What's everybody doing today?

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That’s horrible that someone dumped nails where the horses and humans would walk. When we would ride horses on the trails by us, a housing development went up and one of the driveways crossed our trail. The owner put up cement blocks, but the horses just stepped right over them. Next time we went, they had put broken glass down. We rode up along the property a little bit, and then cross where there was no glass. The owner came out screaming. I’m calling the cops. There was no need to call the sheriff for that--one of our party was a mounted sheriff. She turned her horse, so that person could see the chest plate that said P county mounted police.

Fun fact about New Jersey, not only do horses have the right of way at all times. They also have the right to trespass on your property.
Horses and cattle always have the right of way around here. If someone hits a cow or horse on the road, the driver pays the owner. Can't imagine it being any other way. This is all open range contry. If you don't want cattle wandering through your property, it's your responsibility to fence them out.
Canned 17 ea. 1/2 pints of tomato sauce from our first round of tomatoes. They’re just getting started 😖
Hubby and I went and picked up a new air compressor. Up the river we had a nice big one but it was stationary so we had to leave it when we moved. We have a little one that can suffice if you are desperate, but now we have a real one- 15 gal/225psi.
I'm in Northeast Alabama, it just makes me a little paranoid I guess lol
Are you closer to Scottsboro or Fort Payne?
No, you don't have to dox your exact location.
I did lots of work in both of the above, 'back in the day'. :)
Finally had a good productive day. I had never gotten around to doing anything with the old well when I had a new well drilled for my house. I had always thought I would like to bring it above grade and put an old fashioned hand pump on it, just to have a secondary water source. But that never got done. In the meantime the hatch on the well pit roof blew off and the pit was open to the weather and covered with brush and grapevines. So today I cleared all the overgrown bushes and weeds and trimmed back the 25' tall boxelder tree that grew up next to it. The pit was in surprisingly good condition, and no raccoons or snakes had taken up residence. My brother came over and helped me pull the suction line from the casing and remove the pump and pressure tank from the pit. Then we poured the hole plug down the casing to properly seal the old well.

Major job done! Now I just need to have some fill dirt brought in in fill the pit.
30 years ago my dad and brother cleared a bunch of trash out of the well pit, poured concrete to bring the walls up above grade, and installed a pressure tank and pump. They extended the casing with some PVC and put in a suction line of 3/4" PVC. We were rehabbing an abandoned house for me to live in, and everything was done with used parts and ingenuity. That set up served as my water source for over a decade, and never let me down. There wasn't much pressure or flow, since they had connected to the original water line to the house, which was an elderly galvanized line. But it worked! My brother thought it was fitting that he was back to help close it all up again, and happy to see how the work he and Dad did all those years ago on a shoestring budget had held up.
Getting this done was one huge check mark on my massive list of Things That Must Be Done before I can put this old house on the market.
Horses and cattle always have the right of way around here. If someone hits a cow or horse on the road, the driver pays the owner. Can't imagine it being any other way. This is all open range contry. If you don't want cattle wandering through your property, it's your responsibility to fence them out.
In my part of Texas, YOU must contain YOUR animals!! No free range!
Not much going on here, today.
Church first and then walk dogs.
Our stray kitten is staying inside more - dogs are happy as it is free entertainment. I need to bring the cat tree post thing back in at some point today.
I may clean off my front porch in preparation for Fall decorating. Maybe that will make it cool down.

Fasting after midnight for CT scan for possible kidney stone tomorrow.
In my part of Texas, YOU must contain YOUR animals!! No free range!
It's been open range around here since the mid 1800's. It really isn't possible to fence a 50,000 acre range allotment in steep mountainous terrain. We do have drift fences that run for miles to try and keep the cattle somewhat separate, but it doesn't really help. Everyone just separates their cattle out in the fall when they take their cattle down to their winter range.
The only people that have an issue with open range are the new comers, mostly Californian's.
BTW, range land isn't free. Ranchers pay a price per head for grazing rights.
Hmm. My sleep apnea came back with a vengeance last night, nightmares all during the attack, feel like I almost f'king died. brought in some canned crap and water from the last store trip. I hate to admit 5 small shots of tequila and a beer did this to me, but its the only thing in common with the last one, so it's time to stay on weed. anyone want a few bottles of fairly full booze?

What I'm doing is nothing. it's hot, I feel like crap, and it's so humid after last night's rain it feels like I'm wearing air.

Oh, I threw a bag of crap in the dumpster. Yay me.
I finally got the green tomato salsa canned, it's actually pretty good, very tart tho lol I'll post pics later 😋 also chopped up stuff for zucchini relish and threw that in the freezer, gonna get some more tomatoes peeled and frozen, dry some cherry/grape tomatoes, and can green tomatoes to fry.... freaking wind keeps blowing my green tomatoes down lol
Doing laundry, and I'm about to hang the hummer feeders again... the wasps seem to have toned down, I'm not seeing as many around the property. The hummers have been hitting the birdbaths, so I reckon it's time to hang those feeders again. Otherwise, a mellow day here at the ol' hacienda... 🐈‍⬛
Last night I was woken to the strong smell of fresh horse crap. I looked out the bedroom window and there it was. That dam horse took a dump right under my window. I thought I heard him laughing. Now that the grand kids are gone I'll run the horse back out on the range ground.
That's why my donkey is not allowed near the house, he thinks he has to poop on everything! Plus he's loud too!!