What's everybody doing today?

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Cracked a cold beer... tried reading my book earlier, but I fell asleep, lol. This hot weather is really enervating, and it was a scorcher today. Gonna get out and water once it cools off, be at least another hour... 🥵

I really ought to mix that batch of Pina Coladas, but then I'd never get the watering done, lol... :cool:
Tractor is still here... can't blame the guy for not showing up. 3 thunderstorms this afternoon, lots of lightening, not the best time for loading equipment on a trailer. It's cool, i might drive it down to his shop tomorrow or not... wait and see what he has planned.

A quiet day otherwise...
What kind of special mix do you need for garlic? the damn stuff is like a weed here!
Good thing I like garlic and potato soup!
I took Hubby fishing today. 🎣. He hooked several, caught 2, but only one was legal so I get a trout for lunch tomorrow. Then we went on a little farther and had a late lunch at a little place we like. Got dumped on (rain) while driving. It was wonderful! At least 10-15 degrees cooler and beautiful. I picked a big bag of saskatoon berries so will make jelly tomorrow. On the way home, we had a wolf run across the road in front of us. The mountain is so overrun with them.
Now we are home, picked peppers and Hubby has them on the smoker so he can make more smoked hot sauce 🌶️
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Where do you live that you have wolves?
Where do you live that you have wolves?
We live in WA but the wolf was on the Oregon side. The famous “they” report only a couple packs around, but their definition of what a pack is is ridiculous. A couple years ago Hubby T-boned one on his dirt bike. It dodged right between the bike in front of him and his bike, didn’t see it coming. Both wolf and Hubby went tumbling. Wolf was rattled. Hubby’s was too but saw what he ran into and got back on his bike and took off.
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Another work week came n went. Were now on a red fir run too. I love red fir, it smells great and stacks pretty easy generally.
My friend and neighbor was taken off life support tuesday morning. Me and my other neighbors have been planning a get together all week to honor his memory and show some love to his wife. Last night we all gathered at my place for food, drink n fellowship and had a Sunset toast in his honor.
Since those thunderstorms were comming in the sunset was awesome. About a dozen folks in our hood showed up including his wife n some of their family that came here to help her with this transition.
It turned out great.
Today I really feel like taking it easy.
I was going to split some firewood, but maybe I'll just walk the dogs and work on my rug.
It's been cooler here too..I think we might get to 80 today..maybe..
Wow! Sorry he didn’t make it Hooch. How honorable and kind to have them all over and sounds like the lightening show might have been a spectacular coincidence of events.
Animal and garden chores this morning. Daughter is still here for another day or so. We got some of the door trim painted from our new door installs. Also the wall in the dining room. After supper, we went out and got some of the potatoes dug up, and brought in some butternut, acorn squash, and a few pumpkins. Two buckets of tomatoes today. Froze some. Got another 4 trays of greenbeans going in the freeze dryer.
Wow! Sorry he didn’t make it Hooch. How honorable and kind to have them all over and sounds like the lightening show might have been a spectacular coincidence of events.
It turned out pretty good, the good feeling of love n fellowship in our little hood was evident.
While it is always a bit shocking , it was his time to go. I recall us having a chat a few years back when another neighbor was battling cancer and he stated he hoped he just goes quick when it's his time..and he did.
That was a blessing ..
I'm sure I'll see him on the other side :)
I ended up taking the dogs for a long walk.
It was beautiful, just a perfect 76 temp at the time, epic thunderhead forming and moving in the sky.
After I got busy cleaning up the yard n party stuff.
Then I got busy on the firewood. I couldnt get the splitter started so I broke out the splitting mails n attacked a few rounds worth n stacked them. I called my neighbor for help getting the splitter going when I couldnt hack away anymore n he got it going, so I got busy on a few more large rounds.
I ran it for about a hour n just couldnt do anymore. I was just worn out. Alot has happened in the last few weeks and im beat.
I came in, made a bowl of soup and tried to watch news n reports.
I took a nap..I rarely nap but man I needed one.
I'm hoping I get this friday off to get stuff done n have a actual day to relax.
O542, and we're headed out to the job site to install the last switch of our project. It's the last day of our work week. Normally we won't install on the last day but the dispatcher hosed us yesterday and wouldn't let us have the track. Now we are up against the wall to get this done without overtime. It rained another inch and a half last night so it's going to be a mess out there, and there's no access for vehicles. It's 3/4 of a mile from the nearest crossing and anything that goes in or out has to go on the rail. The banks are steep and there's no shoulder so walking is dangerous. It's going to be fun. But whenever we get done, I'm headed home and I took some vacation time to spend with my daughter, so I don't have to go back until the 19th...
The usual morning routine, I went ahead and watered despite the rain we received last night, I'm hoping the soil will soften up enough to allow root growth. It didn't rain as much as I thought, the ground was still dry an inch or two beneath the surface... but there's rain in the forecast again for today & tonight. No sign of the hawk yet, I've been checking every so often to see if the bird is in the bath, lol. I already rigged up the smaller birds with plenty of cracked corn, so they're good to go. :cool:

Which reminds me, Tiger brought a bird into the house early this morning, but he hadn't injured it yet and the bird got away from the cat, to fly around in our home for a bit with Tiger & Crackhead following it. I finally coaxed the bird into letting me gently hold it and walk it to the back door, where I held up my hand and released the bird... it flew off unharmed, so that was cool. I don't like seeing critters suffer first thing in the morning, ya know? It was sort of odd, the way the bird let me just pick it up and transport it... like it could read my mind or something. 🤔

But I've always believed that animals can sense whether we are friendly or hostile... whenever I'd sail back in the day, I'd always encounter friendly sea lions & dolphins, sometimes they'd take station off the bow or quarter and accompany me for awhile, lol. One friendly sea lion cruised halfway up the channel with me on a fine afternoon, just hangin' out and kickin' it with Wingnut! I tossed a few snacks to the critter, so that may have had something to do with it, lol. I miss those cool encounters with friendly critters of the sea! 🐬 🦭 🐬

One time I was sailing with a friend off Point Loma, and a gray whale surfaced directly ahead of us! I'm talkin' less than a stone's throw away, like 25' or 30'... scared the cr@p outta me for a moment, lol. I had to quickly tack away, but once we were out of collision danger, I felt privileged to see such a magnificent creature up close that way! The normal migration path for gray whales lies 2 or 3 miles offshore, but this one was in a bit closer to the Point. We even had gray whales turn up the channel on occasion and wind up in San Diego Bay. 🐋

That also happened in the Gay Bay area, perhaps somebody here remembers HUMPHREY THE WAYWARD WHALE (that was the title of a thin book upon the wayward humpback whale), who entered San Francisco Bay TWICE, once in 1985 and once in 1990. His bay cruises gained widespread media attention, like global attention. You can find the book on the web, it's an interesting story... why he wanted to enter the Gay Bay is a mystery, lol. Maybe he just wanted some good Chinese food from Chinatown, lol. Whales love Chinese food, don'tcha know? 🥘 🍜🥠
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Embark on a visit to the nearby farmers market today. Our purchase consisted of 40 pounds of turkey drumsticks and leg quarters. Following that, we proceeded to a Goodwill store, where we explored the shelves, eventually stumbling upon a medical book published by Johns Hopkins University in the year 2021. Alongside our discovery, we also acquired several useful tools. The allure of this particular Goodwill lies in its system of selling items based on their weight, which is why I find great joy in shopping there. As for our plans for tomorrow, we intend to engage in the harvest of our three-acre cornfield.

The Roomba refused to dock with it's charging station. And the lights in that part of the library not working?

Seems that power surge that hot last week took out the power strip for that part of the library. Had a hot spare but...

It plugs on behind one of the bookcases.



So I spent the day unloading and then reloading all of the books. The lights work again.

Tomorrow maybe some duct work.


The Roomba refused to dock with it's charging station. And the lights in that part of the library not working?

Seems that power surge that hot last week took out the power strip for that part of the library. Had a hot spare but...

It plugs on behind one of the bookcases.

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So I spent the day unloading and then reloading all of the books. The lights work again.

Tomorrow maybe some duct work.

I am only laughing because I can relate. How many book shelves do you have? Books are a weakness of ours also.
Gorgeous wet stuff falling from Heaven today and it's currently 72*. Tomorrow is supposed to be back to 90 so will be like a steam pot. @Wingnut I hope Mother Nature divies it up and shares a little break with you also.
Tonight Hubby will pull the peppers off the smoker and put jerky on.
I am only laughing because I can relate. How many book shelves do you have? Books are a weakness of ours also.
14 in the library ( most double stacked)
1 in the office
1 in the 2nd kitchen

16 book shelves with 23 shelves of books.

The Princess is almost as bad as I am.

If an EMP happens and Google stops working we will have books to fill in the gap. In the documentary The Music Man" we learned that libraries were the go to place.


Now that I am thinking about it I should print out a bunch of "lap flaps" and hide them books with the text...

We Have been trying to contact you about your car warranty...

Still trying to negotiate on buying that house, not sure if we'll still be closing on the 15th or not.
Stressed and overtired, not able to get out and enjoy this marvelous cool weather. 1.6" of rain yesterday and a bit more this morning but the sun is out and a north breeze has us at 65 degrees. And here I sit in my chair.
Fieldwork today and the stupid vehicle kiosk computer would let me check out the truck. Got tired of arguing with it and just took it anyways. Thankfully nothing happened, I wonder if I'd be held liable for damages if the stupid thing broke down when I didn't "officially" have it checked out?
One more day to work, then I start some time off. Hopefully I'll be able to destress and get caught up on things around here without getting so overtired.
Tried cutting grass as the rain was coming in yesterday, was so surprised when the tractor slowed down and wouldn't go forward anymore.....duh. I completely forgot one of the rear tires is dry rotted and leaking and I had been pumping it up every other day. Hopped on and drove on the flat til it came off the rim. I'm too stupid to be let loose on my own sometimes. Looking at buying replacement tires off amazon; replaced the two fronts earlier this year and they were available there but not at the local TSC.
Love the bookcases. If I get this new house, the plan is to make the biggest bedroom my library/office and line the walls with shelves. There's room for more shelves in the living room too. I've never actually had all my books out on shelves at the same time, ever in my life. It would be awesome to build enough bookshelves to actually do that. Bet I'll find some old friends that have been in boxes for decades.

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