Town run for more beer in this hot weather... received my electric (A/C) bill today, it shot up to $213, yikes! In months other than summer, my electric bill is normally around $50, maybe $60 tops. The heater runs on natural gas, so THAT bill goes up in the winter, but right now it's only $15, which is reasonable. I shut down my heater over the summer, no point in even burning the pilot light when every little bit of flame adds to the heat which I then have to cool with the electric A/C system. Did I ever mention the fact that I'm a cheap b@stard?
I also dropped off envelopes containing Hatch Chile seeds at the Post Office, those are for LL, Weedy, and a gal pal in Rochester, NY. I walked the envelopes inside, I didn't want the seeds to get roasted in some outdoor drop box. Dropped some books at the library too, I like to return library materials in a timely manner. Others may want to read those books, especially in this hot weather when outdoor activities are too strenuous. It has been HOT here too, I don't believe the weather forecasts have been accurate lately, as my porch thermometer read 106 today...
Last but not least, I decided to splurge on some Kentucky Fried Rodent for lunch (a nod to Magus here, lol), I ordered the 3-Piece Meal with two sides and a drink. Rip-off price of over $14, but I was in the mood for some greasy KFC fare, aye? Health food, don'tcha know? Magus, that deep-fried yardbird & rodent combo was downright delicious! I friggin' Hoovered the meal at an indoor table and fully enjoyed the greasy fare, with an occasional loud belch due to the soda pop... it was a truly elegant dining experience! Should've had a hot date with me, but I fell down on the job there... lost my youthful charm.
Now I'm back at the ol' hacienda, drinking a cold beer and waiting for the afternoon temps to drop... when I was at the store, I saw a large value pack of chicken on sale for only $5, some Tyson drumsticks which had reached their "sell by" date, so I offset the cost of the KFC yardbird by purchasing this rack of drumsticks. I also bought some coating mix out of Louisiana, for some reason I have a craving for more yardbird, lol. I'll probably bake the drumsticks in the oven, maybe even the NuWave Oven, depends upon how lazy I feel later... already have cole slaw & tater salad! Cheers!
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P.S. Technically, that coating is for deep frying, but I reckon I can make it work for baking, lol...