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The whole area is cursed, haunted, and pretty much evil. how people managed to settle there is beyond me, there is a pall of despair and gloom that hangs over the whole county so strong I was asleep in my uncle's truck, the second we crossed the county line, I started awake and turned to him and said: "We're home aren't we?" If it's paranormal or just messed up, we have several of them to choose from!

I've been like that a year or more myself, I've been told it everything from low testosterone, phantom PTSD, depression, to a chemical imbalance and Male menopause.

Headed to a doctor appointment.
Ask for a testosterone level check while you are there.
Those lucky dogs! 🐕 🦮 🐕‍🦺

The pool looks refreshing, it was hot here today (again), just took a second shower to cool off... 🌧️
I’m proud of the care our shelter dogs get while waiting for a home. They go to farmers markets, outdoor concerts, to the park. As long as there’s a volunteer willing to take them, they get to go.
@Tommyice In the Foxfire books there’s at least one chapter I recall that the old-timers discuss “haints.” I would say it’s a southern thing, southern term.
Haint refers to anything paranormal basically lol it's definitely a southern thing, and depending on where in the south you are there's different things to do to keep away the haints lol, for instance in my area hanging blue glass bottles from tree limbs will keep the haints away because they're scared they will get caught in the bottle....
After my dentist appointment we're heading down south to pick up a few things. Top on my list will be a couple pounds of habanaro peppers. I'm in desperate need of hot sauce, down to just half a bottle left. I'll smoke the peppers tomorrow. Of course I'll add a pound or so ghost and Carolina Reaper peppers too, out of my special stash.
It's going to be over 100 degs down there so we'll probably stop at the river and go swimming. I may drop off a few crawdad traps on the way down and pick them up on our way home.
My doctor gave me my interview, I'm still nuts, but surprise. IMMEDIATELY it begins to storm. Welp... My plans are shot to hell, who wants to binge-watch star trek movies with me?
Taking a break from peeling and dicing 60 lbs of onions (run through French fry cutter) and switching to drywall mudding.
Does the French Fry cutter work well with onions??
Mostly. You can get a few longer pieces, about 1/2", but it gets the job done when doing volume. I have my cutter (all metal) bolted to a board that I can clamp down to the counter top. That let's me apply some force and speed. Small onions can go in whole and larger onions, I cut in half.
Catching up...

I got to work on the HVAC return duct project and things got complicated. Turns out there is a space between the ceiling and the roof of my enclosed front porch. It is a good thing in the end but it complicates my plan to just poak a hole through a wall for an air return register. Not being aware of the dimensions I deferred work to borrow a bore scope from my brother.

Took a break to take the granddaughters to see the Barbie movie. They had a display to allow photos to simulate a life size Barbie. I posed as a Ben Doll.


The granddaughters enjoyed the film. I thought it was rather weird. I generally want to watch weird movies again ( eg Brazil) to figure them out but not the Barbie movie.

So I did get the bore scope from my brother and figured out where to create access holes for the duct. Finally managed to poke a drill bit through the ceiling of the front porch. Yeah!


That gave me a point of reference to work with. Proceeded to gradually open up the holes in the wall.




That made it obvious that the vent box I have will not clear the roof. Bummer. I ordered a different style of vent box along with some flexible duct that I hope will be able to make rhe connection.

I also managed to drop one of my Irwin Speed bore bits down inside the wall. Bummer. Good news I found a replacement on sale for $5. Nice!

Kinda a crappy day. Got done with my cleaning job and was heading to Walmart! My car blew a fuel line, just past the fuel filter shortly after taking off from a light. Barely got it off the road! There was no fixing it there so it got a wrecker ride home🙄! Wasn't taking the truck with no A/C to get groceries, so I had Hubby take me🙄🙄🙄! We picked up fuel line and a filter. Could have taken the truck, the cold front came through, was only 103° today🙄! Hubby is busy this week but should have it fixed tomorrow. I'll want it for Thursday when we are supposed to have record high temps!! I'm heading for the pool float with some cold beer. Do some critter watching and unwind!!
Posting only because this is odd... even for me:oops:.
Studying up on Paul Lynde. Anybody remember "Uncle Arthur" on Bewitched?
The character he portrayed was obviously 'gay', and on TV as far back as 58 years ago.
Was he gay?
The media, surprisingly, never dug into his personal life.:dunno:
Facts: never married, no children, and died at 55 in his sleep.

The public never learned that Raymond Burr (Perry Mason, Ironside) was gay until after he died either.
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Ugh, blown fuel line sucks, Pearl. Glad you weren't hurt or anything at least.

Mountaintrapper, may have been a waste of time but its good news.

Went to the post office to get mail, grabbed cow feed from TSC, & popped in to check on my friend. He's still sick with kidney stuff and on a bunch of meds that have him feeling cruddy & the heat makes it worse. Cow hooked me under the arm because she was impatient when I was trying to get the feed open for her.

Trying to stay cool, but something is wrong with the ductwork I think. Some of the rooms are not getting the cooling air as well as others.
Booked the room for my mini vacation with my daughter. Okoboji is 3 hours away so we are going up the night before, going to spend the first day at the amusement park and all the little touristy shops, then the second day we'll do some park trails and go kayaking on West Okoboji lake. If we decide to do a 3rd day, we'll drive over to the Minneapolis to the Mall of America and then come home from there.

I'm really hoping this vacation goes well. We haven't taken a trip together since before Covid. Everywhere we go will be something new to both of us, so it should be fun..
Out of the pool early, actually the cold front has arrived 😮! Got my oil draining and fuel filter installed. Hubby will replace the bad line and look at others! 70's tonight, open windows!! Brrr!😉
Youuu. . . Pearl funny girl 😂. 70’s AC weather 😂
I like mid 50s for sleeping with the windows open 🪟 70s during the day is fine.
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Just got back from shopping. It was 101 degs down there and 78 here at home. On our way down south we noticed some morman crickets on the road about 2 miles from our house. A week or so ago they were about 70 miles south of here. They're making good time.
When we were about 20 miles from home we could see some smoke just north of our place. We can't see the fire from the house but we can hear the fire planes and helicopters flying over, and we can smell smoke.
A couple years ago I made an agreement with the Forest Service allowing them to dip water out of our pond if they need it.
I might drive up the hill later to see if I can spot the fire.
It's a beautiful night out here in the 70's. So many stars out, and it's barely humid. Little granddaughter and I were out putting the animals to bed, and saw a tall person with a headlight and a tiny person with a headlight walking past the milkhouse...ha. Our neighbor Marlon and 2 yr old Dillon were getting the buggy horse waterer moved and filled to Bets (the horse) new area. We talked a while and caught a frog. Their barn cats followed them over, and met up with our barn cats, that were scoping out the mouse potential in the chicken coop. And before that, the other neighbor's came by and visited this evening...brought a couple of dz of peanut butter cookies...my favorite. Sent them home with lots of eggs and yellow squash. Got some work done on the ground and side wire of the new turkey run...did about 20 feet of wiring. Have it about a third of the way done. Hoping to work on it tomorrow afternoon again if it's not too hot.
Can I be nosey D? What is it that you are anxious about? Obviously feel free to

Youuu. . . Pearl funny girl 😂. 70’s AC weather 😂
I like mid 50s for sleeping with the windows open 🪟 70s during the day is fine.
Hey LL, get ready for your heat wave!! Meanwhile, I'll be freezing down here!!⛸️🧦❄️☃️