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@Chesney Richardson i forgot you have mentioned where you live before. I was too dog tired to look last night. Not in a real dark sky area either. You’re okay, 😃
Just wanted to make sure lol sometimes people take me wrong, I probably wouldn't have looked myself if not for my daughter bless her heart, stayed up till almost 2am to see them, she's very big into space and all things science
That's why my donkey is not allowed near the house, he thinks he has to poop on everything! Plus he's loud too!!
Since I'm working on the new solar panel mount I had to take part of the fence down. I'll probably put the fence back up in a couple days. I suppose I could shut the gate on the driveway to keep him out from around the house.
@Chesney Richardson I love it too but between the heat and my job kicking me, oh, and AGE, lol, I’m whupped at night. I am going to try to get out there tonight to stargaze.
I think you’re funny, you fit right in, quickly.
I definitely feel your pain lol
And I'm glad I found y'all 😁
Them realfeel temps are ridiculous
It's a very old town that even predates the one in Cali.
I drove thru Hollywood many times going from Huntsville to Stevenson. :thumbs:
Some Hollywood, AL trivia:
...the town was renamed as Hollywood on May 13, 1887. It formally incorporated on May 24, 1897, and held its first election on June 8 of that year.

In 1994, it and 10 other towns named Hollywood successfully fought Hollywood, California's attempt to trademark its name and force same-named communities to pay royalties to it. A key point was that Hollywood in Alabama was the first incorporated Hollywood in the nation, whereas the one in California did not incorporate until 1903, 6 years after Alabama's.
Sorry California, you were the copycat :mad: .
Today, our family made a visit to a nearby church for prayer and devotion. Following our worship, we proceeded towards the flea market, where we made a purchase of two matchets. These tools will soon prove essential as we plan to remove some unwanted vegetation. Later on, we gathered together for a delightful family dinner, which was complemented by an enjoyable movie.
Young helper came to work today, so I set him to cleaning up the stones around the old well pit while I tried to get a few other things done. Throwing together a frame out of scrap wood for him to fill with gravel so I can put a couple of potted plants out and increase the "curb appeal". Trying to hustle while I was tired and yep the drill slipped and put a nasty gash in my thumb. Lots of blood, but I got it bandaged up and kept going. Young helper was impressed, says he's usually the one that ends up bleeding.
Decided it was time to come in and sit in my chair for a while. Back at the chore list tomorrow.
Lots of phone calls from our kids and family for our anniversary today, so that's been fun. Am picking up a special steak dinner for us in the bigger town, and bringing it home. Husband managed to get out this afternoon at lunchtime with me, but he's dragging now, so we'll eat at home. My favorite cousin called and already feedback from the couple that the twins were staying with. Granddaughter is living with the girl/guy in Northern Ks now, grandson left for TX last Sunday to live with a girlfriend (a fellow tweeker). I guess the people looked at the room he was living in before he left, and wouldn't let him leave till he cleaned it. Disgusting stuff everywhere...even kitchen glasses filled with pee all over the floor. They are now saying that those two were angels the first two weeks, then terrible afterwards. Can I say, "I told you so?" I won't, but I'm thinking it. Got 500 lbs of feed from Atwoods and got little granddaughter and neighbor boy Levi to help unload it. Grabbed seven pullets that they were clearing out, too at a cheap price.
Lots of phone calls from our kids and family for our anniversary today, so that's been fun. Am picking up a special steak dinner for us in the bigger town, and bringing it home. Husband managed to get out this afternoon at lunchtime with me, but he's dragging now, so we'll eat at home. My favorite cousin called and already feedback from the couple that the twins were staying with. Granddaughter is living with the girl/guy in Northern Ks now, grandson left for TX last Sunday to live with a girlfriend (a fellow tweeker). I guess the people looked at the room he was living in before he left, and wouldn't let him leave till he cleaned it. Disgusting stuff everywhere...even kitchen glasses filled with pee all over the floor. They are now saying that those two were angels the first two weeks, then terrible afterwards. Can I say, "I told you so?" I won't, but I'm thinking it. Got 500 lbs of feed from Atwoods and got little granddaughter and neighbor boy Levi to help unload it. Grabbed seven pullets that they were clearing out, too at a cheap price.
Happy Anniversary 😊
Well..I'd like to go huckleberry picking but I'm feeling like today is a good day to relax.
I think I'll go walk the dogs get to the store since I didnt get to that yesterday, work on my rug and catch up on news.
I need more time off to get stuff done and have the energy to go pick huckleberries..
I always have in my mind to go huckleberry picking, trouble is when I get around to thinking that they should be ripe, It's too far past the time, dang and those are ones of my favorite berries, where I grew up in Washington we had red and blue huckleberries, the red ones were so full of vitamin C that if you ate too much at a time your lips would split, both types made excellent pies.
Went to the club dinner yesterday. They made a whole roast lamb that was very chewy . I mostly ate a really good layer salad one of the Mennonite woman brought. Desserts were good too and it was nice seeing a lot of people we hadn't seen in a while.

But we notice a small disaster also yesterday. Some rabbit or mole or something ate all but one of my nice broccoli plants that were just starting to grow well in the garden. Double electric fencing and nothing else was touched in the garden. How annoying! Now I am debating if I have time to start over with a new batch before it gets too cold

Today we picked a bucket of plums , some cucumbers and more tomatoes. I made cucumber kimchi, and started a batch of yogurt, plus finally took the dogs for a walk. I noticed some yellow fungus that looks like something we used to pick as kids ( and my mom would cook) but I don't eat mushrooms, so I left it there. Still wondering if it's edible or poisonous. So I looked it up and will go back up there tomorrow to check and see which kind it is: chanterelle ( good , expensive eating kind) or Jack o Lantern ( poison)
Don't worry I am not going to cook it regardless but just want to know

We also weedeated along the electric fence. Another very busy day
Today is the last day our town community pool is open. On the last day, they do a dog swim pool party. You can come swim with your dog. But since neither of my dogs like the water and I volunteer at the animal shelter, after the paying customers are done, we are bringing the shelter dogs for a pool party! It sounds like so much fun. I’ll post pictures later today after the event. Our shelter dogs live good lives while waiting for their permanent home. We take them to outdoor concerts, farmer markets, parks, wherever they’ll get exposure and socialization.


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Love those pics, winds-of-change!

Been absolutely exhausted again. Keep getting dizzy & I think its from the heat. Haven't been able to clean or be productive bc I can barely stay awake the past few days. Hoping I'll be productive tomorrow. Went to the store but they were out of a lot of stuff. Got my brother to go with me so he could help with carrying in the groceries. Got some watermelon chunks because they are nice and refreshing.

Need to force myself to be productive tomorrow.