What's everybody doing today?

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I just realized how lazy I've been lately. I'm down to my last bottle of hot sauce, out of ketchup and haven't smoked anything for quite awhile. I've heard of other people that have been making hot sauce and jerky. I have several bags of cut up habanaro, ghost, Carolina Reaper and other mystery peppers in the freezer. I think I'll take out 3 or 4 pounds of peppers tomorrow and put them in the smoker. And make a batch of my famous (to me anyway) smoked hot pepper sauce.
We're having perfect weather here, high temp of 70 degs after a low of 45.
Have you ever made any roast peppers in olive oil? you can't beat it as a table condiment!
Today we are back to having a "Normal" day. Woke up a 03:30 and decided to do the dishes, sorted laundry and get ready for work. After thinking a little more about the events of Monday Night and Tuesday, The only things I think I need to buy are a low wattage toaster oven and 2 batteries.

At the hunting club they are writing "procedures" for the different tasks that everyone does to provide a guide for future staff and volunteers. I think that I need to make an emergency procedures guide book for here at the house, being able to know where everything is, how to hook things up, and what to monitor would be useful in an emergency. I think it would be easier to read it in the light before moving into the dark abyss (basement) to do the work knowing exactly what needs to be done.


After my July 30th medical scare (kidney infection, BP 170/95, A1C in the double digits (meter #s ~ 180) I have been trying to make some positive changes and been closely monitoring my BP and sugar numbers very closely (3 times a day).

I have been backing away from the "prepared" foods that were spiking my sugar and discovered some hidden things that were pushing it up in the process. I have reduced my diet coke (DC) habit a lot (I was at about 5 12 packs a week), down to about 5 DCs per week (I found that filling the DC bottles with cold water is helping me break my DC habit). Today is the first day that I have had a craving for a DC.

Foods that have ended up on my "bad" list include bread, rice, sweet-n-sour anything, chips, any candy, and potatoes... I am still tracking what I eat in a log with my BP and sugar #s so I can readily see what pushes things up.

I am trying to exercise 3 times a day for 10 minutes, 5 minutes on the exercise bike, and 5 minutes on the floor. So far my BP numbers have come down about 30, my sugar numbers have come down about 50, and my weight has come down 8 lbs. Things are a long ways from under control but I am hoping to be at a reasonable state by my next Dr's appointment in September.

The only down side that I can see is that now my pants keep wanting to fall down, have to go back to suspenders ;)
Glad your power is back!! We went 4 1/2 days several years ago without power. We didn't have to deal with oxygen or medical issues so we breezed through. Great test!! I have a friend who recently cut back his DC, he was horribly addicted. That's the only dietary change he made, has lost 20 lbs!! Glad you are making healthy changes!! Keep us updated on your progress!!
Busy day today!! Big beautiful house to clean and I am cleaning their master bedroom carpet!! Have a bunch of laundry (towels, socks, etc.) to put away later, need to vacuum (always with all the dog and cat hair)! Will squeeze in a power nap and pool time! All critters fed except Buddy, heading out in a few to take care of him!!
This morning the grandkids loaded up their backpack and headed out looking for their horse. Just a little while they called me on the radio and said they found a rattlesnake. I just went down and killed it. Now their fighting over who gets the rattle.
The kids always carry a snake stick with them wherever they go.
More vehicle irritation. My Yukon did not pass inspection.

VA is screwy when it come to vehicle insp. I failed my first one twice. In the navy I got transferred from CA to VA. To drive on base I had to have a new DOD sticker. I had to have a VA state inspection/sticker to get the new dod sticker. My truck was registered/had alabama plates. My auto insurance was in Illinois and I still had a California drivers license. Yeah, it was complicated... but legal and current.

I get pulled over in Richmond on thanksgiving day by local pd. Actually got pulled over by a cop driving the jail van, didn't even have a weapon. This cop could not understand why I had VA state insp, Alabama plates, etc? He was sure I was some kind of super criminal or spy! This was his ‘big bust’! Said as much...
:woo hoo:

I had two buddies with me, they kept speaking in german just to annoy the cop. We had a blast messing with that guy!!!! 🤣🤣

He had us standing on the side walk. He’d get in his van to talk on the radio. Every time he did, my buddies and I would pose spread eagle against the police van and take pictures of each other. The cop would get out and yell at us!!! ‘Get away from my van!!!’ 🤣

We could hear the radio conversation. They were telling him I was legal!!! It just didn’t compute for this guy!!! He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. A regular cop finally arrived and set him straight!!! I still have those photos somewhere. 😁
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VA is screwy when it come to vehicle insp. I failed my first one twice. In the navy I got transferred from CA to VA. To drive on base I had to have a new DOD sticker. I had to have a VA state inspection/sticker to get the new dod sticker. My truck was registered/had alabama plates. My auto insurance was in Illinois and I still had a California drivers license. Yeah, it was complicated...

I get pulled over in Richmond on thanksgiving day by local pd. Actually got pulled over by a cop driving the jail van, didn't even have a weapon. This cop could not understand why I had VA state insp, Alabama plates, a dod sticker, Ca drivers license and illinois insurance? He was sure I was some kind of super criminal or spy! This was his ‘big bust’!
:woo hoo:

I had two buddies with me, they kept speaking in german just to annoy the cop. We had a blast messing with that guy!!!! 🤣🤣

He had us standing on the side walk. He’d get in his van to talk on the radio. Every time he did, my buddies and I would pose spread eagle against the police van and take pictures of each other. The cop would get out and yell at us!!! ‘Get away from my van!!!’ 🤣

We could hear the radio conversation. They were telling him I was legal!!! It just didn’t compute for this guy!!! He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, he simply couldn’t grasp a situation this complicated and he wouldn’t let us go. A regular cop finally arrived and set him straight!!! I still have those photos somewhere. 😁
Thus why he drove the paddy wagon. LOL
I'm looking at some new furniture online. My cheap old recliner that I bought when I wasn't doing as well financially, is made of bonded leather and it's coming apart. It's the chair where my kid sits in the living room. I am thinking of getting rid of it and my other old chair, and buying either a nice futon or a double papasan sofa. I have to get whatever I buy up a very steep flight of stairs, so it needs to be light and compact.
I'm looking at some new furniture online. My cheap old recliner that I bought when I wasn't doing as well financially, is made of bonded leather and it's coming apart. It's the chair where my kid sits in the living room. I am thinking of getting rid of it and my other old chair, and buying either a nice futon or a double papasan sofa. I have to get whatever I buy up a very steep flight of stairs, so it needs to be light and compact.
When we furnished this house we bought everything from one store. They delivered all the furniture and appliances and set them up. All we did was point where we wanted things.
When we furnished this house we bought everything from one store. They delivered all the furniture and appliances and set them up. All we did was point where we wanted things.
I would like to do so, but I live outside the delivery radius of most of the furniture stores in this area. There's a small store about 15 minutes from me but they are expensive and have a limited selection. And large, heavy furniture won't make the right hand turn at the top of my stairwell anyway.

I don't need anything fancy. I'm not going to be living here for the long term. I expect to move in a couple years after my kid gets done with school. At that time, I'll look at getting a full set and what I have in this place can be guest room or basement furniture...
I just realized how lazy I've been lately. I'm down to my last bottle of hot sauce, out of ketchup and haven't smoked anything for quite awhile. I've heard of other people that have been making hot sauce and jerky. I have several bags of cut up habanaro, ghost, Carolina Reaper and other mystery peppers in the freezer. I think I'll take out 3 or 4 pounds of peppers tomorrow and put them in the smoker. And make a batch of my famous (to me anyway) smoked hot pepper sauce.
We're having perfect weather here, high temp of 70 degs after a low of 45.

Sounds good, MT! I love hot peppers & hot sauce, I think they're good for one's system... help cleanse the blood and all that good stuff. I used to take Ghost Peppers, put 'em in a blender with a little water, whip 'em up and add 'em to existing salsa to liven it up a bit, lol. I love taking Jalapenos and shaving pieces off' em to add to guacamole, that's always a hit with friends & family. I grill a lot of peppers when I BBQ, but I've never smoked any... sounds damned delicious, lol. :cool:

Just finished morning watering, chores, and vacuuming... my old vacuum is going kaput, so I had to use the small attachment, not the one for cracks & crevices, but the next largest attachment, a two-headed number with bristles on one side and a plastic nozzle on the other. Had to get down on hands & knees for it to be effective, I used the side with the bristles to clean up all the cat hair. I need to buy a better vacuum, something powerful to pick up the cat hair... :confused:

It took about 1-1/2 hours to do all the exposed carpet areas, and I now have friggin' carpet burns on my knees... I can remember when I got burns like these as a younger man, but for a much better reason, lol. Didn't expect to get 'em today, but of course the job took longer than I thought it would. At least the carpet looks good again, that black cat hair really builds up, aye? I'll buy a new vacuum soon enough, and that should be the end of the problem. 😒

Otherwise, I'm gonna kick back today and take it easy, probably put some more ointment on these goldurned knee burns... I actually have good knee pads for skateboarding, but I didn't think I'd need 'em for vacuuming. My mistake, I should've worn the damned pads. Meh, the irritation will pass, and I'm not going anywhere today, so nobody will notice that my knees are bright red. At least the joints are alright, I bought decent carpet and the best carpet pad available... 😬

I'm back to my cold beer (first aid), it tastes pretty good after all that BS. Probably make a burrito here in a bit, maybe after another cold one. I'm enjoying the heck out of this slightly cooler weather, upper 90s is much better than the triple-digit cr@p we've had lately. Perhaps my trees & plants will catch a break and recuperate from all that excessive heat... same goes for me, lol. I'll be glad when summer is over and crisp, cool fall temps arrive, especially at night. 😴
It's a beautiful day here. Overcast sky's, light breeze and a high temp of 65 degs. I've been out sawing down trees and delimbing. Right now we're taking a break on the back deck with some cold water. And watching the g-kids chopping up a rattlesnake with a machete. They wanted to make bite sized pieces for the chickens, and to see what the snake ate.
I'm looking at some new furniture online. My cheap old recliner that I bought when I wasn't doing as well financially, is made of bonded leather and it's coming apart. It's the chair where my kid sits in the living room. I am thinking of getting rid of it and my other old chair, and buying either a nice futon or a double papasan sofa. I have to get whatever I buy up a very steep flight of stairs, so it needs to be light and compact.
Before you get rid of the old stuff, inspect the new stuff closely. The black "fabric" that looks like shade cloth or weed barrier that they back and line things with deteriorates beginning in about a year - right after any sort of warranty would still be effective. Then it sheds all over and makes a mess. I am so stinkin' skeptical of anything new anymore, it's pathetic. Anyhoo, thought I'd at least give you the heads up.
Before you get rid of the old stuff, inspect the new stuff closely. The black "fabric" that looks like shade cloth or weed barrier that they back and line things with deteriorates beginning in about a year - right after any sort of warranty would still be effective. Then it sheds all over and makes a mess. I am so stinkin' skeptical of anything new anymore, it's pathetic. Anyhoo, thought I'd at least give you the heads up.
Neither a futon nor a double papasan would have any backing.
I got something big accomplished… the tractor is on it’s way to be repaired! Hopefully have it back next week. I have a week of bush hogging that needs done. Because of all the rain the garden is starting to look like a jungle. I went down to the guys shop this afternoon. Got to thinking, I have several small welding jobs that need attention. Might as well get everything done now while I’m dealing with the guy.

Got some laundry done this afternoon, no plans but tv this evening.

Still completely stressed. Appraiser won't adjust his findings, so waiting for the seller to talk with her family and decide if we can still save this deal. I knew I shouldn't have let myself get so invested in this property. All I can do is wait and see what she comes up with. I also need to make some major changes in how I'm living; so much stress and sitting at a desk and not caring what I eat has me pretty messed up.
Tried to fuss in the garden a little today, lots of tomatoes and thousands of jalapeno peppers and cucumbers coming in. I can't keep up. I put some bell peppers in the dehydrator and put some jalapenos in the freezer. I don't have any time to do any canning and have already packed most of my canning jars.
Drove back from my brother's at sunset last night. We still have some smoke haze and the sun was a glaring, red, angry ball as it set, and there were towering, pink-stained clouds off the the north east where lightning kept flashing. It's been a wonderful year for fireflies, there were hundreds of happy little blinks keeping me company all the way home, tiny echos of the flashes in the clouds.
It’s been a nutty week! Yesterday I went to an event introducing children to musical instruments with a friend and her 2 young daughters. It was a great event, held at the library. Friend’s oldest is 8 years old but in 5th grade (advanced). She wanted to get some books. It looked like libkook media threw up in the children’s section. Books aimed at 5 year olds about LBQxyz whatever, about evolution, about girl power, etc and no white children in the books. Friend and family are Christians so it was challenging to find something for her. She finally found a Little House book she hadn’t read and I geared her towards The Velveteen Rabbit and Charlotte’s Web. I was dumbfounded!
This morning Hubby called to warn me about a tweeker that confronted him. Hubby does not get intimidated. He gets irritated. He and the other fella who was there (one of or guys) got inside and shut and locked the door in his face. He kept trying the doors. Hubby called the cops and said if he’s around when his wife (me) arrives, it would get ugly. He disappeared by the time I got there.
Rest of today was calmer.

Hi @MoBookworm1957 😁
This morning Hubby called to warn me about a tweeker that confronted him.
He disappeared by the time I got there.
Rest of today was calmer.

Hi @MoBookworm1957 😁

Be careful! Can't reason with people on meth. I once got stuck at a hosp for a couple hours, a tweeker took over an ER. The damage it has done to people can't be added, seen it destroy folks I care about.

Hopefully your idiot forgets about why/where he was at. Do you have some type of security at night? I'd worry he comes back to steal.
Be careful! Can't reason with people on meth. I once got stuck at a hosp for a couple hours, a tweeker took over an ER. The damage it has done to people can't be added, seen it destroy folks I care about.

Hopefully your idiot forgets about why/where he was at. Do you have some type of security at night? I'd worry he comes back to steal.
Ok Uncle

What is a tweeker?


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