What's everybody doing today?

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It happened to me... One day I worked on 2 continents, a short time later I was a vegetable.

I'm a naturally positive person but... I was a grumpy cuss for several years. It was devastating, permanent, no cure. Took me years to accept my new life, a lot of very dark days. It took even longer to build a new life. It still gets to me sometimes... have to shove the gremlin back in the closet.

I feel for you but have no helpful insights. It's up to him to stop dwelling on the past and go forward. It's not easy... not easy at all. :(
There you go!

A Chef Petty Officer sat me down and said...

Ben, if you never give up you never fail. You are just still working on it.

That advise has served me well.

Keep at it!

I'm on day....6 of DEFCON 2........yep. This is the big one. Forest fire.....so much I could say......no time to say it.....looks like the end of the fricking world outside. This may be the day I put everything to the test: Arlee Mt Fire Webcam - Developing Wings

Got the final warning to evacuate an hour ago. Told them Thanks, but no thanks.
I'm on day....6 of DEFCON 2........yep. This is the big one. Forest fire.....so much I could say......no time to say it.....looks like the end of the fricking world outside. This may be the day I put everything to the test: Arlee Mt Fire Webcam - Developing Wings

Got the final warning to evacuate an hour ago. Told them Thanks, but no thanks.
Wow A! Keep the water running and keep you and yours safe.
We've been lucky so far this summer with no close fires yet. The Forest Service has a prescribed burn planed for around 3 sides of our property. That will mean several thousand acres they plan to burn. They started burning back in early June on our north west section, but it was too wet and they couldn't keep the fire burning. It's really dry now and they still plan on burning this summer. I asked them to stage a couple tankers near the house and keep a helicopter on stand-by. I think they're going to wait until Fall. That way if the fire gets out of control, eventually the snow will put it out.
Day 4 of husband in the hospital, and not fun at all. His two main docs are meeting up with him tomorrow to discuss a plan of action, so we'll see what they come up with. I went in this morning and helped him get cleaned up and shaved. All the IV steriods they have him on has him blood sugar spiking sky high. Tomorrow is his 70th birthday, so I got his dark chocolate cream pie made this afternoon to bring in. Got a call from my favorite cousin, and they're getting a driver to bring them to the hospital, so he can party with the amish ladies tomorrow. With pie. Ha Ha. Hopefully he'll be able to come home soon. Sis and her husband left this morning...the Oregon sis. Her uber driver was a no show, and she was going nuts. Called cabs and no luck. She didn't want to hear that no one around here works on Sunday because it's God's day. We did finally find someone, and they made their flight, but made alot of noise about it this morning. Meanwhile, they left their luggage on our porch walkway path, and one of the barncats (Bowie) walked by and sprayed it. That didn't go over well. I don't know this sis very well, never really talk to her, and she was down to see mom. Hadn't seen her in years. Don't have much in common. She stressed me out. Our New Mexico friends have been a big help with little granddaughter the last few days. Taking her out every day so I can be with husband at the hospital. They leave tomorrow morning, but were great to have around. They come every few months to visit.
Day 4 of husband in the hospital, and not fun at all. His two main docs are meeting up with him tomorrow to discuss a plan of action, so we'll see what they come up with. I went in this morning and helped him get cleaned up and shaved. All the IV steriods they have him on has him blood sugar spiking sky high. Tomorrow is his 70th birthday, so I got his dark chocolate cream pie made this afternoon to bring in. Got a call from my favorite cousin, and they're getting a driver to bring them to the hospital, so he can party with the amish ladies tomorrow. With pie. Ha Ha. Hopefully he'll be able to come home soon. Sis and her husband left this morning...the Oregon sis. Her uber driver was a no show, and she was going nuts. Called cabs and no luck. She didn't want to hear that no one around here works on Sunday because it's God's day. We did finally find someone, and they made their flight, but made alot of noise about it this morning. Meanwhile, they left their luggage on our porch walkway path, and one of the barncats (Bowie) walked by and sprayed it. That didn't go over well. I don't know this sis very well, never really talk to her, and she was down to see mom. Hadn't seen her in years. Don't have much in common. She stressed me out. Our New Mexico friends have been a big help with little granddaughter the last few days. Taking her out every day so I can be with husband at the hospital. They leave tomorrow morning, but were great to have around. They come every few months to visit.
Hopefully with the sis gone you can focus on your hub!! Glad your friends were there for the granddaughter! Hope life calms down a little for you, you carry the weight!!♥️
Wow, so much bad stuff.....does anything good ever happen anymore?

ABR : hope you and horse feel better soon
Arindel: hope the fire leaves your place alone , that's scary!
Amish: sorry your husband is so sick , hope he gets out of hospital soon
Txcatlady: so sorry, and I can relate to your husband a little. I was like that when I had my accident in 2019 and couldn't walk for a while ( but ok now, not the same, but ok)
My husband has some issues also, he had a bad concussion a few years ago and now he can't remember anything ( short term memory is crap) . Plus he's Leonard on the big bang theory...lol, so he is not good at farming, lets just leave it at that....he used to be a literal rocket scientist but that doesn't help with things like vehicle maintenance or taking care of animals. I have to constantly check everything he does to make sure barn doors are closed, animals still have water, batteries are still charged for the fence etc. I can't imagine having to do everything by myself. At least he is still physically able to do stuff. That has to be very hard on you.

Thanks everyone on hay info! For us here, getting good hay and putting it somewhere is the biggest challenge when it comes to farming ( other than the vehicle maintenance). In hind, sight, I would have bought hay equipment when we still had the money and first started and mowed hay for other people. We have high humidity here and hay almost never dries in a day. Even if it does, we have picked up hay that was wet on the outside just sitting in the field overnight.
Overdid it again yesterday. Took care of the animals, sprayed weeds in the steep pasture again, almost done with the entire thing. At least the ones we have already finished look really good and it makes a difference, plenty of grass now for the sheep. Pulled weeds in the green beans, did laundry , all of it like 7 loads, cleaned the house, took the dogs for a walk. Now my foot hurts

Today we are going to have to drive to the big town and go to the bank, plus oil change in truck. Plus shopping
I'm still tired from yesterday so that will be ok since it involves a lot of sitting
About a year ago, my cheap weather station started acting wonky. I replaced the outside transmitter with one I found on eBay and it worked better, but it still wasn't all that accurate. A couple of months ago, it finally gave up the ghost. My sweet wife found an amazing deal on a weather station that not only gives you the temperature, humidity and pressure, but also has an anemometer for wind speed, wind direction and a rain gauge.

After spending most of the day doing yard work, I was able to set up the weather station. The outdoor sensor is mounted to the peak of the shed (which is in desperate need of paint) and communicates with a base station in the house. We had some rain showers this morning, so it was pretty neat to see that the sensor was recording the amounts we got.

No pictures of the yardwork, just the normal mowing, weed eating, edging. We had about 20 bags of mulch leftover from the landscaping at our business, so they made their way home and into the decorative beds around the house. I was planning on getting my fall plant starts going in the Aerogarden, but ran out of time last night to do it, those will probably get started over the lunch hour today.
Trash day, so I already filled the bin with some dead weeds and other yard debris... I try to fill the bin every time, not only to keep my yard looking good but to get my money's worth out of the trash company, lol. Trash service here is $40 per month, so roughly $10 per pickup... and I have plenty of stuff to go in the bin yet, I'm working my way around the whole yard and getting rid of the ugliness, lol. The campfires I have this fall in my stone fire ring will help too, I can burn off the rest of the dead wood & pine cones. Pine needles too, those are great for starting fires, they go up like wildfire... :rolleyes:

Dunno if I'll tackle the kitchen work today, that remains to be seen... this hot weather is enervating, so doing anything beyond regular household chores and yard maintenance is tough. Maybe I'll get to it, maybe I won't... I'm not gonna stress over it, I still have until fall before I start another painting project on the home exterior. I might break what's left to do into two parts just to make it easier to dredge up motivation: roll the 'Lighthouse Wall' with the weenie roller one day, finish the stupid caulking the next, lol. I'm just lacking motivation right now in this ongoing summer heat. 🥵

Much easier to drink cold beer and read Westerns in the A/C, lol... the path of least resistance! Maybe I'm just getting lazy in my old age... hard to say, as I've always been a worker, but I ain't gettin' any younger either, and I already tackle enough daily chores and tasks here at the ol' hacienda. Keeping my home squared away with four cats isn't always that easy, lol. I'd like to rescue more kittens after losing Z-Girl, but I just don't have the money, these Bidenomic bills are eatin' up my stash, 10-4? What I wouldn't give to see that fraudulent stinking piece o' trash swingin' from a tree limb... 🤩
Hell of a storm here last night, trees down everywhere. I cut trees out of the road with one hand this morning and really doubt if we have power for quite sometime. I’ll drag the generator out after we make sure all the rest of the family is all good today. We will need to go to the spring and get water to at least be able to flush the toilets.
so another midline might be in the works for us, too.
I must have missed when he went in hospital.
Day 4 of husband in the hospital, and not fun at all
I'm sorry about that, but probably the best place for him right now. We are still waiting to hear about a midline. If they wait long enough, my dh will end up in there too.
Storms got us.town is all torn up.no power anywhere.
Please update us when you can and stay safe!
this hot weather is enervating, so doing anything beyond regular household chores and yard maintenance is tough.
Amen! I was going to prune roses today, but too hot for me with the humidity!

Already walked and walked dogs.
Went to Courthouse for sample ballot for primaries next week.
Did laundry.
Did month ending books.
Still have to set up DH's pills for the month and clean microwave.
Then figure out how to email photos of accordians (dad's) that were received as a text.
It's still too hot for me!
Hell of a storm here last night, trees down everywhere. I cut trees out of the road with one hand this morning and really doubt if we have power for quite sometime. I’ll drag the generator out after we make sure all the rest of the family is all good today. We will need to go to the spring and get water to at least be able to flush the toilets.
Hope all the family are ok! Those storms looked fierce on the radar!!
Cleaning, laundry, stay inside mostly. Make some cool food.
Decluttering and all that...
Guess things were pretty bad up @rusty 's way.
@Amish Heart you sure have been through a lot this year. Prayers for you and your family.
@snappy1 I'm done too! I can't deal with it anymore. I felt really bad the next day from being outside for several hours Friday and Saturday. Just over it.
🌡️☀️ 🎇
Sorry you’re having to work today @Bacpacker and never mind about whining. Nobody noticed it like that. Just a place to vent. I think getting out to the garden helped ya too. Do you take some of your excess produce to work?
I don’t know what I’m going to do about work. I can’t stop working for a while yet (or ever), but last week kicked me, oh wait, every week kicks me.
And it is important to make sure things are set up well enough in the event of accidents, serious illness and death, too soon or later.
Any more it seems every day kicks me, my storage shed build kicks me every day I work on it, generally I have to wait until the shade from the mountains covers our place to work on it other wise it's just too hot and then there's gravity to deal with, that's why when new members mention the projects they want to accomplish I try to tell them do it while you are still young because at 80 years you'll wish you had done it at an earlier age.
Any more it seems every day kicks me, my storage shed build kicks me every day I work on it, generally I have to wait until the shade from the mountains covers our place to work on it other wise it's just too hot and then there's gravity to deal with, that's why when new members mention the projects they want to accomplish I try to tell them do it while you are still young because at 80 years you'll wish you had done it at an earlier age.
I see what you’re saying with my dad. He’s working on a project that 10 years ago would have taken an afternoon or one day to finish. At 88, it’s been 3 days and he’s about 1/3 to 1/2 way done. He complained to me the other day that he has the desire to do the work just not the energy.
Husband out of the hospital with a Pic line. They did that because it'll need to stay in for quite a while, instead of a midline like we've had before. We had a 70th bday party with pie in his room, and my favorite cousin came, that was fun. The specialty pharmacy delivered the IV antibiotics to our home around 4:00, so he was released. Except we have to go back to the docs tomorrow. Good to have him home! His patience was wearing thin.

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