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Our company made it after all, first time they visited and we all had a nice time. And now I have a kitchen full of dirty dishes and empty beer bottles....
Going to pick up my Yukon today and not cook. We have some leftovers
Not supposed to rain today but we will have to clean the barn from yesterday
I really need to make time to pull weeds in the garden, they are definitely taking over
In a holding pattern?

The fifth hire has done an excellent job of gopher abatement. It's been six years since I've seen signs of controlling the out of control population of vermin. It's telling of our times and economics that I had to kiss a lot of toads before finding a good and honest helper? The ironic part of that is he's ex con?

The big field spraying is looking positive. Had some trepidation with this project. It seems that my long time field associate has largely abandoned me this year. It's understandable since he's commissioned paid and I'm relatively small potatoes compared to his other clients. Still, I can't shake that I ask very little of him and it only takes seconds to share his knowledge in a text to answer a direct question? He'll be the fifth field man that I have fired.

Sheep's are big and pregnant. Most will be popping the end of next month. It's a little worrisome that they completely stopped consuming salt about a month ago. I've cleaned the dish and put fresh salt but remains untouched? Never seen this before. Worried about the potential for limp lambs! White muscles disease from lack of selenium...

Wood pile is inches away from winter ready. Looking to finish it out with some "low hanging fruit" cotton wood trees nearby. It's close to my last choice for fuel, but a hellova lot better than the lousy elm that I got free last year. I've got enough good wood that I can mix it in...
Ben is not alone, I had no idea what a tweaker was. I thought it was twerker, and I only knew that because my daughter 'splained it to me when I stumbled across it. But then again I live a pretty isolated life.
Daughter also gave me a bluetooth speaker she didn't need anymore. It has really good sound and I use it to listen to you tube stuff off my phone when I'm working in the shop. She says it floats too, but I haven't tried taking it in the pool with me.
Michigan recently enacted a hands-free law, so I've had to learn to hook up my phone to my truck. Ok for listening to, but people say they can't hear me very well. Can't say I've seen any improvement in the distracted drivers.
Starting trying to clean up outside. I'm so stressed these days I can't stay on something for long so I bounce around between chores. Didn't feel like sanding the front door anymore so went out and swept the greenhouse and tried getting some things in order. Went to move an unused planting bed back in, only to find it has been colonized by bees while it's been sitting out in the yard. Not sure what to do about that yet and not sure what kind of bees. It wasn't yellow jackets or wasps, but I wouldn't think honeybees would set up shop in a wooden planter full of dirt?
Managed to brine and freeze seven pints of cucumbers. No time for actually pickling and canning anything, but really didn't want them to go to waste. Will be interesting to see how they turn out, never tried this before.
Hoping the tires I ordered for the lawnmower show up soon.
Town run, already completed, mission successful... bought some NY Strips on sale, so those are on the menu for later today. I also got a good deal on some thick center cut pork chops, those will be on the menu tomorrow, lol. Bought some apple sauce to go with the pork chops, 10-4? Stocked up on beer, but I think I'm gonna make those Pina Coladas today... the can of Bacardi mixer has been sitting in my freezer for two weeks now, lol. Calling my name too, but it has just been too goldurned hot to bother with mixing it, easier to grab a cold beer outta the fridge. This recent run of weather in the upper 90s has been a relief, lemme tell ya... BTW, I was checking the Holloman AFB website to see if there's an air show this year, and the site said that this July was the hottest July on record! I believe it too... we had one heckuva run of triple-digit heat there for a few weeks! 🥵

Gonna chillax for the rest of the day, probably watch a movie as soon as I make those Pina Coladas, lol... forecast calls for 40% chance of rain this afternoon and evening, maybe I'll luck out and not have to water the trees & plants. It takes 1-1/2 hours to water everything in the yard, and I've had to water twice a day, though sometimes I just water the veggies & fruit trees the second time, not the pine trees. The larger pine trees that were stressed from the drought are looking better since I ramped up the watering and started adding evergreen fertilizer... I don't wanna lose any more pine trees, I'm trying to be a good steward to this land, ya know? We've just had a rough summer (on top of the ongoing drought), so the trees have taken some solar abuse. Hopefully things get better on the weather front... hey, Dademoss, I just saw your post, I filled over 40 LARGE BINS when I cleaned out the ol' beach cottage in Coronado! Crazy hoarding! 😳

P.S. Next air show at Holloman AFB won't be until June 2, 2024... the Thunderbirds are booked elsewhere this year. :cool:
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My daughter just had her wisdom teeth out. They put her under and she didn't come out of the anesthesia well. She was crying like a little child. But she slept almost an hour on the way home and she's doing better now.

I ran next door to Fareway and bought applesauce, yogurt, fruit cups, pudding, and Jell-O cups. We are well prepared for a few days of a soft food diet. Hopefully it's better by the 15th when our vacation starts...
Got the cement poured for the solar mount pole this morning, took about 3.5 yards of concrete. I'll install the hub and panels this weekend. Now I can finish putting the fence up in the new chicken run.
Got the cement poured for the solar mount pole this morning, took about 3.5 yards of concrete. I'll install the hub and panels this weekend. Now I can finish putting the fence up in the new chicken run.
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I'll get to do something similar at the new house, to mount my HAM vertical antenna
Buddy of mine was putting in a 80' fold over with a huge log periodic antenna on top. IIRC he poured 12 or 15 yards of concrete. That was one huge hole in his backyard
I used 2 bags of sackrete, it's fine after 11 years :). It's not much of an antenna, but it suits me :)

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