What's everybody doing today?

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Booked the room for my mini vacation with my daughter. Okoboji is 3 hours away so we are going up the night before, going to spend the first day at the amusement park and all the little touristy shops, then the second day we'll do some park trails and go kayaking on West Okoboji lake. If we decide to do a 3rd day, we'll drive over to the Minneapolis to the Mall of America and then come home from there.

I'm really hoping this vacation goes well. We haven't taken a trip together since before Covid. Everywhere we go will be something new to both of us, so it should be fun..
You are SO AWESOME Spike!! Hope y'all have a great time!!♥️
I drove past several banks in the big town this afternoon. The sign with the highest temp read 105 degrees. Only one at 99. It waaas hot! Made a bunch of stops for errands. The parking lots were cooking!!! Stepping out of my truck felt like a blast furnace! At least 120-5.

Even my truck, ac on high, still hot. Thankfully I put ice paks in my coolers for groceries else the ice cream would have been soup before I got home.

Tonight i'm sitting here practicing knots, for me a perishable skill. Couple times a year i practice while watching tv, 2/3 nights.
DH came in from the garage complaining it's hot out. I said ' quit yer whining, it's only 20° (68F). You can do onions and I will build the cabinet.' He said no way and went back to the garage and dug out the big fan.

I was looking out the kitchen window at the thermometer and thought, that can't be right, It does feel warmer than that. I went out and tapped it with a stick. It jumped to 40° (104F).

Today is Golf day. My partner is picking me up in about a 1/2 hour. Playing a course in Illinois that I really like. Finger crossed. Hoping the practice pays off on the course.
Closing on the new place is likely the 22nd, still waiting on time and place. Lori fell UP the steps last night, she is gonna look like I beat her with a stick :(. On the bright side, almost NO steps at the new house, that was high on my list.

Today I will visit the shelter, and scoop litter boxes and pet cats :)
Your going to have to wrap Lori in bubble wrap!! 😮
Dropped wife off at the airport. Shes heading to Huston to help out her niece for a week or so with her 4 kiddos.
I'm working from home at times till she gets back.
She might melt, it's been stupid hot down in Houston!! You packed a bunch of rain for her to bring this way I hope!! ??
Closing on the new place is likely the 22nd, still waiting on time and place. Lori fell UP the steps last night, she is gonna look like I beat her with a stick :(. On the bright side, almost NO steps at the new house, that was high on my list.

Today I will visit the shelter, and scoop litter boxes and pet cats :)
I volunteer at our local animal shelter, too. Very rewarding.
I’m in a funk today. Woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep. I volunteer at a thrift store and we got in a filthy sewing machine. I plugged it in and the light came in and the foot petal worked the needle. I’m going to try to rehab it but it may be hopeless. I’d hate to throw it away.
Goldurned cat(s) killed three birds this morning... feathers all over the house, took an hour to clean up the mess. Knee was bothering me too, so I put some lidocaine ointment on it, might try Tiger Balm a little later. I already watered the garden and cleared some weeds near the ground feeders, maybe that will keep the cat(s) from killing birds... Tiger is the likeliest culprit, but Black Diamond is turning into a huntress. Zorlac & Crackhead aren't very skilled at hunting, but Tiger is a stone cold killer, and BD seems to be learning from him... :(
I walked first, this morning.
Walked dogs.
Still have appointment to wash dog snot off front window where they look out. LOL
Shred cheese and put in baggies.
Re-connect hose so I can start watering roses and maybe save them.
That's about it for today.
Lots of stress and paperwork but it looks like closing is set for the 21st. I'm with you, Dade, the thought of the mortgage debt makes me want to barf.
But in the long run it makes more sense to have a smaller house with smaller utility bills, and I'm not getting any younger. Can't wait around to see if interest rates come down at all, need to get this house sold and get moved. It's good to downsize but it's going to be hard to adjust at first, going from a 100 year old big farmhouse with high ceilings and lots of big windows, to a 1970s ranch.
And the list of what I have to do to this old house before I can put it on the market is overwhelming. I should get off the computer and get back to work on sanding the front door.
Hubby got my car finished. Finished the oil change I started, got new fuel lines on. Need my truck tomorrow, but will have the car for Thursday!!
I can do minor repairs but the wheel bearing went out on my Spectra and that's beyond my mechanic knowledge lol luckily the hubster can fix just about anything
Dug up the sewer line between the septic tank and the house today. It had a slight dip in it that was causing problems draining. Should work better now.
The wife dug up a box of red potatoes out of the garden. It's hot today, 91 degs. Got the AC on so the house is nice.
Just smoked up a big pile of habanaro peppers, soon to be made in to hot sauce. I've got some dried ghost and Carolina Reaper peppers to add to it for a little extra kick.
Weeded more today. My arms hurt. Picked more tomatoes, and plums. Plums are done now, only the very top of the tree has some left and you can't get to them

Getting some more hay tomorrow
took dogs for a walk, and looked at the mushrooms again, pretty sure now they are chanterelles ( edible ones that are expensive to buy) but will take one to a college professor we know to see if he can get his biology department to confirm it . If they are I am going to pick and sell them