What's everybody doing today?

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@LadyLocust do you mean piebald deer? They are neat to see. My cousin just down the road had a pure white deer living in his fields. I saw it a couple times but that was a year or two ago. I've heard they die by middle age or early.

Finished installing new lights and wiring harness on the little trailer... Maybe I should load up my lawn mower and drive around with it... :rolleyes:
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Been having some nice spring weather and this afternoon a real live thunderstorm rolled in. Living right up against the rocky mountains with other hills (mountains in the midwest and east) makes for some great rolling echoing thunder. The mild downpoor helps the moisture as well.
It's not so much weather as a deep connection with the sounds and smells the earth makes.
We had a decent but busy day. Went to the local indoor pool and swam laps ( I did anyway, husband just hangs out mostly) . Got more milk replacer for the goats but so far momma seems to feed them enough, they turned their little noses up at the bottle

Covered ALL the plants in the garden again,supposed to freeze tonight

Gave all the lambs their second CDT vaccine and (ugh, I hate this!! But needs to be done) banded the boys

I am now going to have some weird mango margharita I got at Aldi , it was not cheap.
Also splurged on a book on birds. I see all these beautiful birds and have no idea what they are except a very few like Cardinals. Found it at Tractor Supply. Didn't realize how many different birds there are just in Virginia ( well some of those obviously live in other States also) .
Burned a couple of acres off just outside the yard today and worked on some culverts. The rain came in this evening and put my fire out.

@LadyLocust do you mean piebald deer? They are neat to see. My cousin just down the road had a pure white deer living in his fields. I saw it a couple times but that was a year or two ago. I've heard they die by middle age or early.

Finished installing new lights and wiring harness on the little trailer... Maybe I should load up my lawn mower and drive around with it... :rolleyes:
Yep 😁 exactly what I meant. Had to go back and see what I typed. I’m not even dyslexic just confused at times 🥴. I’m gonna leave it so your post will make sense to those reading through. This one is like a paint horse - kinda pretty.
My bronco had over 300K when we overhauled and restored it. We have a GMC Sierra over 300K & still rollin, another Ford (F250), a Mitsubishi, a Chevy (3500), a Jeep, a Ram, and a KTM (motorcycle) - does that count as an interracial parking lot? 🤣 They are tools - pick the right one for the job & keep up maintenance - they'll last.
Yep, 450,000+ on my '99 Z71! It does act like it will die any moment!! 🤔😮🚑🎠⛲😉
Decent night at work. Came home and added the last few coats of spray paint to the cabinets for the garage. Tomorow/Today I will place them on the garage wall and prep them for the workbench. Hopefully I remember to buy the extra sheet of 3/4 play to complete the workbench countertop.
Tomorrow/today the GF's oldest daughter graduates with high honors from college, but thankfully it looks like the weekend will be free of extended celebration. Hopefully I get some progress done in the garage and then on Saturday a night of R&R at the neighbors for Seis De Mayo. You know, since Cinco De Mayo is filled up with other stuff.
I am about ready for a hot shower and off to bed. Sweet dreams to me, Happy Friday to all ya'all.
I'm off today, but someone scheduled a 3 hour call for this afternoon, so I'm just a little off...

Another one of the wife's dear friends passed last week and the funeral is this morning... Someone was kind enough to set up a zoom call so my wife will be able to participate virtually. Her health will not let her attend in person... It seems like we are losing someone every other month now....

I have the laundry started and I plan to haul a couple of loads to the recycling center today, assuming I can get it done before 2PM.
There is an amish wedding today, so the town is filled with visitors from all over. Everyone seems to have houseguests for the weekend. The wedding starts in an hour or so, and I've already seen a couple of buggies go down the road. Was wondering why our neighbor was still out working with his tractor at 9:30 last night, probably because he is busy most of the day today (and because he is a workaholic, ha). Weddings usually have about 400 in attendance, and a sit down lunch, so in a town of 600, it's quite a big deal.
Off today!! Everyone is fed and I lived through the cat vs deer fight😮🐆🦌! Sam learned not to get in the way of pregnant Burberry! Finally having some coffee before I start laundry and some house cleaning ( I always say "some" because I never get to totally clean my own house)! Have a list a mile long🙄! Finishing my coffee first!
@ABR I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

We are holed up inside right now.
Back to square one with the county and our road after a year of waiting, have to re-submit the paperwork. I've never dealt with such idiocy in my life, its unreal!
It sucks when you do what you are supposed to do and someone else doesn't! You guys have been working so hard on your place!! What an unnecessary set back!!☹️
It sucks when you do what you are supposed to do and someone else doesn't! You guys have been working so hard on your place!! What an unnecessary set back!!☹️
If I did my job like this, I wouldn't be licensed anymore.
Just got off the phone with our landscape architect we hired, he has 30 years of experience in this. Said he's never seen anything so bad and wants to take it to the county commissioner. If its a fight they want, they are going to get it!
If I did my job like this, I wouldn't be licensed anymore.
Just got off the phone with our landscape architect we hired, he has 30 years of experience in this. Said he's never seen anything so bad and wants to take it to the county commissioner. If its a fight they want, they are going to get it!
Well heck yeah!! The county will be expecting your property taxes right on time, they need to do their job!!
Heartbroken, the way you describe your husband's death fits a lot with how I feel about my father's death. I was a total Daddy's girl. Never found anyone who could compare to him. He was my best friend. A part of me died with him. I cried every day for a year and a half. Then for the next couple years it was every other day. It took over a decade to be able to think about him without crying-- although I still do sometimes. To this day I don't feel joy or happiness as strongly as I did when he was alive. To be honest, I never felt those emotions very strongly to begin with, I've always had sort of a muted sense when it came to those things but feel grief and anger very strongly. I don't think I'm capable of loving anyone as much as I loved my dad. I love my mom, sister, brother, and my friends, but its not quite the same. I'm sure it would feel worse than I anticipate if I lost any of them, but having gone through that loss, everything else feels diminished somehow.

Ok, I'm going to stop being a sad sack and move on to something positive. I got the L-bead trim up in my bathroom and my next step is to prep, get all my tools & stuff in order, and apply thinset. I've never done it before so I'm a bit nervous about it, but hopefully it will turn out. I have the mixing ratio and just need to make sure I have everything I need on hand and know where it is before I start.

Stomach is still feeling rather cruddy so I'm taking it easy after working on the bathroom a bit. I'm waiting for Mom to wake up so I can take her up to the AT&T store and trade in a Note 4 so she can get a newer phone. The S23 is supposed to be free with trade in of "any" phone. The store clerk told me it has to be a samsung galaxy and the note qualifies.
Well, I meant to finish painting the master bathroom today, but I wound up knocking out a bunch of other chores, and now it's darned near 1400 hours, so I'm gonna get an earlier start on the painting manana. I reach a point where I just wanna relax, ya know? The bathroom isn't gonna paint itself: I will handle it tomorrow. I just received a call from my best friend back on the beach, so that was a cheerful conversation... the ocean, my friends & family, ALL that I miss from the Socialist Republik of Kalifornia. Meh, they know why I'm here, and sometimes a man simply has to stand alone... :confused:

Otherwise, I'm enjoying a fine day here, though I still feel a bit tired... I must have worn myself down a bit stressin' on the home rehab work list, lol. F#% it, it'll get done when I do it, and not a moment before, lol. I do wanna get it done, I'm tired of thinking about it, but I'm actually making good progress with the bathrooms, won't be much longer before the tedious painting is finished. Funny thing, my feet have been tired lately, even though I've been massaging them with lotion and 'Bag Balm' and everything. The 'Bag Balm' is to prevent dryness, which leads to painful cracks in the skin. 😒

Lemme tell ya, that 'Bag Balm' comes in handy in the high desert, particularly for hands & feet. It can get so dry out here, one's skin will literally crack, and those cracks can be painful. They're not very big, but they're DEEP, you understand, and that's what brings on the pain, lol. The worst cracks are those on the heel of the foot, those things can be friggin' irritating... fortunately, the 'Bag Balm' makes things right in short order. Whenever I feel the slightest discomfort from a developing crack, I slap 'Bag Balm' on my feet every morning & evening and it eventually solves the problem. 😬

Disclaimer: I don't have any REAL foot problems, funky or stanky feet, or any of that BS... maybe this recent tiredness is associated with the arthritis that runs in my family. That could be what's causing this odd tiredness... :oops:
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Well, I meant to finish painting the master bathroom today, but I wound up knocking out a bunch of other chores, and now it's darned near 1400 hours, so I'm gonna get an earlier start on the painting manana. I reach a point where I just wanna relax, ya know? The bathroom isn't gonna paint itself: I will handle it tomorrow. I just received a call from my best friend back on the beach, so that was a cheerful conversation... the ocean, my friends & family, ALL that I miss from the Socialist Republik of Kalifornia. Meh, they know why I'm here, and sometimes a man simply has to stand alone... :confused:

Otherwise, I'm enjoying a fine day here, though I still feel a bit tired... I must have worn myself down a bit stressin' on the home rehab work list, lol. F#% it, it'll get done when I do it, and not a moment before, lol. I do wanna get it done, I'm tired of thinking about it, but I'm actually making good progress with the bathrooms, won't be much longer before the tedious painting is finished. Funny thing, my feet have been tired lately, even though I've been massaging them with lotion and 'Bag Balm' and everything. The 'Bag Balm' is to prevent dryness, which leads to painful cracks in the skin. 😒

Lemme tell ya, that 'Bag Balm' comes in handy in the high desert, particularly for hands & feet. It can get so dry out here, one's skin will literally crack, and those cracks can be painful. They're not very big, but they're DEEP, you understand, and that's what brings on the pain, lol. The worst cracks are those on the heel of the foot, those things can be friggin' irritating... fortunately, the 'Bag Balm' makes things right in short order. Whenever I feel the slightest discomfort from a developing crack, I slap 'Bag Balm' on my feet every morning & evening and it eventually solves the problem. 😬

Disclaimer: I don't have any REAL foot problems, funky or stanky feet, or any of that BS... maybe this recent tiredness is associated with the arthritis that runs in my family. That could be what's causing this odd tiredness... :oops:
Take care of your tootsies!
Honestly, @Pearl sounds like a rough neighborhood! Hope Sammy is recovering nicely.
Sammy and Annie are sprawled out under the carport! It's hot😃😉! 99° here right now, came in to reload the cooler! Some t-storms around but nice HOT SUN here!! But Sammy is doing great today! After a little more pool time, I'll be brushing on Buddy and Bear. Not much planned, enjoyable afternoon!!
We took his clothes to the funeral home this afternoon. Thankfully I was able to find his favorite T-shirt and his pocket things. I still can't believe that he's gone. I keep waiting for him to walk in with some smarta$$ comment and a grin on his face.