What's everybody doing today?

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I had lots of outside plans today..but it's raining steady..
Yesterday I was pretty tired from work so I just walked the dogs , pulled some garden veggies n piddled about.
I have done much today inside either..
Tomorrow I'll probably be scrambling to get outside chores done..
Grandsons are still down. Wanted to shoot. Took a 9 shot revolver, 1911 style 22, and a Taurus TX 22. Their main goal was to see how fast they could empty a gun. I was trying to teach them sight acquisition and how to use the pad of the finger on trigger. Gave up and let them blast away. Glad I didn't take 9mm or 357 for them to shoot. They are headed back to Missouri early in morning, so I try to let them have fun.
Tomatoes cooked down and made into sauce. Filled another gallon bag of it for the freezer. More pumpkins cooked, and some of them put in the freeze dryer. I'll powder them when they are done. Powdered some freeze dried hot peppers for pepper powder. Picked a whole lot of acorn squash and another bucket of tomatoes. Husband said ok to going to my favorite cousin's place for Sunday dinner. It's been months since we've been able to go, so I'm really looking forward to it. He says only 90 minutes max, and I'll bring a special seat cushion for him. They have a ramp on one side of the house, so I'll park at the ramp to get him inside.
It sounds like a lot of food but it really isn't. If you figure out how often you want to eat a certain food per week and multiply it out for a years worth, it isn't enough.There is a reason Amish fills so many carts.

Also, there is next to no veggies in the stores and what few there is, is very poor quality and very high priced.

Three years ago at this time of year, you could get 10 lb bags of beets, carrots and onions for $3. Now, its $1 for just one single beet, carrot or onion. I drool over Amishs stash of beets.

It's why, with my failed garden, I was all over that u pick. I found it too late, by accident, but got what I could.
Yep! I get it. I like 42 jars (pints) of corn on the shelf heading into winter. Typically 2 ears per pint so 84 ears ☺️ I think you have more people in your household so I totally understand. Like I said - glad you are able to get the produce. Also, I don't think it's going to get any cheaper. Can't remember where in Can. you are, but I have a freind in ND who has to order in all her produce. It makes me sad because she's buying greenbeans to can and I have so many I have been giving them away.
I think we need a pix of Amish's pantry/basement 👍 I know she doesn't do pictures but doesn't mean we don't want to see - heehee.
Today being Sunday we had church and then some girls came over to bake bread with the wife, I had some squash get away from me and they wanted to learn how to cook the wife's bread.

So I turned my attention to the laundry and then to move some plants outdoors. I have a raised bed on concrete that is not doing well, it gets water but the plants just don't seem to be doing well. Anyway I was going to transplant some winter plants there as a last ditch effort to get something out. I stuck my spade in and just below the surface it was a solid mass of roots, brown. woody, roots with thicker roots going down towards the concrete. So I started just digging those dang roots out... I don't think I got them all but I got a lot of them. After I walked away for that mess my arms started to itch... I ended up scrubbing my arms with dish soap and a scouring pad, most of the itch is gone. Don't know what is is but that raised bed will have to be emptied and relined this winter, I may spray ground clear under the bed before relining it, that will slow what ever it is down.
Lady L....ha ha. You're right, I don't do pix. I don't even know where my flip phone is.
Three people have taken photos of our pantries in the last few weeks because, I'm sure, they think I'm certifiable. My Oregon sis was snapping away, and I told her to not share the photos or post them. I've been telling them to store food for forever, and instead they spend their $$ on antiques, paintings, fancy vacations, and max out their credit cards. Her husband said they'd just come here. I told him they'd never make it this far, and I wouldn't feed them anyway. I laughed, but wasn't kidding. She is a selfie fanatic, so I'm sure her face was in every photo. Next were my California sis in laws. Husband told me I should show them. I ignored him. They bugged me for two days, so I did, and they snapped away. One thought I was nuts, but was glad everything was dated and rotated. The other actually thought it was a good idea, but was overwhelmed. Mother in law thinks it's cool. But she's in California, and is 90 yrs old, and says she wouldn't live long enough to eat a whole lot. The one who thought I was nuts is the biggest liberal I have ever met in my life. And they are both vegetarian.
Bad tired… today I went and harvested a bucket of crossvine, 90 miles away. But I got also got 2 buckets of boneset. I tried to do some teaching, pretty sure I sounded like a blithering idiot. Couldn’t remember a few plant names. But now I have a couple yrs supply of plants I really needed.

Watching a little tv tonight.
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My SIL and BIL were visiting last week. I refused to let them take pictures and they never knew about my main storage. Hard to hide 60 lbs of peeled onions though, or a freeze dryer.

He did run the onions through the fry cutter for me. He thought that was nuts but seemed to have fun with it.

What was funny, is that they went to visit his brother after, the next province over, and he sent a picture of the same fry cutter bolted to the wall with a 5 gal bucket under it. He also chopped onions there, and they had a freeze dryer too. I thought his head would explode from another dose of kooks in his family.
Getting a load of firewood today, wow price went up a lot, what else is new. We just don't have the time to cut enough ourselves so we buy some every year.
Going to keep cleaning the goat barn. It's about 1/3 done. Thankfully the weather has been great so everything is dry. Well not great for the pasture, it's starting to look not so great.
I have more tomatoes to process but after yesterday's fail I am just going to cut them up and freeze them.
Our solar panel system has stopped working and husband is trying to figure out what is wrong with it. He's currently charging the batteries on a battery charger.
So far today I have finished folding and putting away yesterday's laundry, transplanted some lettuce (I now have 25 nice plants in the beds), watered the garden, then I switched back to indoors where I am putting in the plumbing for my ebb-flow garden trays. I have everything except some 1/2" elbows and hose clamps. the bulkhead fittings are too loose to expect them to hold on pressure so I ordered a gross of 1/2" clamps and the project is delayed till this weekend.

I am gathering old equipment to donate to charity, so far I have collected a baby chair, 3 inverters, and some dress clothes.

I am also gathering all the old parts from the Sonoma, I have a friend that has 2 vehicles with the 4.3, so giving him a few boxes of parts and oil will help him and get my parts shelf all cleaned out. I have a Eaten true trac locking differencial for a 7" rear end that I don't have a clue what to do with now.

This afternoon it is expected to be just under 100, but I need to change the oil on the old Malibu, I may wait till after 6PM to do that one.

While I am at it I may try to clean the junk out of my old tool boxes, I noticed some "tools" that were home made (like a wooden peg that I turned down to align clutch plates, back in the 70's).

I wish I was closer to @Neb or @hashbrown, I would love to unload a transmission jack and hydraulic press onto them ;)
So far today I have finished folding and putting away yesterday's laundry, transplanted some lettuce (I now have 25 nice plants in the beds), watered the garden, then I switched back to indoors where I am putting in the plumbing for my ebb-flow garden trays. I have everything except some 1/2" elbows and hose clamps. the bulkhead fittings are too loose to expect them to hold on pressure so I ordered a gross of 1/2" clamps and the project is delayed till this weekend.

I am gathering old equipment to donate to charity, so far I have collected a baby chair, 3 inverters, and some dress clothes.

I am also gathering all the old parts from the Sonoma, I have a friend that has 2 vehicles with the 4.3, so giving him a few boxes of parts and oil will help him and get my parts shelf all cleaned out. I have a Eaten true trac locking differencial for a 7" rear end that I don't have a clue what to do with now.

This afternoon it is expected to be just under 100, but I need to change the oil on the old Malibu, I may wait till after 6PM to do that one.

While I am at it I may try to clean the junk out of my old tool boxes, I noticed some "tools" that were home made (like a wooden peg that I turned down to align clutch plates, back in the 70's).

I wish I was closer to @Neb or @hashbrown, I would love to unload a transmission jack and hydraulic press onto them ;)
Wish you were closer to me😉😃
Watered trees & plants, then filled the trash bin with weeds & yard waste. Now that it's a little cooler in the mornings, I have to catch up with the yard work I neglected during that brutal summer heat. 🥵

I pulled what remained of the corn stalks, they were toast... the heat was too much for 'em. I'll still try corn next season, this season was just too hot & dry, the corn started out okay but stopped growing when the heat hit. 😒

Now I'm cleaned up, drinking a cold beer, and looking forward to a good breakfast. Already did juice earlier before I went out to work in the yard. I'll probably go easy for the rest of the day, my knee feels good but I don't wanna push it... 😕

One thing I noticed: that one good soaking rain we had triggered an eruption of goathead plants, the burrs or seeds must have been lying beneath the surface, waiting for such rain. Gonna use the propane flamethrower to torch 'em... 😠
Today I'll split some firewood, may go out and cut some more. Then start on the fence again. We've got 4 loads of cattle so far, maybe get a couple more loads today.
Yesterday it rained and was foggy. High temps was 55 degs.
Got up early this morning and fired up the smoker. Didn't have a plan, just seemed like a good day to smoke something. Got a block of cheese in there now.
I got off my butt yesterday n tidy'ed up my boneyard ( the small field I utilize for wood chopping n storage of my crap.)
I like being able to drive my truck into it and it was getting cluttered.
I managed a dog walk too since the rain stopped.
I had plans of to go to bed b4 10 pm, so I could get up eariler, but I got into a UFO documentary.
I have to bed down early tonight to start dayshift. I haven't been on days in months so 4am is going to hurt.
It's still wet n rainy out too..
Besides going to big hardware store today I am still working on cleaning up the backyard, might check in with some of the kids. Lots of cleaning to do, but it can wait until tomorrow.
Since I started working full time I don’t have quite the gumption to accomplish major projects and chores. Even on my day off, darn it.
Rough start this morning. Tripped over DH's clear oxygen hose which come out of machine at knee height and was caught under fridge door on opposite doorway. Went sprawling face first with left arm straight forward. That's the shoulder I fell on last year and has arthritis in it, and yes, I am left handed also. At first, I couldn't move it at all, just held it. Then slowly moved it and felt it pop back into joint. As it's a holiday, clinic is closed. Yikes. Still feel kind of banged up. Can't take anything for pain or I will have to cancel Thursday's lithotripsy.

Next I walked and fed dogs.
Cut up carrots for dog treats.
Started laundry- DH is helping a bit.
Still need to go out and pull up snap bean plants out of lick tubs.
I feel like tomorrow may be rougher than today.
Rough start this morning. Tripped over DH's clear oxygen hose which come out of machine at knee height and was caught under fridge door on opposite doorway. Went sprawling face first with left arm straight forward. That's the shoulder I fell on last year and has arthritis in it, and yes, I am left handed also. At first, I couldn't move it at all, just held it. Then slowly moved it and felt it pop back into joint. As it's a holiday, clinic is closed. Yikes. Still feel kind of banged up. Can't take anything for pain or I will have to cancel Thursday's lithotripsy.

Next I walked and fed dogs.
Cut up carrots for dog treats.
Started laundry- DH is helping a bit.
Still need to go out and pull up snap bean plants out of lick tubs.
I feel like tomorrow may be rougher than today.
Dislocated shoulders are not fun. I still have to be careful rotating my arm up and back.

Let my join you in the tripping club. I was playing badminton with the granddaughters last night. Running backwards looking back over my head... lost balance... head hit the ground hard. Dr Google says I have a mild concussion. Still have fog in my head and my balance is iffy. Dr Google said no driving for 48 hrs and rest my brain as much as I can.

Definately too old for badminton. :confused2:

Oh man, Snappy. I have to watch out for all those 02 cords, too. We got a super long one for his oxygen concentrator and I put the cording around the baseboard and behind an end table that's next to the bed. I hope it's not too bad for you tomorrow.
Morning chores done, tomatoes and winter squash picked, upstairs floors finished. Need to go see mom.
Still have fog in my head and my balance is iffy. Dr Google said no driving for 48 hrs and rest my brain as much as I can.

Rest up for sure
Definately too old for badminton.

No, you're too old to be running backards while looking back over you're head.
Good golly it was like a normal 10 hour day at work but only two of to do the work in only 4 hours. People coming in to pick up scripts was non stop. Don’t people go away for 3 day weekends anymore?
Wow, I didn't realize the pharmacy was such a hot vacation spot!!😃

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