It's Sunday, right? So it'll be an easy day... that ol' sun was beatin' down something fierce in the yard this morning, and I'm gonna chillax indoors for the rest of the day. Might cut my hair, I noticed it was getting long... anything over 1/8" on the lower sides and back of my head is considered "long" after my time in the Infantry, lol. I have a high thermostat as it is, so I get warm easily... better to have short hair during summer in the high desert. In a perfect world, I'd have metal cooling fins riveted to my skull, making some sorta hardcore punk rock statement as I beat the heat, lol...
Where was I? Oh, yeah, I may just hafta mix those Pina Coladas later this afternoon, prior to cooking that bad boy beef roast for dinner, lol. Note to self: cut hair BEFORE drinking rum, lol. My electric clippers make haircuts easy, only takes me about 10 minutes, tops, and I save heller money by cutting my own hair. I reckon I need a haircut about once a month, maybe a little more often, and that means I'm saving at least $150 per year, if you factor in tips. I've had these Sunbeam clippers for 20 years or so, which means I've saved a fair amount of money during that time.
Hey, every little bit helps, especially in this Fraudulent Biden Era when everything is stupid expensive... every dollar I save means that much more money for steaks & beers, lol. Ah, the Bachelor Life! It's a $h!tty job, but SOMEBODY has to do it! Lol. Maybe I'll get married one day... just as soon as I find that scorching-hot supermodel willing to cook, clean, do laundry, and scrub 1/4-mile-long Alabama skid marks outta my cr@pper with a toothbrush, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ain't love grand? I'll let ya know if I happen to find the love of my life... in the meantime, I soldier on, which means PAR-TAY!!!
Dang, sometimes I slay myself... but it's all good, I've shacked up with women before, so I don't feel left out, lol. And I don't miss the nagging, that's for sure... somehow that reminds me of a cassette tape I once saw marketed in an ad in a sailing magazine, one side had NYC traffic noise on it (to play in quiet anchorages), and the other side had surf pounding on a reef (to keep those on watch awake, lol). I always wondered if anybody actually bought that cassette, lol. I reckon it was a "gag gift" for rich yachtsmen... I can't see myself playing NYC traffic noise in a secluded cove in Baja, lol.