What's everybody doing today?

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Made it back from town, got everything done, now it's beer-thirty in the A/C, lol. I scored some more evergreen fertilizer for those pines & junipers which are still stressed in the yard, I'm gonna soak it in this evening beneath the targeted trees. I'm doing my best to NOT lose any more trees in this ongoing drought. At least my fruit trees are putting out new leaves after the first round of spring leaves got cooked in the heat... I'm talking browned out and dead, lol. Meh, all I can do is give it my best shot, if something dies I won't plant that variety again, this yard needs tough trees & plants to survive the hostile conditions, lol. I'm seriously thinking of planting some edible varieties of cactus, like prickly pear and agave... maybe I can make some tequila out of the agave plants, aye? And I like prickly pear, it's not a bad desert survival food... doesn't quite taste like chicken, but it'll keep ya going in a pinch or a bind, lol. Keep ya "regular" too!!! ;)
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Painted a 2nd coat of primer on door and trim. Went to post office for a package but they lost it so I will have to do a claim with Amazon. Went to Walmart for salads and sandpaper. Homeless guy behind me in line found his EBT card covered the ice he bought but wouldn't cover the $5 styrofoam cooler he got for it. I bought the cooler for him so he could store his ice. He thanked me profusely and told me he loved me.

I'm waiting for it to cool down and for the wasps to go away before I try to sweep some of the crud off the siding near the front door.

Made an impulse buy since they had watermelon chunks in a container and they looked good. They taste really good too. I had to stop myself from eating the whole thing. Really was nice and refreshing after sweating my tail off in the heat.
I got 2.5 garden boxes dilled with special mix and ready for garlic next month.


The Princess planted a rose bush she was gifted. We grabbed some potatoes, purslane, and radishes for dinner tonight.

Went to town 30 miles away to stock up at Aldi's.$ 220 worth of stuff at checkout. Realized I didn't have wallet, so embarrassed. Luckily we have an office in that town. Went there and got the petty cash and was able to cover the groceries.
That's not funny! I did that once (only about 20 miles away), I realized it just before I hit the checkout line, I parked the cart in a hidden corner and then drove like heck to get my wallet.... When I got back the cart was right where I hid it and everything worked out... Thankfully, I was buying all shelf stable food that day.
Well, the bad news, the lamb did not make it. Son dropped it off at the vet school to see what killed it. I hope it wasn't rabies...that would be bad. But vet I talked to doesn't think so.
Good news: sold out everything but the meat at the market today! I was very happy when we sold an entire box of zuccini. A guy from a restaurant bought all of them .
( I asked what he was going to do with all of them)
Made lamb burgers stuffed with goat feta , greek salad and roasted potatoes when we got back, was all very good but created a lot of dishes that took me an hour to do
@snappy1 i ordered a couple of skirt patterns off eBay and one came today. Didn’t realize they’d be available there since I bought smaller versions years ago, these are untouched, uncut. Love the style.
@dademoss cat looks like he’s hollering or something. Hope he’s ok.
@sonya123 I guess you’re wondering about cause of death for the lamb. Nice you’re able to sell most of your offerings at market.
Worked today, thinking about how hot it will still be at midnight.
@Wingnut i hope your trees make it, any of them. Did your little cannabis plants survive?
I got 2.5 garden boxes dilled with special mix and ready for garlic next month.

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The Princess planted a rose bush she was gifted. We grabbed some potatoes, purslane, and radishes for dinner tonight.

What kind of special mix do you need for garlic? the damn stuff is like a weed here!
Good thing I like garlic and potato soup!
What kind of special mix do you need for garlic? the damn stuff is like a weed here!
Good thing I like garlic and potato soup!
That’s funny: I was just thinking that potato soup sounded good last night but that it’s still too hot out for soup.
@zannej that was nice of you. We have so many homeless, most of which are high as a kite and pretty scary. Kinda sad that it makes one not as willing to want to help them.
I took Hubby fishing today. 🎣. He hooked several, caught 2, but only one was legal so I get a trout for lunch tomorrow. Then we went on a little farther and had a late lunch at a little place we like. Got dumped on (rain) while driving. It was wonderful! At least 10-15 degrees cooler and beautiful. I picked a big bag of saskatoon berries so will make jelly tomorrow. On the way home, we had a wolf run across the road in front of us. The mountain is so overrun with them.
Now we are home, picked peppers and Hubby has them on the smoker so he can make more smoked hot sauce 🌶️
Killed another rattlesnake yesterday. The granddaughter saw it before I did. Pulled my gun out and shot it.
Skin it. Eat it
Tan that hide

Equal parts
Glycerine And the rest 70% or more rubbing alachol.
Submerged in solution for 7 days. Sealed glass jar
Long day today. Started off cleaning up the onions and garlic I harvested a couple weeks ago. Brought them up in the house to cool them down. Pulled the rest of my onions. Harvested over a bushel, maybe a bushel and a half this year. Most were a decent size to, some big ones too.
Mowed the yard, with all the rain the grass is growing like early spring. Plus I didn't get to mow last week. Took forever seemed like. Stopped a little over halfway, came in a cooled off, then took a load to the dump. Came back and finished mowing.
Then dug one bed of yukon gold potatos, meant to dig them both, but I was shot by that point and it was getting dark. Ended up getting almost a bushel for a 3x12 bed. Not bad. I also replanted some that were sprouting, about 12 plants. May add a few more to that bed and will replant the second bed as soon as I can get it harvested.
We got Hubby's truck tranny for $350, and my Pontiac front wheel drive tranny for $300! Texas is cheaper! I know how the funds thing goes!!
Saa a the word truck and prices double. If you then say 4x4 they double again
Sitting here watching the slowest thunderstorm in history… sooooo sloooow. Been waiting 2hrs, moved less than 10miles. I’ve even gotten 2 advance showers, still waiting for the rest of it. Got the details worked out about getting a tractor fixed. Guy might be here with a trailer tomorrow so I got the tractor ready…

Have to tell this, I saw a guy today I almost didn’t recognize, Y. Knew him when I was a teenager. Picture this, brothers, 11months apart. Classic Yogi and Boo Boo!!! Older Y was 6’1”/200lb in junior high, bb never got to 5’3” as a grown man. Y always kicked bb’s butt… sometimes just for fun!!! Rough Stuff!!! 😁

We were going swimming. I stopped to pick them up. Y didn’t want bb to go, kicked his butt, made him go in the house. Y started walking to my car, bb came out with a .22 and shot Y in his large butt! :eyeballs: :eyeballs:

Did that just happen??? :dunno:

Funny part, Y went to school for 2days, carried a pillow to his classes. They were both terrified of their dad, didn’t want to tell him. He finally went to the coach on the 3rd day, couldn’t sit any more!!! 🤣

Anyway, I saw Y today. He didn’t know me, I saw a big guy with stooped shoulders looking down. The same way he used to stand 50yrs ago. 😁
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On this day, the whole family and I are headed towards the church. Following that, we intend to make a brief visit to the flea market. I happened to come across a yard sale and acquired a rake from the 1960s just yesterday. Consequently, I mowed the lawn. Tomorrow marks the commencement of my daughter's final year in high school.
Got an early start. Cleaned the kitchen (which included doing the dishes). Made a Sausage Biscuit and Egg Casserole, so my wife will have a nice breakfast whenever she gets up. Wrapped a wedding gift for my nephew, and a birthday gift for my grandson. I do all of the gift wrapping in this household, which is a story unto itself.

I think I will head for the Golf Course. My day is free until this evening, when I have to work.
Speaking of rattle snakes

1-Cut the head off, inject it with the solution I posted above
Buy a Christmas globe. One of those things you shake and it snows inside
Open and empty the globe
Position the head inside the globe, fill with alachol and seal the globe

Looks cool and they sell on Etsy for $200/300 usd.
Speaking of rattle snakes

1-Cut the head off, inject it with the solution I posted above
Buy a Christmas globe. One of those things you shake and it snows inside
Open and empty the globe
Position the head inside the globe, fill with alachol and seal the globe

Looks cool and they sell on Etsy for $200/300 usd.
That sounds like a good idea. Thanks. I might have to give it a try. We have no shortage of rattlers around here.
Watered this morning, now I'm doing laundry before it gets too hot... gonna be another scorcher today. Lying low and waiting for this dome of high pressure over the Southern Plains to vamoose... too goldurned hot to even think about doing anything outside until it cools off again. I will be glad when this summer is over and cooler fall temps arrive... :rolleyes:

Is this Sunday? I guess it is... which means I'll be taking it easy, lol. This heat is supposed to peak today, then slowly fade next week, I'm hoping the forecast is correct. I would love to see temps in the 90s again, they'll feel like the Arctic after this triple-digit BS. Gonna hunker down and ride out the heat, it's all I can do at this point. "C'mon, autumn!" :cool:
Yesterday was a rough day, trying to buy a new truck... Thought I had a deal until got to the finance department.... After I was done my BP spiked up. I normally have hypertension around 140/80 but when it spiked last night it scared the crap out of me. I thought my head was going to explode! That's just the kind of thing that caused my mom to stroke out.

I need to find a way to reduce all the tension in my life. I also need to start cleaning stuff out around here....
Hibiscus and Hawthorn can be good for helping reduce bp.
Valerian root b4 bedtime can help you relax a tad too..
About 3 this morning we started getting a lot of thunder and lightning. All dry lightning and not a drop of rain.
I was outside watching a huge thunderhead south towards boise light it up until midnight last night.
It was a great show.
Thunder n lightning didnt stop here until about 9ish today..then finally rain.
Another work week came n went. Were now on a red fir run too. I love red fir, it smells great and stacks pretty easy generally.
My friend and neighbor was taken off life support tuesday morning. Me and my other neighbors have been planning a get together all week to honor his memory and show some love to his wife. Last night we all gathered at my place for food, drink n fellowship and had a Sunset toast in his honor.
Since those thunderstorms were comming in the sunset was awesome. About a dozen folks in our hood showed up including his wife n some of their family that came here to help her with this transition.
It turned out great.
Today I really feel like taking it easy.
I was going to split some firewood, but maybe I'll just walk the dogs and work on my rug.
It's been cooler here too..I think we might get to 80 today..maybe..
Today was a range day, which is always fun. Got home and cleaned the kitchen, the wife wants to make a bunch of Chicken Cordon Bleu, we may get 2 for dinner and the rest will be frozen for backup meals.

The tonneau cover for the truck arrived list night so I need to get it installed before the weather sets in. If I can get the cover on and finish mowing the lawn before the rain starts I will be a happy camper.
Sonya, sorry the lamb didn't make it.

Mom ended up eating the rest of the watermelon chunks and was happy. I left the best pieces for her. I ended up going out and using a regular house broom to sweep off some of the cobwebs and crud from around my door. Then I started cleaning in the living room until I got dizzy from bending down and stopped. Almost filled an entire bag with trash (mostly mom's water bottles as well as some salad containers and frozen dinner containers). I should have done it sooner but didn't have the motivation.

Today I slept in and decided to rest. Body was stiff and arms hurt a bit. I had breakfast and then took a nap for a few hours. Every time I eat I'm always tired afterward and need a nap. Hoping my body will cooperate with getting up early tomorrow to work on stuff. I want to get more done on the front door before it gets too hot again.

I'm sure I'll have to cook dinner for Mom tonight so I need to get the naproxyn to kick in and get my brain working.

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