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I got myself banned on the other list discussing politics. Oh well, it was bound to happen. Most forums will ban anyone that is not in line with the majority opinion on that forum. It's what it is. Nobody ever changes their opinion about anything because of something someone else posted on an online forum anyways. I don't know why I bother
Good riddance, I don't have all that time to argue politics anyways
On this forum? Or another one?

I stay away from politics. I never liked it, and I don't really understand it. I think there is so much b.s. when it comes to politics, so many lies, so much dishonesty.
Paid property taxes for the year…:mad:

County was nice to save the taxpayer the cost of a stamp by including next year’s assessment with the property tax bill. My prperty tax will increase $350 next year. :mad: :mad:
My taxes will increase by one fourth next year. Twin house to mine sold for $950,000 last year. I can petition to get my taxes lowered, but not when the twin sold for that much, even if my home is more of a step child to that house. If I didn't qualify for senior citizens rates, my property taxes would be $500 a month! We need a thread about taxes. South Dakota used to have great rates on taxes. I saw recently that the people of Custer County (Black Hills) got the wind knocked out of them when they saw the new rates. I think that property taxes have gone up almost everywhere and many are ridiculously high.
I did something I haven't done in 3 years...
Fired up my PCView attachment 107913.
It took 4 pulls on the crank-rope to get it fired up.
The first 3 pushes on the button only got me 'yellowlight' instead of green.View attachment 107914
I was just sure it was dead.View attachment 107915 It is not.
...I miss my old emojis.View attachment 107916
My friend told me she hadn't turned her computer on in a few years and it wouldn't start. I told her I'd look at it. Computer had the blue screen of death. It can probably be fixed, but not by me. If she hasn't been using the computer for a few years, and does all of her stuff on her phone, she might as well just keep using her phone.
Weedygarden, is there any chance you can file for homestead exemption? I could not deal with having to use my phone all the time instead of a computer. BSOD sucks. Hope she can get it fixed.

Fought with the crappy printer to get my brother's state taxes printed. Took an hour to get it to work. Printer was only used 2x to print less than 10 pages & it is now saying it only has 2/3 ink left. I packed that piece of garbage up, put it back in its box, located the receipt on my phone (can't find the paper one) and am going to take it back to the store.

Got up 2 coats of Aquadefense on the cement board. Popped some pilot holes through the boards with a screw (from the closet side) so it will be easier to drill when I put the wall panels up.

Cooked for Mom & am thinking of going to the store to look for salads and stuff (and to return that lousy printer). The deli area where they make the salads and stuff has been closed the last few days due to boil advisory from the water company. Not sure if it will be back open.
My friend told me she hadn't turned her computer on in a few years and it wouldn't start. I told her I'd look at it. Computer had the blue screen of death. It can probably be fixed, but not by me. If she hasn't been using the computer for a few years, and does all of her stuff on her phone, she might as well just keep using her phone.
Before she tosses it in the garbage, try holding down the F4 key to boot it up in "safe-mode". (F8 on older versions than Win10)
Some versions of Windoz don't sleep well (pun).
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I'm having a proud dad day! I posted before about my daughter being inducted into the National Honor Society. She also got her ACT score back this week. She got a 31! Combined with her grade point which is currently 3.97, she should be able to get some academic scholarship money for college. Now today, she took first place at the West Central Conference's annual art show, competing with students from 7 other schools, with this piece:

In case it's hard to tell from the pic, it's a heart wrapped in barbed wire, inside a padlocked wooden box.

It makes my heart swell up to see her having this recent run of success. She has put a lot of effort into everything, and I'm glad she gets to reap the rewards...
I'm having a proud dad day! I posted before about my daughter being inducted into the National Honor Society. She also got her ACT score back this week. She got a 31! Combined with her grade point which is currently 3.97, she should be able to get some academic scholarship money for college. Now today, she took first place at the West Central Conference's annual art show, competing with students from 7 other schools, with this piece:View attachment 107952
In case it's hard to tell from the pic, it's a heart wrapped in barbed wire, inside a padlocked wooden box.

It makes my heart swell up to see her having this recent run of success. She has put a lot of effort into everything, and I'm glad she gets to reap the rewards...
That is a very cool piece of art!

When I was in h.s., I took art. One of the art students had tough stuff going on at home. Her dad was the Postmaster and was being prosecuted for embezzlement. She had a piece of art that included a broken heart. The art teacher was very in tune with what was going on, and recognized that her art piece spoke about her current life status. I have no memory of what happened with her dad, if he did time, or what.
WORK, WORK, WORK. Got home from work and loaded a bunch of stuff from our closet clean out and hauled it to the drop box. Had an appointment to get my tires rotated, got there 30 minutes early and guy goes to look at the car for milegae and such. Came back in and told me I had wire showing on all 4 tires. I missed that completely. Got to spend $500 bucks for a set of tires. UGH
Weedy, sucks that you can't get homestead exemption. Wish that you could.
Spikedriver, that is awesome!
Backpacker, ugh, having to get new tires is not fun, but at least your ride should be smoother now.
Ladylocust, I love banana nut muffins!

I put the fiber mesh tape on the seams and over the screws on the cement board. Then I cooked for Mom. My back is bugging me again so I'm resting. Got the heated vibrating pad on my back and its helping. I might take a nap.
My taxes will increase by one fourth next year. Twin house to mine sold for $950,000 last year. I can petition to get my taxes lowered, but not when the twin sold for that much, even if my home is more of a step child to that house. If I didn't qualify for senior citizens rates, my property taxes would be $500 a month! We need a thread about taxes. South Dakota used to have great rates on taxes. I saw recently that the people of Custer County (Black Hills) got the wind knocked out of them when they saw the new rates. I think that property taxes have gone up almost everywhere and many are ridiculously high.

Scumbag politicians puttin' the hurt on taxpayers... this is precisely why I chose a fixer home outside town limits. I did receive a notice from the County Assessor about the value of my home rising, but thankfully it won't lead to any great property tax hike. Right now I'm paying about $100 per year, lol, so even if it were to double it wouldn't be any great imposition. However, this trend seems to be more common nowadays, with tax rates climbing as scumbag politicians look for more ways to rip off citizens... SOMEBODY has to pay for all the BAD DECISIONS those scumbags are making, it's almost like the politicians are deliberately trying to bankrupt the country. I think folks who are looking to buy a home should carefully consider this factor, and choose a location outside town limits in order to keep property taxes lower... a few miles out of town would be a good start, that way folks can still access supply points when necessary. 😒
On this forum? Or another one?

I stay away from politics. I never liked it, and I don't really understand it. I think there is so much b.s. when it comes to politics, so many lies, so much dishonesty.
The other forum. It was a discussion about the US defending Taiwan from China. I am against that, enough said. Don't want to start on here.....
So the big fat goat finally had her kids yesterday.
We went shopping, came back and she was in a stall just standing there, but not leaking or active labor, so we went to put the stuff away. Half hour later we found her outside at the bottom of the pasture in the cold and wind with 2 kids. We got them inside and she had another 2. One didn't come out ok, he was having breathing problems and was shaking and crying. I thought for sure he would die. But after we checked on them again after a while he was up trying to nurse BUT she was out of milk already. I also had no milk replacer left and the milk goat's kids sucked up all of her milk. So I gave him some regular store milk. I wonder if he is still alive today. It's cold and windy, but they are in a stall in the barn
So another trip to the store to get more milk replacer. Our goats can usually feed 3 kids, but 4 I need to feed some extra.

We go shopping and try to stock up, but there is still always something missing or I forgot. I should have gotten a small bag of milk replacer, since this goat has had 4-5 kids before regularly.

Today cold and windy, supposed to snow a little this morning . My garden sucks this year, too wet and cold and the only thing growing well is the lettuce so far. I hope it didn't freeze last night , didn't cover anything up
A better morning than expected - the sun is shining, always a bonus ;) I signed up for a six week program of classes in the local centre, all taster sessions. I'm not a keep fit person- at all- but need to strengthen up a bit due to a condition I have. Due to the amount of sitting recently, my back is playing up, but I went to boxercise, and feeling better. Just did a load of chores, paid bills etc and now finishing up my final work for submission on Friday! 3 years completed! 🎉🎓 But I shall miss it 😭 such a great bunch of people.
It's been a rough week, the wife has had a cough and some breathing problems. Work has been busy... So we have considered having someone come in and help with the house. What we would have them do is clean the kitchen, 2 baths, sweep the hall, and vacuum the living room. If they could stay with the wife for 10 hours on 1 day a week it would really help me out. I am at a loss as to what I should plan on paying them, it would be a cash type of exchange, but I just don't know what would be reasonable? I know some people on the site clean houses and help folks, so just asking what would be reasonable?
Taking a sick day because I don't feel so well, at least it is a sunny day. Waiting to hear about my bro.
@UrbanHunter sorry your wife is having coughing and breathing problems. The air quality here today isn't good. I hope you can find a great source for helping you out with cleaning and staying with her when needed. Have you checked care.com?
Sold my bottle lamb yesterday to a lady with one other that needs company.

Have to do some shopping today, we need propane refills for baking. I still have the wood stove on for heat but I don't let it get hot enough anymore to do the cooking and baking on. Use the outside propane stove. One thing I don't like about the wood stove is that I can't cook things like stir fries on it. Well, I can, but I get heatstroke, and the house is 80 degrees.....

Not raining today but still way colder than it should be for May
My little plants in pots ( tomatoes , peppers) need to go outside and be planted but I am afraid to.

Hooch: nice looking cattle!! I do have a stupid question, if you have animals in such a large area , how do you catch them to transport or treat them if sick, or anything really? I'm thinking cowboys rounding them up with horses lol.....?

Zannej: we generally try to not go to the doctor unless absolute necessary. But I did ask last time I went ( for the Lyme) and she told me there isn't much you can do about it. It is just hearing loss due to aging. I have drops Similasan , Ear ringing remedy, and they work for me. I rarely get it now
Yes your right..cowboys go out n round them up in the fall n drive them to a corral for pick up.
This group is on a 800 acre spread just west of my place. My friend says a group of friends/family get together , start at the top of the property n work them off the hills. Then they get transported to the area for winter feeding n calving or to auction if being sold.
Many cattle folks out here free range their cows up in the mountains here too. Most of the time the cows head home off the mountains come fall. In the fall , drivers really have to watch out for cows in the road at night especially. If you hit one most likely you vehicle is totalled n you also get to pay for a dead cow.
Tried to sleep in more but at least it was later than yesterday.
Driving home after graveyard shift is a fight to stay awake.
I'm getting alot done at home though since I dont have to be at work till 10 pm.
I'm caught up on mowing at least for a week or so. It's supposed to cool down n rain for a few days starting tomorrow.
I'm going to take the doggies for a walk n maybe run a errand or two then relax n maybe organize a bit of my rug material before work.
It's been in the 40s, raining and overcast here for about 73.91 days. The grass is looking like a hayfield and I think I'm growing webbing between my toes. Still running the heater in the greenhouse. Kerosene is expensive! But the tomato plants are getting big, the peppers are thriving, and the squash and cukes I started in pots last week are sprouting. Forecast says we might get some sun and 60s this weekend, I'll believe it when I see it.
Had to drive to the state capitol and sit for a certification exam today. My brain is fried. Can only hope that I passed, results won't be out for a month. House was cold when I got home since I refuse to turn the the furnace back on and won't leave the electric heater running while I'm gone. Built a fire, settled in my chair, and took a nap, instead of doing any of the thousands of chores that await my attention. The exam and the drive just wore me out. Tomorrow is another day.
I love how the mama goat is looking right into the camera. The kids are adorable!

Been trying to work on my bathroom but need a 2nd set of hands. Got my staple gun working but the center wall panel keeps falling down and aggravating me. It shifted one of the side panels so when I stapled the trim I realized it isn't aligned properly so now I have to pull those staples but I don't have a staple puller. Ugh. Need to figure out something but I got too aggravated and was about to break something so I'm resting for now.
Mom's doc appt, and he was not happy, because she's still in a wheelchair and not on the walker like she should be. The transport nurse didn't think she looked good, either, and I've been complaining my head off about her care. So I reported it with the transport nurse, and have a meeting set up next Wednesday to discuss her care. I'll put my Florida sis on speakerphone and she can participate, too. Filled a cart at Aldi, since I was so close to it from the hospital. Husband seems a bit better today, so I'll take that. Mama cat moved all six babies from upstairs of one building, way to the milkhouse. Found a damaged turkey hen that must of got picked on last night, moved her to the milkhouse caging. Too bad I'll have to butcher her now, she won't be able to go back to the flock. Maybe Saturday. Neighbors just brought by some fresh bread and some peanut butter cookies that I'm eating way too many of.
Mom's doc appt, and he was not happy, because she's still in a wheelchair and not on the walker like she should be. The transport nurse didn't think she looked good, either, and I've been complaining my head off about her care. So I reported it with the transport nurse, and have a meeting set up next Wednesday to discuss her care. I'll put my Florida sis on speakerphone and she can participate, too. Filled a cart at Aldi, since I was so close to it from the hospital. Husband seems a bit better today, so I'll take that. Mama cat moved all six babies from upstairs of one building, way to the milkhouse. Found a damaged turkey hen that must of got picked on last night, moved her to the milkhouse caging. Too bad I'll have to butcher her now, she won't be able to go back to the flock. Maybe Saturday. Neighbors just brought by some fresh bread and some peanut butter cookies that I'm eating way too many of.
Peanut butter cookies are great when you are tired!!
Funny, I bought a bag of miniature payday candy bars last week. I don't usually eat sweets, been craving peanuts and sugar lately. Just got the news last week, my ac1 has now been less than 5.3 x 18 months. I think I can have some sweets. If I knew how to make peanut butter cookies I would... 🤣

Still exhausted but I made up to the shop. Prepped for putting a new wiring harness and tail lights on the trailer. Crawled underneath and got the old bolts and screws soaked in liquid wrench. Maybe tomorrow..
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