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Looks the house will be mine; we agreed on a price and the closing date is scheduled. Just waiting on the survey and the appraisal for the bank. I think it will be a good place for me but I'm completely overwhelmed by packing up and fixing up this old house to get it on the market. I just can't work like I used to. Started the cutting in on the upstairs hallway after work today and it was pretty miserable the way both hands cramped up so quickly. And my mudding work isn't the best, my shoulders hurt too much and the hawk felt so heavy. I feel old and useless.
We lost my Dad after a very difficult time of dementia not long ago. Now my Mom is having cognitive and behavioral changes that make it hard to get along with her and make me fear I'll lose her soon too. (It's not the loss of my Dad that's affecting her, they divorced long ago. It's more I think a reaction to the drugs from getting her knee replaced.)
I've been inviting friends to come raid my garden. Tomatoes and cukes and peppers coming in and I have absolutely no time to preserve anything. But I have been living on tomato sandwiches, which is good.
Weather has been fine here, but I haven't been able to open the windows and enjoy it, the tankers of death have been going by every ten mintues, 14 hours a day, since Monday morning. They covered two fields to the north of me and another few hundred acres to the south. If it was just manure, it wouldn't be a problem. But this is concentrated toxic sludge from the huge dairies, full of drugs and smelling of sick cows. The stench got so bad last night it woke me from a sound sleep and I had to get up and close all the windows and turn the AC on, even though it was in the 60s. I'm really looking forward to moving.
Looks the house will be mine; we agreed on a price and the closing date is scheduled. Just waiting on the survey and the appraisal for the bank. I think it will be a good place for me but I'm completely overwhelmed by packing up and fixing up this old house to get it on the market. I just can't work like I used to. Started the cutting in on the upstairs hallway after work today and it was pretty miserable the way both hands cramped up so quickly. And my mudding work isn't the best, my shoulders hurt too much and the hawk felt so heavy. I feel old and useless.
We lost my Dad after a very difficult time of dementia not long ago. Now my Mom is having cognitive and behavioral changes that make it hard to get along with her and make me fear I'll lose her soon too. (It's not the loss of my Dad that's affecting her, they divorced long ago. It's more I think a reaction to the drugs from getting her knee replaced.)
I've been inviting friends to come raid my garden. Tomatoes and cukes and peppers coming in and I have absolutely no time to preserve anything. But I have been living on tomato sandwiches, which is good.
Weather has been fine here, but I haven't been able to open the windows and enjoy it, the tankers of death have been going by every ten mintues, 14 hours a day, since Monday morning. They covered two fields to the north of me and another few hundred acres to the south. If it was just manure, it wouldn't be a problem. But this is concentrated toxic sludge from the huge dairies, full of drugs and smelling of sick cows. The stench got so bad last night it woke me from a sound sleep and I had to get up and close all the windows and turn the AC on, even though it was in the 60s. I'm really looking forward to moving.
Patience, mom's dementia is not anything but anesthesia set back! !! Glad you got the house, but wow, a lot of work!! Yay on the garden!! You are strong!!♥️
Yesterday was much better, I pulled the trigger on the new truck, my BP came down after it was done. The old truck was missing a little when I left the house, by the time I got to the dealership it was really sick..... the new truck is a beast, it might be a little over kill. My thinking is it is the last new vehicle I will ever buy.

Just getting all that out of the way really helped the way I feel.... But, the poor wife is a nervous wreck. She is fussed about all the what's left, turn in old plates, update the insurance and such. It's funny how some people fret going in to an event, while others fret on the way out.

Now I can turn to important things, it's time to get my hunting licenses! I have already gotten a call from a buddy wanting to go scouting on Saturday, I think that will help settle my nerves even more, all I need is to do is find someone to sit with the wife while I'm out.
So I talked to the ranch hand across the road!☹️ The cows were SO wormy and malnourished they will be put down!! Better than where they were!!☹️ The ranch across the road worked with the animal control and someone they know picked up the cows! Sad and glad at the same time!!
People like that should not be allowed to have animals. I would be tempted to cut their fence and let the cows out. Or feed them myself
A strange time here. After a lovely few days away in the UK visiting my cousin (I'll pop up photos of the area later, it was very pretty) I returned to hear of a car crash that took the lives of two local girls and injured three more between the ages of 16 and 18. They were on their way to their debs (Prom) which takes place here after the final school exams. Traditionally students travel by coach as a group or they ask someone with a fancy car- so the person driving was a local adult aged 60. He's in intensive care. One of the boys has lost his legs. On top of that, a guy my daughters knew died suddenly at the age of 26. He was a fabulous musician and was doing a music Phd, so had taught my youngest as part of his course. It's still lashing rain - the world feels very grey and heavy. Blight has struck also in my absence, so I've to lift all my potatoes whether they are ready or not. I'm ready for a bit of good news!!
So we picked up the hay, but not the second cutting. Cut open a bale of that, and it was mostly brown, and slightly damp in the middle. She insisted it didn't get rained on and was ok, but we ended up getting the rest of her first cutting which was only about 60 small bales, but for $4 they were fine. Truck made it too but it wasn;t a heavy load. We usually can fit 100 large square bales in it

Baked pretzels yesterday to see if they are good enough to sell. Nope. They were ok, and tasted pretty good yesterday but I wrapped one in plastic for today to see if they are still good , and no they now taste like chewy old pizza dough. I also think baking soda is not a good substitute for lye. Maybe if I put them in the oven for a few minutes the next day they will work. Might try again but have a feeling it will go into the same category as the salt rising bread ( fail!)

Spraying weeds today, last day of sunshine before looks like lots of rain
A strange time here. After a lovely few days away in the UK visiting my cousin (I'll pop up photos of the area later, it was very pretty) I returned to hear of a car crash that took the lives of two local girls and injured three more between the ages of 16 and 18. They were on their way to their debs (Prom) which takes place here after the final school exams. Traditionally students travel by coach as a group or they ask someone with a fancy car- so the person driving was a local adult aged 60. He's in intensive care. One of the boys has lost his legs. On top of that, a guy my daughters knew died suddenly at the age of 26. He was a fabulous musician and was doing a music Phd, so had taught my youngest as part of his course. It's still lashing rain - the world feels very grey and heavy. Blight has struck also in my absence, so I've to lift all my potatoes whether they are ready or not. I'm ready for a bit of good news!!
So sorry for all affected by the horrific crash!! Glad you had a good visit with your cousin! Hopefully the greyness lifts soon!
Stomach is not feeling well today. Detailed under a spoiler in rant thread about my experience this morning. Had to clean up in my bathroom. Hauled out a bunch of trash to the burn pile- which was a literal pain. Changed out trash bag in the kitchen. Swept kitchen and hallway. Fed kitties. Refilled waterer. Chugged some Pepto.

Got overheated so needed to cool off.

Mom has a doctor's appointment later this afternoon. I need to put my shoes in the dryer and hope they are dry in time or I'm going to have to find my "good" shoes. Had to wear the ones the cats pissed in bc my other ones are wet.

I'm going to take a nap and hope my stomach settles, then take a nice long shower.
Going easy... this warm weather has been wearing me down, it's a cumulative effect. So I'm gonna chill out today and read a Western, maybe watch another movie... I enjoyed '2001: A SPACE ODDYSEY' last night. Good special effects in that film, WAY ahead of its time (1968). I was only six years old when that film debuted, I remember my Dad taking all of us to see it, since he had already heard about the special effects. :cool:

Edit: Forgot to post this classic plate I saw yesterday in the Alamo Walmart parking lot... ;)


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I think I fell asleep while watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. I've heard people say being stoned helped to enjoy it more so I doubt I'll ever enjoy it more. LOL. I do think it inspired some windows screensavers.

Tummy still doesn't feel good but I had my nap.
Well today did not go as planned.
Plan was--Take Peanut Butter to groomer, stop at doc, do some grocery shopping--with or without my friend. Tried to call friend 4 times with no answer. Went to house and couldn't get a response at door. Called her daughter, so she could get someone over to check on her. I went to Post office and on the way out I see coolant dripping fast from front corner of jeep. Drove one block to mechanic's and left jeep. Peanut and I walked home.
This is how God works in my life. If I hadn't gone to check on friend, I wouldn't have stopped at Post office first and wouldn't have seen coolant dripping. Would have been about 12 miles away when it overheated or whatever.
At least in my life, everything seems to happen for a reason!
I did walk first, this morning.
Hopefully, we will pick up jeep later.
DH had to go to hospital at 9 am to have PICC line put in for IV antibiotics which will start tomorrow, I think.

And my friend is fine. Her phone keeps messing up. Her daughter has said she will buy friend a new phone for over 6 months. I think she is going to do that soon!
Garden chores, animal chores, and then finally finished the "baby proofing" on the goose run. Put in the baby geese to keep the lone goose company. They are a hoot to watch. That was a ton of work, nearly 4 hrs of it in hot, hot weather. Little granddaughter and I are wiped out. The gossipy (english) neighbor from way down the road came by to see what's up. It's over 100 out right now, so anything else we do will be inside. Husband looking a bit better today, and ready to nap after his lunch.
So far, spent the morning looking for canning supplies for pickles.

Canning jars: We want the 24 ounce straight neck jars and everyone else must want them too because they were not easy to find. I finally found them at a hardware store. I later found some at WM. I did get a 12 pack of 16 ounce jars. We may make some smaller jars of pickles, but we could also use them for jams and jellies.

Vinegar: we have a thread or a post about vinegar not being strong enough now, that it needs to be 7% acid, if I remember correctly. All I find now is 5% acid. I visited with a woman at the hardware store where I found some jars who said that 5% has always been the acidity of vinegar for canning.
(Edit--I was wrong. I remembered it wrong. Of all the vinegar I saw today, and I saw lots, it was all 5%. So no problem here for getting the right strength of vinegar)

Pickling salt: I have always used the pickling salt that comes in a box, and I have some in a box that was opened previously, but wanted to stock up on it, especially since it was so hard to find. I finally found it in the fourth store I was in and bought two boxes.

Mustard seed: For many years it has been impossible to find it, even in the small spice bottle size. But how many of those does it take to make a batch of pickles? I am finding it in those small bottles, but at around $6.50 a bottle which are around 3 ounces, give or take. Drove to a restaurant supply warehouse and found the restaurant sized bottles of 23 ounces for $11.79. That is about 7 or 8 spice sized bottles for less than the price of two.

Got some more garlic.

I have never had success with dill, but I was at a friend's house last week and she has a very large patch of it that comes back every year. She is renting, so she didn't plant the dill. She is not a person who cans, but said I could have as much of it as I wanted. This will be such a deal for us! We won't use nearly half of it though. I wish I could get a dill patch like that going in my yard.
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Went to town yesterday, husband was shocked how little money we have left in the bank...not surprising inflation is still going on. We paid $100 for an oil change at jiffy lube I told husband he needs to do it himself .....nahhh, better not, he'll forget to put the oilfilter on or loose the cap LOL
Had lunch at this Noodle place , 2 small bowls of noodles $30
Did some shopping at Aldi and ran into someone from the market, we both laughed at our carts, stuff we can't grow here: lemons, bananas, salmon, and I had some mangos and chocolate

Today we are going to take a chance and drive the crappy truck with trailer to get hay, assuming the hay looks ok
Going to cut a bale open ( square bales) and look at it first
I can relate. Hubby and I took a fellow from the thrift store out to Subway last week for lunch. Friend got a 6”, hubby and I got a foot long (ate the other half for dinner). The bill was $41.
So far, spent the morning looking for canning supplies for pickles.

Canning jars: We want the 24 ounce straight neck jars and everyone else must want them too because they were not easy to find. I finally found them at a hardware store. I later found some at WM. I did get a 12 pack of 16 ounce jars. We may make some smaller jars of pickles, but we could also use them for jams and jellies.

Vinegar: we have a thread or a post about vinegar not being strong enough now, that it needs to be 7% acid, if I remember correctly. All I find now is 5% acid. I visited with a woman at the hardware store where I found some jars who said that 5% has always been the acidity of vinegar for canning.

Pickling salt: I have always used the pickling salt that comes in a box, and I have some in a box that was opened previously, but wanted to stock up on it, especially since it was so hard to find. I finally found it in the fourth store I was in and bought two boxes.

Mustard seed: For many years it has been impossible to find it, even in the small spice bottle size. But how many of those does it take to make a batch of pickles? I am finding it in those small bottles, but at around $6.50 a bottle which are around 3 ounces, give or take. Drove to a restaurant supply warehouse and found the restaurant sized bottles of 23 ounces for $11.79. That is about 7 or 8 spice sized bottles for less than the price of two.

Got some more garlic.

I have never had success with dill, but I was at a friend's house last week and she has a very large patch of it that comes back every year. She is renting, so she didn't plant the dill. She is not a person who cans, but said I could have as much of it as I wanted. This will be such a deal for us! We won't use nearly half of it though. I wish I could get a dill patch like that going in my yard.
IIRC, the minimum for "pickling" is 5 %. Some is marked 4% and isn't suitable.

I'm not a pickler, so as always, I may be incorrect.
No clue, probably nothing.
I know you have a good imagination - you should make up a good story. Opossum hanging from rafter so called buddy to come evaluate hide and tell me what it's worth, then watched the wrestling match - see good stories like that 😂

Garden chores, animal chores, and then finally finished the "baby proofing" on the goose run. Put in the baby geese to keep the lone goose company. They are a hoot to watch. That was a ton of work, nearly 4 hrs of it in hot, hot weather. Little granddaughter and I are wiped out. The gossipy (english) neighbor from way down the road came by to see what's up. It's over 100 out right now, so anything else we do will be inside. Husband looking a bit better today, and ready to nap after his lunch.
Glad to hear Hubby is feeling a bit better!!!

So far, spent the morning looking for canning supplies for pickles.

Canning jars: We want the 24 ounce straight neck jars and everyone else must want them too because they were not easy to find. I finally found them at a hardware store. I later found some at WM. I did get a 12 pack of 16 ounce jars. We may make some smaller jars of pickles, but we could also use them for jams and jellies.

Vinegar: we have a thread or a post about vinegar not being strong enough now, that it needs to be 7% acid, if I remember correctly. All I find now is 5% acid. I visited with a woman at the hardware store where I found some jars who said that 5% has always been the acidity of vinegar for canning.

Pickling salt: I have always used the pickling salt that comes in a box, and I have some in a box that was opened previously, but wanted to stock up on it, especially since it was so hard to find. I finally found it in the fourth store I was in and bought two boxes.

Mustard seed: For many years it has been impossible to find it, even in the small spice bottle size. But how many of those does it take to make a batch of pickles? I am finding it in those small bottles, but at around $6.50 a bottle which are around 3 ounces, give or take. Drove to a restaurant supply warehouse and found the restaurant sized bottles of 23 ounces for $11.79. That is about 7 or 8 spice sized bottles for less than the price of two.

Got some more garlic.

I have never had success with dill, but I was at a friend's house last week and she has a very large patch of it that comes back every year. She is renting, so she didn't plant the dill. She is not a person who cans, but said I could have as much of it as I wanted. This will be such a deal for us! We won't use nearly half of it though. I wish I could get a dill patch like that going in my yard.
I think the 3 cup jars are discontinued. They are wonderful and I've been looking for another box or two as well, but nobody has them. Will keep an eye at yard sales and thrift shops.
@Aerindel Not sure what information you can get, but your fire is holding at 6700 acres and is now 19% contained. Looks like they have made a little progress today. It was at 8% for the past two days.

Thats not my fire....mine is 0% contained, about 3K acres. Jumped a creek yesterday and blew up. I'm basically between these two arms of the fire. Its not looking good.

Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 11.08.11 PM.png
Well today did not go as planned.
Plan was--Take Peanut Butter to groomer, stop at doc, do some grocery shopping--with or without my friend. Tried to call friend 4 times with no answer. Went to house and couldn't get a response at door. Called her daughter, so she could get someone over to check on her. I went to Post office and on the way out I see coolant dripping fast from front corner of jeep. Drove one block to mechanic's and left jeep. Peanut and I walked home.
This is how God works in my life. If I hadn't gone to check on friend, I wouldn't have stopped at Post office first and wouldn't have seen coolant dripping. Would have been about 12 miles away when it overheated or whatever.
At least in my life, everything seems to happen for a reason!
I did walk first, this morning.
Hopefully, we will pick up jeep later.
DH had to go to hospital at 9 am to have PICC line put in for IV antibiotics which will start tomorrow, I think.

And my friend is fine. Her phone keeps messing up. Her daughter has said she will buy friend a new phone for over 6 months. I think she is going to do that soon!
Things do happen for a reason!! 😉
Thats not my fire....mine is 0% contained, about 3K acres. Jumped a creek yesterday and blew up. I'm basically between these two arms of the fire. Its not looking good.

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Please keep us posted! That looks like rough country for firefighting! 😮
Mom's appointment went well. She lied about not eating sugary stuff lately. Her A1C was too high and so were her regular sugars. I did point out some of the stuff she's eaten recently that is sugary and she glared daggers at me. Doctor wants to adjust her meds and put her on some other stuff to help. Also said her thyroid was too low but I think she's been forgetting to take the thyroid meds. Hopefully it will help though.

Got mail, popped in to Walmart to check on RXs but they weren't ready. Asked them to re-do my brother's stuff that got put back while he was waiting on insurance issues. Tomorrow I have to go get stuff.

Doctor suggested to us not to go outside in the major heat unless necessary. 103 again while cloudy and thundering. No sign of my cows. I hope they are ok. They do have shaded areas, a water trough in the shade, and the barn to go into but I don't know how much help that is with this heat.

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