What's everybody doing today?

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Gotta get the kitchen and living room looking less like a disaster zone, hopefully it will be cool enough then to get out and do some weeding and dead plant removing in the garden, might even get around to tilling if the little tiller cooperates or if my hubby left the tractor key...5 ft tiller vs 24" tiller hmmm the math just works lmao
Headed out to what had been my Dad's house for the very final check that we have everything out. The sheriff takes it over tomorrow. Just remember that unless you're rich enough to hire an honest attorney - and lucky enough to find one - the evil bankers and schister financial companies will always win when they take advantage of an elderly person. We had no idea that Wells Fargo and Bank of America had done him so wrong until his dementia progressed and we had to step in. He was too proud to tell us what was happening. It's hard not to be bitter. It is good he is no longer here to see this, losing this home would have broken his heart.
Routine chores and watering... I'm also on "cat patrol" to make sure the cats don't drag any more birds into our home. Yesterday, they dragged two birds into the house, I managed to rescue the first one and walked it to the back door, where I released it and it flew away. The second bird wasn't so lucky: I was watching TV when Black Diamond burst through the cat door with a bird, the bird escaped from her grip, and before I could even get up off the couch, the bird flew directly into the ceiling fan. Poor little guy was swatted by a revolving fan blade, which killed him in short order. I was bummed, I was hoping to rescue the second bird as well, but it just wasn't in the cards. I need to figure out where the ambush site is in my yard, I've already cleared brush from the birdbaths and feeder areas. I noticed that these birds being caught lately seem to be youngsters who are inexperienced in self-preservation... they must land near an ambush site where a cat is waiting, then a quick pounce and the bird is caught. 😒
Princess Fluffy, our long haired black cat (or Fluff fa fa, as I call her), is our bird cat. She drags them up to the porch, though. Has also taken down two squirrels.
In to the bigger town this morning for husband's doc appt. So, we finish up meds at 10:30 tonight, Pic line out on Monday, if he's ok on Monday. Two more doc appts Monday, too besides that. Then return to this specialist in two weeks to see if he needs another round of IV antibiotics. Hope not. He wants to go to the Denver hospital the end of next month, and wants to be healthy enough to travel. We'll see. Going out to work on the turkey run in a bit. Alfalfa was cut this morning, may be raked tomorrow. So my favorite cousin's son in law was here doing that, came to the door to check on husband. Asked me about Bill Gates. He heard about him from a cousin in Pennsylvania. Conspiracy theories and the amish. Truth.
Went to town and got me a new wireless keyboard and mouse........ woot woot.............and it works great!

I also drove for the first time in 4 months since I had my stroke. I didn't do too bad except for getting too close to the fog line a few times.

The Wife was trynig to sink her nails into the dash as if we were in the Dart and I just set the linelock. (She knows what's coming after that lol.)
worked all day
milked goat, made cheese
made bread dough
picked vegetables, cleaned cut up and froze a bunch of less than perfect tomatoes
watered the gardens
smoked some weed from the garden
made 2 meals, one for today one for tomorrow
did a ton of dishes,
oh yeah, cleaned the kitchen first this morning

Dogs did not get walked today, but son played with them outside for a while
He is going back to school Monday, has 4 senior level engineering classes, he is going to be busy

baking tomorrow
They don’t start here until after Labor Day. Fair is coming up in a week. But on the other end, they don’t get out of school until mid-June.
That’s how it was when I was in school. Nowadays, most schools start mid August. I don’t know why it shifted like that.
Riding out weather that's still hot... I think the forecasts are off, because yesterday my porch thermometer read 108 degrees, while the forecast called for upper 90s. The forecast station is miles from my home, of course, so there seems to be a disparity between forecast temps and actual temps. I'll be glad when this summer is over and done, lol... 🥵

To make matters worse, my banged-up left knee has started acting up again, I must have aggravated it by kneeling the other day, or doing something to rile it. At my age, these permanent injuries kick back up for no apparent reason... same way other parts go south for no apparent reason. Anyway, I'm riding out the knee BS as well, limping around my home. 😕
@LadyLocust I wish you could start a thread about helpful tips for moving. Sometimes I make plans but then it doesn't come to pass. I would like to move in what will be the worst time of year in Texas, in July. I'm sure @dademoss would have helpful tips.
Have been seeing painted buntings in the backyard. A male stops by for a drink, grabs a bite to eat. Saw the females before him, they are green. When they migrate the male goes ahead of the female by 7-10 days and makes a nest. Did I already mention this? I love birds. These don't go that far north although the ornithologist I was listening to said they are being seen in Nova Scotia and New England.
Here's a male:
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I have these in my yard in Oklahoma. I almost screamed when I saw one. I remember looking through a bird book as a kid in Illinois and dreaming about seeing these in real life. Now I have a pair coming to my feeders. I also saw a pair of Pileated woodpeckers in my yard, too. I bought a double suet feeder with a tail prop but I haven’t yet been able to get those large woodpeckers to the feeder yet. I’ll keep trying. I was so excited. Two things checked off my bucket list. 🥰
The original plan for today was to spend at least part of the day kayaking on West Lake Okoboji, but by 8AM the wind was howling so we scrapped that idea and headed for the Twin Cities and the Mall of America. It was a bit less than three hours to drive there. My daughter has never been to there, and I hadn't been there since 1993. I didn't remember much of it because when I was there I was 20 years old, on a bus trip with a bunch of college friends, and had had started drinking on the bus at 7AM. I was thoroughly bombed by the time we got there, and all I really remember was going to Hooter's and somehow convincing the waitress that I was 21 instead of 20, and ordering pitchers for me and my under 21 buddies.

Good lord that place is huge! My daughter and I were there for 5 hours and I don't think we saw it all. I didn't realize there is an amusement park with roller coasters and a Ferris wheel inside the mall! We didn't do any of that, but we did buy my daughter a couple dresses, and we went to Sea Life, which is a marine aquarium exhibit. It was well worth the price, I highly recommend it. My daughter smiled at the exhibit as if she was a little girl again, and that made the whole trip worthwhile...

Finished the turkey run at last. Now the turkeys need to go in it. Tomorrow is an early morning day. I have to get little granddaughter to her pediatric appt in the bigger town. So animals done and husband's stuff done before that. Might as well set an early alarm. An amish young lady named Kimmy is supposed to show up to help clean before our onslaught of company. I'm putting her on windows, for sure. Not a job I like. How much do you charge, Pearl? Going rate here is $30 an hr, and that surprised me a bit, but I'll pay it. So busy with husband and the farm chores that I run out of time in the day to get everything done.
Spikedriver, they still have all those amusement park rides in the Mall of America? I rode all those back in my 'trucking daze'---I reckon the log jam ride was my favorite, with the coaster a close second, lol. I remember there were literally hundreds of stores in that mall, dunno what the scene is like today. I haven't been to Minneapolis in decades, and I've heard nothing good about the place over time... but at least you and your daughter got to see the place, and the aquarium tour looks really cool! Good on ya for being a conscientious dad and sharing quality time with your daughter! :cool:
Yeah, the amusement park part is apparently affiliated with the Nickelodeon cable channel for kids. So, everything is Dora the Explorer, and SpongeBob SquarePants, and all that kind of thing. But yes there is still a log ride and several roller coasters, one of which has a car that spins while going along its track. I looked at that and said, "Oh, hell no!" and my daughter laughed at me. The old fashioned wooden roller coaster at Arnold's Park beat me up yesterday and my middle aged fat butt was in no mood for more of the same today. We are going to the Minnesota Zoo tomorrow and if I went on another roller coaster my kid would probably have to push me around the zoo in a wheelchair...
Riding out weather that's still hot... I think the forecasts are off, because yesterday my porch thermometer read 108 degrees, while the forecast called for upper 90s. The forecast station is miles from my home, of course, so there seems to be a disparity between forecast temps and actual temps. I'll be glad when this summer is over and done, lol... 🥵

To make matters worse, my banged-up left knee has started acting up again, I must have aggravated it by kneeling the other day, or doing something to rile it. At my age, these permanent injuries kick back up for no apparent reason... same way other parts go south for no apparent reason. Anyway, I'm riding out the knee BS as well, limping around my home. 😕
Trying to catch up again. Still been fatigued. Took some trash out and was exhausted. Napped and my oldest cat woke me up bc he was checking on me. Even if their food and water are full the two oldest cats will wake me up (or at least try) if I sleep too long. Both of them will wrap a paw around my fingers and tug, rub their faces on my face, and meow. Oldest will touch my face with his paw with his claws put away. 2nd oldest will put a little claw out when touching my face and licks my forehead and nose.

Trying to figure out the best way to fix the drawers that had the rails break. I don't like that system and need to replace it.

I plan to get up early and do more cleaning, take out more trash, and see if the diatomaceous earth killed the roaches in the drawers.
Yesterday took my inlaws to the airport- all visitors are gone again. I'm going to meet my sister at our halfway point, and then I don't intend to leave the house for at least a week. I made a lot of promises to people and they all happened at the one time, so last week into this was busy. I did get some writing finished and submitted and made jam. Next week I plan to get back into a routine, chores in the morning, then back at the desk writing. I have been booked to deliver a workshop in September, so that will be...I was going to say fun, but I'm not sure how nervous I'll be when the times comes!
Pic line out on Monday, if he's ok on Monday.
Hope he is well after this round of antibiotics! We just finished too, but don't know when the mid line will come out.

Will walk first.
Go to Courthouse and buy tag for my jeep.
Stop at lawyers for questions.
Maybe lunch at local restaurant.
Go to local market for sales.
Clean around all light switches and door knobs.
That may be about it for the day.
Right now I'm just sitting out back in my boxers watching the start of a new day.
Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. The wife said she told me about it, guess I wasn't listening again.
We're still seeing some Mormon crickets on the road a few miles from here, but nothing like the hoard we saw a couple weeks ago. They get so bad at times that in some places they have to use snowplows to clear the roads. I should pick some up and use for fishing bait.
Got to water the garden this morning then I'll start wiring the solar panels and tighten all the nuts and bolts.
Yesterday it hit 90 degs here. In town it was 104. We might just have to go up to the lake and go swimming later today.
Gathered tomatoes and peppers yesterday. Found some volunteer spuds. Weeded some boxes but left the purslane for salads.

Today I finished topping off the garden boxes on The Ridge today. They are ready for the garlic planting next month. I was pleased to find the vent box I had ordered for the HVAC return duct project had been delivered and looks to be the right size. Yeah!

The Princess started a week of vacation this evening. That usually means a week of hard work for me. ;)


Town run for more beer in this hot weather... received my electric (A/C) bill today, it shot up to $213, yikes! In months other than summer, my electric bill is normally around $50, maybe $60 tops. The heater runs on natural gas, so THAT bill goes up in the winter, but right now it's only $15, which is reasonable. I shut down my heater over the summer, no point in even burning the pilot light when every little bit of flame adds to the heat which I then have to cool with the electric A/C system. Did I ever mention the fact that I'm a cheap b@stard? 🤣

I also dropped off envelopes containing Hatch Chile seeds at the Post Office, those are for LL, Weedy, and a gal pal in Rochester, NY. I walked the envelopes inside, I didn't want the seeds to get roasted in some outdoor drop box. Dropped some books at the library too, I like to return library materials in a timely manner. Others may want to read those books, especially in this hot weather when outdoor activities are too strenuous. It has been HOT here too, I don't believe the weather forecasts have been accurate lately, as my porch thermometer read 106 today... 🥵

Last but not least, I decided to splurge on some Kentucky Fried Rodent for lunch (a nod to Magus here, lol), I ordered the 3-Piece Meal with two sides and a drink. Rip-off price of over $14, but I was in the mood for some greasy KFC fare, aye? Health food, don'tcha know? Magus, that deep-fried yardbird & rodent combo was downright delicious! I friggin' Hoovered the meal at an indoor table and fully enjoyed the greasy fare, with an occasional loud belch due to the soda pop... it was a truly elegant dining experience! Should've had a hot date with me, but I fell down on the job there... lost my youthful charm. 😢

Now I'm back at the ol' hacienda, drinking a cold beer and waiting for the afternoon temps to drop... when I was at the store, I saw a large value pack of chicken on sale for only $5, some Tyson drumsticks which had reached their "sell by" date, so I offset the cost of the KFC yardbird by purchasing this rack of drumsticks. I also bought some coating mix out of Louisiana, for some reason I have a craving for more yardbird, lol. I'll probably bake the drumsticks in the oven, maybe even the NuWave Oven, depends upon how lazy I feel later... already have cole slaw & tater salad! Cheers! 😎



P.S. Technically, that coating is for deep frying, but I reckon I can make it work for baking, lol... ;)
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I did not get up early. When I tried to get up I fell back down on the bed. Had some stomach issues again (I ate stuff I shouldn't have eaten) and was back and forth to the bathroom.

A lot of the roaches in the drawers are gone now, but there are still some survivors.

Did some major cleanup of trash on the kitchen floor. Stuff that built up when I didn't have full use of my arm and that my brother was supposed to pick up. Found a bunch of utensils and stuff in the mix. Stuff that had been knocked down by cats. I wanted to do more but my back started yelling at me so I need to take a break.

Went to the post office and picked up mail, grabbed some stuff at Walmart for Mom. I was bad and got myself a chocolate mousse from the deli section. It was good, but I need to work off the calories later.

Trying to find self closing 3/8" inset polished gold/brass hinges in bulk to replace the corroded ones on my cabinet doors. Not having much luck. I think I need at least 50 or 60 but am not certain. Once I get the kitchen cleaned up more I'll be able to put them on. I want self closing because it will be harder for the cats to get into the cabinets.

Still need to take a picture of the broken monorail for the drawer.

Mom was hinting (rather than outright saying) that she wanted me to cook yellow rice, then got angry that I didn't catch on, wouldn't answer when I asked her if she wanted me to make it, had a tizzy and went to bed. I can't blame her age because she's acted like that my whole life.

So, I made yellow rice in the pressure cooker. My brother mentioned needing to clean out his rice cooker. I opened it and it was disgusting. He'd left stuff in it for a couple of months. I couldn't leave it like that so I emptied it out and scrubbed the hell out of it.

Currently waiting for Mom to get up so I can heat up some shrimp scampi for her to pair with the yellow rice.
Town run for more beer in this hot weather... received my electric (A/C) bill today, it shot up to $213, yikes! In months other than summer, my electric bill is normally around $50, maybe $60 tops. The heater runs on natural gas, so THAT bill goes up in the winter, but right now it's only $15, which is reasonable. I shut down my heater over the summer, no point in even burning the pilot light when every little bit of flame adds to the heat which I then have to cool with the electric A/C system. Did I ever mention the fact that I'm a cheap b@stard? 🤣

I also dropped off envelopes containing Hatch Chile seeds at the Post Office, those are for LL, Weedy, and a gal pal in Rochester, NY. I walked the envelopes inside, I didn't want the seeds to get roasted in some outdoor drop box. Dropped some books at the library too, I like to return library materials in a timely manner. Others may want to read those books, especially in this hot weather when outdoor activities are too strenuous. It has been HOT here too, I don't believe the weather forecasts have been accurate lately, as my porch thermometer read 106 today... 🥵

Last but not least, I decided to splurge on some Kentucky Fried Rodent for lunch (a nod to Magus here, lol), I ordered the 3-Piece Meal with two sides and a drink. Rip-off price of over $14, but I was in the mood for some greasy KFC fare, aye? Health food, don'tcha know? Magus, that deep-fried yardbird & rodent combo was downright delicious! I friggin' Hoovered the meal at an indoor table and fully enjoyed the greasy fare, with an occasional loud belch due to the soda pop... it was a truly elegant dining experience! Should've had a hot date with me, but I fell down on the job there... lost my youthful charm. 😢

Now I'm back at the ol' hacienda, drinking a cold beer and waiting for the afternoon temps to drop... when I was at the store, I saw a large value pack of chicken on sale for only $5, some Tyson drumsticks which had reached their "sell by" date, so I offset the cost of the KFC yardbird by purchasing this rack of drumsticks. I also bought some coating mix out of Louisiana, for some reason I have a craving for more yardbird, lol. I'll probably bake the drumsticks in the oven, maybe even the NuWave Oven, depends upon how lazy I feel later... already have cole slaw & tater salad! Cheers! 😎

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P.S. Technically, that coating is for deep frying, but I reckon I can make it work for baking, lol... ;)
I use that same coating in the air fryer.
Cleaning day here. Kimmy did the upstairs, minus little granddaughter's room. I took little granddaughter to the doc appt, then came back and tackled husband's office. Supposed to be 107 tomorrow. Ugh. Thinking about getting up super early and doing a chicken coop, but we'll see. Just checked on the 9 young turkeys in their new outdoor run, and they seem fine. Neighbor lady and two kids were our checking on Bets the horse on our property, and checking her water. Cousin is baling alfalfa is our back field. So everyone was running around with flashlights on. Neighbor's husband is baling and wrapping a field of pig weed for silage. Busy night. Kimmy's coming back for a few hours tomorrow morning, and helping with the downstairs. She's good at windows, that's for sure.
On the go quite a bit lately. Trying to save seeds and actually get them in envelopes and and labeled. Wind blew torrents most of the day so plants/gardens were beaten. Watered well! Hubby’s brought in about 10 more cukes- I think that’s about 33 from 1 plant in 4 days.
Tomorrow is the quilt show. First one I’ll have been to since 2019. 😊
Made more tomato sauce this morning. My poor kitchen. This time of year it gets put to the test!

@Amish Heart I hope you’re able to get some rest sometime soon 💕. You’ve been on the run for quite a stretch.

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