What's everybody doing today?

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I did better today, made it through the whole day without having to crash. Exhausted though, completely wiped, hope I feeling better for the drive home tomorrow.

Had a blast picking this morning, learned some good stuff. Just left the instructor concert. They put on a great show this evening. I'm to tired to play but I'm going back out and listen to some of the 2 jam sessions going on.

I'll post from home tomorrow evening.
Rain moving in, gotta go clean my building!! Hubby has to work too. He is putting a hitch on a guy's motor home, guess the guy and his wife have to hit the road tomorrow?! The guy has it backed under a carport 🙄. Going to stop by the grocery store quickly before coming home. Then I'm eating lunch and taking a nap!! Cold wet day so I have no excuse not to get my inside list done!!
I was sick Friday (which was my mother's birthday). I still managed to cook for her but I was laid up all day. Saturday I woke up in the afternoon & decided to fix up Mom's lap tray for her. I was hand sewing and I'm slow so after a nap in the evening (after 8 hours of working on it) I finished it up after 7am. Whole process included cutting foam board, hot gluing foam board, more cutting of foam board, punching stitching holes, cutting fabric, sewing, threads snagging, swearing, cat attacking thread, dropping the pincushion, more sewing, watching a sewing tutorial, more sewing, gluing the new cushion to the tray, unzipping it and putting stuffing in & finally time to take a nap. I'm hoping to do some cleaning after my back recovers.
It's been a busy weekend, After trimming the oak tree, I got the lawn mowed, then we got a thunder storm... My rain barrels are now full!

My wife's 80 year old friend passed Saturday morning, she is taking it hard. They have both been house bound for years and they talked daily. We have know her for 29 years, for the last 15 years she has been bed bound. For me personally, I don't know if I could stand being stuck in bed for a decade... It just isn't what I call living...
My dear wife has lost so many friends over the past couple of years and she's running out of people to talk to...
She would talk to me, but we call that an argument.

Well my lunch break is almost over, I need to go out and run electricity to the bird feeders, Mr. Squirrel is going to be so excited!
First infusion trip done, animals done, rabbit cages cleaned. Miss Princess Fluffy the cat lost all her babies. It was her first litter. Little granddaughter took a nap, now awake and doing a few chores. We have about 2 hrs and 15 minutes before we have to go again. Husband's decided having me drive him in my car is more comfortable, especially at night when his vision is wonky and he can't breathe well at night anyway. So last night I had it all set with the 02 in my car, and I drove, and it was better. Debating whether to repot some seedlings after lunch and before we go again, or clean upstairs. Laundry is done and hung. I may be able to do without a nap today. I have to pop in to my favorite cousin's tonight for a birthday dinner for her husband. He is homebound. I got him a big bag of peanut butter cups. Maybe my husband can go, but we'll see. Won't be staying long though.
Watered this morning, quality time in the yard... saw my first hummingbird, so now I'm making some sugar/water mix for the hummer feeders, which will go up pronto. In the future, I think I'll use the appearance of hummingbirds as my cue for planting here at this elevation, that would probably be better than some calendar date. Nature knows best! Anyway, it's a beautiful morning, the cats & wild birds are all happy, and I'll be puttering around the home later... I'm gonna see about removing some cr@ppy old towel racks & fixtures in the bathrooms, and relocating some nice wooden towel racks to take the place of the junk I remove. Keep the best stuff, donate or ditch the rest... story of my life, lol. 😒

I intend to get started on this interior painting this coming week, no more excuses... and NO RIDING until I get started, lol. I gotta get serious about this home rehab work, otherwise it'll NEVER get done. Guess I was just burned out hard on the whole home rehab scene... it gets old when you've rehabbed three homes in six years. But that's okay, I'm gonna climb back aboard that home rehab horse and start knocking out tasks... even if I only knock out one task per day, I can still cross it off the rather long list of tasks which remain to be done. And this is a good time to hammer on the rehab work, as I can leave windows open and let that paint dry. Another month or two and it'll be too darned hot... 🥵
I made it home, got the car unloaded, sat down in my chair and slept for 3hrs! I was exhausted!!!

But I had an incredible time, the most sheer joy of any event in the last decade!!!

I have lots of video and pics but wanted to share something very special that was totally unexpected. There were dozens of “lodges” on the property where I stayed. I was in the one named “Mary’s Lodge”. Named after the lady who donated the money to build it. It was deceptively large. I thought there were 4 bedrooms, turns out there were 3 more downstairs in the back.

The quilting instructors… sisters, Mary and China Pettway. They are from a place known as Gee’s Bend in the southern part of alabama. Quilts from there sell for as high as $12,000.00.

“a short article about them in the Smithsonian Magazine - Thanks to Etsy, You Can Now Purchase a Gee's Bend Quilt Online for the First Time

But I wanted to share the singing of Ms Mary and Ms China, something very special. Black gospel in that part of Alabama is known as “Wire Grass”. To most people it sounds like black gospel anywhere… it’s not! It’s something very different (it helps if you understand the dialect of this area). This weekend makes only the 3rd time in my life I’ve heard wire grass singing, a very special treat.

These ladies sang their prayers at each meal instead of praying. They sang while in line to get a tray of food, while getting silverware, while sitting down. Followed by applause from everyone present.

Best of all, these two ladies were my lodge mates. So, they sang in the mornings before leaving for breakfast, they sang after lunch in the lodge, even sang in the evening some. The young lady across the hall from my room was a fiddle player, who also played piano. There was a piano in my lodge, we shared a common area…

Anyway, here is what I woke to in the morning, enjoyed during meals and anytime I went back to the my lodge. A capella mostly...

Also, random pics of the lodge... Oh! Ms Mary and China invited me to come to Gee's Bend and teach the folks there some plant medicine... invited me to stay in their home.

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I made it home, got the car unloaded, sat down in my chair and slept for 3hrs! I was exhausted!!!

But I had an incredible time, the most sheer joy of any event in the last decade!!!

I have lots of video and pics but wanted to share something very special that was totally unexpected. There were dozens of “lodges” on the property where I stayed. I was in the one named “Mary’s Lodge”. Named after the lady who donated the money to build it. It was deceptively large. I thought there were 4 bedrooms, turns out there were 3 more downstairs in the back.

The quilting instructors… sisters, Mary and China Pettway. They are from a place known as Gee’s Bend in the southern part of alabama. Quilts from there sell for as high as $12,000.00.

“a short article about them in the Smithsonian Magazine - Thanks to Etsy, You Can Now Purchase a Gee's Bend Quilt Online for the First Time

But I wanted to share the singing of Ms Mary and Ms China, something very special. Black gospel in that part of Alabama is known as “Wire Grass”. To most people it sounds like black gospel anywhere… it’s not! It’s something very different (it helps if you understand the dialect of this area). This weekend makes only the 3rd time in my life I’ve heard wire grass singing, a very special treat.

These ladies sang their prayers at each meal instead of praying. They sang while in line to get a tray of food, while getting silverware, while sitting down. Followed by applause from everyone present.

Best of all, these two ladies were my lodge mates. So, they sang in the mornings before leaving for breakfast, they sang at lunch in the lodge, even sang in the evening some. The young lady across the hall from my room was a fiddle player, who also played piano. There was a piano in my lodge, we shared a common area…

Anyway, here is what I woke to in the morning, enjoyed during meals and anytime I went back to the my lodge. A capella mostly...

Also, random pics of the lodge... Oh! Ms Mary and China invited me to come to Gee's Bend and teach the folks there some plant medicine... invited me to stay in their home.

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The Princess would be singing harmony with them if she was there. She handles a wide range and has been singing choir for 50 plus years.

I would like to hear it.

Thank you for sharing and God for setting you up big time.

I made it home, got the car unloaded, sat down in my chair and slept for 3hrs! I was exhausted!!!

But I had an incredible time, the most sheer joy of any event in the last decade!!!

I have lots of video and pics but wanted to share something very special that was totally unexpected. There were dozens of “lodges” on the property where I stayed. I was in the one named “Mary’s Lodge”. Named after the lady who donated the money to build it. It was deceptively large. I thought there were 4 bedrooms, turns out there were 3 more downstairs in the back.

The quilting instructors… sisters, Mary and China Pettway. They are from a place known as Gee’s Bend in the southern part of alabama. Quilts from there sell for as high as $12,000.00.

“a short article about them in the Smithsonian Magazine - Thanks to Etsy, You Can Now Purchase a Gee's Bend Quilt Online for the First Time

But I wanted to share the singing of Ms Mary and Ms China, something very special. Black gospel in that part of Alabama is known as “Wire Grass”. To most people it sounds like black gospel anywhere… it’s not! It’s something very different (it helps if you understand the dialect of this area). This weekend makes only the 3rd time in my life I’ve heard wire grass singing, a very special treat.

These ladies sang their prayers at each meal instead of praying. They sang while in line to get a tray of food, while getting silverware, while sitting down. Followed by applause from everyone present.

Best of all, these two ladies were my lodge mates. So, they sang in the mornings before leaving for breakfast, they sang at lunch in the lodge, even sang in the evening some. The young lady across the hall from my room was a fiddle player, who also played piano. There was a piano in my lodge, we shared a common area…

Anyway, here is what I woke to in the morning, enjoyed during meals and anytime I went back to the my lodge. A capella mostly...

Also, random pics of the lodge... Oh! Ms Mary and China invited me to come to Gee's Bend and teach the folks there some plant medicine... invited me to stay in their home.

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Peanut, I'm glad you had a good time! Looks awesome!

I had to go pick up an RX and did a curbside pickup order for some groceries. They were out of the salads but I got some dog food stuff. I'm currently relaxing with Rupert sitting on me. He has his face pressed up against my face and is purring loudly.
Looks and sounds like it was an awesome experience Peanut.
Amish, how are you and your husband holding up? Does he still need the daily infusions?
I'm taking my lunch break and looking for my gloves with the cut off fingers. I turned off my furnace that week we hit 80 and I'm refusing to turn it back on despite the current sleet/snow and the forecast of 30s/40s for the next week. The little electric heater isn't quite cutting it and my hands are chilled but I still need to type. With all my late night trips to the greenhouse to refuel the heater it's a big temptation to curl up under a blanket for a nap instead.
Got 3 rabbits processed and brining in the fridge. This frees up a grow-out cage and lightens the feed load. I saved the ears, back feet and organs for the dogs. I need to vacuum seal them. Roo wanted to help process but after the first dispatch and skinning she didn't want to be there and stayed in the house. I let her be since this is a big step for her in understanding where our food comes from.

Reorganized our toiletry totes. The plastic totes were falling apart so I got new ones and moved things over. It also gave me a chance to see what we were low on or needed to restock. I need to get more totes for the rest of the personal hygiene supplies and first aid. Glad I did this now rather than right before the move.

Sold a few things on ebay. I need to watch how much I make this year from my sales for tax purposes. Damn new tax law saying I have to report 'side hustle' income over $600!

Time to get back to purging and packing!
Oh hey, Heartbroken...I think today is my totally tired day. I am zoning out. The infusions in the bigger town are 8 am, 3 pm and 10pm, but they don't work out like that. 20 min drive in and then 20 min home. He is not walking, so it takes time to get a wheelchair after parking, get him out and in the building. The weekend infusions were a bear because the infusion room is closed on the weekend except for the morning one, so going thru ER and across the hospital and up 5 floors. Yesterday afternoon's one was just dumb. The nursing staff said they never heard of him, and then I pointed to his binder and meds at the station they neglected to look at. So once in the room, it can take anywhere from one hour to 3 hours because the nurse might get it going right away, and might not. And she might grumble at little granddaughter that now housekeeping has to change the bedding since she was laying on it. And we've figured out a few decent nurses that know what they're doing, so crossing our fingers we get one tonight. Getting by on 5 hrs of sleep is not working for me. Four days in. Ten more to go. Today I am determined to let the house get filthy, I'm going to nap, and actually take a shower. We'll leave again in 2 hours or so, and then again in 9 hours or so. Food and husband's home care stuff in between. This too shall pass. BUT if this med doesn't work and we have to start again with another, then we'll pay out of pocket to do it at home. It'll cost a bundle, but oh well.
Hang in there, the waiting is the hardest part (TP)!
Waiting for TP could be a difficult thing 😳 (PS, I have no idea what the TP stands for here 😂)

@Amish Heart I hope the schedule evens out - don't you worry about the house. It will wait. Try and get some rest when the opportunity arises. 💗

Almost glad to be back to work this morning. It was a rough weekend for us - we are fine, just lots of sad news in our circle. Even so - many blessings, just have to refocus.
@Amish Heart that schedule is ridiculous for you guys to try and keep. Don’t they have a home health nurse to come out and do these?
System is so broken it just seems to be getting worse and worse.
Went in for my meeting at work today. Didn’t get as much push back as I thought I would. Got a workout in after and then got gas, groceries and scrubs out of storage. I’ve been using the hospital ones but I think they recently changed their soap and I broke out in a horrible rash the last time I was on service.

My mom has been begging me to let her come stay. The unfortunate thing is we have no place to put her with heat or anything yet. I’ve told her before I’m no longer taking care of my dad. 20 years of narcissistic behavior is too much for me to deal with- so now we are back to square one with my brothers and trying to figure all that out. I’m back to work again tomorrow, feel like I just left 😣
I have been attending to various aspects of the garden most days but today was something different. It may have been Saturday night that my mailbox was struck and busted up.

So today I had a chance to try out a technique for repairing thermoplastic. It worked well and the results improved after some experimentation. It uses bits of wire bent to span cracks that are heated red hot before pressing into the plastic across cracks.

Since the hinge pins were lost I decided that I will ensure the next time ( this was the 3rd rime in a year) the mailbox is hit the perpetrator will have no excuse. I used a section of 1/2" all-thread for the hinge. Attached to the end of the all-thread I mounted a 4" reflector. Added another reflector just below the mailbox to make it obvious. And to top it off, I have a custom sign on order that reads...


I hope it will make the difference.

I took the day off today, delivered 4 truck loads of oak branches to the recycling center, but they closed before I could get the 5 there.... missed it by that much... In between runs I was able to do a couple loads of laundry.

Early this morning I saw Mr. Squirrel make a run for the bird feeders, as he reached the feeders I zapped him and he danced along the top of the boards supporting the feeders until he made the safety of the fence. He was unharmed and came back to eat at the ground feeder I sat out for him, he started to climb the poles up to the bird feeders but then decided to stay on the ground... Smart squirrel..

It's really good, today I saw doves, sparrows, robins, some yellow and red finches, and a couple of cardinals at the feeders, everyone was able to eat their share and the feeders we only down about an inch at the end of the day.
Well, I gotta confess that this day was shot to pieces... a day of recovery after another bout with that busthead cider, lol. Tapped the last jug yesterday evening when I ran out of beer. Had a tequila shot in between, delicious with lime & salt, but I didn't feel like drinking a bunch of tequila shots, hence the cider. Man, oh man, I think this jug is the most potent of all, I had a few glasses before Tyson's roundhouse punch knocked me out, lol. This busthead cider just ERASES memory banks too, if ya gave some to Bill Clinton, he'd change his tune: "Well, I MIGHT have had sex with that woman, I just can't recollect!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 🤔

I still got a few things done, but I'll start the home rehab work tomorrow, today I spent much of the time lying atop the sheets and sharing quality time with the cats, lol. I'm so glad I have these cats here to keep me company, they sure brighten each day! Saw some hummers again today, they've already spotted the feeders with the sugar/water mix. I visited the library and scored some more Westerns, and I resupplied at the store so I'm set for the rest of the week. No more busthead cider this week, that stuff should come with a warning label, lol... sure is hilarious gettin' my drank on with it, I watched those 'KILL BILL' flicks last night, there were some nice swords in those movies. 😬

I'm not a big Quentin Tarantino fan, but I'll watch those films just for the swords... I like how the 'Crazy 88' had their samurai swords on their bikes, like saddle guns, but saddle swords instead, lol. Easy access for cases of road rage, lol. Those Hattori Hanzo swords were sweet, I'd gladly take any one of 'em off that rack in the movie, but the one he made for Uma was pretty nice too, lol. My pop had a samurai sword he picked up somewhere in the Orient, back when he was a submarine commander... dunno where it went, I reckon one of my brothers has it. It was the genuine article, but not quite as nice as the beautiful samurai swords in those movies... even the scabbards were nice in those films, lol. 😎
Oh hey, Heartbroken...I think today is my totally tired day. I am zoning out. The infusions in the bigger town are 8 am, 3 pm and 10pm, but they don't work out like that. 20 min drive in and then 20 min home. He is not walking, so it takes time to get a wheelchair after parking, get him out and in the building. The weekend infusions were a bear because the infusion room is closed on the weekend except for the morning one, so going thru ER and across the hospital and up 5 floors. Yesterday afternoon's one was just dumb. The nursing staff said they never heard of him, and then I pointed to his binder and meds at the station they neglected to look at. So once in the room, it can take anywhere from one hour to 3 hours because the nurse might get it going right away, and might not. And she might grumble at little granddaughter that now housekeeping has to change the bedding since she was laying on it. And we've figured out a few decent nurses that know what they're doing, so crossing our fingers we get one tonight. Getting by on 5 hrs of sleep is not working for me. Four days in. Ten more to go. Today I am determined to let the house get filthy, I'm going to nap, and actually take a shower. We'll leave again in 2 hours or so, and then again in 9 hours or so. Food and husband's home care stuff in between. This too shall pass. BUT if this med doesn't work and we have to start again with another, then we'll pay out of pocket to do it at home. It'll cost a bundle, but oh well.
Oh Amish. That is so rough, for him but for you and granddaughter also. I'll keep praying for you and sending out those good vibes for you.
Thanks guys! I feel much better after a shower, 30 minute nap, and a good dinner. We leave again in about an hour and 15 minutes. I hope tonight is less than 2 hrs.
Hey Dr Jenner....because he's on medicare, they do not want to do the in home treatments (I've done them twice before for him after a nurse trained me), unless we put out $400 a week because medicare won't cover it. If he has anymore after this 14 day round, we'll pay it. And I'll do the infusions for him myself. Isn't that nuts? You'd think they'd save money by not paying the hospital rates.

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