What's everybody doing today?

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We spent a little time driving around the lake looking at properties. One had reshaped the land so that there was a 5 car garage(!) you could enter directly from the street. The top of that 5 car garage was level with the earth behind it. The crazy thing was that at the end of the garage was the actual driveway to the house that had its own 3 car garage. From the house, it was all paved and guests could park their cars on top of the 5 car garage. I rough guessed the house to be around 4 thousand square feet.

Makes you wonder what people do to get enough money to own a property like that...
We sold our old house to buy our country home. There was no mortgage on the old house so 100% went towards the mortgage in the new home. The very same week, we sold Hubby’s half of his parents home to his nephew who inherited the other half when hubby’s brother died. We were able to totally pay off our new house that way. We feel blessed. No stairs is a big plus l, for sure.
Yeah, lost some old time "friends" cause I can't do offroad anymore. It times of trouble you learn who REAL friends are.
We spent a little time driving around the lake looking at properties. One had reshaped the land so that there was a 5 car garage(!) you could enter directly from the street. The top of that 5 car garage was level with the earth behind it. The crazy thing was that at the end of the garage was the actual driveway to the house that had its own 3 car garage. From the house, it was all paved and guests could park their cars on top of the 5 car garage. I rough guessed the house to be around 4 thousand square feet.

Makes you wonder what people do to get enough money to own a property like that...
Sadly, I do not have 8 car garage money. I was shocked I had get another house money. It's cute, I like it.

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We spent a little time driving around the lake looking at properties. One had reshaped the land so that there was a 5 car garage(!) you could enter directly from the street. The top of that 5 car garage was level with the earth behind it. The crazy thing was that at the end of the garage was the actual driveway to the house that had its own 3 car garage. From the house, it was all paved and guests could park their cars on top of the 5 car garage. I rough guessed the house to be around 4 thousand square feet.

Makes you wonder what people do to get enough money to own a property like that...

We have a "5 car garage" of sorts :) It's a shop the Amish built , they parked the buggies in the front, and some equipment in back. We park 4 vehicles plus tractor under it. Does this count?
Got a load of hay today. This old farmer is 87 years old and he dragged out 60 decent size bales for us out of his barn and stacked it on the driveway for us to just load. We could have helped but it was done by the time we got there. He has land worth millions if he sold it to a developer, which he might. He told us he will retire and this is last year doing hay. But...he told us that last year also. This is the sort of guy that really deserves to live a long live imo. I wished there were still more people like him. But sadly I really don't see most young people now ever being like him
Oh and I bought a watermelon at walmart since we can't grow them well ( not hot long enough) and I like them. Cut it in half and it was rotten inside. Some of it might have been ok , I did have a little piece, but then decided to toss it all just in case. Dont want anyone to get sick. I suppose we can give it to the chickens .
@Spikedriver your daughter is beautiful! Looks like a great time.
@hashbrown your son is a good looking young man.
@Aerindel I've got family in western MT right by the bitterroots, but in a town. Hope you are able to get out to your job and everything.
Anybody else's kids or grandkids start school today? Two of my grands did.
@Spikedriver your daughter is beautiful! Looks like a great time.
@hashbrown your son is a good looking young man.
@Aerindel I've got family in western MT right by the bitterroots, but in a town. Hope you are able to get out to your job and everything.
Anybody else's kids or grandkids start school today? Two of my grands did.
They don’t start here until after Labor Day. Fair is coming up in a week. But on the other end, they don’t get out of school until mid-June.
Yes, @LadyLocust it astonishes me as well that school started this early this year. They let out here the Friday before Memorial Day.
In Maryland where we lived they used to start school the Tuesday after Labor Day. Then started doing starting school in August, like a week or ten days before Labor Day. That didn't work real well because so many Marylanders would go to the beach that last week, Labor Day included, intentionally have their kids miss school, so eventually they pushed it back to the original day after Labor Day. Woo hoo. Last day June 15. Hate that part!
Little granddaughter survived her first day of school...was so tired she fell asleep on the bus ride home (ha). I worked on the turkey run for hours today, and it needs another two hrs put into it, then it's done...then catching and moving nine turkeys. I will make husband help. He can ride the mobility scooter, and I'll put one on his lap, and he can ride it over to the next acre to the new run. (he doesn't know about this part yet). I'm feeling for you, Dademoss....our move here 3 years ago was a total pain in the butt, and I really didn't have much help. We moved during the start of covid, and in the middle of a heatwave, with kids and animals and a ten hr drive. It was a mess. I'm not moving again. But so glad we're here.
Little granddaughter survived her first day of school...was so tired she fell asleep on the bus ride home (ha). I worked on the turkey run for hours today, and it needs another two hrs put into it, then it's done...then catching and moving nine turkeys. I will make husband help. He can ride the mobility scooter, and I'll put one on his lap, and he can ride it over to the next acre to the new run. (he doesn't know about this part yet). I'm feeling for you, Dademoss....our move here 3 years ago was a total pain in the butt, and I really didn't have much help. We moved during the start of covid, and in the middle of a heatwave, with kids and animals and a ten hr drive. It was a mess. I'm not moving again. But so glad we're here.
Yeah, the new house is awesome, the repositioning will bite the big one. no way around it though. Now I have to get the trailer out and ready to rock and roll.
Neighbors 😮
yeah, it's a 12 house subdivision. it's a lot nicer the high density R-6 I live in now. Frankly, I cannot take care of or maintain a big property anymore. I got old when I wasn't looking.

Not what I envisioned, but its what I can do. Kinda sucks, but reality is like that :(.
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@LadyLocust I wish you could start a thread about helpful tips for moving. Sometimes I make plans but then it doesn't come to pass. I would like to move in what will be the worst time of year in Texas, in July. I'm sure @dademoss would have helpful tips.
Have been seeing painted buntings in the backyard. A male stops by for a drink, grabs a bite to eat. Saw the females before him, they are green. When they migrate the male goes ahead of the female by 7-10 days and makes a nest. Did I already mention this? I love birds. These don't go that far north although the ornithologist I was listening to said they are being seen in Nova Scotia and New England.
Here's a male:

Waiting for trash pickup, then I can fill the can 1/2 way again :p

We do not have Recycle at the new place, but can have 2 96 gallon cans a week :). we own this trash can, one might have stayed at the new place. Pretty sure it comes back to here for burial, I'll ask the driver :)
I got tired of wheeling trash cans way out to the road and bringing them in again, so we got a small dumpster. It gets dumped every other week, and I don't have to do anything.
Need to bring little granddaughter to school, help husband get ready for his day, do the animal chores, then into the bigger town for his doc appt. We'll see today if we continue infusions longer than today. Hoping to get finished with the turkey run this afternoon. We have the crazy hot days this weekend.
We'll see today if we continue infusions longer than today.
I hope today is the last of your DH's infusions! Today is my DH's last. Haven't heard otherwise.

I will walk first, this morning.
Have handyman here finishing installing radiant barrier.
DH will be catching a ride with a friend to audiologist appt. a few towns over.
Then I will walk dogs.
Clean around all light switches and door knobs.
Clean out bottom of my bedroom closet.
Read and then go to Bible study this evening.
Water garden and roses.
Have a briefing presentation with the new boss today. Had 2 days to prepare, worked till 10 last night on it, woke up at 02:00, then again at 04:00. I'm on break now. I've been in this new (temporary) role for 4 months now and I am actually making progress towards having a positive impact. It makes me feel good when I can be productive without being micro-managed to death. I expect to be in this role for another 6 months, then they will most likely compete the position and I will be relegated back into the corner... ;)

On a happy note I am starting to get parts for my emergency power backup expansion project here at the house!

3 weeks ago, I had a credit card company threaten to cut my limit because I never used their card.... So I used their card and in 2 weeks it is almost at it's limit, I plan to pay it off completely when the invoice arrives but I am curious as to how they will respond to my sudden change in spending habits....

Well Break's over. Have a great Morning

@Spikedriver your daughter is beautiful! Looks like a great time.
@hashbrown your son is a good looking young man.
@Aerindel I've got family in western MT right by the bitterroots, but in a town. Hope you are able to get out to your job and everything.
Anybody else's kids or grandkids start school today? Two of my grands did.
My kid started last Friday 😯

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