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By you??? 😀
If so. . .
Indeed, pending fine print. It's small lot, not what I had in mind when we started, but it fits all my criteria for the last house :). Nice Level lot, easy to maintain, nice steel shed in back, no inside steps, fenced back yard for the killer Teddy Ruxpin, High speed internet access :). See, you can't escape me that easily.
Congrats Dade

Been another long week at work. Got home tonight and pulled about a third of my onions, shallots, and garlic. Onions did great, shallots were decent. Garlic was 50/50, got some nice heads, others not much bigger than the stem. One of the 4 types will not be grown again, Music. Red Creole did fairly well, so did Martins Heirloom. 4th type and I forgot the type was so so at best.
Got them on bread racks in the basement with a fan blowing on them.

From the link you shared in the rants thread it looks like you own 0.5% of the houses in that community. You can exercise your political pull. ;)

Oddly, Clinton Co. in VERY Republican, :). And Clarksville is very small. Lori already knows the local Fire Chief :)

I know the former Republican Committee Chairman for the county:). But that is a long long backstory.
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Went to carb school many years ago. Not sure how much I would remember now. Not many used any more. Went to transmission school when I was a Toyota mechanic about 1970. I remember almost none of that.
It has been about 24 years since I read up on carbs and tuned the Holley on the old Chevelle. I haven't touched a carb since. I know the basics, and if I take it apart and put it back together again within a few hours I am good, but until I get more practice my memory wont last more than a day or two. The carb I did today I took pictures of everything as I took it apart and it went back together again without a problem. Counted the turns on the jet and put it back in the same spot. Put it on the 4 wheeler and it started right up. Took it for a ride and it worked perfectly. Drove it back into the shop and as soon as I let it idle it died and wouldn't restart. Sprayed carb cleaner in the air filter (he wont buy or use ether) and it started and ran until I tried to let it idle. Repeated that several times. I did install a fuel filter (it didn't have one from the factory) and I now know to rinse out the fuel line after the filter before connecting it to the carburetor. Tomorrow I get to take it apart and clean out all the jets and orifices and put it back together again ALONG WITH WASHING OUT THAT FUEL LINE and then I can put it back together again. I called the guy I replaced, who trained me, and he said he has on occasion cleaned carburetors 4 times before all the crud stopped plugging up the jets. Yay, that sounds so fun. The customer said the gas in the tank was pretty old so I drained out what I could and put in new, but apparently the fuel lines were still dirty. The only good part is the boss said to do what I can and don't worry about hurrying, and what he charges for a carb rebuild is more than what he pays me for 2 days of work so he is still making money and I am learning. Oh, and todays carb was similar to last weeks carb so I was able to put a few more pieces together on last weeks carb so I am learning. On the plus side, this customer brought in 2 identical 4 wheelers so I get to do the same thing to the second one as soon as I get the first one running again.
After work I drove to town and picked up the correct 6 volt golf cart batteries for my trailer. I hooked them up and the solar charger was happy. Literally, the LED display has a happy face when it is working properly. Sooo, the trailer is working properly, except maybe I will need to clean the carb on the generator because it sat for 4 years since I fired up it up, (shut the fuel off and ran it until it stopped but that doesn't get all the fuel out so some gunk remained) but it is running and I ran a bunch of SeaFoam carb cleaner through it so maybe it will clean itself. Maybe? I am not going to farmers market this weekend so every few days I will run the generator and maybe while it is sitting and soaking with the carb cleaner it will clean itself. It works fine with just the 20 amp heat press but it struggles when I run the heat press and the A/C. I am all for waiting to see if it fixes itself but if I have to I will take it off and clean it out. The pain with that is I have to unbolt it and pull it part way out so I can access the carb.
But, for now, it is almost shower and bed time. Hopefully I can find a decent movie to watch on Hulu, I doubt it but maybe.
Went to carb school many years ago. Not sure how much I would remember now. Not many used any more.
I prefer carburetors over fuel injection. Don't get me wrong, when I put the original Holley ProJection fuel injection on my old '72 Chevy truck many, many years ago it woke that 350 up and it was faster than the 5.0 mustangs of the early 90's. But eventually the circuit board melted and I switched back to a carburetor. I know fuel injection is the gold standard for modern performance but the carburetor wont fail me if I keep the fuel and fuel filter clean. I don't like or trust electronics in vehicles. I know my newer rides are packed full of the computer crap but my '72 and '64 Chevelle will run forever. Especially if I keep extra ignition coils stashed away for just such an emergency.
Sorry your husband might be back on midline, Snappy. We go in tomorrow for sputum and CT scan. He is expecting the worse. He doesn't feel well at all, so another midline might be in the works for us, too. Sis and her husband spent the afternoon with mom, I brought them there to make sure she remembered them. Other houseguests will be arriving tomorrow and stay for a few days. Hotter than heck here. We have a half day at the docs tomorrow for husband, so I need to get an early start on morning chores.
I prefer carburetors over fuel injection. Don't get me wrong, when I put the original Holley ProJection fuel injection on my old '72 Chevy truck many, many years ago it woke that 350 up and it was faster than the 5.0 mustangs of the early 90's. But eventually the circuit board melted and I switched back to a carburetor. I know fuel injection is the gold standard for modern performance but the carburetor wont fail me if I keep the fuel and fuel filter clean. I don't like or trust electronics in vehicles. I know my newer rides are packed full of the computer crap but my '72 and '64 Chevelle will run forever. Especially if I keep extra ignition coils stashed away for just such an emergency.
I worked on carbs in the DARK ages, a friend of mine had. I think, a 1965 Corvair Corsa, we spent only God knows how many hours synchronizing/resynchronizing it's 4 , 1 barrel carbs.

The things we did before the internet and cellphones :). Those were the days.
This week has been a mixed bag, Sunday woke up sick, sweats and chills, sent a note to my Dr.. Monday, was a telework work day, still sick. Tuesday still sweats and chills persisting, took off sick, I gave fluid samples to the lab and got some medications, still did about 4 hours of work online. Ho, on the way to the lab the check engine light on the car flipped on, so now I have 2 sick vehicles. Wednesday I will feeling better, worked a full day and took wife to the beauty salon, the heat was brutal and was really hard on her. Last night I got my full labs reports, not good at all - A1C off the charts with a number of other things way out of spec.... I have been so focused on being a primary care giver that I have just put myself on auto-pilot for the last 5 years and I think I just hit a wall....

This morning I woke up early, 02:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I jumped on the exercise bike and then checked my e-mails. I think I have decided to retire my old truck, looks like the spider fuel injector system has failed and I am tired of uncertainty. I had been talking about getting a new truck before I retired so I decided to just pull the trigger.

I have a full slate of meetings scheduled for today, I am scheduled to be off on Friday (no guarantee), I am hoping to see things turn around by COB today. :)

I got so sick so fast last weekend and it has been a real wake up call... I need to drop 25 pounds, get my sugar under control (praying no shots) and just start working out more. Before I was walking 5 miles a day and that really helped, I have gotten relaxed and lazy, but there's a cure for that, not so sure about the other stuff.

Oh, in my e-mails I got notification that the fees for my hunting this year doubled, good news is last year they were cut in half because of age discounts, so I'm back paying what I did before... Do you ever feel like you are moon-walking through life, looks like you are moving forward while actually you are gently sliding backwards..?

Time to get my shower before my alarm goes off..
Hello everyone, sorry for neglecting here lately but I have husbands' relations staying, then trying to fit in a few things when they pop away for a day or so. Last weekend was one of those, so my husband and I jumped in the van, despite the still horrible weather, and camped away on the west coast for a night, met up with a college friend. Parked right by the ocean and listened to the waves crashing. Hotels and similar places are horrendous prices, so it's great to have the van. We've a little gas ring cooker and pull-out bed husband made. We've had one dry day in July- ONE! The garden looks appalling, though the courgettes are growing well. Bad year for blueberries and peas for some reason. My chard and spinach in the poly is looking moldy because of the dampness, so I've set more seeds for winter. Started lifting mid-season potatoes in case I lose them to blight. Heading to London for a few days to visit family, hope to get back to a routine in August. Stay well all :D
Dademoss, congrats on finding a house.
Urban: hope you feel better

We are having a heat wave here, supposed to be around 90 for a few days, yuck
The sheep are miserable they don't like heat either and sit in their shelter half the day
I have a doctor appointment today , I think it's a waste of time but I got new blood pressure pills last month and supposed to come back to see if they are working out ok . They are, I am no longer coughing .
Still spraying Grazon on the pastures. Husband and I taking turns because of the heat. The pastures we have already done look really good, mostly grass with a little clover left.
The one we are workin on now is the worst. It is full of ragweed, thistles , and these thorny little plants with purple flowers the goats won't eat , plus goldenrod. And we have tiny walnut trees growing also. It's a mess and hard to work in, very steep full of rocks
The goats that are usually in it are elsewhere.
Yep, Snappy...came off the midline, over a week of tobramycine on neb. Coughing up the nastiest looking stuff I've seen again. Still pseudomonas, I bet. Yesterday says he's a mess, going to die, nothing works. Dreading the CT reading, because I know it's not good. But the scan is today, not the reading. What kind of infection does your husband have to need a midline?
Friday went in to surgery on Friday :)rolleyes: ). The vet found the ovary pretty fast once they opened her up. They also checked her uterine horns for infection then closed her up. She came home a few hours later when she was waking up and she has been doing well since. But now I have a problem.

The first vet said they did what is called an ovariohysterectomy which is the removal of the ovaries and uterus. It is on the paperwork that they did this but clearly they did not. The second vet gave me detailed medical history about what they found when they did the second surgery. (one ovary and both uterine horns) That is my problem. K is worried if I go and talk to the first vet I will lose my sh*t. I think he is going to handle it BUT I am doing all the paperwork and research before hand.

What bites my butt is the first vet posted on FB the day minutes before I called they will take ALL walk-ins and emergencies. They refused to see my dog. I am fighting the urge to leave nasty comments on their FB and on Yelp about how they handled this issue.

I am betting we have to take them to court.
Yep, Snappy...came off the midline, over a week of tobramycine on neb. Coughing up the nastiest looking stuff I've seen again. Still pseudomonas, I bet. Yesterday says he's a mess, going to die, nothing works. Dreading the CT reading, because I know it's not good. But the scan is today, not the reading. What kind of infection does your husband have to need a midline?
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. We went to medical records to get the culture report so we have an idea what he has. A lot of antibiotics are resisitant. I picked up prednisone for him at local drugstore this morning to help with breathing. We talked yesterday. Every time we start on this path, we hope he will make it through it.
It's a coin toss... home rehab work or cold beer! 🤔

[flips coin] 🙄


Almost went for a check ride on the bike this morning, but that ol' sun started beatin' down while I was watering... 🥵

Got some cooler weather on the forecast horizon (upper 90s), so I'm gonna try to finish the kitchen when that cooler weather hits... same goes for the check ride, it's just too darned HOT out there! Cold beer in the A/C = MO' BETTAH!!! 😎
It's a coin toss... home rehab work or cold beer! 🤔

[flips coin] 🙄


Almost went for a check ride on the bike this morning, but that ol' sun started beatin' down while I was watering... 🥵

Got some cooler weather on the forecast horizon (upper 90s), so I'm gonna try to finish the kitchen when that cooler weather hits... same goes for the check ride, it's just too darned HOT out there! Cold beer in the A/C = MO' BETTAH!!! 😎
That double headed coin comes in handy😉
@Grimm what a jerk. Not focused and maybe he’s got ulterior motives, the first vet. Firmly, resolutely, demand.
Sorry for the rabbit.
We didn't have any issues with the first vet when they took care of my cat when he was constipated last fall. They were compassionate and took good care of him. This is why I thought I could trust them to spay my hunting dog! Having a second spay and 14 day recovery time puts back her training 2 more weeks!

I did find out I can sue for up to $10K in small claims in the county the vet is in (the next one over. We are on the county line.). So I can ask for the $4.7K for the second surgery and the $600+ for the first since they didn't even do half of it correctly!
We didn't have any issues with the first vet when they took care of my cat when he was constipated last fall. They were compassionate and took good care of him. This is why I thought I could trust them to spay my hunting dog! Having a second spay and 14 day recovery time puts back her training 2 more weeks!

I did find out I can sue for up to $10K in small claims in the county the vet is in (the next one over. We are on the county line.). So I can ask for the $4.7K for the second surgery and the $600+ for the first since they didn't even do half of it correctly!
I’m sorry I didn’t read it right thought it was a rabbit.
You moved to lone star state, right? Hope you get it straightened out.
My fruit fly battle continues. Got almost all of them today. Got sneaky and trapped them in the kitchen trash then put them in the outside bin. I’ve only seen 2 flies all afternoon… instead of dozens… so the war continues, at a slower pace. Main thing was finally getting my kitchen clean, then they have no reason to stay.

Been trying to find an online tractor manual for the Massy. The rear seal around the pto shaft is leaking badly. I’d rather put in a new one myself, easier than hauling the tractor 70miles one way, then have to go back and get it. No luck on a manual, not sure which parts to order. If I can get the right parts I’ll figure it out for myself.

Its shark week on the tv… I’ve noticed over the years it’s always the same people, catching, tagging etc. Somehow its reassuring to know there are only a few people insane enough to get in the water with a great white. :rolleyes: A few people have left the show, wonder what happened to them. 😁
Didn't do much today. I was in a lot of pain and it was hard to even move. But I did unload the fencing from my truck, did some maintenance on the tractor, unloaded the lumber and steel pipe from the trailer and watered the garden. Tomorrow morning I'll set the pipe in the hole and weld some braces to hold it up stright. Should get the concrete next week. Then I can mount the new solar panels. The framing for the roof over the rear deck is mostly done.
Also hooked up the boat to the Grand Cherokee. After chores tomorrow morning we're going to the lake.
Today we went grocery shopping and bought a lot of stuff we don’t usually buy. The grandkids are coming Saturday to stay for the week. I’m taking them horse back riding, to the shooting range, swimming, shopping and to the Oklahoma Aquarium. After their week here, I’m going to collapse and sleep for a week.
Drove to the big city to pick my mom up from the airport. After we got home I went to a friends house and spent several hours picking in the garden. Have a weekend full of canning and pickling ahead of me :D think I got over 100lbs of squash, zucchini and okra with some bell peppers and tomatoes too