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Well, it rained a week ago, that slowed things down, but it blew up again today....

Still here though

View attachment 114119
Thank you for letting us know. Glad you are "okay" all things aside. I know the devastation of fire so have a pretty healthy respect for it.
It feels like it has been a long day, already.
Walked first.
Got sweet potato slices dehydrating in the oven.
Shredded a big block of cheddar for future use.
Plunged my tub and bathroom sink drain.
Still need to blow leaves off front porch.
And package sweet potato slices when they are done.
Better be extra special nice to her so she doesn't leave you up there in that bucket ;)

*Feel free to ask me for marital advice any time 😂
She almost dumped me out of the bucket. Said she was confused with all the levers. Sure.
We're having our lessons learned meeting right now.

Got up early this morning and put up 7 bottles of smoked habanaro sauce. Went with a mild version this time, no ghost or Carolina Reaper peppers this time.
Had an unexpected visitor in my home, a young Chihuahuan Black-Headed Snake... didn't know if it was venomous, wish I'd checked the guide BEFORE I walked it away from the home and released it in the yard! Evidently, these snakes eat insects & insect larvae, scorpions & centipedes! I should've released him back under my home, lol. Oh, well, now I know they're not venomous... next time, I'll give the snake a beer, pat it on the back, and send it back under my house to patrol the crawlspace, lol. "SON!!! GOOD JOB!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!" 😉



BTW, that's the tall plastic glass or cup I routinely use to trap small critters and release 'em in the yard... including spiders & snakes. I don't kill anything unless I know it's venomous, or unless it falls into the pest category: ants, scorpions, etc. I've never even seen a cockroach here, I don't think they dwell in these parts... 😒

Otherwise, I'm enjoying this cooler weather (upper 90s throughout the week), I even pulled some weeds near the feeders & birdbaths this morning to make it more difficult for the cats to catch birds. Already watered and got cleaned up, now I'm having a cold beer for breakfast, lol... gonna make a real breakfast in a while. 😎
It feels like it has been a long day, already.
Walked first.
Got sweet potato slices dehydrating in the oven.
Shredded a big block of cheddar for future use.
Plunged my tub and bathroom sink drain.
Still need to blow leaves off front porch.
And package sweet potato slices when they are done.
you had me at CHEESE :)
Suddenly, 💩 gets REAL.View attachment 114208

Help me!!
The thing that helped the most when we moved. I wrote which room it went in on the box then abreviated what was inside. Like KITCHEN: utensils Or SPARE ROOM: bedding Then if you are not the one moving the boxes (I hope you have help), who cares about spare room bedding? Just put the box in the right room and we'll take care of it later. If it says the room it can go in, it will save a ton of questions during the move.
Also our first trip, we took our bed and bedding and bathroom stuff. Made the bed, got the towels hung in the bathroom etc. At the end of the "big move day" we could take a shower and go to bed without having to assemble it or look for towels etc. Made it much smoother.
The thing that helped the most when we moved. I wrote which room it went in on the box then abreviated what was inside. Like KITCHEN: utensils Or SPARE ROOM: bedding Then if you are not the one moving the boxes (I hope you have help), who cares about spare room bedding? Just put the box in the right room and we'll take care of it later. If it says the room it can go in, it will save a ton of questions during the move.
Also our first trip, we took our bed and bedding and bathroom stuff. Made the bed, got the towels hung in the bathroom etc. At the end of the "big move day" we could take a shower and go to bed without having to assemble it or look for towels etc. Made it much smoother.
The bright side is we have no time constraint, when we are done, we are done. The loan closes, when we sell this one, it's a payment or more :). Small trips, one at a time. If I need two men and a truck, I know where to go.

My biggest worry is the cat that has had seizures . we have gates on order to keep the dog out of their business, and the plan is to move them all at the same time, except the dog, so they ALL move in at the same time, with hopefully minimal territory fighting. Well, the best laid plans :(

There are huge advantages to being married to project managers, we both know the steps, and how to do the work. She worked for HP, I worked for P&G. :heart:Now the work is tiring, but we will get it all done, one step at a time.
Well bless your heart, you are really moving!!😮😮 Maybe you can just hide until Lori moves, then just live with whomever buys your house!! See, problem solved! Don't hide in one of the boxes!!😉
Hide? Me? NEVER. The job gets done, or I die trying. Never give up, NEVER surrender.

She is lead, but she is NOT alone, and Will NOT be abandoned.
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We rode The Queen around West Lake Okoboji. The lake has been a vacation residence for wealthy people from all over the Midwest for generations. The tour was narrated, and we were told that lakefront lots - just the lots, not counting the homes - are worth an average of $30,000 per linear foot. In other words, 50 feet of lakeshore is worth over a million dollars, and homes on the lakefront are appraised at an average of 2.2 million. Many of the homes have been in the same families since the 1800s.




And, we're finishing the day with old fashioned ice cream...
We rode The Queen around West Lake Okoboji. The lake has been a vacation residence for wealthy people from all over the Midwest for generations. The tour was narrated, and we were told that lakefront lots - just the lots, not counting the homes - are worth an average of $30,000 per linear foot. In other words, 50 feet of lakeshore is worth over a million dollars, and homes on the lakefront are appraised at an average of 2.2 million. Many of the homes have been in the same families since the 1800s.

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And, we're finishing the day with old fashioned ice cream...
That kinda explains why I don't know about it :p

Looks like a fabulous day!!
Lots of stress and paperwork but it looks like closing is set for the 21st. I'm with you, Dade, the thought of the mortgage debt makes me want to barf.
But in the long run it makes more sense to have a smaller house with smaller utility bills, and I'm not getting any younger. Can't wait around to see if interest rates come down at all, need to get this house sold and get moved. It's good to downsize but it's going to be hard to adjust at first, going from a 100 year old big farmhouse with high ceilings and lots of big windows, to a 1970s ranch.
And the list of what I have to do to this old house before I can put it on the market is overwhelming. I should get off the computer and get back to work on sanding the front door.
We sold our old house to buy our country home. There was no mortgage on the old house so 100% went towards the mortgage in the new home. The very same week, we sold Hubby’s half of his parents home to his nephew who inherited the other half when hubby’s brother died. We were able to totally pay off our new house that way. We feel blessed. No stairs is a big plus l, for sure.

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