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One of my techs took vcation last week and flew out to California to ride dirt bikes in Death Valley area. Then were going around to the north closer to Vegas. He had a nasty crash and broke his ankle. Talked to him today, he's back home and having surgery Thursday. Out of work for 6 to 10 weeks at least. I spent the day trying to figure out how to cover all the work in the meantime. Some of the stuff, my other guys just haven't performed the work before. But I've got a good crew and we'll figure it out.
Got home and planted more seed for the heat mat. Planted some asparagus to fill in bare spots and some cucs. And put up a larger run for the little chciks, that quickly outgrew what I had them in. Got them moved in and adjusted the heat lamp to give them heat in a corner, but plenty of room to get away from it too. They seem happy. Can't get out and have more space to roam around.
Waiting for TP could be a difficult thing 😳 (PS, I have no idea what the TP stands for here 😂)

@Amish Heart I hope the schedule evens out - don't you worry about the house. It will wait. Try and get some rest when the opportunity arises. 💗

Almost glad to be back to work this morning. It was a rough weekend for us - we are fine, just lots of sad news in our circle. Even so - many blessings, just have to refocus.
Forgive me for having a bit of a chuckle over this. It doesn't seem like very many people got the reference here. "TP" stands for Tom Petty, who sang a hit song called "The Waiting is the Hardest Part" back in the 80s or early 90s...
Forgive me for having a bit of a chuckle over this. It doesn't seem like very many people got the reference here. "TP" stands for Tom Petty, who sang a hit song called "The Waiting is the Hardest Part" back in the 80s or early 90s...
Ah ha! I know who Tom Petty is. Have never cared for him which would explain why I don’t know the song.
Good to hear your not waiting on TP 😉
Forgive me for having a bit of a chuckle over this. It doesn't seem like very many people got the reference here. "TP" stands for Tom Petty, who sang a hit song called "The Waiting is the Hardest Part" back in the 80s or early 90s...
I actually forgot, didn't know what to say to LadyLocust 😮😮🤔😉🤪, thanks for the reminder!!
I managed to wash a couple loads of clothes but nothing else, completely exhausted today. I knew going to the bluegrass camp was going to wipe me out for about 2 weeks, planned for it in fact.

There were 10 music classes running concurrently at the folk school. 60 or so students but only a few hung around for the last event. Each class played a song for everyone, something they had worked on. My class was down to 3 people including my instructor Allen. (an incredible guitarist, known nationally in bluegrass circles). We started with 6, lost one the first day. Had a loss to medical issue, 2 went home Saturday night.

The last event was in the hall were my class had been held. The exterior looked old and quaint, the interior was beautiful.

We sat in a big circle, sort of funny the level 1 banjo class played a fiddle tune. Level 1 fiddle played a banjo tune... and so on. Every group played a song predominantly played by a different instrument. We (flat picking level 1) played a banjo song. In fact it was the first song I learn to play on a banjo when I was a kid... Cripple Creek.

There was something off about the acoustics of this hall but the wood was gorgous.

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Didn't sleep well last night, and it's freezing again. We covered all the plants in the garden up with old blankets, hay, feed bags whatever we could find. This is the second night of below freezing temps. Tired of it.
The last goat still didn't have her kids yet, here we go again just like the last sheep
Looks like rain the rest of the week too and cold. But we plan on going to the market anyway. Need to sell something

I also need to continue my diet. My bathing suit doesn't fit right anymore. It seems like after menopause any extra weight accumulates in your mid section. Yuck, what a drag to get old

Amish hope your husband gets better soon, you have a lot to deal with!

Peanut glad you had a good trip and fun

Question for those of you that feed birds : any suggestions on how to make a cheap bird bath for in summer ? I don't want to spend the cash on one of those expensive concrete pedestal ones.
Didn't sleep well last night, and it's freezing again. We covered all the plants in the garden up with old blankets, hay, feed bags whatever we could find. This is the second night of below freezing temps. Tired of it.
The last goat still didn't have her kids yet, here we go again just like the last sheep
Looks like rain the rest of the week too and cold. But we plan on going to the market anyway. Need to sell something

I also need to continue my diet. My bathing suit doesn't fit right anymore. It seems like after menopause any extra weight accumulates in your mid section. Yuck, what a drag to get old

Amish hope your husband gets better soon, you have a lot to deal with!

Peanut glad you had a good trip and fun

Question for those of you that feed birds : any suggestions on how to make a cheap bird bath for in summer ? I don't want to spend the cash on one of those expensive concrete pedestal ones.
I have a black rubber feed pan on a stump I use for a birdbath! I have a flat rock in it that makes a shallow area for easier bathing! It's in the woodsy area behind the house so it's in the shade.
Good morning! Had a busy few days and only on here to read.

Little Peanut Butter isn't improving with just milk thistle, so will start treating her for Cushing's today-flax seed, melatonin and coconut oil. We will see if that helps. She is still happy, so not ready to put her down.

Made coleslaw and s'more bars yesterday. They will go to a cookout I am going to today.
I'll walk first and then dehydrate some sweet potato slices for dog treats.
Later, I want to thinly slice a venison roast and marinate it overnight to grill tomorrow on skewers.
Cookout at 3 and then rest.

@Amish Heart , is your DH showing improvement with the infusions yet? When the hospital did the culture for my DH, they could tell exactly what antibiotic he needed (as opposed to his copd doc who was just guessing and not even doing cultures).
Amish, I'm glad you're feeling better but sorry that you couldn't do the infusions at home. Medicare & Medicaid are stupid on what they do and do not cover. I hope he will recover soon enough that the infusions won't be needed anymore.

I was thinking TP was toilet paper. LOL.

Sonya, I hear you on that. Even before menopause I was packing on the weight on my abdomen/gut. For bird feeder ideas: https://homebnc.com/best-diy-bird-bath-ideas/

I'm hoping my deliveries will come today after I had the sellers contact Fedex to tell them to ignore the "road closed" signs as they don't affect my road. The logging work is after my road. Plus I don't believe the signs are legitimate.

I heated up frozen pizza for breakfast. Added extra cheese and some mushrooms. The dogs were both staring at me. I gave a forkful to the little dog and he loved it. Saved the last couple of bites for the slightly larger dog. The cat kept trying to steal off of my plate so she got none.

I'm watching some Kobean History youtube videos about castles.
Good morning! Had a busy few days and only on here to read.

Little Peanut Butter isn't improving with just milk thistle, so will start treating her for Cushing's today-flax seed, melatonin and coconut oil. We will see if that helps. She is still happy, so not ready to put her down.

Made coleslaw and s'more bars yesterday. They will go to a cookout I am going to today.
I'll walk first and then dehydrate some sweet potato slices for dog treats.
Later, I want to thinly slice a venison roast and marinate it overnight to grill tomorrow on skewers.
Cookout at 3 and then rest.

@Amish Heart , is your DH showing improvement with the infusions yet? When the hospital did the culture for my DH, they could tell exactly what antibiotic he needed (as opposed to his copd doc who was just guessing and not even doing cultures).
Doggie probiotics with enzymes should help too! Coconut oil helps many things, even prevents heartworms!!
We dropped the car off at the mechanic. Set the garbage out for pickup. Booked a flight using my air miles, helping a son move. Assemble a storage rack for the truck, one of the main parts was made wrong so I’ll ask the manufacturer for a replacement. In town for a haircut, hopefully the car will be ready so we don’t have to make another trip. Board meeting tonight.
This was my instructor at the folk school, Allen Tolbert an incredible guitar player. He taught the intro level flat picking class. This edited audio is of him and a dobro player named Roman playing at the instructors concert. He sings part of the verse then he starts picking. Allen is the big guy, or little guy, he’s as wide as he was tall. There were several great guitar players at the camp, they all stopped to listen when he played.

The video is to large to post here so I stripped out the audio and cut it down to this short segment. This is flat picking, what he was trying to teach me. I had 16hrs of class time with him.

The first night there were 6 students. One lady read the class description ‘beginning flat pick guitar’ and thought it meant ‘beginning guitar’. To learn this kind of picking she should have been able to play rhythm at this level already. She was a true beginner, could barely make one chord. Since she would have gotten nothing from the class she switched to the vocals class. So then we were five, one guy, a diabetic developed a bone infection and had to leave. So by friday afternoon we were down to 4 students. By Sunday morning there were only 2 of us left.

Edit to clarify... his picking on the audio tract was meant solely for other guitar players/musicians. It's very technical. It's not how he would play the song at a festival or a show for the public.

Allen Tolbert.jpg

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I have a black rubber feed pan on a stump I use for a birdbath! I have a flat rock in it that makes a shallow area for easier bathing! It's in the woodsy area behind the house so it's in the shade.
Duh, why didn't I think of that!! that's a great idea and I have one of those from when we had pigs, plenty of tree stumps around too
Watered this morning, now I'm gonna clean up and see about removing/relocating those towel racks in the bathrooms. Once that's done, I can fill holes and start painting (probably tomorrow). I'm getting rid of the cr@ppy old metal racks and keeping the nice wooden racks. Somebody put up too many racks, maybe because there was an elderly couple here before... I'm gonna streamline things like I always do and open up more wall space for artwork. Otherwise, a quiet day here at the ol' hacienda... I enjoyed watching the hummingbirds zoom around the yard while I was watering! :cool:
Hey Snappy...yep they cultured. He has pseudomonas. A very harsh strain of it according to the tests. Hoping this antibiotic will work. He is not better, really, just the same. They are giving it 3 or 4 more days. A nurse said the reason that they won't pay when you do it at home is because medicare can't be sure you gave it. So you have to pay for the meds yourself. Some are pricier than other, this one is bad enough.
Went to morning infusion. Did animal chores. Went to visit mom, and made sure she was taken to the dining room for lunch. Got to see Uncle Melvin, they had lunch together, and Fern, too. She's a relative by marriage, and she's nearly 100. On my way back home, I got a speeding ticket. Oh joy. Got husband lunch, and will leave again in an hour for another infusion. Possibly a nap before dinner.
In the transportation industry (i.e. trucking), those tickets are known as "driving awards!" ;)

I actually framed one I received during my 'trucking daze'---clocked at 85 m.p.h. with a load of lead solder waste bound for Western PA, lol. The fine was only $54, since it was merely "10 over" in the wilds of New Mexico. 🤣
Husband was laughing his head off over the ticket. I was not. 40 mph, I was going 52. $118. I guess if you choose driving "probation" you pay an extra $100, don't get another ticket in 6 months, and it doesn't go on your record so it doesn't increase your insurance rates. Something like that. Husband did that a few months ago. So I told him that he can get on the computer and do mine that way, too. Got a call from the neighbor saying granddaughter does not work at the burger place anymore. She was called in to a talk with the owner, and was either fired or quit. She worked there 2 yrs. Not surprised, really, if the boss reprimanded her for anything, she would quit and find a way to get back at her. I don't like the owners at all, because they've always believed the lies she spewed, but I don't wish the getting back on anyone. Also was told that she's dating a girl that dresses like a guy, so there's that. That's a surprise.
Husband was laughing his head off over the ticket. I was not. 40 mph, I was going 52. $118. I guess if you choose driving "probation" you pay an extra $100, don't get another ticket in 6 months, and it doesn't go on your record so it doesn't increase your insurance rates. Something like that. Husband did that a few months ago. So I told him that he can get on the computer and do mine that way, too. Got a call from the neighbor saying granddaughter does not work at the burger place anymore. She was called in to a talk with the owner, and was either fired or quit. She worked there 2 yrs. Not surprised, really, if the boss reprimanded her for anything, she would quit and find a way to get back at her. I don't like the owners at all, because they've always believed the lies she spewed, but I don't wish the getting back on anyone. Also was told that she's dating a girl that dresses like a guy, so there's that. That's a surprise.

Less than 2 months and your granddaughter will have to take responsibility for her own actions like any adult. Sounds like life is going to hit her hard head on very soon.
Amish I wish there was a "hugs" emoji I could use on your posts. You're dealing with a lot. Prayers for you.
Peanut I couldn't understand any of the words in that clip, but my goodness that was some crazy picking.
We seem to be stuck in another week or two of low temps. Keeping the greenhouse going is costing me some sleep, but not much I can do about it. Two five gallon cans of kerosene today were over $60.00. That will get me through another 10 days of the cold nights. Hope it begins to moderate soon. The good news is the heater has been keeping the greenhouse around 50 or higher through the night, so my plants seem to be doing well. We actually had a bit of sun today and they were just about dancing in there.
Techs at work helping me figure out how to cover all the work being a man down. Good guys.
Interviewed a guy for a tech spot, 2 more Thursday.
Got home and planted a Lenten Rose we dug up at my moms. Her had spread and needed dividing. Then planted a sugar maple and a tulip popular
I'm on the way home from work, riding with a coworker from Nebraska. Right now we're climbing Happy Jack Pass east of Laramie, Wyoming, in a sleet storm. We're not to the top yet. I'm a little concerned how it's going to be at 8000 feet. Right now the car is showing 30° and we're barely past 6000 feet...
I'm on the way home from work, riding with a coworker from Nebraska. Right now we're climbing Happy Jack Pass east of Laramie, Wyoming, in a sleet storm. We're not to the top yet. I'm a little concerned how it's going to be at 8000 feet. Right now the car is showing 30° and we're barely past 6000 feet...
Let us know when you make it home safely! And check in before!!
Taking the day off due to inclimate weather 😉! The couple I was going to clean for today just called, we rescheduled for Saturday since severe weather is most likely happening today! So I'm drinking coffee and making bacon shortly! Bacon, eggs and cheese on english muffins! Doing some laundry, vacuuming, messing with the critters, and working on the 'to do' list!! Hubby is home too! He is replacing the wheel bearings and the bearings in his truck's rear end. It's all apart so he will run to town or maybe the city to Summit Racing for the new bearings. We should have a break in the weather this morning! A big ol' nap will be happening too!!

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