, too.
ABR, I could be mistaken as I've never had milk cattle, but wouldn't the cow need to get pregnant in order to start producing milk? So, there would be a baby that would need at least some of the milk.
Yes, they need to have a calf to produce milk. I plan to do what is called 'milk sharing' which is basically where you separate them for a period of time, usually overnight, then take what you need before putting them back together. Some people will strip her then feed the calf with her milk from a bottle and supplement milk replacer as needed. Jerseys can produce 4+ gallons a day, that is more than I need every single day even with selling and making products.
Jake left early this morning for state forestry finals in Columbia. It’s 2 nights away from home not sure what we will do without him here.

Happy 420 day? Today is the day that I reintroduce my rams for fall lambing. Always a lot of drama to play out and the antics can be so humorous?

Later today probably be buying more t-bills? The interest currently paid by short term bills is a lot more attractive than a range bound equity market trading sideways without much hope for meaningful improvements?

The hay fields are starting to green up. My biggest field will be interesting with the new seeding emerging amongst a lot of volunteers barley grass? Might have to add more alfalfa seed after the first cutting? The small field is looking excellent, despite it being an eight year old stand.

Watching local farm auctions. Equipment prices are still prohibited high! Especially with very negative outlook for the coming years hay prices. Extreme tightening is my play book?
I'm sure he's still spending his work money on drugs and fast food. So, that's possible., Zannej. I doubt that he or his sister are missing us, but maybe they are missing their situation in our lives. No money from us, that's for sure. I know his sis was the instigator, and talked him into a whole lot, but he did his share the last year, too.
He probably can't do drugs in the house! Probably missing doing whatever they want, when they want!
Leaving for the bluegrass camp in a few hours. Where I'm staying doesn't have wifi... but, there is wifi in some of the buildings. If I can get online I will, if not it'll be sunday or monday before I post again.

Sooo looking forward to this, just hope cfs behaves and lets me enjoy some of it.
Praying for your DH @Amish Heart . That is a little scary, at least to me!

Have fun @Peanut!

Already walked and then made a vegetarian omelet casserole for breakfasts.
Will walk dogs soon.
Change out a few light bulbs.
I have no idea what else except sitting outside with pups.

I made rolls yesterday. Called Mayonnaise rolls. The dough was more like cake batter and went in muffin tins, but the taste and consistency is like a perfect dinner roll. I will try to link the recipe and the one for the low carb veggie bake.

Leaving for the bluegrass camp in a few hours. Where I'm staying doesn't have wifi... but, there is wifi in some of the buildings. If I can get online I will, if not it'll be sunday or monday before I post again.

Sooo looking forward to this, just hope cfs behaves and lets me enjoy some of it.
Have a fantastic time Peanut! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you return.
Waiting to find out if the boss will abolish my job. If not, he will get an earful and I will put my name in for nearly every open position in my department.
No emoji covers that. Best of luck. Hope you end up in a good place where you can continue to learn at something you enjoy.
2 interviews for electricians at work today,1 more tomorrow. Start interviews for 3 new techs next week. Takes up way to much time from my other work that needs doing.
Wife asked me to pick up supper on my way home. The pinched nerve is causing a lot of pain in her leg and foot to the point she is struggling to drive home from work. She goes for her first therapy visit tomorrow. PLEASE PRAY that gives some relief.
Went out and finished loading the new raised bed with wood. Plan to load it with compost tomorrow after work.
Wore out and about ready to shower and crash
Prayers for you guys Amish. And you too Peanut. And you too Spike
2 interviews for electricians at work today,1 more tomorrow. Start interviews for 3 new techs next week. Takes up way to much time from my other work that needs doing.
Wife asked me to pick up supper on my way home. The pinched nerve is causing a lot of pain in her leg and foot to the point she is struggling to drive home from work. She goes for her first therapy visit tomorrow. PLEASE PRAY that gives some relief.
Went out and finished loading the new raised bed with wood. Plan to load it with compost tomorrow after work.
Wore out and about ready to shower and crash
Prayers for you guys Amish. And you too Peanut. And you too Spike
Prayers for sure!
Oh boy, long day. Docs this morning, and husband got set up with a midline in his arm. So first infusion done. We didn't get back to our farm till this afternoon. So tomorrow, the crazy schedule starts for two weeks, every day. I have to get him to the hospital for infusions at 8am, 3pm, and 10pm. Hopefully his one working lung will then get better.
Lots going on since I've checked in! Prayers for all you folks that have been hitting some rough times.
Well it seems I have at least one cavity, all of a sudden can't chew on the left side or drink anything cold without pain. I have a severe case of fear where dentists are concerned but I'll have to go in. Dentist I have seen in the past moved to a different office and the receptionist started that whole "you haven't been in for so long you're now a new patient so you have to wait til Sept" but thankfully gave in and set an appt after I argued a bit. Hopefully I can get it fixed in the next month or so.
We've had the crazy 80 degree weather followed by more snow. I ran out of room in the basement and had to move all my seedlings out to the greenhouse, so I've had some interrupted nights keeping the heater going out there. The little electric heater wasn't keeping up very well so I finally got the nerve to try out my Husband's kerosene heater I found in the shed. Spent a couple of hours trying to figure it out, only to realize he had already had it all set up ready to go. So many times it seems like he's still looking after me. Losing him still hurts as bad as the first day; time does not heal the pain.
The kerosene heater does a really good job keeping the greenhouse warm, but needs to be refueled every six and half hours or so. It also makes it look like it's on fire. But the tomato seedlings are happy, so that's what matters.
Lots going on since I've checked in! Prayers for all you folks that have been hitting some rough times.
Well it seems I have at least one cavity, all of a sudden can't chew on the left side or drink anything cold without pain. I have a severe case of fear where dentists are concerned but I'll have to go in. Dentist I have seen in the past moved to a different office and the receptionist started that whole "you haven't been in for so long you're now a new patient so you have to wait til Sept" but thankfully gave in and set an appt after I argued a bit. Hopefully I can get it fixed in the next month or so.
We've had the crazy 80 degree weather followed by more snow. I ran out of room in the basement and had to move all my seedlings out to the greenhouse, so I've had some interrupted nights keeping the heater going out there. The little electric heater wasn't keeping up very well so I finally got the nerve to try out my Husband's kerosene heater I found in the shed. Spent a couple of hours trying to figure it out, only to realize he had already had it all set up ready to go. So many times it seems like he's still looking after me. Losing him still hurts as bad as the first day; time does not heal the pain.
The kerosene heater does a really good job keeping the greenhouse warm, but needs to be refueled every six and half hours or so. It also makes it look like it's on fire. But the tomato seedlings are happy, so that's what matters.
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Glad you checked in!! Your hubby IS looking after you ♥️! Hope you get through your dentist stuff quickly! Hugs♥️
Went to a little town 1.5 hours away via a road less traveled; even more so than the logging road to get to the usual little town.

Holey toledo Bob, but I have never seen so many deer and moose in one day. The road was packed with them. Probably well over 100 deer and and we counted 12 moose. It ended up being an extra long day due to having to keep watch for them all. They were dirt colored same as the road.
I made it to the camp… I live in the boonies, this place is behind the boonies, 1100 acres of forest. I wasn’t here 10min before I was approached by the director of the alabama folk school about teaching a few plant classes. I wouldn’t care if no students showed up as long as I could spend the time exploring the woods. 🤣

I got a room upgrade to a lodge instead of a bunkhouse, no charge. I have wifi in my room and a common kitchen I share with 3 other guests. My room is set up just like a two bed hotel room w/bath, even have a private porch.

Oh, 2 of my lodge mates are the ladies who teach the quilting classes. Another is the guy teaching the blacksmith classes. Funny, we arrived at the lodge about the same time. Everyone elses room had their name taped to the door. Since I was an upgrade mine just had a number. They said their names, I introduced myself as #5. 😁

I wish I could describe what the music in these photos sounds like. 23 people sitting around picking. Almost everyone of them has been on a stage, many are professionals. I’m in heaven! Incredible music...

Oh, couple more shots, one of the big dining hall, beautiful place. Had chicken alfredo and a nice salad.

Too funny, the people in my guitar class… 6 of us, 3 live in Tuscaloosa. After finding no local pickers for months… I find 4 this week. Just another reason I can here… networking!

23 pickers just sitting on the porch!!! I counted, 12 are professional musicians, and this isn't every one. At least another dozen pickers are at the camp but not picking tonight.


Dining hall


Class, one lady is hidden

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Amish, hope your husband gets better soon

Peanut: have fun at your camp, looks like lots of fun!!

Spike: good luck with the job

We put up temporary fencing yesterday and it was very hot. Took my first freezing cold shower for the year ( no more hot water, don't need to run the wood stove anymore looks like)
Still waiting on 1 goat to have the kids

I put a bunch of seeds in the garden also ( peas, fennel, cilantro, more lettuce, marigolds)

Need to go shopping but it will have to wait until Monday. I hate going on the weekends, too many people
Happy 420 day? Today is the day that I reintroduce my rams for fall lambing. Always a lot of drama to play out and the antics can be so humorous?

The hay fields are starting to green up. My biggest field will be interesting with the new seeding emerging amongst a lot of volunteers barley grass? Might have to add more alfalfa seed after the first cutting? The small field is looking excellent, despite it being an eight year old stand.

Watching local farm auctions. Equipment prices are still prohibited high! Especially with very negative outlook for the coming years hay prices. Extreme tightening is my play book?

Good luck with the lambs, I don't have the energy for lambing 2 times a year

I wonder what our hay situation will be like this year , wished we could buy some of yours. We might have lost 3 out of our 4 hay suppliers around here ( the Amish moved and 2 are over 80 and told us last year it might be their last cutting hay)
I made it to the camp… I live in the boonies, this place is behind the boonies, 1100 acres of forest. I wasn’t here 10min before I was approached by the director of the alabama folk school about teaching a few plant classes. I wouldn’t care if no students showed up as long as I could spend the time exploring the woods. 🤣

I got a room upgrade to a lodge instead of a bunkhouse, no charge. I have wifi in my room and a common kitchen I share with 3 other guests. My room is set up just like a two bed hotel room w/bath, even have a private porch.

Oh, 2 of my lodge mates are the ladies who teach the quilting classes. Another is the guy teaching the blacksmith classes. Funny, we arrived at the lodge about the same time. Everyone elses room had their name taped to the door. Since I was an upgrade mine just had a number. They said their names, I introduced myself as #5. 😁

I wish I could describe what the music in these photos sounds like. 23 people sitting around picking. Almost everyone of them has been on a stage, many are professionals. I’m in heaven! Incredible music...

Oh, couple more shots, one of the big dining hall, beautiful place. Had chicken alfredo and a nice salad.

Too funny, the people in my guitar class… 6 of us, 3 live in Tuscaloosa. After finding no local pickers for months… I find 4 this week. Just another reason I can here… networking!

23 pickers just sitting on the porch!!! I counted, 12 are professional musicians, and this isn't every one. At least another dozen pickers are at the camp but not picking tonight.

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Dining hall

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Class, one lady is hidden

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AWESOME!! Congrats on the upgrade #5😉! Hope you get check out some new woods soon!

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