Amish, I hope the doctor & transport nurse will do something about your Mom's care. I hope your husband continues to feel better. Peanutbutter cookies are good. I've always been a fiend for chocolate chip though. I wonder how peanutbutter cookies with chocolate chips would taste.... Not the white chocolate ones either. Dark chocolate. LOL. I get these Nature Valley granola bars with peanut, almonds, and dark chocolate but the doctor said I needed to cut back on the sugars so I didn't buy more when I finished the box off. I feel sorry for people who have peanut allergies because peanuts are delicious.
ABR, I am so very sorry! That is awful news! I don't know what to say that won't sound cliche or like platitudes. Sending you hugs.
Spikedriver, I hope you have a good day at work.
INResponse, I hope your gf sticks to her side and that you get the kitchen island and that all the cabinet work goes well. I'd love to see pictures of the progress and when you are done.
Dade, I hope the oil change goes well.
Pearl, I hope you have a good day at work. LOL about the Ford thing. It's the F-word!

My friend almost got a Ford but said his late great Uncle Cleo would haunt him if he did. He got a ford before and the engine crapped out the day he registered and insured it. We used to drive Fords a lot and didn't have too much trouble with them. Had an escort LX which had terrible brakes and steering but didn't need a ton of work. Had Ford Explorer and Ford Expeditions as well. We were lucky that they were pretty reliable and needed little work- mostly maintenance stuff.
Frodo, it sucks when vehicles get to that situation. Hope you can find a good van. Cargurus can sometimes be a decent site for looking, but not sure if you're looking locally. I remember a short comedy clip where an old man is telling his grandson about how he used to have to walk everywhere and the kid said "Oh, you had a Ford too?"
lonewolf, what veggies are you putting in (forgive me if you've already said, my memory is like a sieve).
Wingnut, I hope you get rested up. I drop gardening tools when trying to cut as well. Killz is great stuff. I feel you on the lack of dexterty thing. I'm in the same boat. You're not alone! LOL. Nothing wrong with venting about arthritis. It sucks. Have you tried Voltaren at all? Not sure how well it works as I've used it mostly for my shoulder & I have a high resistance to stuff. It works great for my friend though-- but he's a lightweight & reacts very strongly to things.
I swept up in my bathroom a bit and am trying to figure out a plan to get the staples out. I might be able to loosen them with some dental tools. My stomach is out of sorts today though. Felt nauseous. The salad I ate yesterday gave me some digestive issues. Not sure if it was the tomatoes or what. Then I didn't sleep last night because my Mom was acting weird and all confused. She was sitting up and kept saying she was going to get up but when I asked her if she wanted her cane she didn't seem to know what I was talking about. She was looking at things wide-eyed and couldn't understand. I wanted to take her to the hospital but she said "No. I don't wanna!" so that much she understood. I got her something with sugar to drink (couldn't get her to test her sugar bc she was way too out of it). After she finished the drink she kept trying to drink from the empty bottle. She also tried to drink from the cap. I asked her if she wanted another bottle but she didn't seem to understand the question. She kept saying she felt horrible. I asked her to describe the symptoms but she said she couldn't. For at least 5min she kept trying to drink from an empty bottle. I finally took it away telling her it was empty and that I was going to throw it away. She then picked up an older bottle that looked like she'd used it as a spittoon. I kept telling her the stuff inside looked nasty and not to drink it. She laid back and then just stared at it wide-eyed as she swirled the liquid in it. She then started to take the cap off to drink it and I said "No, that stuff is bad" and took it away. I stayed with her until she was recovered enough to feel like she could walk. Got her to the living room, gave her some small hershey's chocolate candies, got her a salad, and had to fill her water for her. She was finally able to say she felt jittery. She had dropped the bottle (while empty) and cap multiple times while in her room. She said her hands were spazzing and she asked me to come take the salad from her bc she couldn't hold it properly. I took it and then said I would feed her so she could get something in her stomach. She had trouble holding her cup (which has a straw) so I held it up for her. She said she bit her tongue a few times. After awhile she was much more lucid and felt a bit better, but she was still feeling icky. I was exhausted and felt cruddy myself so I went back to bed. I just checked on her and she is sleeping and breathing regularly. I'll keep checking on her and make sure she eats enough. Gonna talk to our doctor about it later.