More home rehab work... hooray! But I have a plan, lol, and I'm sticking to it, just knocking out small tasks before I paint. Today I need to remove the shower curtain rods from the bathrooms, take 'em out and paint 'em on the sawhorses on the front porch. The bare metal could use paint, and I'll lightly rough up the surface of each rod before spraying gloss white (rattle can action). Once the rods are back in place, I spackle holes in the walls and caulk some seams here & there, and that'll be enough for today. Well, actually, I'll probably shift materials into whichever bathroom I paint first, I think I might go with the larger master bathroom first because the "cutting in" will probably be easier there, and getting the job done will be a big morale booster. Meh, so far, so good, I'll be glad when it's all done and I only have the exterior of my home left to paint. I'm not painting the mud room, it's supposed to look like a mud room, lol. Good news is I have plenty of food & beer in the fridge, and household chores are already done.
P.S. The shower curtain rods are NOT chrome, they are just some metal that looks old & tired. No rust, but they could use some fresh gloss white paint. They'll be a tad whiter than the bathroom walls, but no worries, the overall effect should be bright and cheerful. I don't even need the rod over the garden tub, and I don't have a curtain on it, but it comes in handy for draping damp towels or clothing or whatever... so the rod stays.

P.S. The shower curtain rods are NOT chrome, they are just some metal that looks old & tired. No rust, but they could use some fresh gloss white paint. They'll be a tad whiter than the bathroom walls, but no worries, the overall effect should be bright and cheerful. I don't even need the rod over the garden tub, and I don't have a curtain on it, but it comes in handy for draping damp towels or clothing or whatever... so the rod stays.