What's everybody doing today?

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No sure what today is going to bring. It's my daughter's junior prom, so she's going to her mom's place soon, to get all done up for that. At 3:30 the school is having a "grand march" for all the kids to show off their dresses and tuxes, so I'll go to that. Daughter and her best friend are coming to my place afterward. Best friend lives 20 miles out of town, and doesn't want to drive home at 3AM after the "after prom" party. Best friend is the kind of girl that is really tough on the outside, but timid on the inside, from a broken home, and her mom died a couple years ago. I like to try to be an accepting, positive adult around her.

In the meantime, I've got some computer based training to catch up on for work, and some cleaning to do. I'll probably make a pot of coffee and get to that soon, along with a trip to the bicycle shop here in town, to buy a new saddle for my bike...
Made a town run to resupply, got an early start because I don't like shopping on weekends... but it wasn't too bad at 0900, and I scored a bunch of stuff I needed, including new windshield wipers for 'The Mighty Camry' (old ones were shot). Spent $330 at Walmart, but I wanted to stock up on certain items, and other stuff was on sale, so that's the story of this morning. Got home, unloaded everything and put it away, then swapped those windshield wipers which really needed to be swapped, lol. Took some photos of the cats (to be posted soon), and did a little watering in the garden, with veggies & fruit trees earning priority status. I hope to drive to Las Cruces on Monday to buy some Azomite, as Peanut recommended, but the store only has smaller boxes, not the big sacks, go figure. I'm still gonna buy some, I think it will help here on the property, as this high desert soil is NOT so good, and adding trace minerals can't possibly hurt, lol. 😬

Otherwise, I'm having a cold beer and enjoying a break from the current painting project... I'm happy with my progress in both bathrooms, and I'm gonna cut in some of those corners manana, but today I catch up to other tasks, lol. Weather forecast calls for 90* F tomorrow, which will be good for drying that primer & paint in the bathrooms, as long as I keep the windows open at each end of my home. Boy, I'll tell ya, that wind ratcheted up and blew something FIERCE yesterday afternoon, I'm talking 50-60 m.p.h. gusts, AYE? I feel sorry for my elderly neighbors, they erected some sort of ready-made canvas tent or "shed" on their property not long ago, and the fierce winds tore that thing apart yesterday... looks as if a bomb went off over there. Maybe they can piece it back together and anchor it better next time, I'm willing to help 'em but I haven't seen 'em in the yard, 10-4? Maybe later... poor old gal with her elderly brother who served in the USAF. 🙄
My daughter and her best friend, taking pictures before they leave for prom. (Daughter is on the right...)


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Today I got a early start on the day.
Laundry, dog food made, chicken in the solar oven, and organizing b4 9am.
I got my new cb radio installed in my truck!
It was going into the barn..but..
My huge antenna is tuned to 10 m ham.
Apparently, it can do ham, cb or be a repeater but just on one frequency as a repeater.
So..I decided to put the cb in my truck n work on getting a nice ham unit and my licences since the antenna is already tuned to ham.
Its exciting ..
Just as were finishing setting up my truck cb, cell n internet service went down out here for awhile..as were all powering up to do a radio check..the plan was to call when I got home m text that I'm ready n no service. Two others in the group hopped on the cb channel we use t ok check in n everyone's cell n internet were out..which explains why I couldnot call or text to say I was ready. Finally we started talking n figured it out. Ironic..
Now I just got done mowing n I have to finish weedwackin, shower n bbq tonight.
Amish, I wonder if you can get a doctor to sign off saying it is necessary for you to do the infusions at home or something to convince insurance to pay for it. I don't blame you one bit for wanting to do the infusions at home and not jump through hoops & risk your husband being exposed to viruses outside the home.

ABR, finding even one water moccasin is too much! Yikes! I hope you get feeling better soon.

Brain is wanting to clock out. Back hates me. Got my friend over & worked on my bathroom. Need to lie down and rest for a bit now.
My daughter and her best friend, taking pictures before they leave for prom. (Daughter is on the right...)
Great photo, your daughter looks beautiful

Mine was sort of spoiled at that age....they had their prom at Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando, and went with limo with a bunch of friends
That was a long time ago....
Hey Zannej....nope it's Medicare policy. They won't pay for infusion rx's at home. A nurse at the infusion lab said it was because they cannot prove that you're actually using them. That's their excuse anyway.
But...well worth being at home, today felt glorious! Beautiful weather, no where to have to go...infusion schedule was easy..7am, 2:30, and 10pm. About 40 minutes start to finish. Then we have food schedule (3 meals, 2 snacks), catheter schedule 4 x, nebulizer, shaker vest thingy, blood sugar check. Worked out really well without having to leave the house 3 x a day! Husband and I both got some much needed great sleep. I mentioned to a farm neighbor amish boy that we could sure use some mowing and I would ask his parents. So they showed up after lunch, checked out our ride em mower, actually jumped started it (battery had died). The dad gave his son (he's 12) a lesson on our mower, and off the kid went! He normally uses a zero turn at home, and drives his own tractor. Next we got our smaller walk behind mower going again for the smaller areas, and then they restrung our weed whacker and got that going. So young Aaron worked for 4 and a half hours...and boy does it look great. It's his first paid job, I think. I paid him and he said he'd be back next Saturday. He is in little granddaughter's class, but is a bit older than she is. I think she has a slight crush, so she made herself scarce. They are about 4 miles down the road. I think we might have a gem of a helper at least for 2 more years. Then he'll finish 8th grade, which will be the end of his schooling, and he'll apprentice locally at something, and work their family farm, too. I spent the afternoon potting seedlings in bigger pots.
Went to rummage sale this morning sponsored by Masons for scholarships. In 2019 they honored me as first female to get community service award. I saw a guy last week and he told me they had 2 pieces cast iron. Picked up pizza pan, cactus shaped cornbread pan, One dozen half pint jars, 5 pie plates and an insta pot. Some things were a little high but they had some quality stuff. Experiment with sweet potato and it was great. Need to figure timing. Around here mostly have junk. Would love to go to a goodwill or thrift store
Hey Snappy...yep they cultured. He has pseudomonas. A very harsh strain of it according to the tests. Hoping this antibiotic will work. He is not better, really, just the same. They are giving it 3 or 4 more days. A nurse said the reason that they won't pay when you do it at home is because medicare can't be sure you gave it. So you have to pay for the meds yourself. Some are pricier than other, this one is bad enough.
Went to morning infusion. Did animal chores. Went to visit mom, and made sure she was taken to the dining room for lunch. Got to see Uncle Melvin, they had lunch together, and Fern, too. She's a relative by marriage, and she's nearly 100. On my way back home, I got a speeding ticket. Oh joy. Got husband lunch, and will leave again in an hour for another infusion. Possibly a nap before dinner.
Oh jeez that's a nasty bug.
And super crazy they won't pay for home health, its so much cheaper!! None of it ever makes sense. Makes me nuts. We were just complaining today that the administrators have no common sense whatsoever.
Another day of rest, I'm so tired. I figured it'd take me 2 weeks to recover from the folk school... another week to go...

Played a little music this afternoon. Then I futzed around trying to mount my phone on a tripod so I can record myself. I learned up at the camp that swapping videos can be a great learning tool. Someone 1000 miles away can see what I'm doing, offer suggestions. Also, a close up of a pickers hands are a big plus. I learn best picking with others, seeing what they are doing. This will substitute for now.

Anyway, after buying two "kits" I ended up with enough parts and pieces to make it work. Got the phone mounted, not very securely. A big rubber band did the trick. Even got the little external mic to work. Can't tell that it records sound that much better than my phone, at least I expected more from it. (need a schematic so I can build one 😁)
Hey Zannej....nope it's Medicare policy. They won't pay for infusion rx's at home. A nurse at the infusion lab said it was because they cannot prove that you're actually using them. That's their excuse anyway.
But...well worth being at home, today felt glorious! Beautiful weather, no where to have to go...infusion schedule was easy..7am, 2:30, and 10pm. About 40 minutes start to finish. Then we have food schedule (3 meals, 2 snacks), catheter schedule 4 x, nebulizer, shaker vest thingy, blood sugar check. Worked out really well without having to leave the house 3 x a day! Husband and I both got some much needed great sleep. I mentioned to a farm neighbor amish boy that we could sure use some mowing and I would ask his parents. So they showed up after lunch, checked out our ride em mower, actually jumped started it (battery had died). The dad gave his son (he's 12) a lesson on our mower, and off the kid went! He normally uses a zero turn at home, and drives his own tractor. Next we got our smaller walk behind mower going again for the smaller areas, and then they restrung our weed whacker and got that going. So young Aaron worked for 4 and a half hours...and boy does it look great. It's his first paid job, I think. I paid him and he said he'd be back next Saturday. He is in little granddaughter's class, but is a bit older than she is. I think she has a slight crush, so she made herself scarce. They are about 4 miles down the road. I think we might have a gem of a helper at least for 2 more years. Then he'll finish 8th grade, which will be the end of his schooling, and he'll apprentice locally at something, and work their family farm, too. I spent the afternoon potting seedlings in bigger pots.
Oh to be young again!! I wouldn't want to, but good for Aaron and his secret admirer 😮
@hashbrown - must have been a fire bug in the air today as I burnt a bunch of brush as well. Had a big pile of blackberry & rose cuttings and another of pine boughs. Sure glad I was using a fire pit surrounded by a brick patio as the fire got hot enough to melt the 5 gal buckets down to the waterline. It's a big relief to have the chest high pile of prickers gone.

@Amish Heart - glad you are getting some rest & relief from the infusion madness. It was super stressful when my ex needed iron infusions 3x a week, I can't imagine doing it 2x a day!

Was super motivated today and finally fixed an issue with my SUV where the clips holding the rear door panels on were failing so they would get stuck on the body, requiring superhuman strength to open. I've had new & improved clips on hand but didn't want to install them in snow, rain or cold. At 76 deg today, it was perfect conditions to tackle that job and get my 1st sunburn of the season. I'm a bona-fide redneck now :)
Hey TeeJ...it is three times a day! Another couple weeks of it, but it's easy peasy doing it at home.
The daily iron infusion reminds me of my cousin Ada who passed earlier this year. Her husband would take her to 15 miles every single day to the infusion place in the hospital for an iron infusion. That might not sound like a big deal, but they only drove Tractor or horse and buggy. So since Ada wasn't feeling well, a chair was fastened into the back of a horse trailer, and her husband would take that by tractor. Takes a very long time to get there and back at that speed.
Amish, I'm glad the day went better.

Peanut, I hope the new setup works well.

Teej, the timber company has been burning off the woods the last few days. So I think fire is a thing right now. LOL.

Wingnut, I feel you on that. I will probably take a nap before I have to head out to samsclub for a curbside order.

I didn't do too much thus far today. Fed kitties, made myself eat something (because I ate very little yesterday).

Moved stuff around in the bathroom & cut the L-bead trim for the cementboard to size and tested how it fit on the right side board. I'm pleased with how it looks.

I'm going to take my morning meds and vitamins and relax watching older episodes of Vera.
Hey TeeJ...it is three times a day! Another couple weeks of it, but it's easy peasy doing it at home.
The daily iron infusion reminds me of my cousin Ada who passed earlier this year. Her husband would take her to 15 miles every single day to the infusion place in the hospital for an iron infusion. That might not sound like a big deal, but they only drove Tractor or horse and buggy. So since Ada wasn't feeling well, a chair was fastened into the back of a horse trailer, and her husband would take that by tractor. Takes a very long time to get there and back at that speed.
3X a day at home is even better! Daily trips via horse and buggy would be quite a thing as well. Reminds me of when I worked in rural Ohio, there was an area where you'd always see kids riding goat carts. I remarked to someone that the kids must love driving those carts since they were always riding them and was corrected that they were driving to & from school about 15-20 miles each way. They were always on the buggies because the trip took so long!
Watered this morning, put the shower curtain rods back up in the bathrooms, and now I'm doing laundry (which crept up on me). I wanna dig some holes for these seeds I'm germinating, but I'll wait till this evening when it cools off, it's already warm out there... supposed to hit 90* F today. That's actually not so bad in the high desert where humidity is low, but I don't need to get roasted under a blazing sun either... so I'll finish the laundry, do the dishes, and cook a big batch of my homemade hot & spicy chicken burrito mix, lol. That way, I can slap together burritos this week while I'm knocking out the rest of the painting in the bathrooms. I must say, the shower was considerably lighter with those white walls & ceiling above the stall or the tub "surround"---it's really amazing, how a little white paint can lighten up a room. Now that I've cleaned up and I'm chilling indoors, I'm having a cold beer, lol. Light duty for the rest of the day... :rolleyes:
Did the animal chores, medical chores, and transplanted more seedlings in bigger pots. Harvested green onion and some lettuce. Have cleaning chores to do, and little granddaughter and I need to stop in at an ice cream social our neighbor is having for the "block". Another neighbor stopped in and visited with husband. He has talked to granddaughter, alot lately, when he stops in for a burger where she was working. So he says she quit. Word got around to her boss that she is sleeping with a lady that dresses like a guy. So her boss took her aside, talked to her and told her that homesexuality was a sin. Our neighbor also talked to her and quoted scripture. So now everyone is shocked at her gayness. I am truly surprised, but people really should be shocked more about our past year and the garbage they've been pulling and the lies they tell. She had a boyfriend for two years, recently broke up with him, and told someone it was because he was aggressive. That young man was the biggest snowflake wuss I've ever met. Hopefully none of this will be discussed at the ice cream social. I am thinking it should be over.
Got chick tank clean and moved. Newest batch integrated and porch swept off. Got laundry going, dough rising, veggies roasting in the oven and dishes washed. Still need to do another load of laundry, feed critters, water the garden, watch a documentary and write a paper on it, bake, and make suppers for the week.
Amish, honestly, her boss had zero reason to butt into her personal life and confront her about who she may or may not be dating. That crosses a line. In this case, I actually understand why she quit. Whether or not the rumor is true, it really is not any of her boss' business. He also had no business trying to push his religious views on an employee. Unless the store is a religious store and there is something in the employee handbook about it, then its off limits. Some may consider it religious discrimination. I personally don't care who other people are dating so long as they are consenting adults. She's almost legally an adult now. What if it turned out the rumor was false and her boss just pulled her aside to chew her out and lecture her on something that was none of his business? I would have been enraged in her position & I would have filed a complaint against him and probably would have walked away. I would not put up with invasion of privacy like that. I've seen how rumors can get spread and cause harm. Edit: I looked it up and its illegal for him to discriminate against her for supposedly being gay. Protections Against Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

(It's one of my pet peeves when employers cross the line).

When my father had to get infusions, he had to have heparin on hand to clear any clogs. At least that's what I think it was. I remember there was a clot clearing thing he had to have pushed.

Waited at HD for 30min for my curbside order before going in & finding out no one was working that dept so I had to follow the employee to register 2 to get it. Got the right hex key for my holesaw arbor. It didn't com with a hex key and only way to put it on and take it off is to use a hex key. Another employee helped me find it.

Feet are swollen so I'm sitting with them up now.
The girl is psycho, believe me. And you have to realize we live in an Amish/Mennonite community, a very small one...about 600 people. Her boss is Beachy Amish, a more liberal type. She's worked for her for two years, so of course she's going to give her an opinion. The twins favorite thing to do this last year has been to do bad and outrageous stuff and insist people just be ok with it. Like grandson getting so do drunk that he almost died, until I found him and saved his life...and granddaughter not caring that she brought him to get that drunk and just shutting him in his room. And instead of being concerned when he was taken away by the paramedics, she was asking the police if she could do a "ride along" sometime because she wants to be a police officer. Or weaponizing their therapist against us with lies. And Child Services. Those two are whacked. Around here, if you have a lady dressed as a man come and hang out with you at work and you're hanging all over "it" on your break....people are going to talk. Even the boss. BTW, I do not have any sympathy towards the boss, because they believed all the abuse lies they told, and not once came and talked to us personally. Which would of been the right thing to do. The twins aren't "little kids" anymore. Will be 18 next month. They need to take their knocks just like anyone else should. And if they don't like our community, they need to leave. I hope they do. Until then, they are subject to the opinions of those that live in our community. That's how it is here.
Regarding heparin.....husband is already normally on Xarelto, and the last infusion of the evening (10pm) I do a 3cc heparin push. But this was a blocked line at the 2:30 time. And the look of dread of having to drive to ER on a Sunday crossed his face, and I felt so sorry. So glad to hear the fix. We are changing that routine now and doing 2cc of heparin after each infusion, or before, if the line gives me issues.

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