What's everybody doing today?

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Peri Peri sauce.
1 lb red chilies. (I use 2 lbs of habanaro, ghost and/or scorpion peppers) chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 cup cilantro, fresh
1/4 cup basil, fresh
1/2 cup olive oil
Juice from 1 lemon
Salt to taste
Dash of tequila, or more

Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend.
Refrigerate over night. Enjoy
Peri Peri sauce.
1 lb red chilies. (I use 2 lbs of habanaro, ghost and/or scorpion peppers) chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 cup cilantro, fresh
1/4 cup basil, fresh
1/2 cup olive oil
Juice from 1 lemon
Salt to taste
Dash of tequila, or more

Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend.
Refrigerate over night. Enjoy
That sounds very tasty, definitely gonna try it out
We got the roof over the rear deck finished today, almost. Just need to paint it and get the metal roofing on.
I ordered the roofing 2 weeks ago, or so I thought. I called today and they said it never got ordered. So now we're at least another 2 weeks out. Oh well, at least we can paint it and install the ceiling fan.
Next home improvement project is to extend the deck out another 10×32 feet.
Peri Peri sauce.
1 lb red chilies. (I use 2 lbs of habanaro, ghost and/or scorpion peppers) chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 cup cilantro, fresh
1/4 cup basil, fresh
1/2 cup olive oil
Juice from 1 lemon
Salt to taste
Dash of tequila, or more

Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend.
Refrigerate over night. Enjoy
What did stomach lining do to you that you torment it so? 😂
Hubby is in working on more hot sauce. I steer clear of the kitchen while he does so. Got a few things done today. Stood on my head and found another basket full of tomatoes 🍅 we couldn’t see through the jungle. Will be making sauce tomorrow and salsa Sunday.
The humidity and heat are still so thick right now, it's nuts. Our neighbor was working on our huge burn pile all day today, and he did some brush hogging for us. It's still burning, but no wind at all. He's moving the hot wires over to another part of our property...Bets the horse ate everything up where she was previously at. So she gets moved tomorrow and a few calves go with her. I got tomatoes picked, too. Another big bucket. Put two trays of sliced in the freeze dryer, and two trays of chopped roast beef. Little granddaughter and I went to our town after lunch and got gas cans filled up. Stopped at the farmer's market (3 tables, ha), dropped off bags at the thrift store, and bought a few things at the amish store. Husband had a doc appt this morning. Hoping not to go anywhere tomorrow, but we'll see how that goes. I have a turkey run I really need to work on. Sweet husband had 40 red roses delivered today in honor of our anniversary Sunday. They are really something to look at.
Been a LONG week. Worked over a couple nights to boot. Got a lot done and plenty to do next week. Hope to dig more taters in the morning and transplant some tomatos to try and get a fall crop. I'll replant some more taters as well.
Also need to mow again, mow around the beds. And to make Lady L happy, probably have to do some weed eating too. Suppose to be back in the 90's next couple days and 60+% humidity. It's gonna be fun I tell ya.
Peri Peri sauce.
1 lb red chilies. (I use 2 lbs of habanaro, ghost and/or scorpion peppers) chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 cup cilantro, fresh
1/4 cup basil, fresh
1/2 cup olive oil
Juice from 1 lemon
Salt to taste
Dash of tequila, or more

Put all ingredients in a food processor and blend.
Refrigerate over night. Enjoy
Is in my recipe book! THANK YOU!! Easy.
The humidity and heat are still so thick right now, it's nuts. Our neighbor was working on our huge burn pile all day today, and he did some brush hogging for us. It's still burning, but no wind at all. He's moving the hot wires over to another part of our property...Bets the horse ate everything up where she was previously at. So she gets moved tomorrow and a few calves go with her. I got tomatoes picked, too. Another big bucket. Put two trays of sliced in the freeze dryer, and two trays of chopped roast beef. Little granddaughter and I went to our town after lunch and got gas cans filled up. Stopped at the farmer's market (3 tables, ha), dropped off bags at the thrift store, and bought a few things at the amish store. Husband had a doc appt this morning. Hoping not to go anywhere tomorrow, but we'll see how that goes. I have a turkey run I really need to work on. Sweet husband had 40 red roses delivered today in honor of our anniversary Sunday. They are really something to look at.
In Texas, you can only burn when the wind is between 6 and 24mph. And Happy Anniversary!♥️♥️
I believe it's the same rule here. And we had to call and report it first, which floored the amish neighbor who was going to burn it. I think he was going to plead ignorant. Anyway, no wind today or tonight. Not even tomorrow. Just humidity. Ugh. He keeps his burn barrel going most nights when he's out working. Ours had grown to a super massive pile. Glad it's gone. Not sure what'll be up for our anniversary on Sunday. I don't think husband can make it going out. Maybe I'll go into the bigger town and bring back something special, we'll see. The kids are planning the big hoopla celebration here on the 27th. Neighbor said he'd bring over the feed wagon for horse and buggy parking so they don't have to unhitch. That'll work well on our long back driveway. And he'll make sure the pastures and everything looks clean. I'm needing to go over menus with all the company coming in. Thankfully sil is no longer vegan. She's now vegetarian. So three vegetarians are coming, and that I can cook for. The rest of them all eat meat. I don't see how anyone can cook anything decent for a vegan. Salad? Steamed broccoli? A hunk of watermelon? Geesh, they don't even eat potato salad or a cream pie.
I believe it's the same rule here. And we had to call and report it first, which floored the amish neighbor who was going to burn it. I think he was going to plead ignorant. Anyway, no wind today or tonight. Not even tomorrow. Just humidity. Ugh. He keeps his burn barrel going most nights when he's out working. Ours had grown to a super massive pile. Glad it's gone. Not sure what'll be up for our anniversary on Sunday. I don't think husband can make it going out. Maybe I'll go into the bigger town and bring back something special, we'll see. The kids are planning the big hoopla celebration here on the 27th. Neighbor said he'd bring over the feed wagon for horse and buggy parking so they don't have to unhitch. That'll work well on our long back driveway. And he'll make sure the pastures and everything looks clean. I'm needing to go over menus with all the company coming in. Thankfully sil is no longer vegan. She's now vegetarian. So three vegetarians are coming, and that I can cook for. The rest of them all eat meat. I don't see how anyone can cook anything decent for a vegan. Salad? Steamed broccoli? A hunk of watermelon? Geesh, they don't even eat potato salad or a cream pie.
Wish your hubby could go out, but y'all will have a great celebration no matter what!! ♥️
I believe it's the same rule here. And we had to call and report it first, which floored the amish neighbor who was going to burn it. I think he was going to plead ignorant. Anyway, no wind today or tonight. Not even tomorrow. Just humidity. Ugh. He keeps his burn barrel going most nights when he's out working. Ours had grown to a super massive pile. Glad it's gone. Not sure what'll be up for our anniversary on Sunday. I don't think husband can make it going out. Maybe I'll go into the bigger town and bring back something special, we'll see. The kids are planning the big hoopla celebration here on the 27th. Neighbor said he'd bring over the feed wagon for horse and buggy parking so they don't have to unhitch. That'll work well on our long back driveway. And he'll make sure the pastures and everything looks clean. I'm needing to go over menus with all the company coming in. Thankfully sil is no longer vegan. She's now vegetarian. So three vegetarians are coming, and that I can cook for. The rest of them all eat meat. I don't see how anyone can cook anything decent for a vegan. Salad? Steamed broccoli? A hunk of watermelon? Geesh, they don't even eat potato salad or a cream pie.
Happy Anniversary, cooking for vegans is one of those things I can't do, lol my best shot is a veggie tray and an apology 😋
I'm not a fan of pickled green tomatoes and not a fan of turnips at all lol
I despise them, pickled is the ONLY way I will eat them, any other way I find them foul, but pickled are heavenly!
This morning I woke up at the usual time, checked my #s and then fixed breakfast, after breakfast I did all the dishes, then a very short exercise session, followed by a shower. This morning I plan to work in the garden, then around 9 go for a walk in the woods scouting. Son is coming in sometime today to celebrate my birthday (it's later in the month but this is his only weekend off).

On my medical front things are improving a lot.
Since 7/26/2023
My sugar numbers went from 300s to an average of 140
Blood pressure went from 170/85 to 118/68
Lost 10 pounds, still above 210....
What am I doing?
Medicines: I stopped all my OTC meds including allergy and heartburn meds. (I thought the allergy meds were driving up my blood pressure)
3 times a day: I am riding an exercise bike for 5 minutes, doing 30 seconds of planks, 30 seconds of pelvic thrusts (20 minutes after each meal)
My reasoning on timing is that after I eat my sugar spikes up and if I exercise just a little it will pull it down, lowering my highs....
Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 thin slice of low sodium ham (lunch meat), 2 table spoons of Mexican cheese, 1 piece of toast with butter and jelly, 2 8oz glaces of diet cranberry/X juice
Lunch: a bread-less ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, and spinach sandwich, with juice and water
Dinner: small portion of what ever ~2.5"X2.5", salad (lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sliced beets) no dressing, 2 glasses of juice.
Snacks: Popcorn made in one of those Presto Powerpop popcorn makers (no salt or butter), cheese sticks, pealed cucumber chunks, and an occasional red-vine (single whip)
Fluids: I am still drinking about 140 ozs per day, 40 ozs of diet cranberry juice (I read that it is good for kidneys), up to 1 20 oz DC (down from 4), and ~80 ozs of water. I try not to drink anything after 7PM. (Remember all this started from a UTI/Kidney infection, so I am trying to keep them flushed out)
Sleep: I still go to bed between 9 and 10PM, usually wake up at 01:00 and then again at 3:30, then I'm up for the day. I sometimes take a half hour nap in the late afternoon.
This may be TMI but I think of everyone here as family and you guys may see something that I am missing.

Have a great weekend,

This morning I woke up at the usual time, checked my #s and then fixed breakfast, after breakfast I did all the dishes, then a very short exercise session, followed by a shower. This morning I plan to work in the garden, then around 9 go for a walk in the woods scouting. Son is coming in sometime today to celebrate my birthday (it's later in the month but this is his only weekend off).

On my medical front things are improving a lot.
Since 7/26/2023
My sugar numbers went from 300s to an average of 140
Blood pressure went from 170/85 to 118/68
Lost 10 pounds, still above 210....
What am I doing?
Medicines: I stopped all my OTC meds including allergy and heartburn meds. (I thought the allergy meds were driving up my blood pressure)
3 times a day: I am riding an exercise bike for 5 minutes, doing 30 seconds of planks, 30 seconds of pelvic thrusts (20 minutes after each meal)
My reasoning on timing is that after I eat my sugar spikes up and if I exercise just a little it will pull it down, lowering my highs....
Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 thin slice of low sodium ham (lunch meat), 2 table spoons of Mexican cheese, 1 piece of toast with butter and jelly, 2 8oz glaces of diet cranberry/X juice
Lunch: a bread-less ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, and spinach sandwich, with juice and water
Dinner: small portion of what ever ~2.5"X2.5", salad (lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sliced beets) no dressing, 2 glasses of juice.
Snacks: Popcorn made in one of those Presto Powerpop popcorn makers (no salt or butter), cheese sticks, pealed cucumber chunks, and an occasional red-vine (single whip)
Fluids: I am still drinking about 140 ozs per day, 40 ozs of diet cranberry juice (I read that it is good for kidneys), up to 1 20 oz DC (down from 4), and ~80 ozs of water. I try not to drink anything after 7PM. (Remember all this started from a UTI/Kidney infection, so I am trying to keep them flushed out)
Sleep: I still go to bed between 9 and 10PM, usually wake up a 01:00 and then again at 3:30, then I'm up for the day. I sometimes take a half hour nap in the late afternoon.
This may be TMI but I think of everyone here as family and you guys may see something that I am missing.

Have a great weekend,


First lemme say the fig Newton thing cracks me up, my daughter used to say whatever she did wrong was a 'fignant of my namagination' lol....

Ok, so the only thing I see from here is, maybe wait a little longer after eating to do your work out, the reason I say that is usually your blood sugar peaks around 1-2 hrs after you eat, otherwise if it's your A1C you're trying to get lower, it takes a little time with consistently good sugars to see any huge difference. Now don't take what I said as more than it is lol my opinion, definitely not a Dr, just a CNS
Sheep's are big and pregnant. Most will be popping the end of next month. It's a little worrisome that they completely stopped consuming salt about a month ago. I've cleaned the dish and put fresh salt but remains untouched? Never seen this before. Worried about the potential for limp lambs! White muscles disease from lack of selenium...
what do you give them ? We give ours lose mineral specific for sheep. The goats get goat mineral
Good luck on your sheep, hope the lambs are ok. Maybe give them all a shot of Bo Se and B. I usually give all our lambs a shot of .25 ml the day after they are born and we have never had any die from that

You reminded me of something I was going to post a few days ago but forgot. The lamb that died did indeed have Listeria. I just caught it too late and the vet told me LA200 is not the best antibiotic for that. Still wonder why it got that, they now have a pasture full of nice grass.

Sheep are sometimes difficult to keep alive, goats are much more resistant to stuff
Ended up baking Hawaiian bread and lemon cupcakes yesterday. The bread turned out really good definitely something I am going to make for the market. It has pineapple juice and a smashed cooked potato in it

Today going to our club dinner at a dairy goat farm , should be fun. That's what the cupcakes are for

It's going to be hot out today. Well, not by your'alls standards out west with over 100 degrees, but we have humidity so even 90 feels really hot and miserable
This morning I woke up at the usual time, checked my #s and then fixed breakfast, after breakfast I did all the dishes, then a very short exercise session, followed by a shower. This morning I plan to work in the garden, then around 9 go for a walk in the woods scouting. Son is coming in sometime today to celebrate my birthday (it's later in the month but this is his only weekend off).

On my medical front things are improving a lot.
Since 7/26/2023
My sugar numbers went from 300s to an average of 140
Blood pressure went from 170/85 to 118/68
Lost 10 pounds, still above 210....
What am I doing?
Medicines: I stopped all my OTC meds including allergy and heartburn meds. (I thought the allergy meds were driving up my blood pressure)
3 times a day: I am riding an exercise bike for 5 minutes, doing 30 seconds of planks, 30 seconds of pelvic thrusts (20 minutes after each meal)
My reasoning on timing is that after I eat my sugar spikes up and if I exercise just a little it will pull it down, lowering my highs....
Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 thin slice of low sodium ham (lunch meat), 2 table spoons of Mexican cheese, 1 piece of toast with butter and jelly, 2 8oz glaces of diet cranberry/X juice
Lunch: a bread-less ham, turkey, cheese, lettuce, and spinach sandwich, with juice and water
Dinner: small portion of what ever ~2.5"X2.5", salad (lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sliced beets) no dressing, 2 glasses of juice.
Snacks: Popcorn made in one of those Presto Powerpop popcorn makers (no salt or butter), cheese sticks, pealed cucumber chunks, and an occasional red-vine (single whip)
Fluids: I am still drinking about 140 ozs per day, 40 ozs of diet cranberry juice (I read that it is good for kidneys), up to 1 20 oz DC (down from 4), and ~80 ozs of water. I try not to drink anything after 7PM. (Remember all this started from a UTI/Kidney infection, so I am trying to keep them flushed out)
Sleep: I still go to bed between 9 and 10PM, usually wake up at 01:00 and then again at 3:30, then I'm up for the day. I sometimes take a half hour nap in the late afternoon.
This may be TMI but I think of everyone here as family and you guys may see something that I am missing.

Have a great weekend,

What you are doing is sure working for you! I feel like if you are feeling good, you are doing something right!! Keep us posted!
My only day off! Laundry, clean my house (Hubby was off the other day and did a bunch of cleaning 😮), work on my to do list. Going to spend extra time grooming Buddy this morning. Last couple of mornings I didn't have a lot of time to do much more than a quick brushing and fly spray. So the poor neglected donkey will have some mommy time shortly. Hot day on tap! Will find some nap time!!

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