Today we are back to having a "Normal" day. Woke up a 03:30 and decided to do the dishes, sorted laundry and get ready for work. After thinking a little more about the events of Monday Night and Tuesday, The only things I think I need to buy are a low wattage toaster oven and 2 batteries.
At the hunting club they are writing "procedures" for the different tasks that everyone does to provide a guide for future staff and volunteers. I think that I need to make an emergency procedures guide book for here at the house, being able to know where everything is, how to hook things up, and what to monitor would be useful in an emergency. I think it would be easier to read it in the light before moving into the dark abyss (basement) to do the work knowing exactly what needs to be done.
After my July 30th medical scare (kidney infection, BP 170/95, A1C in the double digits (meter #s ~ 180) I have been trying to make some positive changes and been closely monitoring my BP and sugar numbers very closely (3 times a day).
I have been backing away from the "prepared" foods that were spiking my sugar and discovered some hidden things that were pushing it up in the process. I have reduced my diet coke (DC) habit a lot (I was at about 5 12 packs a week), down to about 5 DCs per week (I found that filling the DC bottles with cold water is helping me break my DC habit). Today is the first day that I have had a craving for a DC.
Foods that have ended up on my "bad" list include bread, rice, sweet-n-sour anything, chips, any candy, and potatoes... I am still tracking what I eat in a log with my BP and sugar #s so I can readily see what pushes things up.
I am trying to exercise 3 times a day for 10 minutes, 5 minutes on the exercise bike, and 5 minutes on the floor. So far my BP numbers have come down about 30, my sugar numbers have come down about 50, and my weight has come down 8 lbs. Things are a long ways from under control but I am hoping to be at a reasonable state by my next Dr's appointment in September.
The only down side that I can see is that now my pants keep wanting to fall down, have to go back to suspenders