What's everybody doing today?

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Painting! No long-winded post today, I'm on a mission to roll out these bathrooms... checked my account and I have plenty in there for the tape, spackle & caulk I need, but that can all wait till tomorrow, I gotta knock out a big chunk of this painting today. Plenty of beer in the fridge! Y'all catch a break for a while! Cheers! :cool:
So far this morning we had an infusion, labwork in another building, and a doc appt. So got started on animals a bit late, but finished them, ate lunch, and I think I can squeeze in a nap before we leave again. The last night infusion went way late because no one wanted to set him up and get him going. Left the house at 9:15 pm and got home about midnight and up at 5:30 again. I hope there's a different nurse on tonight. Last night was just crazy....4 nurses around the nursing station doing paperwork, no one wanting to get the bag iv on his midline. Waiting for George, they said. After a half hour, I asked if they would page George. Looked like he was the only one doing anything, and he was so painfully slow, I was ready to jump up and just do the procedure myself. So it was Hogan's Heroes, Carol Burnett, and Perry Mason last night. A little much. So, maybe I can catch a shower after returning from the next infusion and before dinner and then the night one. What a weird life at the moment.
So far this morning we had an infusion, labwork in another building, and a doc appt. So got started on animals a bit late, but finished them, ate lunch, and I think I can squeeze in a nap before we leave again. The last night infusion went way late because no one wanted to set him up and get him going. Left the house at 9:15 pm and got home about midnight and up at 5:30 again. I hope there's a different nurse on tonight. Last night was just crazy....4 nurses around the nursing station doing paperwork, no one wanting to get the bag iv on his midline. Waiting for George, they said. After a half hour, I asked if they would page George. Looked like he was the only one doing anything, and he was so painfully slow, I was ready to jump up and just do the procedure myself. So it was Hogan's Heroes, Carol Burnett, and Perry Mason last night. A little much. So, maybe I can catch a shower after returning from the next infusion and before dinner and then the night one. What a weird life at the moment.
How many more days?
I am down to just the strawberry patches to weed. I spent too much time last year keeping the raspberries weeded so I put down landscape fabric around them and the blackberries. I decided I needed to cover it with mulch.

So I completed two tasks today by topping of the mulch in front of the rental property and the strawberry patch today. Both turned out ok.

I have about 5 days of rain ahead of me so I will most likely be working on the Hobbit Hole to make The Princess happy.

A week from today. Why do I feel like I'm always counting something? Ha Ha.
The infusion clinic said they'd speak to the unit that does the (supposed) 10pm infusion about the importance of him getting the infusion right at 10pm. Maybe this will help.
Second infusion done. Back home. Shower taken and chores done. Calling in a takeout order to the amish place. Husband also wants to take everyone in at infusion the "as big as your face" cinnamon rolls I get from there. Little granddaughter came home from school and went right to bed. Well actually she went with her new boxed set of The Divergent books that we ordered and came today.
Utah used to be a good one to get. My home state of Colorado covers most other states where I'd go, but Utah's non-resident added a few places that Colorado didn't cover. I think Washington and Nevada in my case, but I can't recall for sure. Utah is cheap and easy for non-residents. I can't remember the initial process, but the renewals are all online. Go to the Utah CCW website, check renew, give them a CC number for the $15 or so fee (cheap), and you're good for another 5 years. In Colorado, they call their permit "CCW" (Carry Concealed Weapon). I see your state must use "CWP" (Concealed Weapons Permit?) In Colorado, this only covers firearms. Not knives. I think a "knife" in Colorado is defined as something with a blade longer than 3-1/2 inches (if it's a folder). And you're not supposed to carry those concealed. A CCW permit will not help with that.

Here is a good map where you enter the state(s) you have CCW permits for, and it shows you the other states that honor these permits.

The CCW class I took gave us the option of Utah or Arizona. I chose Arizona
A week from today. Why do I feel like I'm always counting something? Ha Ha.
The infusion clinic said they'd speak to the unit that does the (supposed) 10pm infusion about the importance of him getting the infusion right at 10pm. Maybe this will help.
Second infusion done. Back home. Shower taken and chores done. Calling in a takeout order to the amish place. Husband also wants to take everyone in at infusion the "as big as your face" cinnamon rolls I get from there. Little granddaughter came home from school and went right to bed. Well actually she went with her new boxed set of The Divergent books that we ordered and came today.
Too bad there wasn't someone who could come and stay for a week and help out and be there so little GD could stay asleep. Would still be difficult on you two but at least would help it go more smoothly :confused:
The CCW class I took gave us the option of Utah or Arizona. I chose Arizona
It depends on which non-resident state permit adds the most other states that your resident state permit doesn't cover. For Colorado at the time - 15 years ago - the two non-resident states that added the most (that I would actually go to!) were Utah and Florida. Different states will vary in what the best combination of permits would be. I think a few states that I was originally covered in with the Colorado/Utah combination have dropped off in the 15 years I've had my permits. You have to keep up with where you are and are not covered. This can change over time.
Medical appointment this afternoon, NP was excited about my trip to the folk school. Her kids are going there next week for another event.

I got a few groceries while in town. Still exhausted from the folk school, so... will have a few more days sitting in my chair.
Tuesday I grabbed some rice and seasonings for my friend. He still hasn't received his paycheck. He had kittens there so I had to cuddle them. I really like he one that reminds me of a Siamese.

Dealt with an erroneous bill from the hospital.

Cleaned in the kitchen and cooked on the newer induction burner for the first time in awhile.

Up all night comforting the dog bc the thunderstorms terrified her.

Napped a lot during the day, but got up and took trash out.

Leveled the cement board on the back wall of my shower. Temporarily set another piece up. Almost fell into the tub trying to lift it. Left arm wasn't hurting but still doesn't have the strength, but I got it set up. I'll post a pic in my thread about it.

Watched videos and tutorials on how to make curtains. I want to make some for Mom's bathroom.

Sending hugs for everyone who is having a hard time right now. I read and wanted to reply but my brain was not cooperating on remembering names or details and I completely forgot about the quote button while reading.
Not many plans for today, go to the gunshop to pick up the gun I ordered, stop at the beer cave for vital supplies. Think about where and how to redo the water collection barrels, I hated the last system I used. Stare at the tomato starts and see if I see green yet :p
I did more adjusting on the cement board but will need my friend to see if I'm doing something wrong. Level showed the tub was level from front to back but the cementboard with the same amount of shimming on each side was not level and needed more shims. I thought it was the cut of the board-- maybe uneven-- but when I did a dry fit with the surround piece it also needed more shimming. And I just realized the surround doesn't even need to be shimmed unless it is uneven. It doesn't need a gap between tub and surround. derp.

I think I need a nap. LOL.
Happy Days are here again!!!! No more countdown for me. The infectious disease doc wants him on the infusions an extra week beyond next week, and we said we can't keep doing this. Sleep deprivation. Staring at a green light yesterday and being honked at to go. Not registering the honk.
So...I'm doing the infusions. Starting with tonights one. We'll go in this afternoon for the last one at the hospital. We will gladly pay the extra $400 a week for the next couple of weeks. We're getting a takeout pizza to celebrate.
Walked first, this morning.
Picked up my friend and we went to Lowe's for weed killer.
Aldi's for produce.
Walmart for monthly stock up. They were out of quite a bit that I usually buy. Not needed stuff but DH's wants.
Went to lunch at a mediocre and over priced Mexican restaurant. Won't go there again. But ice cream after almost made up for it!
Not sure if I will do anything else today.
Evening did not go as planned. Have a migraine so planned to feed critters and go to bed early. NOPE. Got home to find a 44in water moccasin in the front yard that went to into the garage and had to be dispatched. Then after that went to check the heifer and found her wallowed against the fence with her head bent back. Got her unstuck and up. She's calmly eating and drinking now. Also found out my sister and her family are showing up a day early and we have storms coming in this weekend so needed to move vehicles around under the carports. Hopefully that's all for the excitement. I'm beat.
Oh, yeah I love living where the earth freezes for part of every year! I never have to worry about water moccasins, or spiders the size of my hand, or gators, or hurricanes......couldn't do it. Glad you were able to find it and dispatch it!
Amish, that's great news! You could not keep up that pace much longer. Hope your husband feels better soon.
Yet another day of 40s and rain. Like we're having groundhog day, but for the month of April. The forecast is like it's on repeat. 'member how you could put in an 8 track and just listen to it over and over?
After two or three days of struggle and with the help of the sawsall, I finally got the two small front axle tires off the rims for my lawnmower. Cleaned up and painted the wheels, and then simply couldn't get the new tires on after trying for a couple more days. Finally gave up and went to my tire guy who had a good laugh at my expense but said I did an awesome job sanding and painting the wheels. 5 minutes and 10 bucks and both tires were mounted. Sure found the point of diminishing returns in my quest for self sufficiency.
Went to check out a house today; there was a lot to like about it but it didn't grab me and say "home". Still thinking but tending toward not putting in an offer.
And maybe this should be in the rant thread - I absolutely despise what they've done to gas cans! I have to fill the kerosene heater every day for my greenhouse, and the stoooopid new cans make it so hard! I swear I've spilled a gallon's worth just fighting with the horrid latches and knobs and screens and so on. Can't get the battery pump into the can because of the screen but can't pour because of the latches....errgh. I've ordered some replacement spouts, what they have on should be ilegal since they can't be operated by an old woman with arthritic hands, but I haven't figured out how to remove the bloody screen that keeps me from using my nice, simple transfer pump to fill the heater. On the good side, my struggles have been appreciated by my seedlings. They're getting big!
A friend came over to make tinctures this afternoon. I had plantain and yarrow ready to harvest, didn’t need either. So I helped her make 3quarts. She brought dad some sweet pickles and brought me several pounds of butter. But said one milk cow isn’t enough now, evidently she needs another. Guess I can make a few calls.

I read the other day, somewhere… when making pickles, an additive to make them crispy. Anyone know what that is? My memory isn’t working today.

No plans tonight but some tv.
A friend came over to make tinctures this afternoon. I had plantain and yarrow ready to harvest, didn’t need either. So I helped her make 3quarts. She brought dad some sweet pickles and brought me several pounds of butter. But said one milk cow isn’t enough now, evidently she needs another. Guess I can make a few calls.

I read the other day, somewhere… when making pickles, an additive to make them crispy. Anyone know what that is? My memory isn’t working today.

No plans tonight but some tv.
Calcium chloride. It's sold under some name(???), Pickle crisper, cuke crisp???
We took the girls to Universal Studios today. Got there before they opened and were walking around the park til the rides came online. We tried a ride and Juju freaked out. None of us liked it so we tried to stick with the mellow ones. Yeah, that ain't happening when damn near all of them are 3D or some kind of simulator. We walked through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, had lunch and a butterbeer before trying one last ride and going back to my folks' house for the rest of the weekend. Now we can say we did it with the kids and never have to go back. I hate that they got rid of the stunt shows they had when I was a kid.

We will be heading home Sunday morning. Then I have to move the last of the fire wood inside for the rain it looks like we will get this week. 50 degrees in MAY! Normally it is close to 80 during the day in May.
I use these for pouring fuel, don't remember where I got them, online for sure though. Seems I had to screw two of them to be this long. Easy to move from can to can. They make filling a generator etc easy and no spills. It's very flexible, even 180.

Shop ( 2)ab.jpg
Today is Dad's birthday. He officially turns 88--he's been saying he's 88 for the last 6 months or so. He had a hard time in the airports when he attended his ship reunion--got pushed in a wheelchair between gates. He was not happy about that. He complained to his doctor friend who gave him a script for a peripheral arterial doppler ultrasound. So now that walnut in his skull is thinking something's really wrong inside. Asked what he wanted for his birthday and he replied a blood pressure monitor and pulse oximeter. LOL He thinks he'll be able to find out what's going on in a well used 88-year old body. Your knees hurt because you spent all that time in the Navy running up/down those sladders (stairs or ladders) and then 40 some odd years on concrete repairing car bodies.

So today I'll go over to work and buy him his new toys. And a bday card that the dog can give him.
Happy Birthday to your dad @Tommyice ! Hope he has a grand day!

I will walk shortly.
Pick up my friend and go to the salvage grocery store about 20 miles away.
Re-pack GHB.
Maybe get through one of the junk drawers. Won't take more than 15 minutes apiece, but I can't seem to get started.
Spend some more time outdoors with pups--72 and sunny today!
Today is Dad's birthday. He officially turns 88--he's been saying he's 88 for the last 6 months or so. He had a hard time in the airports when he attended his ship reunion--got pushed in a wheelchair between gates. He was not happy about that. He complained to his doctor friend who gave him a script for a peripheral arterial doppler ultrasound. So now that walnut in his skull is thinking something's really wrong inside. Asked what he wanted for his birthday and he replied a blood pressure monitor and pulse oximeter. LOL He thinks he'll be able to find out what's going on in a well used 88-year old body. Your knees hurt because you spent all that time in the Navy running up/down those sladders (stairs or ladders) and then 40 some odd years on concrete repairing car bodies.

So today I'll go over to work and buy him his new toys. And a bday card that the dog can give him.
That's funny, many of the older people I am around always " round up" their age! I know two ladies who are 92 and they both always say they'll be 95 soon 🙄😃! I'm still trying to pull off 39!!😮
It's been crazy the last few weeks - middle son's car died so I've been driving him to/from work daily. I don't mind it in the least because he's done plenty of driving for us (my ex couldn't drive), but its amazing how losing an extra hour a day messes up your schedule. Fortunately the weather finally decided to warm up here, so he's been able to ride his bike while he saves up for a new car.

Taking the pup and one of the cats in to get microchipped this morning (other cat already is). Ready to let the cat back outside and figure if he's chipped I won't worry as much when he takes off on the occasional 3 day bender.

@Heartbroken - I hate the new gas cans as well. There's tons of "antique" cans for sale on eBay that don't have the safety spouts which can often be had for less than the newfangled ones :)

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