What's everybody doing today?

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Did the animal chores, medical chores, and transplanted more seedlings in bigger pots. Harvested green onion and some lettuce. Have cleaning chores to do, and little granddaughter and I need to stop in at an ice cream social our neighbor is having for the "block". Another neighbor stopped in and visited with husband. He has talked to granddaughter, alot lately, when he stops in for a burger where she was working. So he says she quit. Word got around to her boss that she is sleeping with a lady that dresses like a guy. So her boss took her aside, talked to her and told her that homesexuality was a sin. Our neighbor also talked to her and quoted scripture. So now everyone is shocked at her gayness. I am truly surprised, but people really should be shocked more about our past year and the garbage they've been pulling and the lies they tell. She had a boyfriend for two years, recently broke up with him, and told someone it was because he was aggressive. That young man was the biggest snowflake wuss I've ever met. Hopefully none of this will be discussed at the ice cream social. I am thinking it should be over.
She is showing her true colors and the community is seeing it!!
The girl is psycho, believe me. And you have to realize we live in an Amish/Mennonite community, a very small one...about 600 people. Her boss is Beachy Amish, a more liberal type. She's worked for her for two years, so of course she's going to give her an opinion. The twins favorite thing to do this last year has been to do bad and outrageous stuff and insist people just be ok with it. Like grandson getting so do drunk that he almost died, until I found him and saved his life...and granddaughter not caring that she brought him to get that drunk and just shutting him in his room. And instead of being concerned when he was taken away by the paramedics, she was asking the police if she could do a "ride along" sometime because she wants to be a police officer. Or weaponizing their therapist against us with lies. And Child Services. Those two are whacked. Around here, if you have a lady dressed as a man come and hang out with you at work and you're hanging all over "it" on your break....people are going to talk. Even the boss. BTW, I do not have any sympathy towards the boss, because they believed all the abuse lies they told, and not once came and talked to us personally. Which would of been the right thing to do. The twins aren't "little kids" anymore. Will be 18 next month. They need to take their knocks just like anyone else should. And if they don't like our community, they need to leave. I hope they do. Until then, they are subject to the opinions of those that live in our community. That's how it is here.
Regarding heparin.....husband is already normally on Xarelto, and the last infusion of the evening (10pm) I do a 3cc heparin push. But this was a blocked line at the 2:30 time. And the look of dread of having to drive to ER on a Sunday crossed his face, and I felt so sorry. So glad to hear the fix. We are changing that routine now and doing 2cc of heparin after each infusion, or before, if the line gives me issues.
More communities need to be like this!
Mo that avatar is cute!
Filled a cart at Aldi. The checker said that she sees me each week and I must have a big family. Yep. Ha.
Mom's doc appt went well, and she can start on the walker (slowly) again. Oklahoma nephew just called and said a Chinese lady came by and bought all of his young rabbits (14)...he kept the breeders. She wants as many as he can breed. And any geese, duck or quail. She has people that want them. Sis that was just here (the Florida sis) called and said she ordered 18 months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply and a Berkey filter. She listened to me. Not many do, but there's one.
Hey Amish Heart,
That particular avatar is when she was 2.
Now she's in kindergarten.
Baked pastries I plan on selling at the next market ( not these, but the recipe). The recipe I found needs some improvement. It's in German, and the amount of dough is not enough to fit my cookie sheet. I will fix it. They taste good (Nussecken)

Weather sucked today. It rained, then sunny and we put everyone out. Then it poured half hour later and the goats stood in front of the gate looking like sad drowned rats so we let them back in ( barn is across the street)

I got myself banned on the other list discussing politics. Oh well, it was bound to happen. Most forums will ban anyone that is not in line with the majority opinion on that forum. It's what it is. Nobody ever changes their opinion about anything because of something someone else posted on an online forum anyways. I don't know why I bother
Good riddance, I don't have all that time to argue politics anyways

Husband keeps complaining about his ears ringing. I think we both got that because of the covid vaccine most likely. That's when it started. Or maybe just part of getting old. I have drops that sort of fixed it. Need to order him some
Been raining for two days now. Rain enough that there was a wee bit of water in the laundry room of the basement. Nothing to get knickers in knots about but enough to mop up off the floor or throw a beach towel on to soak it up. Just an annoyance really. As soon as things dry out around here, I'm thinking there needs to be some caulking between the patio and the foundation where the water seems to be finding it's way to the basement and also in the basement behind the washing machine where it's wet. Only happens when it rains for days.

We have one of the apartments on the market right now. For the past month, lots of folks looking at it but no takers. Feedback was always "there's no washer/dryer and/or dishwasher." My realtor is really good about pointing out that there is a laundromat a block and half away that has a pickup/dropoff service and that the water and heat are included in the rent. We finally decided to put up a sign. She went to our borough hall to get the permit (I know but I do live in the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey). Told her the minute she drops the coin for the sign it will get some action. Sure enough, I've got four applications received right after she got the permit. The downside for me is since we are not "luxury" and our rent is less expensive, i get a lot of people who are in or are coming out of tough circumstances. A lot of the buildings that are going up don't allow dogs or only up to a certain weight and tack on another $100 or so a month for owning one. Sometimes it's just really hard for me. Impacting someone's life in what may be not the best way.
Been raining for two days now. Rain enough that there was a wee bit of water in the laundry room of the basement. Nothing to get knickers in knots about but enough to mop up off the floor or throw a beach towel on to soak it up. Just an annoyance really. As soon as things dry out around here, I'm thinking there needs to be some caulking between the patio and the foundation where the water seems to be finding it's way to the basement and also in the basement behind the washing machine where it's wet. Only happens when it rains for days.

We have one of the apartments on the market right now. For the past month, lots of folks looking at it but no takers. Feedback was always "there's no washer/dryer and/or dishwasher." My realtor is really good about pointing out that there is a laundromat a block and half away that has a pickup/dropoff service and that the water and heat are included in the rent. We finally decided to put up a sign. She went to our borough hall to get the permit (I know but I do live in the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey). Told her the minute she drops the coin for the sign it will get some action. Sure enough, I've got four applications received right after she got the permit. The downside for me is since we are not "luxury" and our rent is less expensive, i get a lot of people who are in or are coming out of tough circumstances. A lot of the buildings that are going up don't allow dogs or only up to a certain weight and tack on another $100 or so a month for owning one. Sometimes it's just really hard for me. Impacting someone's life in what may be not the best way.
Re : extra for pets...

I can never predict if a pet will damage property or not. Our 1st tenant dog was ok but she took it upon herself to cut my Rose of Sharron hedge (guessing) to avoid having to untangle the dog from the bushes. The extra pet charged compensated for the bushes. It is part of our standard rental agreement.

Re : extra for pets...

I can never predict if a pet will damage property or not. Our 1st tenant dog was ok but she took it upon herself to cut my Rose of Sharron hedge (guessing) to avoid having to untangle the dog from the bushes. The extra pet charged compensated for the bushes. It is part of our standard rental agreement.

It’s funny…most of the pet damage we’ve experienced has been at the paws of cats. Only one apartment has access to the backyard and they share it with me so everyone has been very respectful.

Are your rentals for houses or apartment?
It’s funny…most of the pet damage we’ve experienced has been at the paws of cats. Only one apartment has access to the backyard and they share it with me so everyone has been very respectful.

Are your rentals for houses or apartment?

One active, another in development.

The current renter has a cat. No complaints about mice from him. Good.

Husband keeps complaining about his ears ringing. I think we both got that because of the covid vaccine most likely. That's when it started. Or maybe just part of getting old. I have drops that sort of fixed it. Need to order him some
It could be Tinnitus. He should get checked out by an ENT. There are some treatments for it. My father had these things that looked like hearing aids but would help cancel out the noises. There's a thumping technique below the ear that supposedly helps. My mother has it pretty bad and it is compounded by her problem with not actually listening to people. Part of it is the impaired hearing, the other is her lack of consideration.

Cats are wanting food and I know I need to get up and work on my bathroom some more. Vacuuming, trimming plastic, applying Aquadefense, etc.

Speaking of the cats, they are hollering at each other right now.
Went for a ride up the hills just west of me with a friend to bring salt to cattle. It's been beautiful here last few days..finally.
We had a small adventure getting unstuck as well. We wanted to see how far we could get up the mountain.
Then came home to do chores but finished off the day with bbq chicken n lightning cloud show.
Chores then I have to rest sometime before tonight.
Were doing 3 shifts for ?? 24 hr a day 5 days a week.

Guess who's on graveyard shift..last time they tried this we lasted 3 days b4 folks started to no show or were sick..well see how it goes..


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Yesterday was Church first and then walked dogs.
Put up tomato cages for my plants.
Finally cleaned out the junk drawers. Didn't take very long.

Today, walked first.
Did laundry.
Cleaned stuff out of my jeep as I'm getting it detailed tomorrow.
Made a breakfast casserole for the week.
Paid bills.
Called hearing aid doc for DH. Hoping they have a cancellation soon! He broke them, somehow.
This afternoon, I will cut up carrots for the dogs.
Make hummus and cut celery.
Spent the morning digging holes, adding amended soil, and planting some seeds I germinated: watermelons, squash & hot peppers. The soil here is heller rocky, so digging any kind of hole is like backbreaking convict labor, lol. In a perfect world, I'd use explosive charges to crater the ground, lol. Anyway, I'm done for the day, my back is a bit stiff from all the digging, but I watered everything and I hope to see some results in the near future. Not sure whether I'll paint that trim today, I don't wanna overdo it with the back, I might just save it for tomorrow. I still have more seeds to germinate and plant, but they'll take a couple of days to pop, so no worries. I did NOT go to Las Cruces this morning as previously planned, wasn't up to driving in that city traffic... ugh. Digging in hard rocky soil won out, if that tells ya anything, lol... :oops:
Sold my bottle lamb yesterday to a lady with one other that needs company.

Have to do some shopping today, we need propane refills for baking. I still have the wood stove on for heat but I don't let it get hot enough anymore to do the cooking and baking on. Use the outside propane stove. One thing I don't like about the wood stove is that I can't cook things like stir fries on it. Well, I can, but I get heatstroke, and the house is 80 degrees.....

Not raining today but still way colder than it should be for May
My little plants in pots ( tomatoes , peppers) need to go outside and be planted but I am afraid to.

Hooch: nice looking cattle!! I do have a stupid question, if you have animals in such a large area , how do you catch them to transport or treat them if sick, or anything really? I'm thinking cowboys rounding them up with horses lol.....?

Zannej: we generally try to not go to the doctor unless absolute necessary. But I did ask last time I went ( for the Lyme) and she told me there isn't much you can do about it. It is just hearing loss due to aging. I have drops Similasan , Ear ringing remedy, and they work for me. I rarely get it now
Walked first this morning.
Will take jeep to detail fellow in a bit. While cleaning stuff out of jeep yesterday, I found a small silver heart pendant that my Grandad gave me when I was 16 years old. The chain had snapped while I was in the car about 5 years ago and I thought it flew out the window. I have cleaned the car since, myself, but never got under the front seat well enough to find it. There was a pink post it note in front of it which I almost just left, thinking I was done. I can be meticulous, so I twisted until I could grab the note and saw something shiny behind it. Grabbed at it and it was the heart. Before I started getting stuff out of the car, I was talking to God and said "this is probably about the last time you can show me where this pendant is, if it is in the car". And He did!
When I get home, I will walk dogs.
Make hummus.
Clean baths.
Pick up car.
My back was bugging me too much yesterday to get much done. Today I've cooked for Mom, fed kitties, fed doggies, put spray foam in the cavity for the shelf in my tub surround, vacuumed the debris, made my own small crevice attachment from foam board & a straw (hot glue to hold it together), & got debris out. Letting dust settle (shop vac's filter sucks & is letting dust blow out). Going to take morning meds & vitamins and then go work on the bathroom some more.
Husband's doc appt this morning, then to prescription pickup and Dollar Tree, since it was next door. Home in time for lunch, then neighbor just left, talked my ear off. She's only been a widow a few months, and I think she needed to talk someone's ear off. Her son and family from Arkansas are moving here in a month or so to help with her sheep farm. Have housework stuff to do this afternoon, and infusion schedule.
Cat Care at the shelter, we were short on people but 💩 still gets done. Stopped and voted NO on the school levy, AGAIN. They lost 70:30 % 6 months ago, but you know they have to try again "for the kids" (and their pockets). Went to the gun shop and picked up the King Cobra. Put the feed for chickens and birds in the cans, took a shower and now petting a cat and relaxing
Drove to Ruidoso to pick up more weed seeds from the local dispensary... gonna try again after that expensive failure with the mistimed germination. A $140 mistake I will not make again. I can still salvage the season, but I'm just gonna use what I can get here locally. I bought 5 seeds of 'Divinity' and 5 of something called 'Grizzly Grease'---I dunno who comes up with these names for weed strains, but I'm thinking it's the same fooliots who come up with the names for modern skateboarding tricks, lol. And YES, they are probably HIGH when they do this, lol. 😒

I also made a town run in Alamo on my way home: Post Office, library, and a stop at Walmart for more beer, plus a phone card recharge so I know the money is in that account. The phone service doesn't roll over until the 18th, but I want the money on there now so I don't have to worry about it later. My Verizon TCL 4G flip-phone costs $35 per month for service, that forced phone upgrade back at the beginning of the year was just another ploy to juke me out of $5 more per month, pfffffffft. Greedy swine... they nickel & dime ya to death. 😠

Kinda late to get started on cutting in those bathrooms, I think I'll just wait till tomorrow morning. I already have some fresh liners for my handheld Pelican paint pail, so that task should go pretty fast once I get started. First I'll do all the easy corners, then finish off the tougher areas. I just don't feel like messing with it now after all that driving and running around. Time to relax and unwind... I watched the original 'KARATE KID' flick last night, that was pretty funny, I like Pat Morita, he's good as Mr. Miyagi. Those old cars of his were pretty nice too... the old pickup was awesome! 😎
A friend came over to make tinctures this afternoon. I had plantain and yarrow ready to harvest, didn’t need either. So I helped her make 3quarts. She brought dad some sweet pickles and brought me several pounds of butter. But said one milk cow isn’t enough now, evidently she needs another. Guess I can make a few calls.

I read the other day, somewhere… when making pickles, an additive to make them crispy. Anyone know what that is? My memory isn’t working today.

No plans tonight but some tv.
It used to be alum or a grape leaf if you want to go the old fashioned route.
Have been slammed lately! Friday drove from Hither to Yon and back again 🤨
Sat. we went for a hike to look for mushrooms - too early, but the hike did us both good.
Sunday: Hubby worked & I stayed home. Reorganized the spare room and put like with like and streamlined the process so keeping stock rotated will be much easier now! Then moved outside and mowed, weed-eated (thought of Bacpacker), heaped spuds, pruned dead out of the lilac, watered, shoveled (thought of Ben) and did general clean up outside. Also, did a load of laundry, processed the last 4 spaghetti squash, and ground a bin of flour then made supper, had a shower and sat on my duff.
Yesterday was a Monday and the 1st but all the guys were on site so the shop was quiet and I got things done.
Alum!!!! That's it! Recently someone posted about alum and pickles.

I am worn out, still slowly recovering from the folk school. Been hammered with disasters the past 4 days. I took the big generator to town this morning. Flooding issue, probably trash holding the float in the carb open. Anyway, I took it to the small engine shop, let them figure it out. I don't have the time or inclination.

While in town I bought a replacement wiring harness for the little trailer. Both tail lights were busted, harness damaged. Simpler to replace than repair. The lighting plug receptacle on my truck was damaged too. That boy or dad busted it. Of course no one told me or offered to replace it. So I bought a new one, a dual connection plug. Use either 4 or 6 wire connectors without using an adapter with the 4-wire.

As if I didn't have enough on my plate, now I get to rewire the trailer. Oh, my plate, noticed the donkey is lame, needs hoof trimming. Hope that's the only issue. Now I have to haul him to a farrier or get one to come out here.
We took the girls to Universal Studios today. Got there before they opened and were walking around the park til the rides came online. We tried a ride and Juju freaked out. None of us liked it so we tried to stick with the mellow ones. Yeah, that ain't happening when damn near all of them are 3D or some kind of simulator. We walked through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, had lunch and a butterbeer before trying one last ride and going back to my folks' house for the rest of the weekend. Now we can say we did it with the kids and never have to go back. I hate that they got rid of the stunt shows they had when I was a kid.

We will be heading home Sunday morning. Then I have to move the last of the fire wood inside for the rain it looks like we will get this week. 50 degrees in MAY! Normally it is close to 80 during the day in May.
It's been 25 years since I went to Universal Studios, so my guess is that most of the attractions have been revamped to go along with current films. The kind of rides that I learned that I did not like were the jerking ones. They had a sign at the door not to go on them if you had certain injuries, etc. I should have passed on those rides.
One thing I remember about Universal Studios is that it has the longest escalator I have ever seen or been on.

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