What's everybody doing today?

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Yes, that heat affects animals as well... I'm glad I opted for a restful day today, I feel much better, I was just kinda tired this morning from the long run of hot days we've had. It's gonna ramp up again this weekend, hitting at least 106* F on Sunday (according to the forecast, might actually be hotter here). My outdoor thermometer has consistently given readings over 110* F, but I'm not sure how accurate it is... it's in the shade, but it's 2' under the metal front porch cover, so maybe the metal cover still affects the reading, even though it's 2' away. 🤔

I'm gonna get out and water the yard soon, I'm doing my best to keep trees & plants alive in this miserable drought... our weather forecasts often have a chance of rain, but no rain ever falls. It's kinda frustrating, because we had plenty of rain last year and everything in the garden fared pretty well, but this season has been rough. Maybe August will bring more rain, July was certainly a disappointment. We haven't had a good ground-soaking rain here in 5 or 6 months, so the ground hasn't softened up to allow root growth, hence the arrested development or death of many plants in my yard. 🙁
Yes, that heat affects animals as well... I'm glad I opted for a restful day today, I feel much better, I was just kinda tired this morning from the long run of hot days we've had. It's gonna ramp up again this weekend, hitting at least 106* F on Sunday (according to the forecast, might actually be hotter here). My outdoor thermometer has consistently given readings over 110* F, but I'm not sure how accurate it is... it's in the shade, but it's 2' under the metal front porch cover, so maybe the metal cover still affects the reading, even though it's 2' away. 🤔

I'm gonna get out and water the yard soon, I'm doing my best to keep trees & plants alive in this miserable drought... our weather forecasts often have a chance of rain, but no rain ever falls. It's kinda frustrating, because we had plenty of rain last year and everything in the garden fared pretty well, but this season has been rough. Maybe August will bring more rain, July was certainly a disappointment. We haven't had a good ground-soaking rain here in 5 or 6 months, so the ground hasn't softened up to allow root growth, hence the arrested development or death of many plants in my yard. 🙁
I’m guessing weather won’t change until after new moon so a couple more weeks.
I think I fell asleep while watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. I've heard people say being stoned helped to enjoy it more so I doubt I'll ever enjoy it more. LOL. I do think it inspired some windows screensavers.

Tummy still doesn't feel good but I had my nap.
It came out when I was a senior in college. I left home early each morning to get to school to do student teaching, then had other classes, and then work. I had no time to watch it. Sci-fi has really never been my thing anyway.
It came out when I was a senior in college. I left home early each morning to get to school to do student teaching, then had other classes, and then work. I had no time to watch it. Sci-fi has really never been my thing anyway.
Here, let me help you feel better about it. I’ve never even heard of it 🫣
Here, let me help you feel better about it. I’ve never even heard of it 🫣
I have no idea how it was done back in 1975, but a bunch of people watched it in the living room of the very large house I was living in. That would have been long before VHS, DVD's, etc. I didn't stay and watch it with them. There was at least one narcissistic batch in the crowd and I stayed away from her as much as possible.
I've seen it. It's a yawner. We watch every single sci fi everything because it's husband's favorite. Every single Star Trek movie and series ever made multiple times.
Oh boy, I'm beat. We need the weather to cool down. Lost another chicken this morning to the heat. Got the guest rooms cleaned up and ready to go again. A daughter is coming in sometime...maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day. She's driving, so you never know with her. Youngest daughter is planning our anniversary party in 3 weeks. So far, our house will be full and the Airbnb down the road will be full. Here's hoping it won't be so hot then. It's also the two day celebration of our town's heritage day that weekend before the party, so it'll be nuts.
Spent the morning at the dentist getting poked and prodded and xrayed. She wants to do at least three crowns. I simply wanted to get the broken teeth yanked but she said I'd run out of teeth. Stopped on the way home to pick up some hole plug, going to close an old well on the property before I sell. Spent some time trying to sort through stuff in the shop building, need to get the stuff cleaned up and packed before the young hired man comes back next weekend and hauls more crap out of the basement.
Anyone have any idea for how to get a trapped bird out of a building? A downy woodpecker flew into the shop building and insists on staying up in the eaves and pulling out the insulation I so laboriously put in last year in her efforts to escape. Tried everything I could think of to get her to fly back out the door but she would never come low enough, just kept going back up into the rafters. There's a man door and a one-car sized overhead door. I don't have a big butterfly net or anything. And there's too much stuff stacked all over for me to really chase her effectively. I felt bad locking up for the evening but I really can't leave it open with all my tools and stuff in there.
The tankers of death are still running. Every five minutes rumbling and roaring past the house, dragging a cloud of stench along. 15-16 hours a day since Monday morning. I'm about to go mad.
Started lifting the potatoes yesterday, have saved mostly the ones from the raised beds. Nearly haven't the heart to check the ones in the field, so much work, and food wasted.
Bright here this morning so getting some mowing and weeding done. We have an upcoming bank holiday but it's still giving wet. Spent a few hours yesterday evening planting out leek and cabbage seedlings for winter, then came in and enjoyed my chutney, which was surprisingly good! As I had visitors, I actually have a decent cheese to enjoy it with, goats cheese with honey, very mild and not too sweet.
dademoss, I like your shed, beautiful job putting it together, Ive been building a shed kit from Home Depot and I've come to the conclusion that it would have been easier for me to build it from scratch, of course I'd be over building it but I'd certainly feel better about the end result, in spite of my misgivings I believe it will end up being a good thing, its 10' X 10' and has a wide double door so I can get our log splitter in, I'll build a hanging shelf over the splitter, Mommy says the storage area left is hers. Guess I'll have to build my dog house over the 1,100 gallon cistern like I thought about a few years back, so I'd have a place to run to if I get into trouble with my DW, run to, I'd be lucky to crawl to these days. I'll see if I can take a picture when I get it done, I've not been fairing too well with electronics lately, our not so old HP2652 all in one printer is a piece of crap, we're going to check out other brands, with all the trouble we've had with HP printers the last decade, I'm really starting to hate them.
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dademoss, I like your shed, beautiful job putting it together, Ive been building a shed kit from Home Depot and I've come to the conclusion that it would have been easier for me to build it from scratch, of course I'd be over building it but I'd certainly feel better about the end result, in spite of my misgivings I believe it will end up being a good thing, its 10' X 10' and has a wide double door so I can get our log splitter in, I'll build a hanging shelf over the splitter, Mommy says the storage area left is hers. Guess I'll have to build my dog house over the 1,100 gallon cistern like I thought about a few years back, so I'd have a place to run to if I get into trouble with my DW, run to, I'd be lucky to crawl to these days. I'll see if I can take a picture when I get it done, I've not been fairing too well with electronics lately, our not so old HP2652 all in one printer is a piece of crap, we're going to check out other brands, with all the trouble we've had with HP printers the last decade, I'm really starting to hate them.
I didn't build it, it goes with the house we made and offer on and waiting to close. It did make it easier for me to agree to move :)
It's switch install day. We have to put in switches on both ends of a siding at Nettleton, Missouri which isn't even a town any more. There's not even a gas station for miles around. The location is down in the trees and it's so humid that you can actually se the moisture swirling in the air. This will probably be the toughest install of the year. If all goes well, we'll be done by 7 or 8 tonight but I'm not counting on it. There's way too much that can go wrong. It's one of those projects where you have to take extra time, just to be sure you don't get killed or badly injured.

The upside is, the next install on Sunday should be pretty easy. Then we'll be off to Colorado next week to do 16 switches in a yard in Pueblo. That will probably take 10 weeks in all.
Things are settling down here a bit, finally. This has been a rough week, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, hope it's not one of @Spikedriver 's trains!

Tonight will be the 39th anniversary of meeting my wife, I think it is important to let the people you care about know how important they are to you, it's not what they do that's important, just who they are. end soapbox.

Off today instead of tomorrow. The farrier is coming this morning to trim Buddy's hooves. This would have been one of the times I trimmed them myself, but he has one hoof that grows funny. I really want the farrier to work on it. So I'll go out to feed him and water shortly, and brush him. Doing laundry. Later this morning I will prepare the meat and veggies I will use for fajitas tonight. And of course with the extreme heat I will make time for the pool! Right now I am enjoying coffee!!
A morning of pleasant surprises! First, it was much cooler when I went out to water this morning, almost felt like a hint of fall weather, though we're due for another warm-up tomorrow... but today's cool breeze and clouds blocking the sun felt pretty nice! Then I drove up to the water system office to pay my bill, and the gal told me she's refunding my deposit, so I didn't have to throw down any cash, AND I have $100 credit still on the books, lol. My monthly water bill runs around $50, so that refunded deposit should cover me for 3 months, this month included. Hey, it might not seem like much to some of you, but moi, I'll take every break I can get in this Fraudulent Biden Era, with everything so expensive... 😒

Funny thing, the gal asked me if I remembered making the deposit, and I told her no, I did NOT remember... I told her she could've ripped me off and I would've been none the wiser, lol. She got a laugh out of that... it's nice to deal with honest folks for a change, ya know? Country folks... not city slickers and scammers and rip-off artists. The only outfit in town that seems shady is my Internet provider, but I'm watching em like a hawk, and if they try to boost my bill I'm gonna drop-kick 'em like I'm starrin' in the NFL... even though I don't even watch football anymore, lol. I don't trust those cable companies & Internet providers, they're always looking for ways to raise your bill, pfffffft. Greedy b@stards! 😠
with all the trouble we've had with HP printers the last decade, I'm really starting to hate them.
We've had a Canon MX922 for several years. Works great and ink is cheaper than HP. It gets a lot of use with ebay.

Walked first this morning.
Picked up friend and we dropped off my Peanut Butter pup at the groomer.
Went to Aldi and Walmart.
Then to Dollar General and auto parts store.
lunch at Burger King and sprang Peanut from lockdown.
Waiting for infusion company to deliver DH's IV antibiotics now.
Bible study in a bit.
Too busy a day for me!
Catching up...

The door repair turned out ok.


Hard to tell where the patch is (bottom left corner).


I have processed most of the garlic with the seed stock separated from the garlic for consumption.


The last of the soft neck is ready to bag up.


The hybrid Red Bull onions are curing. They are The Princess's favorite. I am growing a heirloom variety that are looking good. I will save a couple of those to get seeds next year and tey those seeds the following year (3 years to try out an onion variety and grow from your own seeds!)


I have also prepared (4) 12x3' heugelcultures clear of weeds, covered with weed-block waiting for leaf compost and mushroom manure. I picked up a cubic yard today and delivered it to low end of The Ridge garden area.


The new to us truck did fine. Tomorrow should be moving the fresh dirt to the four beds so they are ready for the garlic planting end of next month.

My son is Philip Moore mentioned here. I am so proud of him.
They were only a few miles from my place at one point. I was in Ames when all the riders were in town. RAGBRAI is a madhouse when it comes through the area. I was a bartender back in '95, in a small town joint that might do $1500 worth of business on a good Saturday night. When RAGBRAI came through we did $11,000 worth in 11 hours. Plus people were doing crazy stuff. I went into the walk in cooler to get a new keg, and there was a middle aged couple in there getting it on. I just grabbed the keg, gave them a thumbs up, said, "Carry on!" and left.

And as far as I know, they carried on! 🤣
They were only a few miles from my place at one point. I was in Ames when all the riders were in town. RAGBRAI is a madhouse when it comes through the area. I was a bartender back in '95, in a small town joint that might do $1500 worth of business on a good Saturday night. When RAGBRAI came through we did $11,000 worth in 11 hours. Plus people were doing crazy stuff. I went into the walk in cooler to get a new keg, and there was a middle aged couple in there getting it on. I just grabbed the keg, gave them a thumbs up, said, "Carry on!" and left.

And as far as I know, they carried on! 🤣
Kind of like Sturgis on bicycles.
Spent the morning at the dentist getting poked and prodded and xrayed. She wants to do at least three crowns. I simply wanted to get the broken teeth yanked but she said I'd run out of teeth. Stopped on the way home to pick up some hole plug, going to close an old well on the property before I sell. Spent some time trying to sort through stuff in the shop building, need to get the stuff cleaned up and packed before the young hired man comes back next weekend and hauls more crap out of the basement.
Anyone have any idea for how to get a trapped bird out of a building? A downy woodpecker flew into the shop building and insists on staying up in the eaves and pulling out the insulation I so laboriously put in last year in her efforts to escape. Tried everything I could think of to get her to fly back out the door but she would never come low enough, just kept going back up into the rafters. There's a man door and a one-car sized overhead door. I don't have a big butterfly net or anything. And there's too much stuff stacked all over for me to really chase her effectively. I felt bad locking up for the evening but I really can't leave it open with all my tools and stuff in there.
The tankers of death are still running. Every five minutes rumbling and roaring past the house, dragging a cloud of stench along. 15-16 hours a day since Monday morning. I'm about to go mad.
Shut the lights & cover windows if there are any and open the car sized door during the light of the day. Leave her alone for an hour or two.
Shut the lights & cover windows if there are any and open the car sized door during the light of the day. Leave her alone for an hour or two.
They were only a few miles from my place at one point. I was in Ames when all the riders were in town. RAGBRAI is a madhouse when it comes through the area. I was a bartender back in '95, in a small town joint that might do $1500 worth of business on a good Saturday night. When RAGBRAI came through we did $11,000 worth in 11 hours. Plus people were doing crazy stuff. I went into the walk in cooler to get a new keg, and there was a middle aged couple in there getting it on. I just grabbed the keg, gave them a thumbs up, said, "Carry on!" and left.

And as far as I know, they carried on! 🤣
How did they have access to the bar’s walk in cooler?
Went to the town 1.5 hrs away to buy weather stripping for insulated window inserts we are making. That was a tough item to find this time of year.

On a side note, we stopped at the grocery store there, and they had rice and sugar by the multi pallet loads.

Someone was feeling funny because sugar had a purchase limit of 60 bags (20kg) and rice was limited to 40 bags, also 20kg, a customer.

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