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Walked first this morning.
Walked dogs.
Next is ebay photos for DH.
Peanut Butter will get a bath.
I have some frozen okra to thaw and bread to fry-then re-freeze.
That will be it. Only got 4 hours and 15 minutes sleep.

I won't be on the board in the morning as I have to be at hospital at 7:30 for the lithotripsy. Please say a prayer.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers, let us know how it goes!!❤️
Stomach didn't like me this morning. Probably the Ramen I ate earlier. Cooked for Mom but when I brought her the food she said she didn't feel well and had me put it up. She's lying down now. Our dog, Princess, was having tummy troubles as well. She got into the garbage yesterday & something she ate didn't sit well. She had blood in her stool & a very upset tummy. She has to fast until tomorrow afternoon. Then I have to start giving her some oral medications. Hopefully she'll feel better. I put her in my brother's room (he's sleeping right now) because she can't get out as easily & can't get to food or water. She can have ice chips but no water until tomorrow.

I'm waiting to see if Intel processors will go down in price when the gen14 Meteor Lake processors come out on the 19th or 20th of this month. But vet bill pretty high so I'll probably wait until October.

A friend has a birthday coming up this month so I need to figure out what she wants as a gift.
Just got home from the building supply store. Picked up some lumber, fencing supplies, livestock panels, feed and the metal roofing for the new cover over the back deck.
Yesterday I started building a kennel for the dogs. Only got one hole dug so far. Actually I'm only putting in 2 wood posts for the kennel, and that's for the gate. The rest of the posts will be T posts. I'm using hog panels attached to the T posts X 6 foot high. That should keep the mutts home.
Walked first this morning.
Walked dogs.
Next is ebay photos for DH.
Peanut Butter will get a bath.
I have some frozen okra to thaw and bread to fry-then re-freeze.
That will be it. Only got 4 hours and 15 minutes sleep.

I won't be on the board in the morning as I have to be at hospital at 7:30 for the lithotripsy. Please say a prayer.
How are you feeling?
Also, have we seen @Neb If he has a concussion, it's probably best if he's not on the computer too much, but would be good to know if he's doing okay.
I am fine after my 48 hrs of rest. Thanks for asking.

Worked more on the duct work project.


I should be punching a hole through the wall tomorrow to pull hot air from the model railroad room.



Good luck tomorrow Snappy. Hope all goes well

15 hours fasting: does that include night time? If yes, that's not all that long. I do this every day pretty much. We eat during the day around lunchtime, I have a smoothie or something around 5 or 6 and then I don't generally eat again until the next day lunchtime, so that would be about 18 hours or so? Well, I do have tea in the morning

Crappy day. Talked to the meat processor finally and got so upset I actually cried on the phone and he agreed to let me bring a few animals in a week. I cried some more after I got off the phone for having done that :(
It's not their fault they can't get anyone to work there. But we might as well just quit if we can't get our animals processed. I was hoping to do this at least until we get social security but it is looking more and more like that will not happen. New plan is needed

On top of that we discovered a rather large spot of brake fluid where the truck was parked so despite having a new caliper, and taking it back once already , it is still leaking.

I really am trying to think of something positive but coming up short and having a shot of Vodka

How do you all deal with stress? I am not very good at it
How are you feeling?
Better than I thought I would. Ok. Here's the thing. Since Oreo helped me fall last October, I have had a burning in the shoulder I fell on. Now it's gone. Tripping and falling again fixed the first problem. I keep thinking about the little niece in Christmas Vacation with the crossed eyes.
@sonya123 - stress? Sometimes I cry, vent to one of the kids, vent (grumble) to co-workers, get lost in a movie, or a series, write, read, call my sister because her stress always makes me feel like mine is not so bad, eat a good meal, mess around with plants, seeds, soil; distractions help change my focus.
@sonya123 I know how you feel with the crying. when you’re strong, but you feel like you’re meeting insurmountable, odds and obstacles it knocks the stuffing out of you. Cry. My grandmother always said crying is just a river that takes you somewhere. so cry it might relieve a little bit of the stress.

I just spoke with my brother and told him I want to run away from home. The frustration is so real especially when you are working so hard and hitting roadblock after roadblock, annoyance after annoyance.

I deal with it by spinning, weaving, knitting. Basically, by creating, sometimes the act of creation gives you the boost you need.
I deal with it by spinning, weaving, knitting. Basically, by creating, sometimes the act of creation gives you the boost you need.
All those things I would not enjoy doing one bit....
What I used to do when stressed was run, or do step aerobics, but I had an accident a few years ago plus too old now. Oh well, smoking some weed on top of the vodka, that helped.
@jishinsjourney haven’t seen you in a bit. Chili out of leftovers? Any beans? On lunch break. Bye!

Yeah, real life ate me for a while. Low-key health issues both physical and mental, nothing serious but I needed to take a break from a lot of commitments. Things are on the mend now.

Clean-Out-The-Fridge Chili
Serves 6-8

1 large onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
8 cloves garlic, minced
2-3 Tbsp flour (I don’t know, I didn’t measure, just scooped and dumped)
1 lb cooked chicken breast, shredded (leftover rotisserie)
2 c cooked black beans (homemade, leftover — my black beans use onion, garlic, a couple slices of bacon, and chiles de arbol)
5 c chicken broth (homemade, leftover)
1/2 can tomato paste (leftover)
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes
about a cup of tomatillo salsa (leftover from canning)
1.5 Tbsp ground cumin
1 tsp hot New Mexican pure chile powder (you can use regular chili powder, but you’ll probably want at least a Tbsp)
olive oil, s&p

Heat a couple glugs of olive oil in a deep pot. Add the onion, bell pepper, and flour, and saute until barely tender and the onions are semi-translucent. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant.

Add the chicken, beans, broth, tomato paste, tomatoes, salsa, and spices. Simmer 15-20 minutes until the veggies are done to your liking and the flavors have melded. Top with cheese and diced red onion, and serve with corn tortillas with butter. Enjoy.

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