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The NuWave Oven can be a PITA to clean, but I only use it so often, and like my BBQ grill, I load up the NuWave until it's totally full, lol. I do the same thing with gravy when I'm cooking a beef roast in that oven, I'll use a packet of brown gravy but add the drippings to it... I use Pioneer or McCormick brand brown gravy packets, they aren't bad. The fresh foods I use so often in my cooking make up for any packaged gravy, lol... on holidays, I only use drippings from the turkey roaster (pan) to make homemade gravy, that's a must on Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day. 🐔

P.S. I don't roast turkeys in the NuWave Oven, I use the conventional oven for those, lol... ;)
I don’t use it for poultry either--too much of a pain starting it breast down then flipping. Plus, I always stuff my birds. Can’t have turkey or chicken without my mother’s stuffing.
So today I feel Like I didn't get anything done, but I did do the grocery shopping, cleaned all the fresh produce (we started washing strawberries, broccoli, and cauliflower with vinegar as soon as it gets home, it lasts much longer), washed the dishes (3 days worth of baking dishes), finished the week's laundry, installed a new battery in the car, and helped prepare 2 casseroles, and the sink is full again... You couldn't pay me to be a housewife! Those people work way too hard... ;)
@winds-of-change @UrbanHunter have good cheer! it can be done. I've kept my ac1 at 5.1 for 2yrs. Doc took me off metformin a year ago. Had a routine doc appointment this week. He didn't even order a blood test to check my ac1 again, said it'd be a wast of money. Bp was a little higher than normal, 102/64, weight was good at 167lbs. Dropping weight got rid of many of my issues. Almost got out of hand the wrong direction last fall. Was down to 145lbs, my underwear wouldn't even stay up, thankfully I wear suspenders so at least my pants stayed up. 😁 Had to put a few pounds back on, didn't want to buy new underwear. (cheap bastid) 🤣

No plans today, a million things need done. Unsure what I'm going to have the energy to accomplish (cfs).
Is that why you lost your britches in the river? 😂
So today I feel Like I didn't get anything done, but I did do the grocery shopping, cleaned all the fresh produce (we started washing strawberries, broccoli, and cauliflower with vinegar as soon as it gets home, it lasts much longer), washed the dishes (3 days worth of baking dishes), finished the week's laundry, installed a new battery in the car, and helped prepare 2 casseroles, and the sink is full again... You couldn't pay me to be a housewife! Those people work way too hard... ;)
Um, if that’s not getting anything done, you can come to my house and relax for a while 😂. (PS hope you’re beginning to feel better).
@Wingnut so inquiring minds want to know- is Hatch chili 🌶️ a variety of chili or a brand name. If a variety, are they a hot chili? If so, are you up for some seed saving?
They are harvesting the wheat fields out back of us which I’m glad for. When they finish, I will be able to wash all the rigs- they are a disgrace at the moment.
I found corn 🌽 today 2 for $1. Last year they were 3 for $1. Got what I needed. Have blueberries 🫐 on the dehydrator. Ran a small test run of blackberries in 1/2 pint jars- they look great. We will probably walk down and pick more tomorrow. Made Hubby a batch of soap, did a load of laundry and cleaned up a pile of weeds from the drive before I started melting.
A yard sale super close so came home with a few more books 📚 🫣
Now sitting on my caboose 🚂
It's been nasty hot and humid this week. Work has just been eat crap all week too. Everybody and their brother wants XYZ yesterday, but didn't bother panning it in advance. So many parts have a long lead time that used to be in stock. Yesterday we had a breakdown of an air flow valve. We had a spare for it. Today I tried to order one to replace the spare. Found out they are no longer produced. They can repair the old one, but as I was doing the paperwork they won't take anything that may have contamination. This valve was used to pull samples from a stack, so it is likely contaminated. Still trying to figure out where to go next.
Yesterday and today the other 3 supervisors that work around me were off training. So guess who got the brunt of that. Today it really hit the fan. Gonna have to redo some calibrations due to a standard failure. Looks like that will be next Friday. Next week one of the supervisors is on vacation so I'll have 3 extra groups to cover for on top of my 2. While doing the calculations on the failure, 2 folks came by to ask a bunch of questions about why the supervisors can't be in the field with the techs at least 70% of the time. In my case I have 6 techs in 2 different shops and a lot of our equipment is off site. Then there is the customer calls, emails with request for this or that, parts to locate and purchase. New customers wanting to get new work involved.
As they were getting ready to leave, I stopped them and mentioned other tasks I deal with that has nothing to do with my crew. I am the facility manager for our building and have the Spectrum Manager role for the lab. That role takes up a lot of time. Only 2 of our 6 supervisors have any help and one of those is basically useless. SO everything falls to us.
To top it off I have to work all weekend. I requested approval a week ago for this work and it took until late yesterday for that to go thru. DOE is forcing so many hoops for us to jump thru now. Just causing massive backlogs.
Just read back thru this and realized it should have went under the rant thread. My apologies folks, I'm just PO's tonight
Made my town run, scored some good meats at Albertson's after dropping books at the library next door... a choice beef roast and some chicken legs with BBQ seasoning, haven't decided yet whether I wanna make Southwestern-style chicken & rice with fresh Hatch chiles, tomato and onion, or simply bake the yardbird in my NuWave Infrared Oven. I'll save the beef roast for later this weekend, one thing nice about the NuWave Oven is that it doesn't heat up the home, and it's too darned hot to BBQ this afternoon. I still gotta water the trees & plants again this evening as well, and that burns up 1-1/2 hours every time. Wish I had the money to put in an irrigation system, I know how to do it and have the experience but money is tight with these ridiculous Bidenomic bills I'm gettin'... my A/C bill alone will probably hit $200 this time around. I'll be glad to see the last of this fraudulent Biden scumbucket in office, that's for sure. :(

I may use the NuWave Oven to cook that beef roast later this weekend, it does a really nice job on roasts... I like my beef roasts somewhat rare and juicy, and I have my heart set upon mashed potatoes & brown gravy to go with that roast. Some real butter on those taters too, and a nice crisp green salad on the side, lol. Normally I wouldn't eat such a heavy meal during the summer, but we have that cooldown ahead, so I'm gonna take advantage of it. Besides, I have a craving for some good sliced roast beef with brown gravy, lol... it has been awhile since I had good roast beef with mashed potatoes & gravy, and that dish is always a hit with me when I'm hungry and I feel like mackin', lol. I can make some primo roast beef sandwiches afterward, using creamy horseradish sauce and some of the Hatch green chile guacamole I bought today... on toasted Italian bread with melted cheese, lol. :D

Here's the 3.58 lb. top round Angus beef roast I bought for $14.21, it should be mighty tasty when I cook it... :cool:

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Primo Hatch chile guacamole, one pack spicy, the other regular (for salads & tuna sandwiches), $3.97 each. ;)

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Here's the yardbird I'm gonna cook tonight, 2 packs of big ol' drumsticks for under $6.25, lol... 🐔

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Bad boy fresh Hatch green chiles (extra hot) on sale, got this big ol' bag for $2.14, lol... Hatch chiles are the bomb! 😁

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That's one major advantage to living in New Mexico, the chiles are the best in the world, lol... so tasty! :thumbs:
Hatch chilis are big here in Oklahoma, too, but I don’t think they grow them here.
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Made my town run, scored some good meats at Albertson's after dropping books at the library next door... a choice beef roast and some chicken legs with BBQ seasoning, haven't decided yet whether I wanna make Southwestern-style chicken & rice with fresh Hatch chiles, tomato and onion, or simply bake the yardbird in my NuWave Infrared Oven. I'll save the beef roast for later this weekend, one thing nice about the NuWave Oven is that it doesn't heat up the home, and it's too darned hot to BBQ this afternoon. I still gotta water the trees & plants again this evening as well, and that burns up 1-1/2 hours every time. Wish I had the money to put in an irrigation system, I know how to do it and have the experience but money is tight with these ridiculous Bidenomic bills I'm gettin'... my A/C bill alone will probably hit $200 this time around. I'll be glad to see the last of this fraudulent Biden scumbucket in office, that's for sure. :(

I may use the NuWave Oven to cook that beef roast later this weekend, it does a really nice job on roasts... I like my beef roasts somewhat rare and juicy, and I have my heart set upon mashed potatoes & brown gravy to go with that roast. Some real butter on those taters too, and a nice crisp green salad on the side, lol. Normally I wouldn't eat such a heavy meal during the summer, but we have that cooldown ahead, so I'm gonna take advantage of it. Besides, I have a craving for some good sliced roast beef with brown gravy, lol... it has been awhile since I had good roast beef with mashed potatoes & gravy, and that dish is always a hit with me when I'm hungry and I feel like mackin', lol. I can make some primo roast beef sandwiches afterward, using creamy horseradish sauce and some of the Hatch green chile guacamole I bought today... on toasted Italian bread with melted cheese, lol. :D

Here's the 3.58 lb. top round Angus beef roast I bought for $14.21, it should be mighty tasty when I cook it... :cool:

View attachment 112878

Primo Hatch chile guacamole, one pack spicy, the other regular (for salads & tuna sandwiches), $3.97 each. ;)

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View attachment 112880

Here's the yardbird I'm gonna cook tonight, 2 packs of big ol' drumsticks for under $6.25, lol... 🐔

View attachment 112881

Bad boy fresh Hatch green chiles (extra hot) on sale, got this big ol' bag for $2.14, lol... Hatch chiles are the bomb! 😁

View attachment 112882

That's one major advantage to living in New Mexico, the chiles are the best in the world, lol... so tasty! :thumbs:

I’ve got one of those NuWaves (dad hasn’t watched an infomercial he doesn’t like ;)), I do y prime rib roasts in it and they turn out fantastic! The inability to use it for gravy is the only thing I don’t like about it. I will use the McCormick‘s powder gravy mix and use beefstock to make and take a spoonful or two of the “drippings” in the pan of the NuWave to up the flavor.
Can I see pictures of your new wave ovens? I Googled them and there are a few different kinds.
Just got home from the lake. Had a nice picnic and did a lot of swimming. Found a few broken arrowheads on the beach. Should get better this fall when the lake drops another 10 feet of so. Might take the boat out again on Sunday or Monday.
Tomorrow I'll set the pipe for the new solar panels mount. The new roof over the back deck is all framed and sheeted.
It's been nasty hot and humid this week. Work has just been eat crap all week too. Everybody and their brother wants XYZ yesterday, but didn't bother panning it in advance. So many parts have a long lead time that used to be in stock. Yesterday we had a breakdown of an air flow valve. We had a spare for it. Today I tried to order one to replace the spare. Found out they are no longer produced. They can repair the old one, but as I was doing the paperwork they won't take anything that may have contamination. This valve was used to pull samples from a stack, so it is likely contaminated. Still trying to figure out where to go next.
Yesterday and today the other 3 supervisors that work around me were off training. So guess who got the brunt of that. Today it really hit the fan. Gonna have to redo some calibrations due to a standard failure. Looks like that will be next Friday. Next week one of the supervisors is on vacation so I'll have 3 extra groups to cover for on top of my 2. While doing the calculations on the failure, 2 folks came by to ask a bunch of questions about why the supervisors can't be in the field with the techs at least 70% of the time. In my case I have 6 techs in 2 different shops and a lot of our equipment is off site. Then there is the customer calls, emails with request for this or that, parts to locate and purchase. New customers wanting to get new work involved.
As they were getting ready to leave, I stopped them and mentioned other tasks I deal with that has nothing to do with my crew. I am the facility manager for our building and have the Spectrum Manager role for the lab. That role takes up a lot of time. Only 2 of our 6 supervisors have any help and one of those is basically useless. SO everything falls to us.
To top it off I have to work all weekend. I requested approval a week ago for this work and it took until late yesterday for that to go thru. DOE is forcing so many hoops for us to jump thru now. Just causing massive backlogs.
Just read back thru this and realized it should have went under the rant thread. My apologies folks, I'm just PO's tonight
Are you counting down to retirement yet?
I don’t use it for poultry either--too much of a pain starting it breast down then flipping. Plus, I always stuff my birds. Can’t have turkey or chicken without my mother’s stuffing.
STUFFING, not southern dressing ! It's hard to make people down here understand that STUFFING is correct!!😃♥️
Um, if that’s not getting anything done, you can come to my house and relax for a while 😂. (PS hope you’re beginning to feel better).
@Wingnut so inquiring minds want to know- is Hatch chili 🌶️ a variety of chili or a brand name. If a variety, are they a hot chili? If so, are you up for some seed saving?
We have HATCH CHILI festivals down here! I think they are a  type of chili, not really sure, just eat them!!😉😃♥️
It's been nasty hot and humid this week. Work has just been eat crap all week too. Everybody and their brother wants XYZ yesterday, but didn't bother panning it in advance. So many parts have a long lead time that used to be in stock. Yesterday we had a breakdown of an air flow valve. We had a spare for it. Today I tried to order one to replace the spare. Found out they are no longer produced. They can repair the old one, but as I was doing the paperwork they won't take anything that may have contamination. This valve was used to pull samples from a stack, so it is likely contaminated. Still trying to figure out where to go next.
Yesterday and today the other 3 supervisors that work around me were off training. So guess who got the brunt of that. Today it really hit the fan. Gonna have to redo some calibrations due to a standard failure. Looks like that will be next Friday. Next week one of the supervisors is on vacation so I'll have 3 extra groups to cover for on top of my 2. While doing the calculations on the failure, 2 folks came by to ask a bunch of questions about why the supervisors can't be in the field with the techs at least 70% of the time. In my case I have 6 techs in 2 different shops and a lot of our equipment is off site. Then there is the customer calls, emails with request for this or that, parts to locate and purchase. New customers wanting to get new work involved.
As they were getting ready to leave, I stopped them and mentioned other tasks I deal with that has nothing to do with my crew. I am the facility manager for our building and have the Spectrum Manager role for the lab. That role takes up a lot of time. Only 2 of our 6 supervisors have any help and one of those is basically useless. SO everything falls to us.
To top it off I have to work all weekend. I requested approval a week ago for this work and it took until late yesterday for that to go thru. DOE is forcing so many hoops for us to jump thru now. Just causing massive backlogs.
Just read back thru this and realized it should have went under the rant thread. My apologies folks, I'm just PO's tonight
You sound CRABBY😃, It's the heat,♥️
Got the mail today. My first trapping catalog of the season was there waiting for me. I need to start putting my order together soon. Fall isn't too far away now.

Curious. 15 years ago I bought some small sleepy creek coils for raccoon etc trying to get my chickens. Got a few minnesota brand offsets for coyote too. Liked both, did exactly what I needed, used them for years. Problem, my very elderly dad uses them sometimes and forgets where he set them. :(

I need a few replacements but it seems companies changed names or websites since I purchased. Even read somewhere that MB traps are no longer made.

Who would you recommend? Are any traps still american made?
This has been one long day. The tax lawyer phoned and we won our tax argument. Actually got a substantial refund back after a painful audit. The $30.00 audit insurance paid off this year.

Yippee, let's go fishing. It's a nice day. Get to the lake and are out in the middle of the lake eating sandwiches for lunch, when zap! Lighting striking everywhere. Big thunder storm with no warning signs. Sandwiches go to feed the fishes and we head for shore right pronto.

Driving out we decide to go to town. On the way home on the back road, we come to a serious accident. A car took a corner too fast and went up the opposite bank and rolled back sideways on itself in the small but deep ditch. There was another vehicle stopped and a guy was frantically digging with a stick and his 12 and 14 year old boys were trying to use their hands.

Somehow, the driver, now on the passenger side had his head pinned between the frame of the car door and the sharp edge of the ditch with the weight of the car on his head.

Hubby jumped out and I kept going about 5 miles down the road where I could get cell service to call 911.

I headed back to help and it was a good thing I stopped for a big boulder. Hubby, the other guy and his two kids had managed to lift the car up a few inches but were struggling to keep it dropping back down on the guys head. I managed to get the rock under just in time and it held. It bought us time to use ratchet straps to anchor the car to a tree and keep it steady while we freed the guy. We had to get him out. It was too risky to leave him.

I had a heavy tarp we were able put him on and we found enough blankets and hoodies to insulate him. We also had car pillows which helped to stabilize his head. First aid wise, all we could do was keep him from moving and carefully splint his arm with tree branches.

It took 50 min for the ambulance and a helicopter to get to the scene. I had to go down the road aways and break the lock off a hay field gate where the helicopter could land so that the ambulance could drive to the helicopter. I told the po po who let the owners know what happened to their lock.
This has been one long day. The tax lawyer phoned and we won our tax argument. Actually got a substantial refund back after a painful audit. The $30.00 audit insurance paid off this year.

Yippee, let's go fishing. It's a nice day. Get to the lake and are out in the middle of the lake eating sandwiches for lunch, when zap! Lighting striking everywhere. Big thunder storm with no warning signs. Sandwiches go to feed the fishes and we head for shore right pronto.

Driving out we decide to go to town. On the way home on the back road, we come to a serious accident. A car took a corner too fast and went up the opposite bank and rolled back sideways on itself in the small but deep ditch. There was another vehicle stopped and a guy was frantically digging with a stick and his 12 and 14 year old boys were trying to use their hands.

Somehow, the driver, now on the passenger side had his head pinned between the frame of the car door and the sharp edge of the ditch with the weight of the car on his head.

Hubby jumped out and I kept going about 5 miles down the road where I could get cell service to call 911.

I headed back to help and it was a good thing I stopped for a big boulder. Hubby, the other guy and his two kids had managed to lift the car up a few inches but were struggling to keep it dropping back down on the guys head. I managed to get the rock under just in time and it held. It bought us time to use ratchet straps to anchor the car to a tree and keep it steady while we freed the guy. We had to get him out. It was too risky to leave him.

I had a heavy tarp we were able put him on and we found enough blankets and hoodies to insulate him. We also had car pillows which helped to stabilize his head. First aid wise, all we could do was keep him from moving and carefully splint his arm with tree branches.

It took 50 min for the ambulance and a helicopter to get to the scene. I had to go down the road aways and break the lock off a hay field gate where the helicopter could land so that the ambulance could drive to the helicopter. I told the po po who let the owners know what happened to their lock.
It's days like that you wished you would have stayed home!! 😮😮😮
Second day off😮😃!! Wow, two days off in a row, feel like I'm on vacation 😂!! Washing towels and sheets this morning, more house cleaning too!! Hubby has to work this morning. Got a good size list of things I need to do, but a nap will be a priority!! Burberry the deer has been missing for two days, hope she's ok!
This morning I harvested a few bags of salad, and 8 cucumbers... We are to the point of eating 2 cucumbers a day, and we can't keep up....

I think I am about to retire my 22 year old truck, it was running great until it wasn't... 6 years ago I put an engine in it, but this new set of issues appear to revolve around the computer and fuel injector system... I'm just getting too old to spend my days busting knuckles and talking to myself....
STUFFING, not southern dressing ! It's hard to make people down here understand that STUFFING is correct!!😃♥️
Dressing is cooked in a pan separate from the bird. Stuffing is STUFFED into the bird. Not that hard to understand. Of course, tasting is convincing.

Those Food Network “chefs” also did a fantastic job of convincing people that stuffing a bird is dangerous for your health.
Dressing is cooked in a pan separate from the bird. Stuffing is STUFFED into the bird. Not that hard to understand. Of course, tasting is convincing.

Those Food Network “chefs” also did a fantastic job of convincing people that stuffing a bird is dangerous for your health.
I'm still living after many years of stuffing!😃🦃
Curious. 15 years ago I bought some small sleepy creek coils for raccoon etc trying to get my chickens. Got a few minnesota brand offsets for coyote too. Liked both, did exactly what I needed, used them for years. Problem, my very elderly dad uses them sometimes and forgets where he set them. :(

I need a few replacements but it seems companies changed names or websites since I purchased. Even read somewhere that MB traps are no longer made.

Who would you recommend? Are any traps still american made?
I use mostly Cumberland's Northwest Trappers Supply. They still send out catalogs. Montgomery traps are made in the US, MB's are still being made in Minnesota, Oneida Victor traps are US made, Duke is a decent trap but it's made in Korea, and Bridger traps are made in Taiwan. I still use a lot of old Newhouse traps, some of which are over 100 years old. In my opinion, the dogless square jaw Montgomery "step in" trap is the best coyote trap ever made, but it hasn't been made in years now.
Just catching up to this thread, Hatch chiles refer to ANY variety of chili peppers grown in or near the town of Hatch, NM, which has the ideal climate for growing peppers. Deming, NM, also has a pretty good climate for peppers, you will find pepper farms outside that burg. Hatch chiles are world-famous for their delicious taste, and some of 'em can be HOT! 🥵

Here's a pic of the Hatch chiles I bought yesterday, these look like Anaheim peppers but they are HOT, lol... and quite tasty! I had some last night with the yardbird I cooked in my NuWave Oven, and they were delicious! I'm gonna make my own Southwestern-style chicken & rice dish tonight, using the Hatch chiles, some onion & tomato chunks, etc. 😎


That's a boxed deck of playing cards included for scale, it was the easiest object to grab for comparison, lol. Here are shots of my NuWave Infrared Oven, it's a 'Pro Plus' model and I've had it for a decade or so... I'm using the conventional oven in my kitchen to make chicken & rice tonight, but I'll use the NuWave for the beef roast tomorrow evening! 😀



Yes, that's my glass bong at left in the first oven pic, guess I didn't move it far enough out of the way, lol. Looks like the base of my oven is scratched up a bit too, but I've had it for a decade or so and it has moved several times with me, hence the scratches. It's not a bad oven, I don't use it that often but I'm perfectly happy with it, lol. 😉

I might even go so far as to say that the oven pays for itself just through the excellent job it does on beef roasts, lol. I really ought to experiment more with this oven, it reportedly does a good job on vegetables too... I just haven't gotten around to it, plus I frequently BBQ outdoors or use the conventional oven to roast holiday turkeys and whatnot. 😬

A friend of mine actually gave this oven to me, he got a deal by buying two of 'em off one of those sale ads on TV, lol. That friend used to regularly drop by and eat meals at my home in Coronado, so this was his way of repaying me for my classic old school local hospitality. He also bought a knife set for me, I have that in my kitchen as well. And here it is! 😁




That silver-handled Cuisinart knife is NOT part of the set, I just keep it in the block because it does a good job slicing vegetables, lol. The knife set is about what you'd expect from an infomercial, but meh, the knives are sharp enough and they cover all my culinary needs. The heart is a legacy from me dear departed mum, I honor her by displaying it... 😍

P.S. I usually drink the Crystal Geyser brand of water, but they were out last time I bought water so I had to settle for a few of those WallyWorld gallons... meh, it's still spring water, and not from some municipal supply, lol. :oops:

Oh, yeah, I meant to add that some pretty good onions are grown in or around Hatch, NM, not just peppers, lol... :brewing:
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