What's everybody doing today?

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I had a dog once that would drink beer with me. My current lab will eat cigars. When I toss my cigar out in the yard my lab will run down and put it out then eat it.
I've had cats and dogs that wanted to smoke pot and drink beer. I had this one old tomcat that would come running when he heard the bong bubble and sit on my shoulder when I was smoking with his face as close as possible to mine. I had a wolf that was a drunk, you couldn't sit a beer down around him, he'd steal it and turn his head back and guzzle it, he even knew which cans were beer instead of colas.

Don't let your dog eat tobacco, it'll kill him.
I've had cats and dogs that wanted to smoke pot and drink beer. I had this one old tomcat that would come running when he heard the bong bubble and sit on my shoulder when I was smoking with his face as close as possible to mine. I had a wolf that was a drunk, you couldn't sit a beer down around him, he'd steal it and turn his head back and guzzle it, he even knew which cans were beer instead of colas.

Don't let your dog eat tobacco, it'll kill him.
Good idea. The wife gets mad when I toss my cigars off the deck too.
these boys are to sweet lol , their mama on the other hand is so jealous I'm shocked she's not green
"WATER... GASP... CROAK!!!" 🏜️

Whooowheee! Did I ever get HAMMERED last night on that "cane juice" (a.k.a. rum, a.k.a. "sugar cane juice"). Those Pina Coladas tore me up, I still have 2/3 of a glass which I covered with plastic wrap & rubber band and put in the fridge, lol. Drinks were STIFF with rum, but at least I didn't blow chowder this morning... I was a train wreck, movin' like a snail through molasses, but I still had a pulse, lol. Right now, I'm nursing a cold beer as a hair of the dog that mauled me last night... already did juice earlier, and some Emergen-C (hangover killer) for good measure. Got some breakfast burrito action already made in the fridge: scrambled eggs with bits of hickory-smoked bacon and cheese, all I gotta do is roll it into a tortilla with some additional cheese and I'll be good to go, lol. 😀

I never did make those NY Strips last night, a forensic examination of dirty dishes in the sink tells me that I polished off the last of the steak burrito mix, wrapped in a tortilla with cheese, and a side dish of leftover mac'n'cheese to boot. I don't even remember eating it, but it must have been an "elegant dining experience!" There was actually a little leftover on a plate wrapped in plastic, I found that this morning and devoured it as well (after nuking it, lol). I got a late start in watering this morning (never did water yesterday evening), but thankfully there was some cloud cover, so I didn't suffer too hard with the hangover... forecast calls for rain later today, but I don't trust these rain forecasts, most of the time the friggin' rain never materializes. Anyway, this beer is taking the edge off, so I'm gonna move on and surf the website... no rum till later, lol. 😳

P.S. Grillin' NY Strips later today, an extra day in the fridge won't hurt 'em... same goes for the pork chops! :cool:
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Today is the last day our town community pool is open. On the last day, they do a dog swim pool party. You can come swim with your dog. But since neither of my dogs like the water and I volunteer at the animal shelter, after the paying customers are done, we are bringing the shelter dogs for a pool party! It sounds like so much fun. I’ll post pictures later today after the event. Our shelter dogs live good lives while waiting for their permanent home. We take them to outdoor concerts, farmer markets, parks, wherever they’ll get exposure and socialization.
Today is the last day our town community pool is open. On the last day, they do a dog swim pool party. You can come swim with your dog. But since neither of my dogs like the water and I volunteer at the animal shelter, after the paying customers are done, we are bringing the shelter dogs for a pool party! It sounds like so much fun. I’ll post pictures later today after the event. Our shelter dogs live good lives while waiting for their permanent home. We take them to outdoor concerts, farmer markets, parks, wherever they’ll get exposure and socialization.
That is awesome..
Yesterday I over did it.
Walked the dogs up in the mountains.
Someone dumped a ton of nails in front of a access road to a hiking and equestrian trail. I picked up a bunch until some folks came by . They stopped n helped.
Then came home and put away the first pile of split red fir. Then I spent the rest of afternoon splitting up more rounds of red fir.
It was hot dirty work ..I so wanted to finish the last few rounds but I was tripping over my own feet after hours in the sun. My eyes were burning even tho I had a bandana on to catch sweat..it was soaked.
I stumbled inside n sat down to cool off a tad n realized I was done for the day.
But j still had to pick up my order of 250 pounds of chicken food.
Crap...so I cooled off n got it. It's still in my truck tho.
I was beat..
Today..community meeting , get a few groceries, laundry n firewood tonight when its cooler.
Just hanging out with my daughter. Her face has swelled up after getting her wisdom teeth out but she's doing OK. Ibuprofen is helping. We're just sitting in the living room because she doesn't feel like doing much yet
Hope it's better by school time!!
Got all the rails up on the solar mount just before lunch. I bolted the solar panels to the aluminum cross rails, 2 panels per rail. Just need to figure out how to lift the panels up on top of the mount. There's only 4 panels total, but they're big panels. So far I've been working out of the bucket of the tractor.
I need to start cutting firewood soon. I found several dead Doug fir trees in our south west section. It's pretty steep in that area but I think I can cut trees in pieces and winch them out with my Jeep. We usually go further up in the mountains and cut western larch for most of our firewood.
Been up and down several nights this week, stomach all to crap, sugar going low, dog waking up and needing to go out. Workin over a lot last few weeks. And tryin to keep up around here. I'm just beat. Can't seem to keep up. Wife is having some problems to, which hopefully finally figured out what Dr thinks is going on.
Guess this should have went in the rant thread
I hope she feels better soon, getting wisdom teeth out is definitely not fun, but much better than the alternative
Years ago I took a job overseas and the company required all my wisdom teeth pulled. The dentist said there was nothing wrong with them, but the company required they come out. That was my first time to see a dentist too. Very painful.
Years ago I took a job overseas and the company required all my wisdom teeth pulled. The dentist said there was nothing wrong with them, but the company required they come out. That was my first time to see a dentist too. Very painful.

That is possibly the strangest job requirement I've heard lol
More storms today so I decided to work on the music files I want on my phone. I picked out 155 mp3’s, play time of approx 10hrs. I renamed them on my desktop computer so they appeared in the correct order copied to my phone. Songs in the key of A then B then C, D, E… But, when I copied them to my phone and viewed them they were all out of order. And the names were wrong… What??? :oops:

Took me a while to figure out the mp3 player on my phone doesn’t read the file name I gave to a song file. Instead... it reads the name in the metadata inside the mp3 envelope. Which can be very different than the name that appears in a file manager.

So, I then had to edit the metadata for 155 mp3 files. For instance… I want to play the songs in the key of B… easy to find. Now I can scroll down the list on my phone’s music player, select the 1st song I wish to play… then it’ll play them in that order, descending down the list.

(If that weren’t confusing enough… When I view the music files on my phone under audio files they appear in the order of the creation date, oldest files first, ‘most recently created’ at the bottom of the list. When I view the very same list in my phone’s mp3 player they appear in the alphabetical order of the metadata name. I really hate computers sometimes.🤬)

Mean while… back at the ranch… Big thunderstorms came by, lots of lightening so I turned off some of my electronic gear. I discovered yet another use for the blue tooth speaker I bought. I lose power once a month, at least. If I think the power will be back on soon I won’t bother starting the generator, especially if it’s late at night. Then I sit and play solitaire until it’s time to go to bed.

Now I can sit and pick with music on my phone, played through the blue tooth speaker. I bought it for one situation… now I see multiple situations where it’d be nice to have. I’m liking the little Bose speaker more and more… I’m a happy camper. 😊
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Watching the hawk who finally appeared... goldurned bird has been standing in the birdbath for the past 15 minutes. I don't have the heart to bug the bird by trying to get a shot in flight... it's hot out there, and the bird has earned a break. My little Canon cam sucks at motion shots anyway, maybe I should try making a video instead, this camera also records continuously like a movie camera. I'll try that next time, the bird looks comfortable in the bath right now, lol. :cool:

I just took this pic from the mud room, the goofy bird is just standing in the water and staring into space like a zombie... :oops:


P.S. I cleaned up some of the dead pine cones, but I have a ways to go yet... trash bin is nearly full, and I gotta save room for the weekly household trash, aye? I was gonna burn the cones this fall, but I have too many in the yard... 😒
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Yesterday I over did it.
Walked the dogs up in the mountains.
Someone dumped a ton of nails in front of a access road to a hiking and equestrian trail. I picked up a bunch until some folks came by . They stopped n helped.
Then came home and put away the first pile of split red fir. Then I spent the rest of afternoon splitting up more rounds of red fir.
It was hot dirty work ..I so wanted to finish the last few rounds but I was tripping over my own feet after hours in the sun. My eyes were burning even tho I had a bandana on to catch sweat..it was soaked.
I stumbled inside n sat down to cool off a tad n realized I was done for the day.
But j still had to pick up my order of 250 pounds of chicken food.
Crap...so I cooled off n got it. It's still in my truck tho.
I was beat..
Today..community meeting , get a few groceries, laundry n firewood tonight when its cooler.
That’s horrible that someone dumped nails where the horses and humans would walk. When we would ride horses on the trails by us, a housing development went up and one of the driveways crossed our trail. The owner put up cement blocks, but the horses just stepped right over them. Next time we went, they had put broken glass down. We rode up along the property a little bit, and then cross where there was no glass. The owner came out screaming. I’m calling the cops. There was no need to call the sheriff for that--one of our party was a mounted sheriff. She turned her horse, so that person could see the chest plate that said P county mounted police.

Fun fact about New Jersey, not only do horses have the right of way at all times. They also have the right to trespass on your property.
Yesterday I over did it.
Walked the dogs up in the mountains.
Someone dumped a ton of nails in front of a access road to a hiking and equestrian trail. I picked up a bunch until some folks came by . They stopped n helped.
Then came home and put away the first pile of split red fir. Then I spent the rest of afternoon splitting up more rounds of red fir.
It was hot dirty work ..I so wanted to finish the last few rounds but I was tripping over my own feet after hours in the sun. My eyes were burning even tho I had a bandana on to catch sweat..it was soaked.
I stumbled inside n sat down to cool off a tad n realized I was done for the day.
But j still had to pick up my order of 250 pounds of chicken food.
Crap...so I cooled off n got it. It's still in my truck tho.
I was beat..
Today..community meeting , get a few groceries, laundry n firewood tonight when its cooler.
Hey now. Don’t be doing that! Drink lots of water and take those shade breaks.
I'm ready to start putting the solar panels up on the new mount. I think I'll get the wife to drive me and the panels in the bucket of the tractor up to the pole mount. These panels are much bigger than my old panels. I'll work on it in the morning. I'm beat. Or, we might just say "screw it" and go swimming tomorrow. Of course that would be irresponsible.

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