The girl is psycho, believe me. And you have to realize we live in an Amish/Mennonite community, a very small one...about 600 people. Her boss is Beachy Amish, a more liberal type. She's worked for her for two years, so of course she's going to give her an opinion. The twins favorite thing to do this last year has been to do bad and outrageous stuff and insist people just be ok with it. Like grandson getting so do drunk that he almost died, until I found him and saved his life...and granddaughter not caring that she brought him to get that drunk and just shutting him in his room. And instead of being concerned when he was taken away by the paramedics, she was asking the police if she could do a "ride along" sometime because she wants to be a police officer. Or weaponizing their therapist against us with lies. And Child Services. Those two are whacked. Around here, if you have a lady dressed as a man come and hang out with you at work and you're hanging all over "it" on your break....people are going to talk. Even the boss. BTW, I do not have any sympathy towards the boss, because they believed all the abuse lies they told, and not once came and talked to us personally. Which would of been the right thing to do. The twins aren't "little kids" anymore. Will be 18 next month. They need to take their knocks just like anyone else should. And if they don't like our community, they need to leave. I hope they do. Until then, they are subject to the opinions of those that live in our community. That's how it is here.
Regarding heparin.....husband is already normally on Xarelto, and the last infusion of the evening (10pm) I do a 3cc heparin push. But this was a blocked line at the 2:30 time. And the look of dread of having to drive to ER on a Sunday crossed his face, and I felt so sorry. So glad to hear the fix. We are changing that routine now and doing 2cc of heparin after each infusion, or before, if the line gives me issues.