What's everybody doing today?

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Went to town yesterday, husband was shocked how little money we have left in the bank...not surprising inflation is still going on. We paid $100 for an oil change at jiffy lube I told husband he needs to do it himself .....nahhh, better not, he'll forget to put the oilfilter on or loose the cap LOL
Had lunch at this Noodle place , 2 small bowls of noodles $30
Did some shopping at Aldi and ran into someone from the market, we both laughed at our carts, stuff we can't grow here: lemons, bananas, salmon, and I had some mangos and chocolate

Today we are going to take a chance and drive the crappy truck with trailer to get hay, assuming the hay looks ok
Going to cut a bale open ( square bales) and look at it first
We still haven't heard back about the midline @Amish Heart . Hope to get him started this week!

@zannej , you ok out there?

I woke up at 3 and finally got up at 4 am. Already paid bills.
Will walk next and then walk dogs.
Will write a letter to a friend in Military, later.
Give Peanut Butter a bath for haircut tomorrow.
Do some Church computer work, hopefully.
Staying inside most of the day due to heat.
Yesterday was a rough day, trying to buy a new truck... Thought I had a deal until got to the finance department.... After I was done my BP spiked up. I normally have hypertension around 140/80 but when it spiked last night it scared the crap out of me. I thought my head was going to explode! That's just the kind of thing that caused my mom to stroke out.

I need to find a way to reduce all the tension in my life. I also need to start cleaning stuff out around here....
We still haven't heard back about the midline @Amish Heart . Hope to get him started this week!

@zannej , you ok out there?

I woke up at 3 and finally got up at 4 am. Already paid bills.
Will walk next and then walk dogs.
Will write a letter to a friend in Military, later.
Give Peanut Butter a bath for haircut tomorrow.
Do some Church computer work, hopefully.
Staying inside most of the day due to heat.
Wondering about Zanne too!?
Cleaning stuff out always makes me feel better, Urban. I spaz out with excessive clutter.
I'm glad to be home today and not at the hospital, and glad there are no houseguests. Daughter that's been in Dubuque for 6 weeks is coming through, and will be arriving tomorrow evening. I told her that there's lots of projects she can help with, but we'll see what mood she's in. So today is....take care of husband and do the IV and other med stuff schedule. Make good food. Help husband get a shower. Doc appt for him this afternoon for a bandage change. Get the two upstairs rooms ready for more guests. And the regular outside chores. It's supposed to be 106 today, and that's brutal.
@snappy1 Yes, thank you. Been having problems with internet caused by electrical issues. Seems to be sorted now. *knocks on wood*

Trying to catch up. Been hot as hell lately. Was 103 yesterday. Day before I did a lot of cleaning but ran out of trash bags. Yesterday I had to make a trip to HD and Samsclub. Got more trash bags and some 3-pole switches. Forgot I have a bunch of 3-pole stuff and only had single pole.

Been exhausted and wasps keep trying to get in.

At least I got a lot cleaned up in the kitchen but still have a lot more.

Taking Mom to get her bloodwork this morning and waiting for her to let me know when she wants to go. Will have to be before noon to avoid the life-sapping heat.
Snappy....why are the docs waiting to put in a midline? Are they giving him oral stuff while he's waiting, and is he getting worse? That's what happened to husband. When we stopped the midline, his breathing crashed a few days later. Infection flared bad. So the pic line stays in for a very long time, and the infusions will just be something we do every eight hours, I guess.
Snappy....why are the docs waiting to put in a midline? Are they giving him oral stuff while he's waiting, and is he getting worse? That's what happened to husband. When we stopped the midline, his breathing crashed a few days later. Infection flared bad. So the pic line stays in for a very long time, and the infusions will just be something we do every eight hours, I guess.
Only steroids for breathing. Waiting-because it's the VA coordinating with community care doc, I guess. If he gets bad, I will take him to ER. Hoping they will get it together soon!
It's difficult to do the 8 hours as he goes to bed so early.
Normal chores this morning. Then water the garden and drive in some posts and string wire between the posts to tie up the tomato plants. I need to cut down a few more trees in order for the cement truck to make it in (hopefully) next week. Before it gets too hot I'm going to put the pipe for the new solar mount in the hole. It could get up to 85 or so today. The roof over our back deck is coming along nicely. I decided to install wiring for a ceiling fan. Most importantly I need to order some cigars today. I keep forgetting.
Hashbrown, I hope you get power back soon.

Magus, sending hugs your way. Back pain sucks!

Snappy1, I hope your husband will be ok. Also sending hugs your way.

Mountaintrapper, I hope the installation of ceiling fan wires went OK.

Still having problems with the power & APCs keep shutting off. Really no idea why at this point. We've had APCs on that outlet for years but it only started having problems in the past few months.

Took Mom for her bloodwork and it went well. Sorted out the billing errors from the hospital so they said I should no longer get bills.

Went to Walmart after the hospital and picked up brother's RX while Mom cruised around in the riding cart.

Stopped at a local place to get take-out beef stew.

My brother helped with the groceries when I asked & I found he'd already brought in the water & cat food without being asked. He even put away my electrical tools for me & zipped the case shut.

Currently 102°F outside so I'm lying down with my fans going.
Made a town run this morning, now I'm chillin' in the A/C with a cold beer... gonna make the beef roast this afternoon, I limited myself to a fruit smoothie this morning so I'll be hungry when it's time to eat. I'm hoping we get more rain later too... we got some rain last night, but it wasn't that much. Here in the high desert you take whatever you can get... :rolleyes:

Today is me dear departed mum's birthday, she'd be 97 if she were still alive. RIP, Ma, and Happy Birthday! :cool:
House inspection looked good, a couple small things to correct. Lori ran around measuring all the rooms so she can play with furniture on paper :). I have plans for the "He Shed" :)

Shed Inside.jpg

Shed left.jpg
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Hashbrown, I hope you get power back soon.

Magus, sending hugs your way. Back pain sucks!

Snappy1, I hope your husband will be ok. Also sending hugs your way.

Mountaintrapper, I hope the installation of ceiling fan wires went OK.

Still having problems with the power & APCs keep shutting off. Really no idea why at this point. We've had APCs on that outlet for years but it only started having problems in the past few months.

Took Mom for her bloodwork and it went well. Sorted out the billing errors from the hospital so they said I should no longer get bills.

Went to Walmart after the hospital and picked up brother's RX while Mom cruised around in the riding cart.

Stopped at a local place to get take-out beef stew.

My brother helped with the groceries when I asked & I found he'd already brought in the water & cat food without being asked. He even put away my electrical tools for me & zipped the case shut.

Currently 102°F outside so I'm lying down with my fans going.
Yay for you, your brother needs to help you more!!
Just came in from fixing the fence that the neighbor's starving cows try to take down. Much to my surprise a stock trailer showed up a loaded cows!!😮 Hopefully they all got hauled off! He lost two about a month ago. The ranch across the road turned him in to animal control. Hopefully they now have food and water!! Going to cool down a few minutes then head for the pool, been a long day! Tomorrow is a busy one too!!
I hope the poor cows will be taken somewhere nice.
Need to check on m cows. The red one was hollering earlier. She sometimes does that but its her way of saying "Hi". I hope the black cow is OK. Worried about her in this heat but I can't go out in the heat for long.
It's crazytown over here. My floors are so thick, you could plant a crop on them 🤪 We've had so much food traveling through the kitchen, it's crazy. Our tomatoes are finally starting and peppers too. Hubby picked a bucket of green beans this morning, and it was only 2 of the 3 rows. We have so many, I will probably give them away. I'm out of room for them and have 2-3 years worth. Eventually, I will have to find room for all the food on the counters too 😂 I know we had a thread about creative storage for our goods, but this is getting ridiculous.
Yesterday was Monday and today is the 1st so busy at work. (In feast or famine waves of course).
@Bacpacker Hope things are smoothing out for you at work.
What's @Spikedriver up to. He's been too quiet.
@dademoss You need a "Welcome" sign for on your shed - then below it a "Just kidding. Go away" sign 😂
Washed in the creek this evening and made a pizza on the flat top. They are telling us it could be several days before we have power again.

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Do you have a generator? We had our place up the river wired with what looked like an exterior outlet. We could shut the main, turn on the generator and had everything but oven and clothes dryer. Something tells me you might know an electrician 😉. Only took Hubby and FIL a few hours (FIL is a retired electrician).
@Bacpacker Hope things are smoothing out for you at work.
Personel issues was non existant. Thankful for that. Work load has increased even more. In the last 2 days I've had 3 more request for new radios. And met with one of the environmental customers today and he has a whole list of stuff he wants me to research and purchase. Stuff we need for sure. But I'm piled up really bad. And on top of all that, still covering for 3 extra shops and they are all really busy.
Got a Dr appt in the morning then on to work.
Do you have a generator? We had our place up the river wired with what looked like an exterior outlet. We could shut the main, turn on the generator and had everything but oven and clothes dryer. Something tells me you might know an electrician 😉. Only took Hubby and FIL a few hours (FIL is a retired electrician).
I do have a generator but really never seen the need. I have a hell of a good time without electricity. When I was a kid we were out of power for almost a month because of an ice storm. We cooked on the wood stove got our water from the creek and it was probably one of my favorite times in my life. My wife gets a little pissy with me because I enjoy it too much. 🤣🤣🤣
I do have a generator but really never seen the need. I have a hell of a good time without electricity. When I was a kid we were out of power for almost a month because of an ice storm. We cooked on the wood stove got our water from the creek and it was probably one of my favorite times in my life. My wife gets a little pissy with me because I enjoy it too much. 🤣🤣🤣
We always liked it too - more so in winter and would cook on the wood stove. Everything is quite. If you have freezers, it can be worrisome in summer.
Hey Dademoss...that he shed looks like ham shack potential to me.
LadyL....I had 4 buckets of cherry tomatoes I picked...the bigger variety. Blended them in the blender, froze in baggies for tomato puree. Loaded 4 trays in the freeze dryer to do and then powder for tomato powder. Tomorrow I need to do squash. Have a massive bowl of yellow crookneck to freeze or freeze dry. I already have a bunch dehydrated. Some zucchini that I'll shred and freeze for later use. Some custard squash. I have cabbages that are ready outside (about 6 of them), and maybe put some in the crock for sauerkraut. Peppers are coming in, now, too. Hmm. So many weeds. They are companion plants, though. Keeping the real food company. Have a large area of potatoes to dig, but its 105 out there till next week, so no way. One of our daughters is coming tomorrow night. I told her that I have projects. She will not be amused.
Hopefully they all got hauled off! He lost two about a month ago. The ranch across the road turned him in to animal control. Hopefully they now have food and water!!

Hopefully the state of tx can do something... Still makes me sick to think about how bad it was when the boy had cows here. I even talked to my county sheriff... wasn't anything anyone could do. My state passed laws to make it impossible for some animal rights idiot to destroy a small farmer with frivolous lawsuits. Unfortunately, that made it almost impossible to intervene in a legitimate case. :confused:

Did a little yard work, then a little house work. Then I broke out a notebook at started detailing plans to get the tractor fixed. The seal around the pto shaft is leaking badly. I dug out the operators manual which doesn't have a parts list...

Just before dark i went to a little shop down the road, guy works on logging equipment, tractors, just about anything. I may have to haul it down there, leaking to badly to drive it, afraid the transmission will run dry.

I'd rather replace the seal myself but... this tractor has a bracket assym that'll have to be removed first. It's the top connecting bracket for the 3-point hitch. It has a dampener, 2 pivot points and the base covers the pto shaft. Looks like a pain in the butt to take all that apart... Once I get the bracket moved I'll then have to pull the pto shaft to make the repair!

I'm thinking I'd be better off taking it to a guy who does this sort of thing daily... has a huge shop and the right tools. I saw he had a feller apart in his shop earlier. like this one

Feller Bun 01a.JPG
House inspection looked good, a couple small things to correct. Lori ran around measuring all the rooms so she can play with furniture on paper :). I have plans for the "He Shed" :)
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I bought a shed identical to yours several years ago, except it's stained instead of painted. I even lived in it for a short time. I think my shed is 12'×16'. Your shed is painted the same color as our house. Now the wife wants me to paint our shed the same color.
Hopefully the state of tx can do something... Still makes me sick to think about how bad it was when the boy had cows here. I even talked to my county sheriff... wasn't anything anyone could do. My state passed laws to make it impossible for some animal rights idiot to destroy a small farmer with frivolous lawsuits. Unfortunately, that made it almost impossible to intervene in a legitimate case. :confused:

Did a little yard work, then a little house work. Then I broke out a notebook at started detailing plans to get the tractor fixed. The seal around the pto shaft is leaking badly. I dug out the operators manual which doesn't have a parts list...

Just before dark i went to a little shop down the road, guy works on logging equipment, tractors, just about anything. I may have to haul it down there, leaking to badly to drive it, afraid the transmission will run dry.

I'd rather replace the seal myself but... this tractor has a bracket assym that'll have to be removed first. It's the top connecting bracket for the 3-point hitch. It has a dampener, 2 pivot points and the base covers the pto shaft. Looks like a pain in the butt to take all that apart... Once I get the bracket moved I'll then have to pull the pto shaft to make the repair!

I'm thinking I'd be better off taking it to a guy who does this sort of thing daily... has a huge shop and the right tools. I saw he had a feller apart in his shop earlier. like this one

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Sometimes it’s worth it to let someone else do it.

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