What's everybody doing today?

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Yep...la la couldn't hear them either
Daughter finally arrived, not sure how long she's staying. Husband bought a ticket for Seattle daughter to come out for our anniversary party. Haven't seen her in years. Four of them here will be fun. Husband had a doc appt this morning, then we had rx pickup in the bigger town. Still hot and yuck out. Did some snap chatting around the table with daughter and little granddaughter (snapping a bushel of beans). Not quite done with all of them.
Trip to town for groceries. I was completely out of produce, like my salads! Got 5lbs of catfish, extra cooking oil and 20lbs of rice while I was there. Ended up spending $200 on pantry items, only I have no more space!!! Hey, these days, if I see it on a shelf and might need it, I buy.

Nothing but tv tonight...
More stress. Appraisal came back less than agreed-upon price, so back to negotiating with the seller. Sure hope we can still pull this deal together, I do want this property.
Left the doors on the shop open as much as I could, can't find the bird. Hopefully she made it out, and there's not a feathery little carcass in there someplace. The whole shop is a mess since everything being dragged out of the basement is piled up in there until I can get it sorted.
Sold a few things today and took another truck load of stuff in to the donation center. Couldn't face the mess in the shop so I started sanding the front door. Stripped all the paint off it years ago but never got it refinished. It's original to the house, beautiful solid wood so it should be a great selling point when I get it done.
Today will be cleaning up then waterpark with sister and the kiddos. Then the kids are coming back to the ranch to stay for a few days before school starts. The baby is coming for the first time too so that should interesting. I'm his second mama though so he should do just fine.
Hubby is driving the grandkids to St. Louis to hand them over to their parents who will drive them the rest of the way home. We had a crazy fun week. It was so busy and I slept like a dead person every night. We spent tons of money entertaining, going to fun places, eating out with them. My fridge is full with various leftovers which Hubby and I will enjoy. But it also will be nice to have a quiet house with just Hubby, I and the animals again.
Don’t know what I’m doing today. I do know what I’m not doing though. I’m not planning on how I’m spending those lottery winnings. A couple of us at work wasted a few dollars and buy tickets. There were six of us. Across six tickets only two of our numbers popped up. Oh well guess I’m still working.
The storms that passed through Sunday night left my cousin and her husband living in a tent in the yard. We went over and got them yesterday and put them up in our cabin. This is the second time in 10 years their place has been destroyed by a storm.

Yesterday went by in a blur. The kitten scratched my little Peanut's eye and neosporin wasn't helping so had to go to vet.
Walked first, this morning.
Second day of DH's IV antibiotics.
Made Firehouse Baked beans for a funeral meal.
Only thing on my list this afternoon is to research candidates for local primaries on Tuesday.
The storms that passed through Sunday night left my cousin and her husband living in a tent in the yard. We went over and got them yesterday and put them up in our cabin. This is the second time in 10 years their place has been destroyed by a storm.

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Thank goodness you could put them up in the cabin!!
Amish Heart, be careful if you're driving while tired, especially with those kids in the vehicle as a distraction... we don't wanna lose our hardest-working site member, lol. Uh-oh, now Pearl is gonna be mad! I'd much rather hear that Amish died of old age in her sleep... not killed by an Amish buggy at a dangerous intersection, lol. I remember those Amish and Mennonite buggies from my 'trucking daze'---I always tried to give 'em extra room, didn't wanna scare the horse! :confused:

Snappy1, I used to research candidates back when I still voted, including judicial candidates... I'd nix any who turned out to be leftist homos, lol. One time I selected a candidate solely because he was a German farmer, lol... it was a no-brainer! I told my friend who was with me at the time that I couldn't go wrong with a German farmer, compared to the remaining roster of bought & sold scumbags, lol. That German farmer was 'In Like Flint!' Lol... "SOLD!!!" ;)

Gonna make a town run in a bit, gonna need more beer & library books in this hot weather! Heat is ramping up again this weekend, ugh. I'm doing my best to keep trees & plants alive in my yard & garden, which means watering twice daily just to counter the effects of the heat. I don't have irrigation either, so watering means dragging 100' hoses around the yard, lol... gonna look like Ah-nold Schwarzenegger before the summer is out, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No costly 'roids either! :oops:

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Well,"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley." The oldest cat peed in the middle of our bed. Vet run at 9:00 AM, put together the isolation crate. We'll get the blood work back Monday and see what needs to be done for her.

Anything else would go in rant of the day, but after 33 years I'm used to it :p
Thank goodness you could put them up in the cabin!!
It’s been a 100 degrees and they were staying in a tent in the yard. Her husband is on oxygen and I couldn’t stand it. We have tried to help folks a lot of times and it usually doesn’t turn out well. If it doesn’t it’s on them not us is what I tell my wife.
Don’t know what I’m doing today. I do know what I’m not doing though. I’m not planning on how I’m spending those lottery winnings. A couple of us at work wasted a few dollars and buy tickets. There were six of us. Across six tickets only two of our numbers popped up. Oh well guess I’m still working.
Well, that solves wasting time planning in how you’ll spend your winnings. 😁
I won $10 on the lottery yesterday. Only cost me $20.
That’s better than many do.
What about the S10????😮😉
I am going to have to revisit the s-10 at a latter date
Funds issue
I have the money to get it running but not enough to get a rebuilt trans

Which is really a shame, that is a good truck and it is sitting on the weeds because of funds issues

I r a Minton sticker shock when I found out how much transmissions have gone up. In my mind I was thinking $500 would buy a junkyard dog but that only got me laughed out of the office
$1500 hundred for a no warranty junk yard dog
$2500 -$3500 for a rebuilt
I am going to have to revisit the s-10 at a latter date
Funds issue
I have the money to get it running but not enough to get a rebuilt trans

Which is really a shame, that is a good truck and it is sitting on the weeds because of funds issues

I r a Minton sticker shock when I found out how much transmissions have gone up. In my mind I was thinking $500 would buy a junkyard dog but that only got me laughed out of the office
$1500 hundred for a no warranty junk yard dog
$2500 -$3500 for a rebuilt
We got Hubby's truck tranny for $350, and my Pontiac front wheel drive tranny for $300! Texas is cheaper! I know how the funds thing goes!!
Just making a statement... unless the cat had too much to drink, lol. :oops:
She hangs with me, it is possible :p. We'll know monday when the bloodwork comes back. In the meantime, she is safe, nobody can pick on her, and she can only pee on her cat bed :p

She won't go like epstein :)
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