Just catching up to this thread, Hatch chiles refer to ANY variety of chili peppers grown in or near the town of Hatch, NM, which has the ideal climate for growing peppers. Deming, NM, also has a pretty good climate for peppers, you will find pepper farms outside that burg. Hatch chiles are world-famous for their delicious taste, and some of 'em can be HOT!
Here's a pic of the Hatch chiles I bought yesterday, these look like Anaheim peppers but they are HOT, lol... and quite tasty! I had some last night with the yardbird I cooked in my NuWave Oven, and they were delicious! I'm gonna make my own Southwestern-style chicken & rice dish tonight, using the Hatch chiles, some onion & tomato chunks, etc.
That's a boxed deck of playing cards included for scale, it was the easiest object to grab for comparison, lol. Here are shots of my NuWave Infrared Oven, it's a 'Pro Plus' model and I've had it for a decade or so... I'm using the conventional oven in my kitchen to make chicken & rice tonight, but I'll use the NuWave for the beef roast tomorrow evening!
Yes, that's my glass bong at left in the first oven pic, guess I didn't move it far enough out of the way, lol. Looks like the base of my oven is scratched up a bit too, but I've had it for a decade or so and it has moved several times with me, hence the scratches. It's not a bad oven, I don't use it that often but I'm perfectly happy with it, lol.
I might even go so far as to say that the oven pays for itself just through the excellent job it does on beef roasts, lol. I really ought to experiment more with this oven, it reportedly does a good job on vegetables too... I just haven't gotten around to it, plus I frequently BBQ outdoors or use the conventional oven to roast holiday turkeys and whatnot.
A friend of mine actually gave this oven to me, he got a deal by buying two of 'em off one of those sale ads on TV, lol. That friend used to regularly drop by and eat meals at my home in Coronado, so this was his way of repaying me for my classic old school local hospitality. He also bought a knife set for me, I have that in my kitchen as well. And here it is!
That silver-handled Cuisinart knife is NOT part of the set, I just keep it in the block because it does a good job slicing vegetables, lol. The knife set is about what you'd expect from an infomercial, but meh, the knives are sharp enough and they cover all my culinary needs. The heart is a legacy from me dear departed mum, I honor her by displaying it...
P.S. I usually drink the Crystal Geyser brand of water, but they were out last time I bought water so I had to settle for a few of those WallyWorld gallons... meh, it's still spring water, and not from some municipal supply, lol.
Oh, yeah, I meant to add that some pretty good onions are grown in or around Hatch, NM, not just peppers, lol...