Made it back from town, got everything done, now it's beer-thirty in the A/C, lol. I scored some more evergreen fertilizer for those pines & junipers which are still stressed in the yard, I'm gonna soak it in this evening beneath the targeted trees. I'm doing my best to NOT lose any more trees in this ongoing drought. At least my fruit trees are putting out new leaves after the first round of spring leaves got cooked in the heat... I'm talking browned out and dead, lol. Meh, all I can do is give it my best shot, if something dies I won't plant that variety again, this yard needs tough trees & plants to survive the hostile conditions, lol. I'm seriously thinking of planting some edible varieties of cactus, like prickly pear and agave... maybe I can make some tequila out of the agave plants, aye? And I like prickly pear, it's not a bad desert survival food... doesn't quite taste like chicken, but it'll keep ya going in a pinch or a bind, lol. Keep ya "regular" too!!! 
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